Best Spring Ever Ch. 09


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"Okay, that still leaves you, Dennis and Mom. I can deal with that," Lina replied.

"I'd be good with that," Debi agreed.

"You know, I'm really amazed that Dad agreed to Mom spending the night with Dennis," Gretchen said.

"He didn't just agree to it. Mom said it was his idea," Lina responded.

"That's what Dennis told me too," Debi added.

"Now I'm even more amazed."

"Why, Gretchen? With Mom gone he gets all three of us to himself," Lina said.

"Good point. And all these years I thought they were so clean cut. Boy was I wrong," Gretchen replied.

"The most shocking part for me was what Dennis put her through at Debi's house," Lina told them.

"That entire thing was what your Mom wanted. She was very specific. Everything was scripted ahead of time. We rehearsed it," Debi said.

"With Mom?" Gretchen asked.

"No, with me, Mom and Dennis."

"Who played Mom's part?" Lina asked.

"Who do you think? I did," Debi said.

"Dennis did that to you?" Gretchen asked her.

Debi nodded. "He did it to Mom too one evening. Well, he's done it to Mom several times but just once to rehearse."

"Does your Mom like that stuff, Debi?"

"That and a lot more. A lot more. You only saw a little bit of the stuff in the playroom. I'll show it to you one of these days."

"Cool, we can tie Gretchen up and play with her," Lina giggled.

"Uhm, think again. Have either of you thought about what kind of videos we should take with Dennis?"

"Gretchen, I don't think Dennis is going to want to do videos," Debi told her.

"Why not? I mean he's hung like a freakin' horse," she replied.

"Yeah, but he likes his privacy about that and there's a lot more to him than just a big dick."

"Of course there is but if you've got a gift you should maximize it," Gretchen told her.

"He's beginning to see it more as a curse than a gift. When we were talking a few minutes ago about him coming what did we all think about? It wasn't Dennis. It was his cock and who's gonna use him. It's like he isn't a person. He's just piece of meat or something." No one spoke for several minutes. "I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning," Debi told them."

After she left the room Lina looked at her sister. "She's right, isn't she?" Lina asked.

"Yeah, I think she is," Gretchen replied.


After showering and a short break Hilda, Julia and Dennis were back in bed.

"Since the women are outnumbering the men this weekend I think I'll pack up a few toys to bring along," Julia told them.

"That reminds me, I have your egg thing in my purse."

"Definitely bring that along," Julia replied.

"Mom, what else are you thinking of bringing?"

"Restraints, strap ons, and vibrators for sure. Maybe a few punishment toys."

"Mom, can we leave the punishment stuff in the playroom and just keep the weekend more vanilla? I'd like to do something this weekend that requires wearing clothes too."

"You're right. Let's wear clothes at least part of the time," Julia replied smiling.

Hilda laid back on the bed and parted her legs and motioned for Dennis to join her. He knelt between her legs and inched himself inside her.

"Julia, my face is free if you need somewhere to sit."

Julia smiled, "What a lovely idea."

Julia straddled her facing the headboard. The three continued until after midnight. When one needed a break, usually Dennis, the others continued together. They all finally fell asleep exhausted with Dennis in the middle.


When Hilda woke the sun was already up and Julia was gone. She woke Dennis cowgirl style. Playing possum for as long as he could he let her ride. He opened his eyes to watch as she came and then fulled her with his fluid.

"I knew you weren't sleeping," she said.

"I was memorizing how good it feels when you make love to me."

"This may be our last chance to be alone for a while," she said. "I'm going to have to share you."

"Hilda, can I ask a favor?"

"Of course."

"I really would like to do something this weekend besides have sex all the time."

"Say no more, I'll make sure you get that opportunity."


Hilda kissed him. "I love you," she said.

"And I love you."

"Dennis, are you going to be alright with Richard? You know he's my husband and I have to put him first."

"I know. I'll be fine, really," he replied.

"I'm going to get cleaned up then I'll fix us some breakfast before we go."

"I have another idea. Let's shower then while you get ready I'll fix breakfast."

"You can cook too?" she asked.

"I can. What would you like for breakfast?"

"Let's see...two eggs over easy, toast, lightly buttered, and a glass of grapefruit juice."

"No potatoes, sausage, bacon, fruit?"


"I've got this. Shower?"

She slipped off him and got out of the bed. "I need to get the bedding in the wash too. Probably wouldn't be good to have it messy when Richard gets home."

"Probably not," he replied.

Dennis got up and they stripped the bed. Hilda put the bedding in the wash and Dennis opened the windows to air the room. After showering Dennis got dressed and went to the kitchen. They had never cleared the table or done the dishes from the night before. He cleaned the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher then after finding everything he needed he started on breakfast. Hilda joined him about twenty minutes later as he was putting everything on the table.

"My goodness, this is nice. I may have to hire you," she said smiling.

"I work cheap too."

"How cheap?"

"An occasional kiss should cover it," he replied.

"I don't kiss just anybody."

"Look at the quality of my work. Eggs over easy with yolks intact. Golden brown toast with light butter and grapefruit juice. I even folded you napkin special."

"I must say, you drive a hard bargain. Deal." Hilda walked to him and gave him an extraordinary open mouth kiss. "Since you work for me now are you going to file a complaint if I try to seduce you?"

"But Boss, what if I'm a virgin?" he asked.

"So am I. We'll learn together. That may require some overtime."

"My schedule is open."

"Mine too, mostly."

They sat at the table and ate, cleaned the kitchen and started the dishwasher. Hilda put the linens in the dryer that she had just washed then together they made the bed and closed the windows.

"I think we're all set. In about thirty minutes we can fold and put away the sheets then run by your house for your bag."

"I really hate to ask this being new to the job, but can I get an advance on my salary while we wait?"

"How much advance are you wanting?" she asked.

"Just enough for the sheets to get dry."

"That sounds more like a make out session than a kiss. For that you'll need to come to my office."

Hilda took his hand and led him to the loveseat where they spent the next half hour.


Richard was the first one up at the cabin. Debi and Lina joined him at the kitchen table about an hour later.

"What are you writing, Dad?"

"I'm making a list of movies I'd like us all to make," he replied.

Lina looked over his shoulder. There were about twenty items. All with him at the center of things.

"When are you planning on doing these?"

"All this weekend I hope."

"Dad, you're dreaming." She counted the items. "Dad there are twenty two cum shots here. I doubt that even if you and Dennis took turns you couldn't pull it off."

"We'll see."

"What if your wife, my Mom and Dennis don't want to be video taped?" Debi asked.

"Why wouldn't they? Hilda will do it just because I want it. Your Mom is in the sex business and Dennis will probably wind up doing porn the way he's equipped."

"My Mother is a couples sex therapist. She isn't a whore, as you just implied. And my brother...? Oh, fuck this!"

Debi got up from the table and walked out of the room. Richard seemed stunned. Lina looked at him with her mouth open, shook her head and stood then left the room. She returned about ten minutes later and tossed the pieces of all the recent DVDs on the table in front of him.

"Here's your videos. Debi was going to leave but I convinced her to stay until Mom and Dennis get here. Debi and I will be in no more movies or participating in anymore sexcapades with you until you quit thinking with your dick and go back to the kind of man you were a few weeks ago."

"Lina, you're both flying off the handle over nothing," he replied. "I merely stated the truth."

"Your truth, not the real truth."

Debi walked through the living room and out the front door. She set her bag outside the door and walked down by the boat then sat on the dock with her feet in the water.

Gretchen walked in the room and after seeing Lina's face asked her what was wrong. Lina repeated what her father had said and hers and Debi's reactions to it. Gretchen looked at her father.

"Dad, tell me you didn't really say that," Gretchen said.

"Gretchen, I didn't say a damn thing that wasn't the truth. Your mother has always gone out of her way to please me. Julia may be a family sex therapist by title but in reality people pay her to have sex with them. Dennis has a huge cock and even studies to learn about sex. He'll likely be doing porn professionally by the time he's twenty-one."

"Dad, you're a real asshole. Put me on the no fuck list with Lina and Debi. What the hell has happened to you?"

Gretchen and Lina left the room and about five minutes later they went outside and joined Debi.

"Debi, I don't know what to say," Gretchen told her.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault," she replied.

"No, but it was our father that said it," Gretchen answered.

"If he thinks so little of Mom and Dennis I'm curious what he thinks about me."

"He likes you Debi," Lina answered.

Debi looked at her. "At least when I'm giving him pussy. What would he have said if I hadn't been there?"

"I don't know," Lina replied.

The dock shifted as Richard walked toward them. All three looked up. Debi stood and walked toward the house. He spoke to her as they passed but she didn't acknowledge him and continued ahead. She went to her bag and put on sneakers then walked to the hiking trail. Their father sat between the girls. Both of his daughters got up and left.

"Gretchen, see if you can catch up with Debi. I need to be here to talk to Mom when she arrives."

"Okay. When Mom gets here honk twice wait a few seconds and honk three times. We should be able to hear you from wherever we are."

"Two then three, got it."

Gretchen ran inside and put on her hiking shoes and left along the trail. She ran and caught up to Debi about five minutes later. She was sitting, balled up, in a grassy area next to the lake.

"Mind if I join you?"

"That's fine," Debi replied.

"Are you going home?"

"Gretchen, I can't stay here. Not after this. Dennis won't either. We'll leave as soon as he and your Mom arrive."

"What are you going to tell Dennis?"

"Nothing until we get home. He'll punch your Dad in the nose."

"He deserves it. Debi, I really hope this doesn't change the rest of us. We've got a beautiful relationship."

"Gretchen, your Dad is out as far as I'm concerned but otherwise I have no problem with anyone else. I certainly won't be coming around when he's around. Dennis will handle it differently."

"How so?"

"You know about his not interfering rule. He's out of the picture for your whole family."

"I can understand him being pissed at Dad but Mom didn't do anything."

"She's married to the man who disrespected our Mom. He'll see it as interfering. As far as you and Lina go he'll get out because if your father thinks so little of him he'll not want to make waves with your Dad by seeing you."

"Debi, Mom will straighten this out."

"Gretchen, my Mom couldn't straighten this out and she does it as a professional."

"How will she react?"

"Professionally, like she does everything else. She'll let us decide how we approach it but discuss options with us. Gretchen, besides me and Mom, your family, especially your Mom, is Dennis' whole world. He's the one I'm worried about."

"Why Mom?"

"Gretchen, haven't you seen the way he looks at her. He worships her."

"He's in love with her?" Debi nodded. "Oh shit!"

"Yeah," Debi replied.

They heard the planned honk from the horn. "Mom and Dennis are here. Ready to go back?" Debi nodded.


Lina had walked up the drive to intercept her mother before she got to the cabin. Lina got in the car with them then reaching over her Mom honked the horn as promised. When Lina repeated what her father had said Dennis opened his door.

"Pop the trunk, please?" he requested.

"Dennis, no," Hilda said.

"Pop the trunk."

Hilda pushed the button and Dennis got out of the car and walked to the back. Hilda got out and ran to him.

"Dennis, don't leave. We'll talk to Richard. It's got to be a misunderstanding."

"No Hilda, there's no misunderstanding."

"Dennis, please?" she pleaded.

"I'll be up next to the road. Debi can pick me up on her way out." His eyes teared. "Goodbye, Hilda."

Dennis took his bag and walked away. Hilda stood there crying. Lina got out of the car and walked to her mother then closed the trunk. She was crying too.

"Mom, I wanna go home," Lina said.

Hilda nodded and they both got in the car and drove on to the cabin. Debi and Gretchen entered the clearing as they pulled in and parked. Debi picked up her bag and started toward her car with Gretchen still beside her. Hilda and Lina met her there.

"Where's Dennis?" Debi asked.

"Waiting for you next to the road," Hilda replied. "Debi, please don't leave. We can work this out."

Richard had walked out the door and heard Hilda tell Debi where Dennis was. He started up the drive in that direction. Debi noticed where he was heading.

"Hilda, you'd better stop him or there's going to be a fight," Debi said.

"Richard, wait. I need to talk to you first," Hilda shouted.

He waved her off and continued, even picking up the pace.

"Mr. Muller, that's close enough. Don't come over here," Dennis told him.

"I wanna talk to you," Richard replied as he continued.

"I don't want to talk to you. Don't come any closer."

Richard ignored the warnings and walked right up to him. "All I said...."

Hilda and her daughters turned the corner just in time to see Dennis hit him in the face with a left and follow that with a hard right.

"Don't you ever bad mouth my Mother again," Dennis told him.

Richard went down after the right. His family ran to him. He was out cold. Debi drove up the drive around them. Dennis got in the car and she drove away. Richard came around a few seconds after they had gone.

"Girls, go pack. We're going home," Hilda said.

"What about Dad?" Gretchen asked.

"My guess is the emergency room. I suspect his nose is broken."

"I guess I should have listened to him," Richard said.

"I guess. The girls and I are going home," Hilda said angrily.

"What about me?"

"Richard, right now I really don't give a crap what you do. Check with me again in a few days."

Hilda and the girls left him where he was and walked back to the cabin. The girls went to pack. Hilda saw the note on the kitchen table with his video list then went and picked up the camcorder. Richard came around the corner just in time to see her throw it in the lake. She walked angrily back to the cabin.

"Hilda, can we talk?"

"No! I'll talk, you listen. Number one, I love you but I'll be damned if I'll continue to be your little miss 'I'll do it because you want it' wifey anymore. Second, Julia is a professional counselor with a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology. She helps her patients with sexual problems. She doesn't fuck them. Third, Dennis is planning on med school to be a fucking Pediatric Surgeon and I doubt he'll be using his big dick to hold the scalpel. Fourth, I don't know who the hell you are but you sure aren't the loving, caring husband and father you use to be!"

"I'll come home so we can talk," he replied.

"Richard, it's your home. Do as you please. I'll sleep in the guest room."


"Richard, leave me alone or I'll punch you too."

The girls came out with their bags. All three women went to the car and got in. Hilda drove off the minute they were in the car.


"Did you hurt your hand?" Debi asked.

"No but I'm pretty sure I broke his nose."

Debi laughed. "Feel better?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, I do."

"How was your time with Hilda?"

"Everything I hoped it would be and more."

"You're done aren't you?" Debi asked.


"I'm sorry."

"Me too, it is what it is," he replied.

They didn't talk much on the trip home and left their Mother a note on the table.

'Weekend has been cancelled with the Mullers.'

Both went to their rooms and unpacked. Then stayed in their rooms. When Julia saw the note she went to Debi's room. Debi told her everything. It took about fifteen minutes. Julia knocked on her son's door. There was no answer. She opened it and found an empty room. She walked to the main part of the house and found another note on the table.

'I need thinking room. I'll see you in a week or so. Love you both. Dennis'

Julia grabbed her phone and dialed his number. She heard it ring in the kitchen. It was laying on the counter. Debi walked into the kitchen and saw the expression on her mother's face.

"Mom, what's wrong?" She handed her daughter the note. Debi read it. "Mom, why?"

"Debi, he just needs some space right now. He'll be fine."

"Mom, he's in love with Hilda."

"I know. He told me. He'll be fine once he's had the chance to wander around in his head for a while."

"Where do you think he went?"

"I have no idea," her mother replied.


As soon as Hilda set her bag down at home she dialed Dennis' number. It rang then went to voicemail. She tried a few minutes later and got the same result. Hilda had no sooner put her phone down when it rang. She looked at the caller ID. It was Julia.

"Julia, I'd really like to talk to Dennis. We didn't get a chance before he left."

"Hilda, Dennis is gone for a while," Julia replied.

"Will you please ask him to call me when he gets home?"

"He probably won't be home for a week or so. He left a note and said he needs thinking room."

"Do you know where he went?"

"I have no idea."

"Julia, is he alright?"

"He left while Debi was telling me what happened. I didn't get a chance to see him. Hilda, he's dealing with a broken heart. He's in love with you. We need to give him time."

"I'm so mad at Richard."

"Richard loves you. I suspect his comments weren't meant the way they sounded. Talk it over with him after you cool off. You can work this through."

"This one may require some help. Can we call you?"

"This one's too close to home for me to be fully objective about it. I can give you some names of people who are good. You've also got Ingrid. Don't underestimate her."

"Will you let me know when Dennis comes home?"

"That's up to Dennis to dom if he feels it's the right thing he'll contact you."

"Do you think he will?" Hilda asked.

"While he's away it might not be a bad idea for you to spend some time in your own head. You need to figure out what's best for you first then what's best for your marriage. Somewhere in between those two you'll find your answers."

"Julia, just twelve hours ago everything was so perfect. How can it all go to hell so quickly?"

"It's almost always a communication issue. A simple miscommunication can have sweeping effects. How's your husband?"

"Besides probably having a well deserved broken nose I don't know. He's still at the cabin."

"Your daughters are probably feeling a bit low too. Talk to them."