Best Use for Hypnosis, Version 2


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She did, with an almost violent jerk. In a second those around her were doing their best to congratulate her ... all at once.

Her cousin, Sandy, took it upon herself to congratulate me (which I didn't mind one bit).

"Frank, that was even tougher than what you did to test Terri last year. Thank you so much!"

"Ah, I didn't do much ...."

Terri got in the act. "Oh, Honey! That was wonderful! I don't think I could have done that."

"Yes, you could. You remember things so well, I can hardly believe it!"

"Then maybe we should get a couple beers and go up in our room so you can hypnotize me again and make my memory as good as Sally's."

"We'll do that later, after the party's over, okay?"

"Whatever you say, Man of Mine. But I'll be remembering you promised, my memory works fine on things like that, and I'm ready to pay off anytime you want."


Maybe I laid my hypnotist demonstration on a little too thick at Luke and Sandy's 'kegger' that Saturday. Or perhaps the three of them had this all cooked up before I tumbled into what happened next.

I had a slack hour mid-afternoon the following Monday. I sat in my favorite back corner of the JC library, puzzling on a Calculus and Analytical Geometry problem I just couldn't get a solution on. Perhaps I'd missed something in class, I don't know, but I was stumped. What the hell is an asymptote, anyway? The answer certainly wasn't the caress that found my neck inside my shirt collar!

Terri? No certainly not. Wrong scent. But I knew that scent, and it wasn't Sandy's, either.


Oh yes! That was Sally Burgess, no mistake! I reached back and found her hand.

"Frank Honey? Am I interrupting something important?"

"Not really, just Calculus."

"Oh! You're so smart! I could never do that!"

"Maybe, maybe not. But I can't get this problem figured out, either."

"Well, I'll run along, and come back later, instead."

"Why run?"

"Oh, this was nothing important. I just wanted to tell you what happened in my history class this morning."

History? Now there was a topic for which my memory didn't work well at all. Maybe because I didn't give much of a damn about most of history. Mostly history seemed to me boiled down to one group of people trying to screw over another, and some college prof going on and on, trying to justify it, that being his excuse to write (and sell) a textbook.

But Sally seemed bent on telling me, so I turned from my calculus problem and gave her my attention.

"So tell me, Sally. What happened?" I figured I owed her that much for being my party hypnosis subject.

"Oh, Frank! It was so different and so wonderful. After the instructor went though his lecture once, I remembered it all! I mean: ALL! I remembered everything!"

"Well? That's good, isn't it?"

"Yes, but that's not all. See, there was something he said that didn't make sense, so I raised my hand and asked. I mean, I was so scared, so scared silly on one hand, but not scared at all on the other. He was really nice about it, and in a moment realized he'd left out a paragraph from his notes. Once he filled that in, my whole question made sense. He complemented me on my memory and my thinking that raised my question in the first place. Wow! Maybe I'll get a passing grade in that class after all!"

"Sally? Remember? I said you could do it. Apparently you did. Congratulations."

"Yes, but now I gotta pay you back."

"Your smile just did."

"Frank? I owe you lots more than just a smile. Terri told Sandy how she pays you back. I love you just as much as her, Honey, and I want to pay you back the same way. Terri told Sandy she pays you back every day. Please? Can I pay you back every day, too?"

I shook my head, not in denial, but in disbelief. Yes, the mere thought of double bed-partners like Terri and Sally was heaven to contemplate, but the reality of that promised a task beyond belief!

"I ..."

"Frank? Please? I want to be fair, fair to both Terri and you. Terri loves you and I love you, too. But I can't believe how much I love you. I know my love's just as real as Terri's. Can't you love us both? I don't see why not."

Yeah, Right! Terri kept me wrung out—all the way wrung out. And was Sally now trying to add herself to my duties list? Her 'please' was a kiss planted solidly on my up-turned mouth.

"Ah!" she moaned softly as she parted our lips. "I just knew you were the man for me. Terri sure knows how to pick 'em."

Terri was in on this? Really?

"You know what she told me?"

I shook my head gently, as much to assimilate the effect of Sally's kiss as anything.

"She said she always feels like she doesn't fuck you well enough to pay you back all the way. She said it's not right that she gets all the memory goodies you give her, but all she gives you is her best fuck. That bothers her, you know?"

Well, it didn't bother me. I figured each Terri fuck I got was worth many times what little I'd given her, memory wise.

"So, she asked me if I'd mind fucking you, too. She figures there's room enough in Sandy's garage apartment for me, too. And Sandy and Luke think it's a great idea."

Oh, brother! Well, there were two sides to every bed—if I slept in the middle! Maybe if I hinted, we could work out some way with Sandy and Luke to share the cost of a king-size bed and mattress? Terri and I had only a queen, now, and we used all of it.


When I arrived back at our apartment after my last class a none too distant afternoon, who met me when I rushed in through the door? I sort of expected it might be Sally. I mean, she'd been quite enthusiast when we parted at the library. Maybe she'd never been given a first rate shag, but expected me to do so next time she ended up alone with me.

But no, there was Terri. And it wasn't the normal Terri in her normal 'I'm here, Honey, and let's get right with it and knock off a piece' outfit'. No, this was an even more eager Terri, but in a thong so sparse, I had to look twice to see she had anything on at all!

"Like my new outfit, Frank?"

I suppose my nod was eager enough to say, 'You're damned right I do!'

"Sally and I had to go shopping, and I picked this out so she couldn't out-do me. We have this agreement, Honey: See? Every time you're with both of us, you have to chose the sexiest one, and then you take her to the bedroom and knock off a piece, while the other watches. That way there are no secrets, and we all get better at loving you."

"Oh, brother!"

"Not brother, Frank. It's cousins, remember! And we're going to get so well organized, you'll never get an erection that doesn't find a perfect home. How's that sound?"

What it sounded like was a slice of heaven. I suppose I smiled, but had I given it a bit of thought, I'd have realized Terri alone could put-me-under by herself. With Sally, too, I was wondering what being-put-under twice amounted to?

Just then, what served as our front door rattled, and Terri let go of me and rushed to the door. Who? You guessed it: Sally.

Now Sally, as she came through the door, was no match for Terri. But I well knew, under those stretch jeans and too tight blouse was a body that was certainly a match for Terri's.

"Look at you," she said to Terri. "That's not fair! I couldn't wear just my thong home."

"See, don't you Sally? I was smarter than you. I cut class early so I'd get home here before him and change into something he'd like best. So I win, and I get to fuck Frankie, here, while you watch. That'll serve you right, oh Roomie of Mine."

I just shook my head. Her 'roomie'? This sounded as if they agreed upon this.

"Well, Honey," she said to me. "You like your prize?"

"I do. But suppose I want you both. What then?"

"Doesn't matter. I get to fuck you first."

I shook my head again.

"Does that mean you don't want me?"

"It means I want you both, like I said."

"Well, me first."

"Both of you at once. Sally, go put on whatever you thought I'd like."

Sally grabbed her three store bags and headed for the bathroom.

Terri grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the bedroom door. "Come on, Frank. I know what she'll put on, and it'll take her long enough I can give you a good fuck before she gets it all on. Then you can fuck her, and I'll fuck you again before we stop for supper."

How could I resist? Terri had led me well toward the summit before Sally came crashing through the bedroom door with little on but a smile. But before I vaulted over the top, Sally had a say.

"Not fair, Terri. If I'd known you'd cheat like that. I wouldn't have agreed to a contest every night."

"Now look, ladies. It's not a contest. You both win, and I get to decide who examines her award first."

Sally nodded. Terri muttered, "I never win with him."

"You just move over to the right side of the bed, so I can get in alongside you, and Sally, get your beautiful ass in along the other side of me so I can be fair to both of you."

"I don't know," Sally muttered. "I want you so bad, Honey. I don't know if I can wait."

"I want him again, too," Terri muttered. "I want him awful bad again, yet, and already."

"And I want you both, so there."

"Oh, Sally, what are we going to do?"

"Terri, I know what I'm going to do: Fuck his brains out, that's what!"

"Sally? That's what we both want, don't we? I don't need to sleep, so if he falls asleep in the middle somewhere, that's just tough! Keep going on him ... until it's time of class, if you have to."


They were both still going at me when I woke the next morning. It was a good thing we had a stock of orange juice to provide me some sort of breakfast. Toast with peanut butter and jelly, and orange juice was what I made do with, then I was out the door. But when I looked back, what I saw was two smiles rooted in two night's worth of good fucks. I didn't know how they got to class on time, but they must have.

When I came into the Student Lounge at the end of my 10:00 AM class, there they were, not in thongs or something like that, but in outfits that left no doubt they'd follow me to a dark broom closet somewhere, where what they had on wouldn't matter in the least.

"So? What are you two up to? Don't you have classes coming up?"

"Who cares?" they said, sort of as one. "We're with you, now."

As I sat down, they moved over and each took one of my hands out of my lap.

"Ooh!, don't you just love him?" Terri said.

I suppose Sally did, too. She gave my hand she held a squeeze.

"Come on, now. Classes, remember?"

"Yeah," they both said and sort of grinned.


"Family Relations," Terri said, under her breath. "We just thought we'd do some first hand research ... with you."

"Ah, come on, now."

"We'd like that class lots better if you'd take as to a dark corner somewhere and show us again what Family Relations should really be all about."

Sally was nodding agreement to everything Terri was saying.

"Oh, you two. You make me love you, and want that great feeling that's exactly what I'd prefer to do. You know that, don't you?"

"Isn't he sweet?" Sally said, her eyes had taken on that big, moo-cow look she did so well. "I just love him when he says something sweet like that."

"Me, too," Terri said, her eyes widening to match Sally's

"Well, I have my Calculus class coming up."

"Can't you skip that? We'd make you glad you did."

"Nope, and I'm not going to even consider doing so. You can't get to be an engineer or chemist if you skip important classes like that."

"Why you want to be one of those, anyway?"

"Because I want to make lots of money so when I meet the girl of my dreams, I can keep her at home and fuck her every hour I'm not at work."

"Oh, I like that idea, don't you Sally?"

"I do, if I'm the one staying home."

"Well, Frank? Can you make enough money we both can stay home ... all the time?"

"I suppose so. At least you won't have to work in a convenience store, and Sally, you won't be peddling Even Beauty Products door to door."

"If that's the plan, them I'm all for it. How about you, Sally? We can fuck him later. Frank? You get to class, right now. We'll be home right after class. Then you'll see what your future will be after you graduate in three years."

Sally's enthusiastic nods said she'd certainly be one of my companionship choices this evening!


I was beat when I unlocked and helped myself through our apartment's front door that evening. I'v never understood how a technical class or two could tire a man out so much. But there I was. Ready for a quick nap before supper. But, wishful thinking that turned out to be!

Terri and Sally must have heard me shuffling along the corridor leading to our apartment, then scurried around to get themselves ready for the evening's big talent contest. At least, there they were, both of them, sexy as hell, and apparently ready to do anything and everything I could wish for.

"Oh, Honey," Terri said, coming close and rubbing her all-but-naked body against my tired one. "I'm so glad you're home."

I looked over toward Sally, but no reprieve there. She looked even more likely than Terri to do-me-in at the slightest provocation. In fact: at no provocation at all on my part!

"So, Frank? Chose which of us horny women you want first?" Terri said with no hesitancy, the followed that with, "Choose me!"

"I just want to take a nap. That Chemistry exam really took it out of me."

"Yeah? And where did it go?"

"I don't know. I just need a rest."

"Then how about you don't choose, you just rest with both of us? How about that?"

That sounded like the best choice I was likely to get. "Okay, let's go." A moment later Terri had my right arm, and Sally my left. Had I been in a thinking mode, I might have wondered how with their grips on my arms, by the time we got to the bed, they were stripped naked.

"I get him first, Sally, so you're on his left side, I'm on his right."

Did I care? Hell no! A moment later I was in the bed's center, with a beautiful body tight up against me on each side. I did like Terri's kiss that found my lips, in fact I loved it, and I loved that hand of hers that found my johnnie and gave it a slow massage stroke or two.

"Come on, Sally," she said. "Get down there and put a suck or two on him. He must really be tired out. He'll need a little help if he's going up into me like I want."

"I don't know," Sally said, almost imperceptibly.

"What? Don't know how? You never sucked a man up for cowgirl position?"

Sally more like shook her head than answered.

"It's easy. Just turn around, get your face down on him, take his dick gently into your mouth, and suck. There's not much to it. Don't worry, Sally, he'll get real hard real quick, he always does, and when he does, you get out of my way and I'll sit up on him and push him way up into me. You'll see. He feels wonderful, sliding up into my pussy. And he loves having a women sucking him up to get him ready. You just wait."

"I'm not sure I want to wait," Sally said, her mouth now full of more than her tongue. "I don't know what's happening to me. I ... never felt this way before. Will he squirt in my mouth ... like I think I want him to?"

"You better not make him squirt. That's for me, my horny roommate, so don't take it away from me."

"What do I do if he starts to?"

"By then, it's too late. Just let him blast away. Then you'll just owe me one."

"Oh, Terri, I don't want to owe you one. I don't want you to hate me."

"Cousins don't hate each other, Sally. You'll be fair to me, I'll be fair to you, and we'll both be fair to him, right Frank?

What could I say to that?

"Won't we, Frank?

I didn't say anything. Sally better get off me pretty quick or she'd have a mouthful, that's for certain. I'm sure my voice tightened up.

"Better let me have him, Sally, or you'll owe me."

I felt my johnny slip from her mouth, her face pull away, a pair of new thighs come astraddle me, and my dick find a wonderfully welcoming home.

"How's that feel, Frank? That better than Sally's mouth?"

What could I say to that without hurting Sally's feelings? So I covered my bets.

"Nice mouth, nice pussy!"

"You're sweet, isn't he, Sally?"

"So sweet. But next time I'm going to suck him until he explodes. Even the little bit of his juice I got tasted just wonderful. I want more, and I want it soon!"

"You'll be an addict, Sally ... Just like me. And he's wonderful to be addicted to."

"Oh, you two! I love you both."

"And we both love you."


By the time Terri finished me off and I woke from my quick lover's slumber, I hoped she felt as wonderful as I did. My need for rest and recuperation after my late afternoon exam was completely sated, and I felt ready to slay all the world's dragons. That was until I rolled out of bed. When I stood, looking down at her lovely body stretched out on my bed, I suddenly realized just how well she'd 'taken care of my 'needs.' My knees—in fact all of my body—had acquired that unsteadiness a good woman can instill in a mere mortal man.

But, I steadied myself, and headed for the kitchen and a glass of water.

There at the counter stood the other object of my affection, starkers and beautiful as ever.

"Terri fuck you real good, Honey?"

"Oh, yes."

"Good. Now come here and give me a good hug so I have enough of your contact to hold me until after breakfast."

My answer to that was to slip up behind her, reach around her with my arms under hers, and squeeze her around her chest.

"Oh, I love that, Frank."

Good, just what I wanted her to think, so I tightened my embrace. She settled back against my chest and sashayed a bit to rub her back against my chest.

"I love that even better, Honey."

Well, I'd have given her more 'hug', but that was all I had. But it certainly was nice, feeling her naked breasts lying warm and soft on my forearms.

"Your hands, please, Frank?"


"You have two hands, I have two breasts."

With that she snuggled even more securely against my chest. I may have been a little slow on the up-take, but I did get my mind off that wonderfulness pressing against my chest to figure out what she meant.

"Oh, I love that, too. That's right: They need that. Gently, now, massage them. Some day I want you to do that with your mouth and lips and tongue."

I was thinking, 'You do?'

"I should ask Terri if you ever nurse from her, pretend or for real. Do you? I'll bet she'll say its wonderful."

Well, except for an occasional 'nipple kiss', I'd never done that. In fact, with Terri I'd never done a massage like I was unconsciously still doing to Sally's breasts.

"How about we go back to bed, wake Terri up, and you can nurse from both of us?"

Was I ready for this? Would Terri be so inclined? When I gave this a quick wonder, I asked myself: After a whole year of shagging Terri, why hadn't I talked her into a for-real titty suck? Had she somehow put me off that idea? Without me even knowing she had?

"But Frank, I got an even better idea—if you're up to it."

"What's that?" I said softly to her ear.

"Let's go see if the breakfast table's the right height."

There was me, slow again!

"You can lay me on my back on it, bend over me, and get on me so you can suck my titties. And after that, I know I'll want you to slip up some and kiss me on my lips. If it just happens your johnnie slips inside me, we can go from there. If we make so much noise, Terri wakes up, tough luck!"

"I don't think my johnnie has anything left. Sorry."

"Maybe, maybe not. But let's go see, shall we?"

It's damned difficult to resist a naked woman like Sally dragging you toward something that sounds so wonderful, so I didn't resist very strenuously. In a moment Sally was displayed back down on our little dining table, my hips lay between her thighs, and I had one of her very nice nipples in my mouth.