Beth and Mike


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"Umm...umm...I'm gonna cum...oh's huge...agh..." she was making guttural sounds. Carolyn had taught me well.

Beth's imprisoned my head between her thighs as her body erupted above me; her pungent juices trickled into my mouth and slid down my eager throat.

"Oh...oh...oh...oh..." she wailed continuously, lost in the throes of her orgasm.

With Beth securely ensconced in my tender embrace we cuddled and kissed until my drooling erection throbbed with need. The head, soaked with pre-cum, glided over her muscular thigh when she pulled me on top of her and opened her hips. My cock nestled in her pussy as she held me with a look of wanton lust on her pretty face.

The tart scent from Beth's pussy clung to my mouth and filtered into my nose with each heavy breath. With a mind of its own, my rock hard tool probed along her slit finding the slickness and we both watched with utter fascination as my dick slithered along her soaked crease.

"Oh Mike, give it to me...oh...oh!"

Beth tried to guide my cock to her hole but I was determined to make her wait and maximize the pleasure for as long possible. I kept sliding my rod along her slice, teasingly poking at the entrance of her vagina. Each probe of her depths went a little deeper until the head was firmly lodged in her silky wetness.

With Beth's legs around my waist, her hips thrust upwards and in one fluid motion pulled my cock into her until I was about three quarters submerged.

While the fit was snug, it felt wonderful and slowly I pumped my tool in and out of her vagina.

"Oh've got a big cock...ugh...ugh...," she groaned.

I was blessed with an above average rod and not a day went by that I didn't thank the Almighty for my endowment. With slow deliberate movements, I drilled into Beth's slobbering hole as her panting gasps grew in intensity.

The friction on my cock was mind boggling. Gradually, I quickened the pace and bored into her depths with determination but gentleness. Repeatedly, I sank my shaft into her and Beth noisily grunted her approval.


As I reamed Beth's tight pussy with abandon, my ass rose and fell like an oil derrick. My orgasm reached its flash point as the sperm in my nuts roiled furiously and I desperately wanted Beth to climax with me. Her body moved gracefully, butt off the bed, riding my cock effortlessly, equaling each thrust with one of her own.

Beth arms were tight around my neck.

"Oh babe...I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna cum..." she brayed in my ear.

Almost immediately the contractions in Beth's pussy gripped my cock and triggered my orgasm. Long squirts of baby batter shot deep inside her and I shook with each release. She held me so tightly, I could barely breathe as her body tensed and quaked.

"Oh...oh...oh...oh...she moaned over and over.

Although neither of us was a virgin, I felt like one all over again that wonderful night. I can't call it screwing or fucking because it was making love; a joining of two people with an undeniable lust and deep affection for one another.

While I was unsure of Beth's true feelings, I was in love with her. There was no mistaking the emotional grip that she had on my heart and soul.

**** With less than a week to go before winter break, I wracked my brain trying to come up with the perfect Christmas gift for Beth. Then it dawned on me; Carrie, maybe she confided to Carrie.

Early one morning, I raced over to see Carrie. I knew Beth had an eight am final exam and Carrie would either be studying or in bed. I rapped noisily on the door until I heard a very drowsy and angry,

"Yeah? Who is it?"

"It's me Carrie, Mike,"

"What the eff do you want?" Her tone was one of extreme irritation.

"I gotta ask ya something, can you let me in?"

I discerned expletives being uttered through the closed door and slowly it opened to reveal a sleepy and scowling face.

"This better be important or I swear Michael..." On the rare occasion she was pissed at me, she used my proper name.

Carrie cinched her bath robe and plopped wearily on her bed as a big yawn escaped her mouth.

"Well...what is it now?" she was clearly exasperated.

"I ah...don't...ah..." I stammered.

"Spit it out for chrissakes! I've been up half the night studying..."

"Ok...I don't know what to get Beth for Christmas and I was hoping that maybe she said something to you and..."

Carrie put her hand up stopping my flow of words and surprisingly she visibly relaxed and her tone of voice softened.

"Hmm...I kinda remember her saying she wanted a gold cross...and...a chain to go with it. Ya know she's Catholic...right?"

I did know and nodded my head.

"I believe she wants something plain...she has one from her grandmother but it's too ornate to wear on an everyday basis...anyways that's what she told can I go back to bed?"

"You're sure?"

"Yes!" she yelled in frustration.

"Thanks Carrie!" I crowed and gave her a friendly hug.

Carrie held on to me a little longer than usual and gazed at me with a fond expression on her attractive face.

"I'm thrilled that you found each deserve the best does she..."

Carried pecked my cheek but abruptly pushed me towards the door.

"Now...get outta here, ya pain in the ass..." she declared with faux anger on her smiling face.

My relief at discovering Beth's desire was short lived when I realized I had absolutely no expertise at choosing the correct gift. Maybe Allison, my sister would know what to buy, I thought to myself and hurried off to take a final exam.

Saying goodbye to Beth on the last day of term was gut wrenching for me. She'd become a big part of my life and I'd have to wait two long weeks before I could see her over the New Years holiday.

"Don't look so sad...I'll see ya soon...ok?" she said sweetly, her soft hand tenderly palming my cheek.

Beth's eyes were alive with sentiment as she embraced me and pulled my lips to hers. I was in love with her and wanted to shout it to the rooftops but lacked the courage to express my feelings.

The days leading up to Christmas were a whirlwind of activity at my house. With Allison in tow I shopped for my family leaving my most important purchase till last. We scoured the jewelry stores and finally found something that my sister deemed fitting; a plain gold crucifix and chain, both were understated but classy.

"This is really nice...just right for's a little pricey but I think she'll like this one..."

With Allison's stamp of approval I handed the sales clerk my Visa card.

During the festivities on Christmas Day, I'm sure I must have seemed distant, lost in my own world. All I could think about was Beth and how darned much I missed her.

At church services, Allison took my hand and gave it a sympathetic squeeze. That simple act of kindness warmed my heart and moved me to tears. I tried to look away but she saw the moisture in my eyes and smiled.

At breakfast the next morning my mom was regarding me with a look of motherly concern on her face.

"Michael, are you ok? You've been awfully quiet since you got home... I hope you're not doing drugs or anything stupid like that..."

"No mom...but the way I feel...I guess it's kinda like a drug..." I said with soft assurance.

"Oh no...wait till your father hears about this, why he'll..."

I got up from the table and went over to my mother, took her hands in mine and looked straight into her eyes.

"I'm in love mom...with a really terrific girl..."

My mother's entire countenance visibly relaxed.

"Thank God! For a minute...I thought...did you say you were in love with someone?"

"Yes," I audibly sighed.

"My dear son, how do you know?"

I knew with every part of my body, mind & soul.

"I just know mom...I'm not sure I can explain...I want to be with her...sometimes so much that it hurts..."

"Does she feel the same about you?"

"I think so but I'm not positive...I guess time will tell..."

Unexpectedly my mother put her arms around me and lightly kissed my cheek.

"I hope so son...I hope so for your sake..."

Needless to say, I was packed and ready to go days before I was due to visit Beth. In those pre Mapquest times, I took advantage of my dad's AAA card and ordered a TripTik to my destination, Ocean City New Jersey.

**** As I sped over the causeway from Somers Point, my heart was beating a mile a minute. Slowly, I drove down Ocean Avenue, turned right at the third traffic light, Bay Ave. and parked in front of a neat, colonial style house.

Beth must have been looking out for me because I saw the front door open and she ran to me with open arms. As I held her, a surge of emotion poured through my body.

"Hey babe, I'm sooo glad you came..." she said excitedly, hugging me with her head on my chest.

Inside, Beth introduced me to her mom, dad and sister Jen. After I stowed my gear in the guest room, I sat down with my beautiful girlfriend and her family for dinner.

To my surprise, I wasn't nervous and had the kind of experience with good food, conversation and laughter that stayed indelibly etched in my memory.

Beth's sister Jen, while a couple of years younger, was every bit as attractive with the same kind of sleek body. Sweet, funny and inquisitive, she asked me a lot of questions until Beth intervened.

"Enough sis, he's mine for the rest of the night..."

Jen gave her sister a playful raspberry and we all laughed. It was the start of a close friendship with Jen that has lasted to this day.

Beth took my hand, squeezed it and led me into the family room. A brightly lit Christmas tree occupied a corner and she had me sit with her on the floor in front.

"I have a gift for you," she said.

"Ah...I have something for you too..."

As we exchanged presents, I anxiously watched Beth remove the bow and wrapping paper very carefully. When she opened the velvet box, she gasped and hugged me with all her might.

"Oh Mike...thank you...I wanted did you know?"

"Carrie," was my one word answer.

From behind, I gently laid the cross and chain on Beth's chest and clasped it in back of her neck as she held her hair out of the way.

"It's beautiful...I...gosh Mike..." before she finished she embraced me with bone crushing force.

Beth was speechless and I was overcome with elation. I made her happy and that's all that mattered to me. Then something tumbled out of my mouth that I could no longer keep inside.

"I love you Beth," I whispered in her ear.

Beth gazed at me with misting eyes and pulled me tight to her body.

"I love you too" she returned in a quiet voice, and kissed me with fervent desire. It was the first time either of us uttered the ultimate sentiment.

I looked deep into her lovely hazel eyes and saw the depth of her feelings for me there. If her family had been elsewhere, we would have made passionate love right there in the den. Our lovemaking had to wait but our emotions were out in the open, the declarations made.

Those six wondrous days with Beth will live in my memory forever. We took long romantic walks in the evening, stopping frequently to kiss and hug. In the cold pale moonlight, we'd grope each others body, unable to control our passion.

True to form, in the early morning hours Beth took me for long runs on the beach and Jen would accompany us. A couple of times, I purposely lagged behind and gazed appreciatively at the two very tight little butts in front of me. Both would glance back at me with evil grins, fully aware of my ploy.

A home gym occupied a small room next to the sun porch and for an hour or better after our jog, we'd hit the weights, Jen too. I enjoyed Jen's company and liked having her around us.

On New Years Eve I sat with Beth and her family, wrapped up in blankets, sipping hot apple cider from a thermos and watched the extraordinary fire works display over Ocean City. Her mom, dad and Jen made a hasty exit afterwards and left us on the beach. Jen cast a wily smile and winked at us as she walked away.

We made out with hot enthusiasm, our moans and groans filling the cold air.

"Oh babe...I want you..." she panted in my ear. But, in spite of the heat we were generating, it was far too frigid, to remove any clothing.

"Beth...I want you so much..."

"Can you wait a little longer?" she asked with tender yearning, and I slowly nodded my head.

"I'm happy to be with you..." I blurted out and held her very tightly.

Another make out session of titanic proportions ensued and Beth ground her crotch against my straining boner. My hands were on her ass, guiding her fluid movements until I felt her body shudder a few times. I had reached the edge myself and my cock erupted inside my drawers.

"Mike...did you?"

"Yeah," I was feeling very sheepish.

Beth covered my face with kisses.

"I love you," she said with heartfelt fondness, and I pulled her tight against me.

I love you Beth," I voiced emotionally, my heart on my sleeve.

The next day, Beth took me to an elaborate brunch at Harrah's Casino in Atlantic City. As we ate, she had a definite twinkle in her eyes and instinctively I knew something was up.

"I have something special planned for us tonight..." she stated mysteriously.

I knew better than to ask what she had in mind and wracked my brain trying to guess what it was.

After our meal, we drove back to Ocean City and walked arm in arm on the windswept Boardwalk talking about our hopes for the future. We were both Secondary Education majors. Beth wanted to teach English and I couldn't help but think what an incredibly dynamic teacher she would be.

"Do you think you'd like to teach here, in South Jersey someday...near the seashore?" she asked nervously.

"Yeah, I think I'd really like that..." I said wistfully.

Not only had I fallen in love with Beth but her hometown as well. However, Beth warned me that tourist season could be maddening with the big increase in population and traffic in particular.

We bought warm Johnson's Carmel Popcorn and Copper Kettle fudge to take back with us. Beth informed me that her family would be gone until the following morning. Her dad was working a charter flight to Venezuela, her mom went to visit relatives in Maryland and Jen was leaving for a sleepover at a friend's. We had the house to ourselves.

After everyone left, Beth prepared a delicious pasta meal and I discovered that she was also a good cook. We ate quietly, casting affectionate glances at each other.

I helped Beth load the dishwasher and unable to control myself, I embraced her, laid wet kisses on her neck and nibbled her ear.

" my man feeling frisky?" she purred.

"Uh huh" I moaned in her ear.

As I held Beth with the side of my face pressed against hers, her lovely scent drifted into my nose. A subtle blend of body wash and perfume, she simply smelled divine.

Beth pulled back and regarded me with a loving expression.

"Kiss me, babe..." she commanded, and there we stood, making out in the middle of the kitchen.

When we came up for air, Beth took my hand and I followed her to the unheated enclosed porch. Occupying one corner was an oversized hot tub with the cover over top. I heard the hum of the electric heater and instantly realized what she had in store for us.

"You" I pointed at

"Uh huh" she said, holding my hand in both of hers.

"But...I don't have a swim..." I never got the rest of the word out.

Beth's coy demeanor and alluring hazel eyes told me silently that I didn't need one.

Ten minutes later, we were both sitting up to our necks in the steamy water, our naked bodies pressed close together, sipping hot apple cider laced with rum. Beth was a big fan of the Moody Blues and their greatest hits tape was playing softly in the background amidst a myriad of scented candles. It added just the right touch to a memorable romantic evening.

We cuddled and spooned, our hands roaming each others body. Beth stroked my penis until I was close to cumming and I slumped against her with my head on her damp shoulder, panting up a storm. Abruptly, she stopped.

"We don't want any "little swimmers" in the pool...know what I mean...I'll take care of this soon..." she said in a sexy voice, and gave my throbbing cock one last squeeze.

Our skin was pruning and we exited the hot tub with Beth guiding me to her bedroom. After we toweled each others body, she put her arms around my neck, pulling my lips to hers for more kisses. Momentarily we stopped and she looked up at me with romantic eyes, eyes filled love. I thought my heart would burst as it pulsated with feelings for the brunette goddess in my arms.

Beth's passionate soul took center stage that splendid night as she rode me to a succession of orgasms. I gaped with awe at her athletic body, bathed in a light gloss of sweat, moving with astonishing gracefulness on my rock hard boner. The act of intercourse took on an entirely new meaning and I heard myself scream Beth's name when my tool erupted inside her; it was that intense.

The following morning I awoke with Beth in my arms, it was the last day of my visit and I was feeling the emotional pangs of separation. We showered together and our hunger for each other seemed boundless as we indulged our lust and made hot, steamy love before breakfast.

I hated the thought of leaving Beth but luck was on my side. The mid-morning sky was overcast and the weatherman was calling for snow showers most of the day. I telephoned home and my sister Allison confirmed that it was already snowing there. Certainly not a good day to be on the road when a three hour drive could easily turn into six or more if the conditions worsened.

Beth was ecstatic.

"Babe...I get you all to myself for another day..." she said with tenderness, her eyes aglow with feeling.

Another day with Beth... it was a gift from the weather gods. The happy look on Beth's pretty face deeply touched me and I hugged her tight to my body. I was madly in love with her and wanted nothing more than to spend every waking moment in her presence.

Jen arrived not long after and all three of us took a long walk on the snowy beach. Back at the house, I helped Beth cook up a late brunch. I was fascinated by her expertise and wanted to learn as much as possible so that one day I could do the same for her.

During a heated game of Scrabble, Jen made up the silliest words that made me howl with laughter. Beth took a more serious approach to the game and whipped our butts. However by the end, she was laughing along with us. Alas, all good things must come to an end and the next morning I was on the highway headed home. The usually dull and boring drive flew by because I was completely lost in thought, remembering my exceptional holiday with Beth & her family. On top of everything, I was completely enamored with Ocean City and the Jersey shore.

Although Beth dominated my thoughts for the rest of break, I was less moody and introspective. Our relationship had become much more solid, broader in its scope and desire. We connected on a higher plateau and for the first time I was confident that Beth shared the same depth of feeling.

For all of spring semester we were joined at the hip. Carrie's relationship with Doug had reached the serious phase and she spent many a night in his room at the frat house. Without question, Beth and I took advantage of Carrie's absence and our love making was deeply impassioned and...sometimes noisy.

One night whilst in the throes of ecstasy, we heard loud knocking.

"Hey Beth...Carrie? Is everything ok in there?" we heard a muffled voice through the closed door. It was Selena, Beth's neighbor.

From that night onward we tried our best to control our vocalization.