Betrayal Ch. 03

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Rick can't say no.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 08/12/2008
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Rick tossed his shirt into a corner of his bedroom. It landed on a still-filled box. He really should get around to going through them all.

Chandra stood in the sunlight slanting through the window. Long, clever fingers caressed her sun-darkened skin while she watched him slip out of his pants. "Next time, just wait for me in here instead of answering the door. Joe would let me in." She licked the tips of her fingers and circled them around her hardened nipples. "I'd like to walk in and find you all hard and ready."

"I'll keep that in mind," he said, and kicked his pants aside. He glanced at the window. Outside, a tree waved thick branches. It was possible to see into this room from there, but he couldn't see a sign of Penny. Good, he thought, and closed the blinds. The locked door wouldn't allow her to peek, either, although he wouldn't put it past her to drill a hole in the wall.

"What's the matter?" Chandra asked, slithering her long body onto the bed. "You're jumpy today. I thought the divorce would mellow you out."

"It isn't Annie that bothers me." He sat beside her. "It's Penny."

Chandra laughed, and her breasts moved with the soft inhalations. "Your self-control with her is laudable, Rick, but I don't see why she couldn't just spy on us. It isn't like you'd be fucking her."

"It might give her more ideas." He ran a finger lazily over her breast and stretched out on the bed. "She has enough as it is."

Chandra wrapped her fingers around his cock, stroking it into full hardness. "Were you hard last night because she played with herself, or were you hard because you wanted to play with her?"


Chandra straddled his thighs and rubbed his erection against her pussy. "Pretend I'm her, Ricky. Pretend I came into the door and found you naked on the bed with a hard-on."

The thought made his cock twitch in her hand.

"This is what she'd feel like. All soft and wet, and you'd slide into her pussy like this..." She sank down on his cock. "You'd be fucking your niece, and Joe would remain completely oblivious."

"Joe's more observant than that. I couldn't get away with it." But the thought remained. Fucking Penny. Or, in this case, it would be Penny fucking him. Either way, his dick felt huge.

Chandra reached between them to massage her clit. "This is so hot, Ricky. That you'd do your niece." The muscles in her thighs bunched and released as she moved up and down.

"I didn't say I'd do her."

"You would, though, if you could get away with it." She arched her back. "Oh, God, this feels so good."

Rick put his hands on her hips, lifted her body, and began to thrust upward. Chandra's breasts bounced. Her fingers circled her clitoris. Her pussy tightened and released around his cock. He increased the pace. Her lips opened in a soundless cry. A soft rush of liquid surrounded the head of his dick. Her cunt gripped him, but the moisture enabled him to keep pumping.

Her fingers circled sporadically around her clit, and then she leaned forward. "Come on, Uncle Ricky, come for me."

The soft whisper, the feel of her hair flicking his chest, and the weight of her hands on the bed beside his shoulders finished him off. He jerked his climax, pushing high inside her cunt.


Rick closed the front door behind Chandra.

"You look like the cat that ate the canary," his niece said from the kitchen doorway.

He turned. "I suppose I do."

Penny, dressed in a short skirt and her usual half-shirt, moved into the living room. "She looks a lot like me, you know."

"I hadn't noticed."

"Daddy says she does."

"What's for dinner?" he asked to change the subject, and moved past her toward the kitchen.

"Does sex make you hungry, too?" She flounced by him and opened the refrigerator. "Hamburger something, I suppose. Whose turn is it to cook?"

"Joe's. Where is he, anyway?"

"At the store. He'll be back soon." She turned, graced Rick with an innocent smile, and approached him before he could move away. She ran a finger over his chest. "Do you fuck Chandra because she looks like me? Or do you want me because of Chandra?"

"And who said I wanted you?" He stood his ground. His cock remained quiescent due to his recent liaison with Chandra.

"I'm not blind, Uncle Ricky."

He made a non-committal noise and pulled away as the front door opened. Joe strode into the kitchen, ending whatever conversation Penny wanted to have.


Heat beamed down with the sun on Rick's bare back. The lawn mower perched in front of his seated form like a squat monster. "Damn it," he muttered, and put the spark plug back in. It still wouldn't run, he knew, but he stood to try it once more before giving up.

"Just as handy as ever, I see."

Rick wiped his face with his hand and turned. "Annie." She looked the same as always; slender, graceful, and pissed off.

"I brought your porn," she said. "I don't want it in my house."

"Fine. Leave it on the porch." He turned back to the recalcitrant mower.

"I'm not about to haul it out of the trunk. You have too much of it."

He sighed. "All right, I'll come and get it out." Turning again, he brushed by her and headed for the little Honda in the driveway.

Annie followed. "You have more crap to get out of the garage."

"I'll get a truck this weekend." The trunk popped open. Three boxes sat inside. "You're right, I do have a lot of it." He picked up the first box and headed for the porch.

"You're agreeing with me? That has to be a first."

Rick set the box down and turned to face her. "Why not just scream at me and get it over with. I'm getting tired of these sarcastic digs."

"What difference will it make if I scream at you? It won't change any of it." She pointed to the car. "Get the rest."

"It might make you feel better." Rick headed for the car.

Annie remained on the porch, out of the sunlight. "Stabbing you with a very long knife might make me feel better, too."

The second box was just as heavy as the first. Rick placed it on the porch. "I'm glad you have enough self-control not to stab me, but yelling at me won't land you in jail."

She gazed at him for a long minute, and he was reminded of the first real argument they'd had. He'd done something stupid – he couldn't remember exactly what – and she made sarcastic comments for a week before she shouted at him. After she'd finished, he could only apologize. He remembered that, because then she kissed him, hugged him, and they'd fucked like rabbits for a month.

"Apologizing this time won't help," she said.

Apparently, she had some memories of her own. "That's why I haven't bothered." He sighed and turned back to the car. The third box felt a little lighter. He put it on top of the others. "For what it's worth, I am sorry. I didn't mean for you to find out that way."

"You didn't mean for me to find out at all!"

Here it comes, he thought. "No, I didn't."

Annie's eyes gleamed with unshed tears. "Why? I just don't understand, Rick. It isn't like you weren't getting it at home. Why did you have to find someone else?"

Rick propped a foot up on the stairs and looked her straight in the eye. "I don't have any excuses. It just happened. I'm sorry if that doesn't really answer your questions, but..."

"I don't want an excuse," she snapped. "I want a reason. You ended our marriage, and I'd like to know why."

"It isn't that simple." He moved up to the porch and seated himself in one of the chairs. "And I'm not going to explain while you stand over me like some avenging Wonder Woman. Sit down."

She glared at him, and the shine of her tears dried. "Are you really going to try to explain?"


The scent of her perfume wafted to him as she sat in the other chair. "Go ahead. I'm listening."

He leaned back in the chair. "I know this sounds very clichéd and trite, but it isn't really about you. You haven't done anything wrong. You haven't denied me anything, or turned me off in any way." He sighed at her scowl. "I'd still like to fuck you right now, in spite of how you're looking at me like a wad of used gum on the sidewalk."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"You wanted the truth, didn't you?" He didn't expect an answer, and went on. "I met Chandra at that conference I went to last year."

"It's been going on that long?"

Rick held up a hand. "Just listen, for now."

She nodded, although the tightness of her mouth let him know how much she wanted to shout at this point.

"At first, Chandra was just interested in my new novel. She offered to help with some research I needed to do. We didn't start anything until months later."

"So you seduced her because she's interested in your latest piece of drivel?"

No, he thought, she seduced me. But that fact wouldn't help him at all. "We got drunk one night and things just happened. It continued because, well..." He couldn't tell her it continued because of Penny. But he had to stick close to the truth or she'd pry at him until she wormed it all out of him. "She reminds me of someone else, someone I was attracted to when I was young." He looked at the frown in Annie's eyes and tried to keep his expression neutral. "I guess it's sort of a midlife crisis, wishing I was younger, that kind of thing."

Annie stood up, paced the porch for a while, and then turned back to him with her usual frown. "One night, I think I could forgive. This, I just can't."

So she'd bought the story. "I don't expect forgiveness, Annie."

"Then why bother to explain now?"

"To make you feel better. I don't want you to think it was because of you."

"So caring, you are."

He stood up to face her. "I do care. Fucking isn't the same as loving. You know that."

"Are you trying to tell me you still love me?" She barked out a laugh. "You're pathetic."


The porch door opened. "Hi, Auntie Annie!" Penny said in bright, innocent tones. "I saw Uncle Ricky hauling more boxes up to the porch and thought I should help him bring them upstairs."

"You can help him get the rest of his crap out of the garage this weekend, too," Annie said, turning to stride down the few stairs to the walk. She turned back when she reached the open trunk. "I mean it, Rick. Get the rest of your things so I don't ever have to see you again." She slammed the trunk shut, got into the car, and backed it out of the drive.

"Frigid bitch," Penny remarked.

"Shut up, Penny." Rick bent to pick up the top box.


Rick couldn't spend another night alone with Penny while Joe taught his night class. If she tried to seduce him one more time, he'd take her up on it, Joe be damned.

A few drinks at the local bar would pass the time, so he headed there. During the middle of the week, the place seemed empty. Music echoed into the room from the cheesy juke box set up in the corner. Rick ordered a beer and sat at the bar to nurse it. Between Penny, Chandra, and Annie, he might just have to check into the nearest nut house.

"What's a guy like you doing in a place like this?" Penny slid into the chair beside him, and her little black dress hiked up her thigh.

Rick's cock jumped at the sound of her voice. "Did you follow me?"

"Of course I did. I didn't want to watch television all by myself." She ordered a drink. "Even all that porn in your room is boring, Uncle. Does it really turn you on?"

No, it didn't, which is why it was in boxes in the garage. He'd meant to get rid of it, and never got around to it. The good stuff he had crammed in the back of his closet. "I don't think I need to answer that," he told Penny.

"Pleading the fifth, huh?" She got her drink and used the small straw to stir it.

The purse of her lips around the straw forced Rick to look away.

"Annie wasn't pleasant today." Penny turned in her seat and put a hand on his knee. "I'm sorry about calling her names, but she just pisses me off."

"At least you didn't say it to her face." The hand on his knee made him want to grab it. He wasn't sure if he would move it away or put it on his crotch, but it was going to drive him insane if it remained where it was.

"I don't want to cause you any more trouble with her." The hand squeezed, and moved up an inch.

"Good." He took a drink of the beer. Cold, the condensation on the bottle made the glass slippery. He held it tight, even after he'd set it down.

"You can talk about it, you know. I don't blame you for going with Chandra." The hand moved again as she leaned toward him. "I'm a sympathetic ear."

Now the hand rested against the head of his dick. It seemed innocent until he looked at the mischievous expression on her face. He glanced around, and no one seemed to be looking at them. Go ahead, then, he thought. I'll be damned if I'm going to make a scene trying to stop you. "It isn't your ear that I'm wondering about," he said aloud.

The hand gripped him through his jeans. She used the tips of her fingers to play with the head of his dick. "I'm not wearing anything under the dress," she whispered, leaning closer to hide her actions from anyone who might be looking. "When I get up, the stool is going to have a wet spot."

He glanced at her thigh. Half of her ass showed. "Keep this up and we'll both have a problem getting up."

The hand kept rubbing. "I want to take this out and lick it," she said. "It feels so hard; I want it inside me."

"Want another one?" the bartender asked.

"No," Rick answered. "Gotta leave soon."

"How about now?" Penny squeezed his cock and let her hand slip away as she turned to her drink.

The walk home would calm him down. He nodded, paid for both drinks, and helped her off the stool. Yes, there was a wet spot in the center. His balls began to ache as he led her outside. "That wasn't nice, you know. What if someone your dad knows was in there?"

"I know everyone Daddy knows and I didn't see anyone." She pointed to her small car. "I drove."

"Two blocks?"

"Tiny dress and high heels. I'm not about to walk." She opened the driver's side door. "Get in."

He slid into the passenger seat. She started the car, reached over to give his cock a pat, and backed out of the parking spot. "Daddy won't be home for hours, you know. I think he has a woman he fucks after class."

That was news. But it didn't matter. "Penny, this isn't going to happen."

She pulled out into the street and headed for home. "It's going to happen eventually. I just wish you'd figure that out."

The bump getting into the drive seemed exaggerated somehow. Penny pulled all the way into the garage and turned off the motor and the headlights. "You can run away now, if you really think you have to."

The darkness seemed to make sound louder, and Rick could hear her breathing. Her hand touched his thigh and moved up to his dick. He remained silent.

She pulled at the button on his jeans, and then tugged the zipper tab down.

If he was going to stop it, he should speak up. He kept his hands clenched at his sides as she fished his cock out into the air. Wet warmth surrounded the head of it. He gasped, and his hands squeezed into fists at his sides.

Slowly, his sight adjusted to the darkness inside the garage. Soft light filtered in through the window, illuminating the tool bench. Penny's dark hair bobbed in his lap.

Warmth retreated up his dick. "I'd sit on it if there was room, Uncle Ricky." Then the warmth resumed.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Her tongue slid around his cock. Her lips slid smoothly up and down.

Oh, God, he thought, just don't let Joe come home.

She sucked when he jerked up toward her mouth, swallowing only to suck repeatedly until his limp dick slipped from her lips.

"You taste good, Uncle Rick," she said.

The garage door began to open, and the overhead light clicked on. Panic forced Rick's hands to stuff his cock back into his pants. He got out of the car just as the door opened enough to allow Joe's truck into the garage.

Laughing, Penny climbed out of the driver's side and waved to her father. "I guess he's early tonight."


~~Author's note: Thanks for reading! And thanks for all the feedback and notes. :) The next chapter is awaiting editing, and will be posted ASAP. Please keep those comments coming, and don't forget to vote. :)


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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Love how she teases him. Good description of the sex with Chandra, so keep it up--include the same detail when he finally bones Penny. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Such a tease

Really like it... but for gods sakes.. just do the little skank lol. She is begging for it and you know she has a tight one. I would have done her the first chance possible. Keep up the good work.

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