Betrayal Ch. 04

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Assassins versus the good guys.
18.3k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/03/2021
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Betrayal: Chapter 4

There are no characters under the age of 18 having sex in this story. Please read the first three chapters before reading Chapter 4 because each story simply picks up from the end of the previous chapter.

Chapter 3 ended when the judge granted Tim temporary custody of the kids after Karen's story fell apart.

Karen did not take it well: she glared at her co-conspirators, and they glared at Tim. He returned the smirk they gave him when he entered. "If only they knew what I have planned', he thought; 'their time is coming!'

Benton turned to the other six and said quietly, "We underestimated him. It's time we look at other, more permanent options! Meet at my office at 7 tonight, and I don't care what your wives say! Be there!"

Supper at the Haussmann's was a happy affair. Jeanie had prepared spaghetti with meat sauce AND meatballs, a big salad, a bowl of fresh fruit, and gelato for dessert. Andy, Eric, Kassie, and their kids being made it a party-like atmosphere. After the meal, however, the men convened into Jimmie's office to listen to the tapes from the night before that the PI had dropped off.

The more they listened, the madder and more concerned Tim became.

"They are fucking unbelievable!" Tim ranted. "Their arrogance and lack of conscience, much less remorse, take my breath away!"

Andy spoke in calm and measured tones, cautioning, "That's true, but did you catch the underlying menace in the promise Benton made to Katy? She twice threatened them with ruin if she didn't get her sons back, and the second time Benton promised her they would do whatever they needed to make that happen. Rodgers told her not to sweat it; there is more than one way to skin a cat. Those may be taken as benign assurances, or as threats to you, Tim."

"I hope they DO come after me! They have no idea what I'm capable of!" Tim threatened.

"Just make sure your boys don't get caught in the middle, Tim," Doctor Eric warned.

Tim responded, "They won't hurt the boys: Karen would literally skin them alive if a hair gets mussed on their heads! No, if Andy's right, they will try to catch me alone, or with anyone but the boys."

They went back to listening to the new audio tapes from the phone and house. The discussion proved that they had committed the actions they swore under oath they hadn't, and that they conspired to fabricate a false narrative prior to the hearing. When the tapes ended, Jimmie stated, "They are TOAST! At the hearing Judge Williams will hear the conspiracy and send them directly to jail for perjury and conspiracy to commit perjury!"

Tim then started the video tape of Karen's first times with JW, Steve, and Frank. By the time they finished watching and hearing what was being said, his armor against Karen's charms was inches thick and made of titanium.

At Andy's behest, they turned their attention to the Board of Trustees meeting tomorrow night.

After hashing out the options, they agreed on a plan of action that would result in all of the professional educators facing dismissal for cause and the two board members being removed for moral turpitude. They concocted a special plan for Larry Barnes, hoping to not only get him fired, but also get his time in jail increased.


Thursday dawned bright and sunny, matching Tim's disposition. Jeanie had again slept with him, although this time she wore flannel pajamas and he wore sleeping shorts and a tee shirt. They cuddled, slept, and woke up snuggled against one another. Tim's raging hard on was poking Jeanie's thigh, but he was able to extricate himself without waking her.

As he stood by the bed looking down on her, he noted that the regimen of ice/heat/ice/heat had greatly diminished the facial swelling over the past 24 hours, and that her relaxed sleeping position indicated that the anti-inflammatory drugs had reduced the pain in her face, ribs, and lower back.

Still, from her right she was the same beautiful blonde creature Tim knew so well, but from the left she was something from a horror movie. As a result, she stayed inside and away from people as much as possible, and Eric had continued to make house calls to allow her privacy while she healed.

At the high school, Tim learned that both JW and Steve had submitted letters of resignation early this morning, having accepted better paying jobs at a 'rich school' out in the West Texas oil fields. Beth had also resigned to take a teaching job there, and all three had been granted leaves of absence by the superintendent.

Tim immediately called Andy: "I won't let them resign and leave -- I want their asses on a platter! Do I file against them for violation of school policies, or what?"

Andy explained that he had already spoken with David Pierce, his friend and president of the board of trustees, and the board would proceed with the hearing on inappropriate conduct, including blackmail, extortion, sexual harassment, and intimidation, against Rodgers, Slaughter, Hughes, Ward, Allen, and Benton. "Word has leaked that you will appear, and that you have proof of their guilt. I heard they have a noon meeting scheduled at Benton's home, which is available because his wife left him and is filing for divorce. Doesn't that make you feel bad for him?" Andy asked sarcastically.

Tim snorted in response; "So, I should be there at what time?"

"David will call the meeting to order at 7pm, accept minutes and reports, and then move into a brief closed session. They will review the allegation and applicable policies, offer an opportunity for the board member or educator to speak behind closed doors, and then return to open session. The consideration of evidence and the vote will have to occur in an open meeting. We may be called into the closed session, or asked to provide evidence during the consideration portion of the open session; David didn't know what their attorney would say.

After consideration and discussion, the president will entertain motions, they will vote, and then the regular meeting will commence. Let's meet in front of the administration building at 6:30 to see when the Board's attorney wants us to present."

Tim agreed, and returned to his normal schedule. Chet joined him at the field house at the beginning of the athletics period. He briefly explained to the athletes that Coaches Slaughter and Rodgers had resigned, allowed questions, and then told the kids and other coaches that Coach Kelly would be in charge of the offseason strength and conditioning program. There were cheers and clapping at that announcement, and everyone eagerly took the field after Coach Kelly apprised them of his plans to change the 'offseason workouts' to focus on helping them get bigger, faster, and stronger.

The workout was the most spirited the coaches or Chet had seen, and Tim was pleased at the enthusiastic support he was receiving from the kids and his fellow coaches. His afternoon classes went well, and he left immediately after his last class ended at 3 pm to go get his sons.

The daycare center director, Mrs. Gonzales, walked out with Tim, who was holding Mark on his left arm and Patrick on his right. She stepped in front of him and began animatedly telling him about a costume party planned for next week.

They were standing on the sidewalk about a dozen steps from the door, talking about the 'superhero' party when Tim's attention was drawn to a pickup parked across the street about half a block away. He was looking over her shoulder trying to figure out what it was about the truck that spooked him, when it started forward. He spotted a glint and saw a rifle barrel extending from the back window on the driver's side.

He tossed his unsuspecting sons in different directions, yelled a warning, and pushed the director to the side. The boys were flying through the air away from him when he felt a burn across his left shoulder near the neck and heard a shot. He almost immediately felt a tug at his left hip and heard another shot ring out. Ignoring the pain, he ran toward his truck to draw fire away from his sons, and heard a third shot just before he reached his pickup; that one missed, but he heard it strike something behind him.

He reached inside and pulled his pistol from under the seat. Another shot hit the windshield and flew by his head. He stepped outside the door and something hit him in the lower leg as he leveled his pistol at the shooter. It staggered him so he reset his feet and fired three rounds into the truck; the rifle disappeared and the truck sped off.

Feeling weak and lightheaded, Tim leaned on the truck. His head sagged, and he noticed blood all over his shirt and pants. He turned to his kids, who were being held by the center director, Mrs. Solis. They were sobbing and crying "Daddy, Daddy!" He started toward them, but discovered he had no strength in his legs; he fell forward onto the ground just as a police car screeched to a stop in front of his truck. Knowing his sons were unharmed, he allowed himself to succumb to the encroaching darkness.


Tim became vaguely aware of beeping and buzzing sounds around him and he heard voices. Opening his eyes, he discovered he was connected to various tubes and wires, and was surrounded by monitors and IV stands. His mouth was bone dry, and his neck and shoulder hurt when he tried to raise his head.

He heard a gasp, and slowly turned his head toward it. Suddenly, a hand gripped his and a female voice cried, "He's awake!" He recognized Jeanie, but was confused because she wasn't wearing an eye patch, her stitches were gone, and the swelling was absent from her face. She looked so pretty, but he thought he remembered that her husband had beat her up. He tried to talk, to ask her how she was, but she shushed him and whispered that everyone was all right, and he needed to rest. He closed his eyes and again succumbed to the darkness.

The next time his eyes opened, he had medical people, both male and female, all around his bed. He stared at the man wearing a white coat and a nameplate who was standing closest to him. He tried to ask him why he was here, but found that words couldn't escape from his dry mouth. A female in blue scrubs placed a straw in his mouth and let him suck a small amount of water before she withdrew it.

The doctor asked if he knew why he was here; Tim's foggy brain searched for a reason why a healthy man like himself would be in a hospital, but he couldn't make sense of the confusion. He croaked "No" and the nurse gave him another sip of water. Doctor James asked him what he did remember. Tim recalled that he had a family, and that he had been picking his boys up from daycare when...something happened. But what?

Then it all returned: he had been shot! He blurted that out, and then asked in a panic, "Are my sons okay?!"

The doctor assured him they were, and then assured him that he was going to heal and be up and about in a week or two. "We're all glad to see you awake, and are pleased that you remember the event and your sons. Those are good signs, and we expect you to make a full recovery. It was touch and go for a while due to the amount of blood you lost, but you are young, strong, and in remarkably good condition, so you have recovered nicely to this point. There will be some rehab, and you will have to recover your strength, but every day you will get better!"

Tim asked, "When can I see my sons?" The doctor and nurses exchanged looks, and Doctor James said, "Right now, let's concentrate on getting you stronger. We will make arrangements when you are stronger."

Even weak and dazed, Tim smelled a rat: "Where are they? Who are they with?"

"We don't have all the information you need about your family, Mr. Kelly; we are your medical team. However, your attorneys asked that they we call when you awoke. Your sister just left to go clean up and eat. Nurse Phillips will let them know you are awake, and perhaps they will be able to provide the information you need."

Tim nodded, the team started filing out while Dr. James gave instructions to Nurse Phillips, and Tim drifted back to sleep wondering why his sister was here rather than with her children on the ranch between Carrizo Springs and Catarina.

The sound of familiar voices nearby brought him slowly back to consciousness. He heard a medical person describing his condition: "He's still weak from the blood loss, but the infected wound in his leg is responding nicely to the antibiotic drip. The other wounds are doing well, and we are cautiously optimistic, but he needs lots of rest. I can allow you 15 minutes with him, but then you will need to leave."

"Can't I stay? I promise I won't keep him from resting, but I want to keep an eye on him, like I have since he was shot," asked a female voice he seemed to recognize.

Opening his eyes slightly, Tim took stock of the people in his room: Patti, Jimmie, Andy, and Jeanie. His puzzled brain wondered why his wife wasn't here, but then his memory returned, accompanied by a series of beeps and alarm sounds from the equipment around him. The nurse hurried to his side, but the sounds subsided as he focused on the friends gathered in his room.

"It's good to see you," he croaked. "Thanks for coming to see me." The nurse allowed him to sip water through a straw, and he saw tears in the eyes of each of his friends.

"We thought we lost you!" Patti said quietly. With a weak grin, Tim replied, "I'm tougher than a few bullets. Are my sons alright?"

Andy answered, "They are, thanks to you! If you had not tossed them to side, and pushed Mrs. Gonzales, she and Mark would probably have been killed. The first bullet his you in the left trapezius, very near where Mark was, and the second tore a trough through the outside of your hip; that one would have gone through Mrs. Gonzales. She and the cops agree that you're a hero!"

Tim ignored the praise and asked again, "But my sons are all right?"

"Yes, they were pretty badly distressed, but uninjured. They were mostly worried about you! Mrs. Gonzales took them inside and took good care of them while the EMT's worked on you and the police investigated. She let them stand at the window and watch because they were really traumatized by seeing you bleeding and falling down and she wanted them to see you getting treatment.

They calmed down when your wife came, and she took them with her when the ambulance carried you away." Seeing Tim's anger at that disclosure, he continued his explanation.

"I know you don't want them with her, but in all the confusion she swooped in and took them away. We talked with the police about the custody order, and considered having the judge take them away from her.

We, of course, would have loved to keep them for you, but we knew that wouldn't be allowed. Under the circumstances we felt their mother was the better choice. It was her or the state, Tim, and state care for traumatized children doesn't really exist."

"So, her boyfriends try to kill me, almost killing Mark too, and she most fortunately appears right after the shooting to take the boys... and you think that is a good idea? What the fuck?" Tim asked.

Ignoring Tim's question, Jimmie asked, "You saw the shooters? That's good, because the police should be here soon to interview you. They already know one of the persons involved, but not who the shooter was."

The anger spreading across Tim's face was alarming, and the machines responded with alarms of their own. The nurse shooed the three attorneys out, but agreed to let his "sister" stay if she agreed to help keep Tim calm.

"So you're the 'sister' who has been staying with me day and night?" Tim asked.

"That was the only way they would let me come into your room" Jeanie replied.

"Well, that's interesting...I've always heard that 'incest is best'. Should we find out?" Tim replied with a what he hoped was a leering grin. He was so weak he couldn't tell what kind of face he made, but Jeanie grinned back, leaned over and gave him a gentle touch.

"There's plenty of time for that when you're well. Somehow, I doubt you could hold up to my demands right now," she whispered.

Taking a seat next to his bed, Jeanie asked, "How are you feeling, really?"

"Pretty decent for someone who has been shot three times; I think that might be because of whatever is in the drip, though."


There was a light knock on the door, and two big, tall men in suits entered. One wore a badge on his belt and was carrying his Stetson hat in his hand; the other showed Tim his badge as they entered the room and identified himself. "Coach, you might remember me; my son is Abe. He was on your basketball team last year."

Tim nodded and replied, "It's good to see you, Mr. Wellington. I wish the circumstances were different." Both men nodded to Jeanie, and she nodded back.

The other man introduced himself as a Texas Ranger, Jim Boyd. Tim nodded at him and said, "I'd shake your hand, but I seem to have tubes running out of both hands."

"We see that," Boyd replied, "Would you be able to tell us about how this happened?"

"I assume you already know the fundamentals," Tim began. "I went to daycare to pick up my sons; the director followed us outside and was telling me about an upcoming party. I noticed a pickup with several people in it parked in the middle of the next block. It wasn't there when I arrived, and it seemed out of place on that residential street, so I was watching when it pulled out and started down the street toward us. The back window was rolled down, and I saw a glint of sunlight off something like a gun barrel. As it drew closer, I saw that it was a gun barrel, and it was pointed at us.

I was carrying my sons, one sitting on each arm. I tossed them to each side and pushed the director out of the line of fire. I felt a burn on my left shoulder near my neck and heard a shot. I immediately started toward my truck, which would draw the gunfire away from my sons and the daycare center. Something hit me on the hip and I heard another shot, but I kept going. There may have been another shot, but if so, it didn't hit me. I made it to the truck, and a shot shattered the windshield as I was retrieving my pistol from under the front seat.

I stepped out from the door to fire at the truck, which was now at a 45-degree angle from me, and my leg was hit. I got off three shots, I think, as the truck sped off, and then turned to check on my sons. Mrs. Gonzales was holding them in her lap on the ground and they were crying, but they seemed unharmed. I started toward them, fell, and the world went black. The next thing I remember is a room full of medical personnel and a bunch of beeping and purring machines."

The Ranger and the Detective looked at each other, then the Ranger stated, "You reacted very well under fire, Mr. Kelly; it is almost as if you are trained, but your records don't show military or law enforcement service.

Your account matches that of the other witnesses, one of whom was watering plants in her yard across the street; the other is the daycare director."

"Coach, did you see the shooter?" asked Detective Wellington.

Decision time for Tim, who replied, "Not well; I was focused on the gun barrel and the threat. I'm pretty sure it was a man with blonde hair, but his face was obscured by the scope on the rifle. If I remember correctly, the two men in the front seat had dark hair, and there was a fourth person in the back seat, but all I saw was an outline. I think it was also a male."

"Can you identify any of them?" asked the detective.

"I'm kind of hazy right now from all the meds I'm getting. I might be able to when I'm off the pain killers, but I'm not certain," Tim responded. "Do you have any leads?"

"We do, and we'll share those with you in a few minutes," the ranger replied, "but let me ask this: do you know anyone who would want to harm you?"