Betrayal Ch. 05


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"You lead an unusually exciting life for a schoolteacher, don't you Tim?" asked Mom. "Goodness gracious! I've never heard of such doings!"

"Why do they want to hurt you, young man?" asked her dad. "This makes no sense!" Tim coolly replied, "I'll let my attorneys review my month with you, so I don't say something I shouldn't. Jimmy, Alan, you have my permission to disclose as much as you deem fit; I don't want to hide anything from Jeanie's family. My only requests are, tell my how you like your steaks, and then move over there to the patio. I lived it; I don't want to hear it again."

Jeanie joined her family on the patio; Jimmy and Alan told the sordid tale while Patti gathered up the needed implements, carried them to the big table on the patio, and listened to the tale, sometimes adding details for the other women.

Tim ignored the storytelling in favor of keeping the veges and steaks cooking properly. For the Hildebrands, the order was medium for Joe, but the three women ordered well done. Tim eyed them steadily, and frostily stated, "I'll cook them until they are properly done, then hand you the tongs and you can burn it. I refuse to ruin a prime ribeye by cooking it well done."

Joe laughed, and said, "See? I've tried to tell you!"

Kathy rolled her eyes but agreed to taste a properly prepared medium well with the stipulation that she would burn it herself if she wasn't satisfied. Jeanie and Emilia also reluctantly agreed, and Tim returned to the pit.

The other three men were medium rare, Patti was medium, so Tim staggered the cooking time accordingly. All the steaks were picked up by their owners at about the same time, after they had the veges on their plates.

Since the Hildebrands were driving back to San Antonio, the beverage of choice was tea, sweet or unsweet, served in a tall glass full of ice. The lack of alcohol didn't keep Kathy from making a face when she cut into her steak, "Ewwww. It's all juicy!"

Tim looked at her with disdain and replied, "Of course it is. Have you ever heard the expression 'a big juicy steak? Sure you have, but you've never heard anyone want a 'big dry steak' have you? Of course not. Try it; if you don't like it, the tongs are hanging on the pit."

He then cut his eyes to the Jeanie and her mom, both of whom quickly said, "Okay, I'll try it."

Everyone else watched expectantly as each cut her steak and ate the bite, with trepidation. Emilia was the first to respond; looking surprised, she admitted, "Wow! I had no idea a steak could taste this good! What did you do, Tim?"

He smiled in return, "I seasoned it properly with my own special blend of spices, cooked it properly, to medium, and put it on your plate, Emilia." "Medium?" she asked with wide eyes. "Yes, everyone who asked for medium well got medium: warm pink center, preserving the natural juices, without any blood. Jeanie, Kathy, how are your steaks cooked?"

"I would have answered 'perfectly' if you hadn't told me it was just medium!" Kathy replied, seemingly aghast at eating practically raw meat!

Tim turned his attention to Jeanie, who gave him a loving smile and answered in her sweetest voice, "It's perfect, Tim; the best I've ever had. Thank you for teaching us something new about steak today."

Tim caught the inquiring look Papa Joe gave them both before the subject was changed and everyone commenced eating again.

The conversation remained stimulating throughout the meal, and no one wanted it to end even as the hours passed. It had cooled off outside, so they moved into the living room to continue their conversations.

The Hildebrands had brought two bottles of fine wine as a gift to their hosts, and decided everyone should have 'one drink' before they hit the road back to SA. Tim thanked them, but opened a cold Lone Star longneck instead, saying that wasting good wine on his unsophisticated palate was just wrong.

The first drink was drunk and a second poured when the doorbell rang. Jimmy picked up his new pistol from under the counter by the door; Alan, and Tim took stations flanking the door on either side of the hallway. The opened the respective closet doors, stepped partially inside, and raised the rifles hidden therein. Jimmy looked though the peephole, nodded at the other two men, and opened the door. Tim glanced back at into the living room, and saw Mr. Hildebrand watching intently while the women continued chatting.

Ranger Jim Boyd entered; he smiled when he saw Alan and Tim in place and Jimmy holding a pistol, but his demeanor changed back to a serious one, and he said he had important news to share with all of them. He was invited to join them in the living room, where conversation had stopped because all were watching the ranger.

After introductions, he paused, looking uncertain as to whether to continue in front of Jeanie's parents. Tim advised him to continue because they had already heard the story and should hear this too. He agreed, and delivered news that surprised everyone.

"We caught one of the men from last night. The yelp you heard when Tim fired was from a bullet that raked a deep and painful furrow along his ribs, and he sought medical assistance. We were notified by the police; he wasn't one of the men we have been seeking, but we questioned him about where he got the gunshot wound, and took him into custody because his story was suspicious.

He kept complaining about being in pain, but no one could find his pain pills. He broke and started telling us what had happened, after which, fortunately, the trooper who transported him was able to find the pills in the back seat of his car. Once he got a pain pill he kept talking until he told us everything he knew."

The ranger looked at Tim and Jeanie, who were sitting together on a loveseat, and pointedly asked them, "Are you sure you want me to continue in front of everyone? This is about you two, and it is personal and private."

They conferred and affirmed that they wanted everyone to know, so he disclosed that the attack was carried out in an attempt to kill Tim and capture Jeanie. The perpetrators were members of a local street gang who were attempting to collect the bounties that has been placed on them 'by persons unknown'. The bounty for Jeanie specified she had to be taken alive and unharmed, while the bounty on Tim was 'dead or alive'.

There was stunned silence in the room. Tim expressed their common shock, "I won't have to make but one guess about who 'the persons unknown' are, but a bounty? Seriously? Have we traveled back in time to 1882? What the hell?!"

The ranger gave them a moment to express their outrage, and then warned, "Tim, Jeanie, this changes everything. We need to place you both in protective custody while the manhunt is ongoing; we don't have the manpower to guard you both as you go about your daily lives, and to try to do so is to endanger your lives, the lives of those you are with, and the lives of our officers. Jeanie, you need to take a leave of absence from teaching immediately; you won't be able to resume until this is resolved. Tim, we'll get you the PT you need, but we need to keep you both in a safe house where they can't find you. And we need to do it as soon as possible, like tomorrow!

Tim, we're also going to place your wife, kids, and her parents in protective custody because there seems to be a bounty on her capture too. They will be held elsewhere; you too will be moved to a safe location in this area."

Tim's brain had been racing, analyzing and problem solving as the ranger laid out the situation, and he could see that Joe Hildebrand was doing the same thing as he sat ramrod stiff on the edge of his chair, listening intently. Tim saw a mix of incredulity, concern, and fear on the faces of everyone else, excepting Jeanie: she looked angry and focused.

Tim turned to Ranger Boyd and began to disclose his plan. "Jim, I propose a slightly different plan. You place Jeanie in protective custody and hide her away. Call the Sheriff of my home county; tell him the situation, tell him to keep it to himself, and ask if he has any objection to me taking refuge on the ranch. If he does not, I will leave tomorrow morning and be there in early afternoon. My brother will bring a load of groceries and other needed items out when he comes to feed the cattle, I'll slip in using the backroads, and no one will have any idea I'm there.

I'll be safe, Jeanie will be safe, and no one will be risking their lives to guard me. Sooner or later they will kill me unless I do something radical like this. We both know any decent sniper can kill me from too great a distance for my guards to stop, but out there I'm on the high ground, with binoculars, guard dogs, and friendly neighbors. And I'm a pretty damn good marksman myself, if they do find me."

He sat back, satisfied he had been persuasive, but Jeanie tore into him. "NO! That makes no sense! I need to be wherever you are, and we need protection from law enforcement! I know you! You aren't planning to hide out -- you're planning to become the bait, lure them in, and kill or be killed!"

Without thinking, Tim replied, "Honey, I understand how you feel, but these guys aren't going to stop. They aren't civilized people playing by civilized rules; they are outlaws who have stopped all efforts to act civilized! Do you think they want you alive and unharmed because Larry wants to apologize to you? Does JW just want to talk to Karen? You and I both know their plans -- are you willing to risk becoming a star in XXX movies and being sold to a rich sheik? If not, you need to accept protective custody, and let me do what I need to do down home, on my home turf. Once I hit the brush, I'm as deadly as a rattlesnake; here in civilization I'm a sitting duck. I need to go home, you need to go into custody; then we will both be safer!"

Before Jeanie could argue, her father interjected "You're both right, and wrong. Tim's right that there is no use expecting normal behavior from these guys. They've gone rogue, like a pack of man-eating wolves on the prowl. Trying to save yourself from them is ultimately fruitless; at some point you have to hunt them down and kill them. I'm sorry Ranger, but I think you know that's true."

The ranger looked down, looked back up, and said, "My official position has been explained and an offer made. Hypothetically speaking, when seemingly normal people begin acting like sociopaths our normal procedures are rarely effective."

Joe Hildebrand again interjected, "Tim, I said you were right, but so is Jeanie. If she is with you, the trap is twice baited, and you are both easier to keep alive and safe. You don't know me, but when I heard the ways Jeanie speaks of you I immediately hired a firm to research you.

I know, I know, but if I had done that with Larry we wouldn't be here in this situation. Anyway, I learned that you are a bit more than the stereotypical college athlete/teacher/coach/father, aren't you?"

Turning to include the entire group, Joe continued. "'Los Ratones' are of legendary, almost mythical status in the Brush Country, along the lines of Robin Hood and his Merry Men. Down there, Tim, you are Robin Hood, righter of wrongs, protector of the people, leader of the Ratones de la Brasada, or Pandilla Tasajillo, as you were originally known. I have no doubt that you can make a single phone call and have a score of sharpshooting 'brush rats' surrounding you in an hour; they owe you.

Yes, I read the official report, which somehow failed to tie the disappearance of the reputed drug dealers and white slavers to the burning of the house, located far out in the country, where they reputedly lived. It found no evidence that anyone had ever lived there, or that the outbuildings, which also burned, ever housed the girls who had recently disappeared. Miraculously, they all suddenly reappeared the next day, but none could remember much about what happened, other that they had been drugged and kept in a dark building for days and days.

No bodies were ever found, but the sale of dangerous drugs suddenly stopped, and no more girls disappeared. There had been similar disappearances in two adjacent counties, and those counties experienced the same run of unfortunate fires as the result of thunderstorms, and also were fortunate enough to have the girls immediately reappear, albeit with similar drug-induced amnesia.

That all that coincided with your return home after the bowl game that year was deemed coincidence by the Sheriffs, who admitted they weren't THAT concerned about the drug dealers suddenly deciding to leave."

Joe measured Tim, Ranger Boyd, and his rapt audience, and then proceeded. "My wife knows, but my daughters don't, that I served in the Special Forces during the Vietnam conflict. I've seen some stuff, and done some stuff, that I don't like to talk about, but those experiences tell me that we aren't going to keep Jeanie, Tim, his sons, Karen and her family, perhaps Jennifer and Randy -- whomever - safe from these sub-human sociopaths without using some unusual methods.

Here is what I propose: Law enforcement will keep Emelia and Kathy, Alan, Jimmy, Patti, and anyone else they identify as endangered, under guard and safe from harm. Jeanie and I will accompany Tim to his ranch to 'hide out', but we will be well armed and fully prepared to defend ourselves from any intruders with bad intentions. The Ranger will be our point of contact; he will apprise everyone affected of the situation as things unfold. If nothing has been resolved within ten days, we will reconvene and consider other options.

Ranger, do you have a comment?"

"I can't condone, in my official capacity, any plan that precludes law enforcement from primary responsibility for the safety of those threatened. It is true that we are somewhat handicapped in operating under the laws and rules from which the suspects are free, but we, as an organization, can't condone anything resembling vigilante actions by civilians. That said, if you tell me the three of you are going to go hide out at a remote ranch until those trying to cause injury to you are captured by law enforcement, I can't and won't tell you not to.

Is that clear enough?"

Tim and Joe looked at each other, and both agreed. Joe turned to his family and declared, "In light of what we have learned tonight, I think it is better that we spend the night here, if there is room, or nearby if not. That will give the ranger time to make necessary arrangements.

I further propose that, tomorrow night Tim, Jeanie, and I proceed to the ranch under cover of darkness, and the rest of you proceed to the 'safe house' with the ranger. Tim's family will ensure we have the necessary supplies; my firm will ensure we have the necessary protective gear and equipment. We will all check in periodically, through the ranger unless he thinks it is safe to speak directly, but we need to take care that we don't inadvertently disclose anyone's whereabouts.

Any objections or improvements you would like to bring forward regarding this proposal?"

"Not from me, Captain Hildebrand" Tim replied with a grin. Joe looked puzzled until Tim explained, "What, you don't think you are the only one who researches people of potential importance before meeting them, do you?"

Jeanie had been quiet throughout, but now she spoke up. With a twinkle in her eye, she asked: "I suggest that we acquire a vehicle they don't know that is appropriate to the situation we will face in south Texas, and switch out somewhere along the way. Daddy, do you perhaps have a vehicle like that somewhere in your inventory, or at one of the dealerships?"

Dad beamed at her, told her that was a great idea, and allowed that he did have something available.

Tim intervened in their conversation by telling them, "I've got the ranch covered; I have the perfect vehicle for getting around on the ranch, on roads or in brush. We need something that can keep us ahead in a high speed pursuit and still drive on dirt roads; it would be great if you've got that."

Joe smiled and nodded, "I've got that covered!"

Being one bedroom short was resolved by assigning Kathy to share Jeanie's room. Kathy smiled, winked at Alan, and said, "Okay, but Jeanie better not snore! I'll be there in a few, baby sis."

Jeanie replied, "We all KNOW who snores, older sister, and it isn't me!"

After good byes and good nights, everyone but Alan and Kathy adjourned to their rooms. As Jeanie and Tim walked down the hall to their rooms, Tim whispered that if Kathy snored or was a bed hog that kept Princess Jeanie awake, Kathy could move to Tim's room. That got him a hard elbow to the ribs, luckily on his uninjured side, and a warning that would NEVER happen!


Tim turned the coffee maker on as soon as he awoke, and found Mr. Hildebrand dressed, sitting on the veranda reading the Austin American Statesman. He carried a cup of black coffee with a spoonful of sugar out to him, and acknowledged that Jeanie told him how he took it. The paper refolded and laid on the table, they enjoyed the brilliant sunrise without speaking.

"How will you let sus hermanos know?" Hildebrand asked after several minutes had passed in silence.

"I won't; a friend will," Tim answered. "It is the tightest 'phone tree' in history, as each person only has one number to call, and no names, but by dark every raton will know where and when to rendezvous. Is Monday night at 9 too soon for you?"

"No, that's perfect" the Captain replied. "We can fill in the details on the way down tonight, scout the area tomorrow, and get set up. I don't know how your stalkers are going to find out where we're going, but if we can make it two days before they appear, the trap will be more secure."

"I don't know if we can guarantee two days; that is another trap. Jim -- Boyd, the ranger -- won't disclose anything about us, or send the others to the safe houses, until sometime Monday. If, as he suspects, there is a leak within law enforcement, they will know then. How long it will take them to get to the ranch, or how soon they will send a squad, we can't predict."

"They won't send someone," Joe said confidently. "Larry wants to be there when Jeanie is captured, and they all want to watch you die."

They heard Jeanie talking to someone in the kitchen, and then she appeared on the veranda with coffee. She was wearing wind pants and a windbreaker, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, and without makeup, but she looked entirely yummy to Tim. Her dad also seemed to approve, greeting her cheerily and accepting her kiss on the cheek with a smile. She started to sit down, and then leaned over to give Tim a kiss on the cheek too.

"So, did you sleep all right, Baby?" Dad asked. "Kathy didn't keep you up with her snoring did she?"

"No, she didn't; I didn't hear a thing," she replied, with a wink at Tim. "She didn't hog the bed either; it was like I was alone." Tim caught the drift and winked back. Dad just smiled.

Patti, Jimmie, Kathy, and Alan came outside, and Patti suggested they move to the big table on the patio. "I made us some more coffee," Patti informed everyone.

"And I was up early, making doughnuts," Jimmy said with a grin. "Made some apple fritters and bear claws too. They should be ready soon."

"I hope you 'made' enough for the policemen who guarded us all night too," Patti declared.

"Sure: enough for them and their relief shift, which arrives at seven. Mr. Wo is supposed to deliver them at 6:45. Oops! I guess I let that cat out of the bag!" Jimmy laughed.

"Yeah, like anyone at this table believed you got up at four am to make doughnuts!" Alan teased. "I'm pretty sure we would have smelled that, even if you didn't make any racket!"

Tim reveled in the easy comradery among this group of well-educated and personable adults. He thought for a brief moment of his lovely, charming wife, and how well she would fit it, if only... He brushed his sorrow aside, forced a smile back onto his face, and looked around. No one but Jeanie caught his unguarded moment, and she had a sad look that mirrored the one he had forced away. He smiled and winked again, and she smiled back.