Betrayal of Trust Ch. 03


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Well, that was more than enough to push me over the edge. I clamped my thighs tight together as my cunt throbbed and spasmed right there in the mall. Obviously, I had no time to enjoy the afterglow, and as soon as my legs were strong enough, I stood up and headed quickly back to my car. Julie was only a minute or so behind.

When she climbed into the passenger's seat, she was all giggly. "God, that was hot, Mrs. Robertson!" I just stared at her, wondering how the hell I had gotten myself into this mess.

"Did you see Bobby Foster watching you? I thought he was going to wet his pants!"

All I could do was put my head in my hands and groan.

In another email a few weeks later, Julie instructed me to go to the local Christie's Toy Box, a store that features all kinds of adult oriented merchandise. She wanted me to shoplift a dildo of my choice. This was where I tried to draw the line, knowing that getting caught shoplifting, not to mention shoplifting a dildo, would be devastating if I were caught.

But Julie again played her trump card and reminded me that it wouldn't be any worse than if the wrong people happened to see the video. I couldn't argue with her there, so off I went to Christie's Toy Box to steal something for the first time in my life.

I can't describe the mixture of fear and arousal that nearly overcame me when I stepped into that store, which was located in a small strip mall in a not particularly good part of town. The young woman behind the counter glanced up at me then quickly back down at some book she was reading behind the counter. For what seemed the longest time, I wandered around the store, picking up one item after another, pretending to examine it carefully, and replacing it. Julie was waiting in the car for me, and I knew she was probably getting impatient. But I couldn't take the chance of rushing this little operation.

I had spotted the dildo I wanted. It was black and shaped in an exact replica of a man's penis. A man with a BIG penis! It must have been 10 inches long and so big I couldn't stretch my fingers all the way around it. I decided I might as well go big if I was going to go at all.

Finally, a young couple entered the store and began to shop around like me. They were huddled together giggling each time they picked up one toy or another to examine more closely. In a few minutes, the young man went up to the clerk and asked her a question. I saw them talking back and forth for a minute before the clerk stepped out from behind the counter and headed for the back room.

I knew that was my chance and I grabbed the black dildo, stuffed it into the large purse I'd brought just for that purpose. Without looking back, I walked briskly through the door with my prize. My heart was about to come out of my chest from the fear and excitement, and I threw myself into the car and started the engine as quickly as possible.

"Let's see it," Julie said as I began to pull away, and I reached into my bag and handed the toy to her. She examined it closely through the clear plastic packaging and said, "Pull around behind the store."

I looked at her in astonishment, but I could tell by the look on her face she was serious. So I pulled into the alley that ran behind the strip mall and parked in a no parking area in front of a dumpster. It was the only place to be had at that time of day.

When we were stopped, Julie tore into the packaging, took out the dildo and began to examine it closely. She ran her fingers several times up and down the length of the shaft, as if to trace the outline of all the ridges and folds that had been cast into the toy to make it look (and I suppose feel) more realistic.

"Raise up your dress," she ordered, and I hesitantly lifted my hem a little way, still trying to keep myself covered a bit in case someone walked by the car. She reached over and grabbed the waistband of my panties and began to pull them down. Afraid she might rip them, I lifted my hips to help her and worked them the rest of the way down my legs and off.

Then Julie took my new toy and began to run it along the length of my slit, pressing it inside a bit more each time. The excitement of our little adventure had me so wet that the toy went in easily with just a little pressure on her part. I scooted my bottom toward the edge of the seat and spread my legs as far as I could, while my former student and my current Domme, began to fuck my pussy with that long black cock.

She moved it in and out slowly at first, then gradually picked up the pace. And it wasn't long before she was fucking me as fast as her little hand could move the big, black shaft. I reached down and started rubbing my clit to help things along, and soon my tunnel was gripping the shaft, clenching it, drawing it farther inside as I came right there in my car. Sitting in an alley. Next to a dumpster. What in the hell had happened to me?


It was this memory that flashed into my mind as I sat in my car in the driveway of 1343 Mansfield Drive and fucked myself with a flashlight. And it was almost as if Julie's hands were guiding the metal shaft in and out of me, faster and faster at that moment. I closed my eyes and saw her bright young face sitting in my classroom. Her firm young thighs opening to me. Her bare pussy exposed just for me to see.

And I came hard, shoving the flashlight deep inside my cunt as my contractions gripped and massaged the fat metal shaft. Tears of release streamed down my cheeks and I had to put my hand over my mouth to cover the sobs that just poured out.

Finally, when I had regained my senses, I realized that the dashboard clock read 4:59, meaning it was now time for me to make my way from the car to the front porch, wearing nothing except a small top that barely covered my breasts. I looked around quickly and saw that the sidewalk was deserted in the vicinity of the house. So I threw open the door and sprinted for the porch.

Panting from the dash to the door and the arousal that was beginning to build again, I reached out quickly and rang the doorbell. I heard the chime sound somewhere inside the house, so I knew it was working. But no one seemed to be answering. I danced from one foot to the other as I waited impatiently there on the porch with most of my body on display for anyone who might pass by. I'd never felt such a combination of fear and arousal as I experienced at that moment.

Finally, I heard footsteps inside the house, and in just a moment Julie pulled the door open and smiled at me. I nearly knocked her to the ground as I rushed past into the entryway.

"Hello, Mrs. Robertson," she said brightly. "How was your drive over here?"

"Well, it was... different, I guess." It was difficult for me to describe all the emotions that being nearly naked in a semi-public place like that had generated. I decided not to try.

"Well, I hope you're ready for a little fun this afternoon."

"Do I have a choice?" I asked caustically.

"Now, that's not the kind of attitude you need to have today," she scolded. "I promise you'll have a good time if you'll just loosen up a little."

She took my hand and led me into the living room. I had just stepped through the door when I froze in my tracks. Sitting there on the sofa was Brian Frazier! Brian Frazier, the head physical education teacher at Kennedy High School. Brian Frazier, who thought he was god's gift to all women. Brian Fucking Frazier, who was staring admiringly at my body with a huge smile on his face!

"All right, Julie, what the hell is this all about?" My voice was quiet, but it was clear from the intensity that I was very angry. "What's he doing here?"

Brian Frazier had taught at Kennedy for around five years. He and I had never been close, never even been friends. I just didn't much care for him. He was a big macho guy, somewhere around 6-3 and probably weighed over 200 pounds. Brian had most assuredly been an athlete in his day, and still had that athletic build, even though he was a bit softer around the middle. Of course, that happens to almost all men as they movie\ into their 40's.

Brian was ruggedly handsome, with black hair that was just beginning to go a little gray around the temples, and dark brown eyes with little laugh lines. His skin was tanned year round, indicating that he must spend a lot of time outdoors every weekend or make frequent trips to the tanning salon. I was certain it was the former.

He was actually very easy on the eyes, but his attitude was something else again. Brian and one or two of the other male teachers always seemed to be joking around in the teachers' lounge about this female teacher or that one, making suggestive comments and sometimes leaving my younger and more delicate colleagues upset. Of course, there were other teachers who liked his macho image and openly flirted with him. There were rumors of affairs, but I tried to keep my nose out of that kind of gossip.

He had flirted with me on and off since joining the faculty, but I kept my distance. I'd even have to say I gave him the cold shoulder. After a few attempts to talk me into meeting for "coffee" after school, Brian apparently gave up on me and moved on to more promising hunting grounds.

"Well, hello there!" Brian beamed when he saw me walk through the door. "You're looking rather... casual... today." He flashed that big smile of his as he looked me slowly up and down, starting at the tips of my toes and making his way slowly upward. He didn't even try to disguise the fact that his eyes locked onto my naked pussy and lingered. It was as if he was trying to memorize every detail.

"What the hell is this?" I hissed at Julie, trying to keep Brian from hearing.

"Oh, Mr. Frazier and I had a lot of fun playing this year," Julie explained casually, "and I thought you might enjoy having some fun, too." So the rumors about Julie having sex with a teacher were true! I might have known it would be Brian Frazier.

"Julie told me that you might like... , " Brian began.

"You shut up," I shot back. "You should know better than this! To get yourself involved in something like this."

"If you'll pardon my stating the obvious, I'm not the one standing here with nothing on but a little top that barely covers her breasts," he said sarcastically. "Which, by the way, are quite stunning."

I just glared at him, tried to cover my mound with my two hands and turned back to Julie. "This is just too much," I told her. "I don't know what you think is going to happen today, but whatever it is, you are wrong! I don't care about that video any more. You can't make me do this!"

But Julie just smiled that self-satisfied little smile of hers, walked over to the couch and tugged at his hand until he stood up. The two of them just stood there for a minute, Brian with that annoying little smirk on his face. Then Julie moved closer to him and put her arm around his waist. The two of them looked so incongruous together—an older man well over six feet tall and an 18-year-old teen, barely over five feet.

"Today the rules are different," Julie told me as she reached out and started to run her hand lightly over the front of Brian's white tennis shorts. "I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do. From here on, it's all up to you." And with that, she reached for his zipper and pulled it slowly down.

I started to protest, but just then I saw the bulge. It was growing before my eyes, Brian's cock, that is. And it looked to be a big one from the way it was tenting his shorts. Julie just kept running her hand over the outline of it, and I simply could not take my eyes off what she was doing.

I began to feel that tingling deep in my belly again, and I knew that Julie understood me better than I understood myself. She knew she wouldn't have to force me to do anything that day. She would ALLOW me to do it.

Brian was just standing there with this far away look in his eyes, obviously enjoying the attention his straining cock was getting from Julie's small fingers. My legs were beginning to quiver in the excitement of the moment and I wanted to locate a place to sit down. But my feet felt rooted to the spot.

I watched, transfixed, as Julie unbuttoned the waistband of Brian's shorts and let them fall down around his ankles. That left him there in his boxers, which were barely able to contain his rapidly swelling cock. "See anything you like?" she smiled as she continued to outline it with her fingers. Although I couldn't say a word, she obviously knew the answer was yes.

Then, just as if she had done it a thousand times, Julie deftly hooked her fingers in the waistband of Brian's boxers and began pulling them down. It took a little doing to slip them over his stiff tent pole, but soon enough they, too, were around his ankles and I was staring at the biggest cock I'd ever seen in person.

It was probably nine or ten inches long, with a big purple head that already had a little precum glistening on it. Brian was obviously enjoying all the attention he was receiving from Julie... and from me. It was thick, too, and looked even thicker when Julie took it in her little hand and began to stroke it slowly up and down. She seemed quite comfortable with the "equipment" and I was certain that she and Brian had done this many times before.

I almost laughed to myself at my guilt about "corrupting" poor, innocent little Julie. As it turned out, she was the one who was actually corrupting me. She looked straight at me as she continued to stroke Brian's erection very slowly. And I'm sure she could see in my eyes that I was wishing it was my hand there instead of hers.

She motioned for me to come over, and I felt as if I were sleepwalking the few steps to where she had dropped down to her knees in front of Brian's massive tool. I knelt down beside her, close enough that I could feel the heat radiating from his cock. "Go ahead, touch it," she encouraged. "You know you want to."

Nearly panting in anticipation, I tentatively reached out to touch a cock that didn't belong to my husband for the first time in over 15 years. The thing was rock hard and drooling even more by now, as I added my hand near the base of the shaft. Julie kept her grip near the head, and there was still room to add another fist if we'd wanted to.

But two was just right—Julie's little hand and my bigger one, both gripping Brian's thick shaft and slowly pumping it. Up and down we went, our movements perfectly in sync. Our rhythm building, taking hold of us. My breaths seemed to be coming in time with the cadence of our strokes. Instinctively, I reached out with my free hand and cupped Brian's hairy sack in my palm, squeezing and caressing his heavy balls gently to his obvious pleasure.

I closed my eyes to drink in all the sensations. I loved the feel of the smooth skin. I traced every ridge with my fingertips and paid special attention to the head, even exploring the little hole. It was warm to the touch, and I could feel it pulse a little each time I lifted and fondled his balls. And the smell of it. It smelled like... man. That musky, almost pungent scent that had been programmed through eons of evolution to prepare the female of the species for breeding. And I was more than prepared as I felt my juices literally dripping from me.

I had been so lost in my attention to Brian's wonderful cock, I didn't even realize that Julie had moved away from us. When I opened my eyes again, I saw her sitting on the sofa just a few feet away, watching, smiling, and running her hands lightly over her breasts. She had slipped off the little tank top she had been wearing, and as I watched, she pulled off her shorts and sat there naked gazing back at me with that mocking little smile.

She had known all along that I would surrender to her... to Brian, and she was going to enjoy the show. I felt just a slight surge of anger at the way she had played me, but I was so into the other feelings that were pulsing through me right then, I quickly forgot it and went back to the task at hand.

As Julie watched and began to caress her little pussy with one hand and fondle her breasts with the other, I tentatively ran my tongue from the base of Brian's thick shaft, all the way to the tip in one sensuous motion. When I reached the head, I swirled my tongue around the swollen purple knob a few times until I felt the shaft grow a little in my hand, indicating that Brian approved of my technique.

I pressed the tip of my tongue firmly into his hole and I could see his legs tense as he let out a low moan. "That's it, baby, suck it. Make daddy feel real gooooooood."

If I hadn't been so turned on, I'd have probably burst out laughing. He sounded so macho, so into himself, so... Brian Frazier. But at the moment, he had what I wanted, what I needed. And I was going to have it, even if he was an arrogant ass.

I took the shaft as fully inside my mouth as I could. And though my deep throating skills had never been very well-developed, Brian seemed still to approve, as he responded with low growls from deep in his throat. I was tasting his precum by this point and it made me wonder whether I could possibly contain it all when I finally brought him to climax.

But I quickly found out that Brian was not going to be content with a blow job, even as much as he seemed to be enjoying it. He reached down and lifted me by the shoulders and stood me up in front of him. He thrust his tongue roughly in my mouth and probed so deep that I was almost to the point of gagging. I just sort of let him do it without responding. Sucking the cock of someone so personally disgusting was one thing. Kissing him back was quite another.

"You're a good little cocksucker, Susan," Brian said mockingly. "But now I'm gonna see how you are at the real thing." And with those words he pushed me over to where Julie was still playing with herself and bent me unceremoniously over the arm of the couch.

"Wait a minute, Brian," I pleaded with him. "I don't want... "

"This isn't about what you want," he shot back. And with that he kicked my legs apart and pressed the head of that big cock at the entrance to my defenseless pussy.

Suddenly, all these jumbled thoughts started flashing through my head. "This guy's going to fuck me right here. He doesn't care whether I agree or not. Oh god, what about Dave? Jesus, what if he has some disease. What if he gets me pregnant?!"

"Goddammit, Brian," I screamed at him, "If you're going to fuck me, at least use a rubber!"

"Are you kidding, baby? I want to feel every bit of that sweet pussy of yours." And with that, he shoved his cock in me and buried it to the hilt with one powerful motion. He proceeded to thrust in and out roughly, so much so that my feet were lifted off the floor with each inward stroke. The arm of the sofa was pressing so hard into my stomach that the power of each thrust nearly knocked the breath from me. Each stroke elicited a little grunting sound.

I closed my eyes tight as Brian continued his onslaught. But, despite my revulsion at the thought of him taking me bareback, I couldn't ignore the feelings this his huge cock was stirring up. His heavy balls were slapping against my clit with each thrust, and each time he slid nearly out again, his big head dragged over my spot deliciously. The more he fucked me, the more my body began to take over from my intellect.

I kept trying to keep myself under control—I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of making me cum. But I was losing the battle. I felt it begin with this intense electric jolt that coursed through my swollen clit. From there, the waves began to shoot out in all directions, to the tips of my toes, to my fingertips, and back again to center in the pulsing that was beginning in my cunt.

"Fuck me you sonofabitch!" I screamed at him. "Let's see what you've got!"