Betrayed best friend in her house

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I betrayed my best friend in her new home.
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Last year I betrayed my childhood best friend, and slept with her husband a week after their wedding.

Cassie and I had been best friends ever since grade school. We both attended the same schools growing up, and she lived two blocks away from me. We were both an only child, so I really considered her to be my sister.

While we were close, Cassie and I were very different. She was the shy and quiet one, while I was loud and confident. In addition to be different personality wise, we also were different in appearance.

Cassie was 5'10" with shoulder length blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was always an athlete in both high school and college, so she stayed in really good shape. She had long legs, small breasts, and a small ass.

I was 5'3" with long black hair, and brown eyes. I was petite, and stayed in shape by running a few times a week. I was a 36C and had a generous looking ass.

I never really had a steady boyfriend while growing up, and could never really settle on one. I liked to play the field and have fun. Cassie on the other hand, only did relationships. I was always friends with her boyfriends, but they weren't really my type.

Just after college, Cassie met Brian. He seemed to be a perfect match for Cassie. While Cassie was tall, Brian towered over her at 6'5". Like her, he was into sports during school, and kept in shape after graduating.

Being her best friend, naturally I had become good friends with Brian. On occasion, there were times I felt like Brian would look at me a little too long, but he was always a perfect gentleman towards me, and most importantly, he made Cassie very happy. I really felt like they were a perfect couple, and was so happy for her.

Brian and Cassie had already purchased a home that they were in the process of renovating when they tied the knot.

They had a 10 day trip planned to Hawaii for their honeymoon, but because Cassie had recently been promoted at work, it would need to wait a couple weeks after their wedding, and she needed to attend a week long conference in Chicago.

I knew that they had a lot to do at their new home. Brian had shared with me that he planned to finish their master bedroom completely while Cassie was away, as a little surprise for when she returned home. I had offered to help Brian to help clean and paint, as I thought Cassie would absolutely love coming back to her bedroom at least being complete. Brian let me know his dad was going to help him during the week, but if I had time Saturday to help finishing up, it would be appreciated, as Cassie would be home on Sunday.

When Saturday came, I texted Brian that I had some running around to do, but would be there around 1pm. I took a run, and did ran my errands and then came home to shower and get ready. It was around 12:15 and I lived about 20 minutes from them, and found myself incredibly horny. I decided if I was quick enough, I could get myself off before showering and heading over there.

Being single, I had a few friends with benefits I'd see from time to time, but I would get myself 1-3x a day, everyday, as it felt like more of a necessity, than a pleasure. I pulled one of my toys out, stripped, and laid on the bed. I had a vibrating dildo I was teasing my clit with. I felt my pussy slips swell up, and I got more turned on. I was only playing for about 5 minutes when my phone started to ring. I begrudgingly turned my toy off and picked up my phone.

It was Brian. I answered and he asked if I had left yet. I told him that I hadn't and was just about to shower and come over. He then asked I'd mind stopping at the grocery store quick to pick up paper towels and large garbage bags. I asked if he wanted anything else, like some food or alcohol. He said he planned on ordering us a pizza later, but that he wouldn't mind some beer if I had some. He said he'd pay me for everything when I came by.

I hung up and contemplated turning my toy back on, but now I needed to make a stop before going there, so I figured I could play when I get home.

As I was showering, it occurred to me that Brian and I never really were alone together, at least for more than maybe 5 minutes. I didn't really think much of it, because I figured we'd be too busy doing our own thing anyway.

I dried off and then tried to figure out what to wear. I realized the only pants I had that I wouldn't mind getting ruined were an old pair of jeans, but I didn't think I'd be too comfortable in those. I opted for a pair of black leggings. Usually I wouldn't wear panties, but I put a thong on, as I thought it was somehow more appropriate. I tossed on a sports bra, a tank top, and then a sweatshirt. I looked in the mirror, to make sure I didn't look too bad. Because my ass was big for my petite frame, I could see the outline of my thong through my leggings. I debated on changing my pants, but decided that I'm not going out in public, and Brian would be too focused on getting the bedroom done.

I stopped at the door and got the requested items, as well as a 12 pack of beer and headed over.

I had only been to their house a couple times since they bought it, and was surprised to see just how out of sorts it was. There were paint cans, tools, and boxes all over the place. Considering all they had going on, I wasn't surprised. Brian gave me a tour and kind of explained what they intended to do, and when. His father, and some relatives and him were all going to be involved, and expected it shouldn't take too long.

He then showed me the bedroom, and I was blown away. The room was messy, with things scattered everywhere, and a few spots needed to be painted, but all the furniture, and light fixtures were in there and covered with sheets. He had anticipated having it all ready that day, in time before Cassie came home.

I had asked him what he'd like me to do, and he said I can start cleaning up some of the garbage and scraps that were laying around. He was going to be finishing up the closet while I did that, and he turned his Bluetooth on and we got to work.

I started mindlessly cleaning up, coming in and out of the room, clearing it out. Doing all this moving had me getting warm, so I decided to take my hoody off. I placed it in the other room and got back to work. At one point I had been bending over to pick up some screws that were against the baseboards. I glanced behind me for a moment, and saw Brian looking in my direction, evidently checking out my ass as I was bent over. He quickly looked away and I tried to act like I didn't notice.

I was mentally kicking myself for deciding to wear these leggings with a thong. I had a moment of guilt where I thought about how Cassie would feel if she knew her, now husband, was alone in their bedroom with me, checking out my ass. I quickly reasoned with myself, that it was harmless. He checked out my ass. So what. It's not like it was the first time. As I continued to clean up, I kept thinking about it. Brian was checking out my ass. Not only that, but I kind of liked it. I knew I should have gotten myself off before I came over.

The next couple of hours went by quickly. When Brian had finished the closet, he then started to finish up the one wall. I had nearly cleaned everything up, and I offered to finish up the other wall. It was getting exciting to know that we would be done soon. I wasn't a skilled painter by any means, but I had painted enough were I could do it correctly. At least this portion of it. I had finished up first and watched Brian finish the last of his side.

We both looked around the room, trying to notice anything that might have been unfinished. He then proclaimed. "I think that covers it. We did it!" and put his hand up for a high five. I walked over to him and he towered over me looking down. Because of the height difference, I had to stand on my tippy toes just to reach his hand. I lost my balance for a second and fell forward into Brian. My chest bumping against his midsection. It was only for a second, but I felt that he must have had some nice abs. We both laughed and he continued to look down. I got the feeling he was looking down my tank top, and there was a awkward moment of silence.

He then said "Okay well I want these walls to finish drying, but I think it would be safe if we start removing some of the sheets from the furniture. We can move them in place while the walls are drying." I nodded and we started to put things in place where we could.

It appeared the walls needed a little more drying so Brian said "I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Why don't I go pick up a pizza and we can have a couple of beers while this dries, and then we can finish up? If you have somewhere to be, I totally understand You've been extremely helpful." I insisted that I had nothing planned, and some pizza sounded great. I wanted to see this room completed.

Brian called for the pizza, and got us both a beer while he waited a bit for it to be ready. We made small talk about the wedding, and their upcoming trip to Hawaii. He started to pry a little bit about my dating life, and I simply told him. "I like being single. I'm not ready for a commitment yet I guess." He surprised me by saying. "But come on. A girl like you must have certain..needs." I let out a exaggerated gasp, as Brian has never spoken like that to me, or in front of me. "My needs are taken care of thank you very much!" He laughed and said "Well I'm glad to hear that." Again it was awkward silence as we both looked away from each other. "Well I think I should get the pizza now. If you don't mind, can you take one last look around the floor? That way we can get these sheets off of it, and not have to worry about anything getting on the new carpet."

He said the pizza place was about 8 minutes away and he would be back soon. When he left, I felt kind of strange being in this house all alone. I started to think about the interaction between Brian and I. About how I had caught him checking me out. How he glanced at me a little longer than needed. About him telling me about my needs. It was turning me on. I continued to think about this as I started to look for stuff on the floor. My mind wandered, thinking about his abs, and how tall he was. His hands were quite large. I wondered if he had a big cock. I was thinking about Brian's cock, and getting horny. I thought. "Stop thinking about that you slut. It's wrong!" and blamed it on me not getting myself off earlier again.

Satisfied the floor was clean of all garbage, I sat on the bed, and started thinking. "Brian had left about 8 minutes ago. That means he'd be at least another 8 minutes. Probably 2 minutes to go in and get the pizza and pay. Hm. That seemed like a good amount of time to get myself off." I was turning myself on thinking about how naughty it would be to get myself off in their new home. I started to rub my pussy between my legs. Fuck I was so horny. I couldn't be this horny when Brian came home. I looked over and saw the paintbrush he was using laying on top of the can, covered with a glove. I never used a paintbrush to get off before.

I had used a multitude of household objects during my life, but a paintbrush handle would be a first. A quick calculation told me I still have 7 minutes left. "Hm. That's cutting it close. I'd have to act now." I got up and grabbed the paintbrush carefully. The brush had a latex glove around it, but the handle seemed free of any paint. I slid my leggings and thong down to my knees. I put my foot up on the bed end to give myself better access, and started to fuck myself with the handle. I slid my left up down my tank top to rub my nipple.

I knew I didn't have long and I needed to cum. I started to think about dirty things to help me along. I thought about Brian using this brush earlier. Thinking he'd have to at some point grab it again. HIs hand would be where my pussy was. I wondered how his hand would feel inside my cunt. Would he thought it felt better than Cassie's?

Despite my efforts to drum up these naughty thoughts while I fucked myself with the handle, I didn't think I was going to cum in time. The brush handle wasn't all that long, or thick, and served to be more of a tease than anything. I dropped it on the floor and furiously started to rub my clit, hoping I could at least cum once.

I then heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. "Shit!!" I pulled my shirt down. Pulled my thong up in a flash, along with my leggings, and quickly put the brush and can back where I grabbed it from. I grabbed the paintbrush, and wiped it against the floor, making sure that it was dry. I sniffed it quick, and I could smell my pussy on it. I heard the front door open and knew it was unlikely that he'd ever notice, as the room itself smelled strongly of fresh paint.

I tried to calm myself and it then occurred to me, that my tits were hard. And this tank top I had on didn't do a good job of covering that. The hoody I had removed earlier was in their spare bedroom. I wouldn't be able to grab it in time. Not to mention, that house itself was quite warm. So the hoody would have seemed odd.

I started to walk to the kitchen where Brian was getting out paper plates and beers. And I could tell I pulled my thong up too much. It was snug between my lips as I walked, brushing up against my now swollen clit. I was afraid to look down to see if I had camel toe. Although I was small and petite, I had large pussy lips, and knew that with certain pants, and panties, I would get it. On top of that, I was now horny as ever, failing again to get myself off. I hoped that eating the pizza would distract me enough to snap out of it.

Before I got into the kitchen, Brian walked toward me with a beer and handed it to me while taking a sip from his. He wanted to check out the walls before we ate. He took a look and noticed one spot he wanted to touch up. I saw him reach down and grab his paintbrush. The paintbrush that was inside my pussy only a few minutes ago. He removed the lid from the paint can, and finished up the one spot.

He hadn't really looked at me closely at this point, but when he put the can and brush down, he looked at me, and couldn't help but notice my hard tits. I don't know if it was my imagination, but I thought he looked at my crotch area, making me believe I had a camel toe situation going on. When he looked away and suggested we eat, I tried to adjust myself quickly. I knew I couldn't do anything about my hard tits, but I found myself not caring as much. If he was going to look, he was going to look.

We headed into the kitchen, and sat on the chairs amongst the clutter. I was hungry and managed to eat a piece and a half while nursing my beer. Brian on the other hand, ate like a fiend. He must have had 4 pieces, while putting away 2 beers. As I was sitting I did try to position my arms over my breasts to keep my hard nipples obstructed. But as I did that, I felt them against my arm, and they were very sensitive, and it kept me horny. As I sat I kept squeezing my thighs periodically, as it made me tingle.

I found myself checking Brian out. He was wearing a tee shirt and an old pair of jeans. At the same time, it felt like he was checking me out too, all while he kept the conversation innocent and about the house, Cassie, and their honeymoon.

When we finished eating, Brian got up and and grabbed another couple beers. When he went to offer me one, I declined. I didn't mind a beer or two, but I was more of a wine girl. Brian must have remembered, because he said "Ah that right, you like your vino. Well let me crack open a bottle for you. I have plenty in the basement. You certainly earned a glass, and I can't drink alone." While laughing.

I tried to decline, as it was going on 8:00pm and I had wanted nothing more than to get home and fuck myself. "No no that's okay!" But he cut me off, insisting that I have a glass. Before I could say any more he was on his way to get the bottle.

I took this moment to again adjust my panties. I could feel how wet they were, which didn't help my state of mind. My tits were hard, and I was tempted to feel them before he got back. He came back with a bottle and a corkscrew and started to open it. He found a glass and nearly filled it. I knew if I drank this all, I would feel more than a little buzzed. I reminded myself I had to drive home soon and wanted to be sober. Brian quickly finished his current beer, and then grabbed another. I never knew Brian to be a big drinker, so I was a little surprised to see him knocking them back. I figured he had quite a long week, and probably needed it.

We went back to the bedroom, and after another look around. He suggested we start removing the cloths, and arranging the furniture. I set my wine down next to his beer on the dresser, and we began to tidy up. I couldn't help but sneak glances at Brian, and noticed that he couldn't stop looking at me. I then felt like being mischievous. I was a few feet in front of him, and was removing one of the cloths covering their floor, and I bent over as I grabbed it, knowing that he wouldn't be able to resist looking. When I got up, he was looking right at me with a little smirk.

When he didn't stop looking I asked him "What is it?" and he kind of shook his head and said. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help but notice your thong through your pants. Those pants look nearly see through when your bending over. I hope you don't go out in public with those on." I found myself stuttering, trying to think of something to say. "Umm..uhh..sorry! I wanted to wear something old as I knew I might ruin them." He smiled and laughed. "You don't need to apologize. You can't help that you have an ass like a bubble. And besides. It's not the worst thing to look at." I turned red at that comment, and just kind of shook my head.

"Okay let's finish up. Just a couple more to go." We removed the rest of the cloths that were on the floor and furniture, and moved the furniture to where he directed. The carpet was brand new so when Brian removed his boots, I followed suit removing my trainers and tossed them in the hallway.

The room was finally complete, and it looked amazing. Brian grabbed his beer and sat on the floor. I grabbed my huge glass of wine and joined him. We again started talking about the room, and how he hoped Cassie would be impressed. I assured him it would, and then he started talking about what he had planned to do next. I had drunk about half a glass of my wine, while Brian got up to grab another beer. H

When he came back, he had the bottle of wine with him, and before I could tell him no, he topped my glass off. I jokingly said "Jesus Brian, are you trying to get me shit faced?!?" And he laughed and said "Maybe. Would that be so bad?" and winked at me. He sat back down and we just kind of looked at each other. I definitely felt a transition in the mood as we sat in silence for a moment.

Brian then started asking me about how I met Cassie, and we ended up talking nonstop for the next hour about what seemed like everything. Brian had another couple beers at this point, and I had done a good number on my glass of wine, that was still almost half full.

I was feeling it, and I could tell Brian was too, as we both seemed to laugh about everything we talked about.

I can't remember what it was, but I remember Brian and I cracking up about something that had happened at the rehearsal dinner that we didn't realize anyone else had noticed.

When we both stopped laughing, we both took a sip of our drink and just kind of sat there.

Brian was now looking at me, and I could sense that he had something on his mind. We locked eyes for a moment, and I followed his eyes down to my chest, where my nipples were hard and poking through.

There was no denying the sexual tension that was now between us.

When he spoke, he indirectly called me on it.