Betrayed Ch. 04


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During the course of my marriage, I had learned oral skills that had kept Susan in orgasmic bliss for hours. With Dianna, I had refined those skills, learning how to apply them in the way a woman pleases a man. Daniel was now receiving the benefit of my 'education'. I began with a long, slow slathering of my tongue on the underside of his penis, from his scrotal sac all the way to the tip. I gave him little flicks of my tongue all over, covering ever square centimeter with my lingual attention. I kissed the tip lightly; barely more than a touch with my pursed lips. Then, I split my lips, allowing them to just engulf the head of his cock. I went to work again with my tongue, this time while slipping my lips up and down his shaft, further and further.

I did not even attempt to make him cum within some arbitrary time limit. This was a new and wondrous adventure for me. Perhaps it was not one I had ever envisioned for myself, but I was here, he was here, and I was determined to see it through. As much as I was enjoying this, I couldn't help but wonder how much better it might be if that wonderful cock were fucking my pussy instead of my mouth. My ministrations were obviously having the desired effect. His breathing became rapid and shallow. His body began to thrash back and forth. He had grabbed hold of my head with both hands and was fucking his cock with my face.

Then, he thrust me away forcefully.

"Stop," he gasped. "I changed my mind."

I had really been getting into it. To say I was disappointed would be putting it mildly.

"Changed your mind?" I retorted, peeved. "Honey, we don't do refunds."

"That's not what I meant," he panted. "I want, need to finish inside you. How much for that?"

My whole body twitched at the delectable thought. Chantal's words came back to me:

Girrrl, what you need is to get laid – by the biggest cock you can find.

"Lover, with credit for what you have already paid, that little 'extra' will cost you an additional hundred-twenty-five."

"If I make it one-fifty, can we go bareback?"

My eyes glazed over at the prospect of being filled to the brim with his spunk. Just as quickly, my head regained control.

"Baby, I don't know you from Adam yet. My life is worth more to me than an additional twenty-five dollars. Tonight, we play protected or we don't play at all."

He slipped me the additional cash. I slipped the jumbo-sized lubricated condom over his manhood, wet him in my mouth with a dozen or so sucks, then hiked up my skirt and slipped out of my panties. The entire contents of the K-Y tube were hurriedly deposited inside my puckered hole. At his request, I bent over the edge of the bed, holding myself up on my hands. His spit-slick cock parted my nether lips and slipped into me easily. My eyes glazed over for real. If Dianna was big; Daniel washuge by comparison. He workedme like a pro, plowing my field with animal intensity.

It didn't take long – foreither of us. I could feel him tense, feel his cock grow rigid. The Adonis grabbed my hips and thrust my body back onto his bar of steel. I was dimly aware of a girl's screams of "Fuck me, Daddy. Use your slut. Cum inside your ho'. She's nothing but a cheap cum catcher, a receptacle for your spunk. You know she's been begging for it all night. Give it to her. Harder.Harder!" I felt his rod begin to gush like a firehose through the thin latex membrane. That did it for me. My world shattered into a million pieces and fell away. A thunderous roar filled my ears. My whole body spasmed from head to toe.

It took a long, long while to pull my fragmented psyche back together, bit by bit. Some of it, I knew, would never be the same again. I lay there panting, quivering, unable to move, even as I heard Daniel get up, zip his pants, express his thanks and leave. As my faculties returned, I realized that girl's voice exhorting Daniel to use her,fuck her, had been mine. So, too, had been the primal lust her words had given voice to.Her words,her lust, weremine. What did that makeme?

As usual, Dianna had been right to havemewear a condom. Mine was not quite as full as the one Daniel had casually discarded, but at the time, it felt like it should have been. Aside from the obvious, the saving grace of sex with condoms is the relative ease of cleanup. I snatched up his in a paper towel and deposited it in the wastebasket, followed by my own. After checking myself and the bedclothes for spotting (none, thank God), I rearranged my disheveled clothing, repaired my makeup, then tidied up the bedspread and pillows for later use. I cast my eyes around the room one more time, bidding a final farewell to this last vestige of Virginity, then turned and strutted saucily out the door.

There was a profoundly more exaggerated wiggle to my walk as I slinked past the patrons to resume my seat next to my Goddess. Part was necessity; I felt I might walk bow-legged for a week. The other part was pure Drama. Although Daniel's condom had done its job, the residual slickness of all that lubricating jelly made me feel he had cum inside me in quarts. I felt really wicked, returning to my lover with a man's 'cum' filling my love nest. Baby, I played it for all it was worth for the benefit of the crowd.

I sat a bit gingerly, crossing one leg over the other with the subtle rasp of stocking-on-stocking that was more felt than heard over the din of the sound system. I leaned close to her, nuzzled her cheek with my nose, then whispered in her ear.

"Did you miss me?"

I gently stroked her thigh through her dress to punctuate my implied intention. Dianna jerked her head around to meet my gaze. Her eyes were ablaze with emotions I had trouble interpreting.

"Did you have a good time?" she spoke carefully.

"Uh-huh!" I gushed. "Chantal was right. She said I needed a big cock to put things in the right perspective."

"Hefuckedyou, didn't he?" she spat.

I nodded, beaming.

"Did he ever!" I exclaimed emphatically. "Aren't you proud of me?"

"We're leaving," she hissed with grim determination.

Her coat was on in a flash. Ritchie had taken the cue; the Capezio bag was on the bar a moment later. Dianna seemed not to notice it at all. She seized my wrist firmly and propelled herself onto her feet. Thank goodness my clutch was in that hand. I just managed to grab the bag off the bar with my free hand before I was yanked off my chair. We made our way to the door as quickly as the crowd allowed. I stayed our departure long enough to express my thanks to Jimmy and beg for a rain check on his previous offer.

We reached the parking lot in record time. The Mercedes was near the end, immersed in shadow. Dianna unceremoniously threw me face-forward over the trunk of the car, then stepped behind me, spreading my thighs with her own. My skirt was bunched up around my waist and my panties at my knees before I knew it. There was nothing tender in the way she took me.

"Is this good for you too,slut?" she barked, as she pummeled my love nest with her 'clit'. "Is it as good ashewas? Far be it from me to complain about 'sloppy seconds'. If you want to let some guy – or two or three – loosen you up for me,that's just fine."

Dianna thrust hard into me in tempo with her words. I had no idea what I had done to invoke her rage, but that was exactly the right word to describe her emotion. Her fiery determination almost made up for the evening chill – almost. Between her adrenaline rush and the full-length fur she wore, I was sure Dianna was toasty. I had only the thin suede jacket to ward off the cold – that and the ferocity of Dianna's attack. It wasn't like she was hurting me physically. Her words had been accurate; Danielhad loosened me up. Her assault was emotional – and hit its mark. After my experience with Daniel, and now this, Ididfeel like a slut. The truly scary part was, I liked it.

It was that thought that made me cum a second time that evening, even harder than the first. Dianna came too, flooding my tush with her creamy spunk. We stood there dazed, sprawled over the trunk of the car, slowly collecting our senses.

"Why?" I managed to gasp at last. "I did everything you asked. You wanted to 'show me the ropes', as you put it, and I learned that, too. Why this? What did I do wrong?"

My attacker pulled out of me, then pulled me up to face her. I could still read the intense emotion in her expression as we each rearranged our clothing. It was no longer fury that filled her eyes. She was still angry, but I somehow sensed it was not at me.

"Drive the car," she said at last.

"But, what..."

"Just drive!"

I fished through the Capezio bag for the car keys, then opened her door for her. She avoided my gaze as she settled into sumptuous leather upholstery. After closing her door, I hurried around to my side, got in, and started the engine. The five-liter V-8 roared to life, settling quickly to a silky-smooth purr. We were half-way home before Dianna broke the silence.

"Nothing," she murmured, staring out the passenger window.

"What?" I replied quizzically.

She turned to meet my gaze.

"You didnothing wrong," my companion avowed. "In fact, you did everythingright – more so than I could ever have imagined... or hoped. The problem isn't you; it's me. I watched you go off with that guy, then return, looking like the cat that just ate the canary. I was...."

It was a good thing we were both buckled in. I slammed on the brakes hard enough to put us both through the windshield.

"Jealous?" I gasped incredulously. "YOU?"

"Don't take that tone withme, Missy," she intoned. "I'm human as much as the next girl. In fact, I'm just now discovering how much. I've never been in this situation before."

"You've never watched a girlfriend go off on a date with a guy?" I queried, mystified.

"Not one I really cared about, no!" she huffed. "It's different this time.You are different. I guess what I'm really trying to say is, the way I feel about you is different. I saw you with that guy and... I didn't like it."

First, I did the sensible thing – if you can call shifting a car intopark in the middle of Illinois Street at one AM on a frigid Sunday morning in February 'sensible'. I unbuckled my seat belt and managed to maneuver my body across the seat and onto Dianna's lap, throwing my arms around her neck and nuzzling her nose with mine. All the while, I thanked my good sense at purchasing the sedan instead of theSLcoupe.

"Baby," I purred, "do you have any idea howutterly absurd that sounds, coming from you?"

"So, it's 'absurd' I've fallen for you like a ton of bricks and I'm not afraid to admit it?" she snapped indignantly.

"Nooooo," I re-grouped quickly, "it'sabsurd you think you have anything to worry about. Daniel was just a guy with a dick. It was areally nice dick, to be sure, but it wasjust a dick. You are the one I want, the one I want to come home to – and haven't we had this conversation already?"

"Don't play word games with me, Bitch," my lover growled. "You know this is different."

"Different?" I mused coyly. "How? Because we're talking aboutme, instead ofyou?"

"Would you rather we make it aboutyou and Susan?" she sniped.

That hurt.

"That was a low blow, Dianna," I muttered. Thisis different. Words count, remember? That fact that we are here, having this conversation, makes us different. Susan never afforded me that consideration; she just ran off and did it."

"And if she came to you tomorrow," Dianna inquired, "and said to you the same things we said tonight, what then? Better late than never."

I staredthrough those beseeching brown eyes, focused on that scenario in my head. Then, I closed my eyes and slowly shook my head.

"We've already coveredthat ground, too," I professed. "That ship has already sailed. It was quits when I found out about them. Here, together with you like this, it's doubly so. Over the past ten days –especially the last sixteen hours – I have had to undergo one continuous, industrial-strength suspension of disbelief to get to this point. You know what? It's working. I have jumped down the rabbit hole and am in no hurry to find my way back – as long as you are here with me. My place is just down the street and Monday morning is a whole world away. Now, can we put an end to this insanity, go home, and enjoy the rest of our weekend?"

To emphasize my point, I lightly touched my lips to hers while grinding my tush into her lap. I guess that was one more 'right button' to push.

"Just drive," she murmured – this time with a twinkle in her eyes.

We were silent as I pulled into the parking garage in the basement of my building. We rode the elevator up to my floor in continued silence. The pensive mood was broken as I opened the door to my place and admitted her. She was captivated by the opulence – opulent to her – of my place. She was further enchanted by the breathtaking view of the boat basin below and the lake beyond. A short distance away, cars whizzed across the elevated bridge where Lake Shore Drive passed over the locks separating the Chicago River from Lake Michigan.

"This is nice," she offered, staring out into the night. "Very,very nice."

The words sounded sincere, but there was that touch of distance again, as there had been before we went toRingers.I turned her to face me.

"It is," I agreed, "now that you are here. You are the first woman I have brought here and the only one I want."

"I won't always be here," she corrected. "I told you that."

"Yes you will," I countered, "where it matters most. You will always behere..."

I pointed to my head.


I pointed to my heart. Dianna sighed expressively and held me close, resting her head against my chest once more. I felt tears welling up in her eyes.

"I don't deserve you, Lisa," she murmured, "but I am going to make it my business to change that. Count on it."

She slipped out of her fur coat, shrugging off my offer to take it for her. I thought she was still enamored with the feel of it and wanted to hold it as long as possible. She located the hall closet, selected a heavy wooden hanger, draped the coat over it, then hung it with care and gently closed the door.

"Don't forget to take it with you when you go," I prompted her.

She smiled and shook her head.

"No way. The jewels stay here, too. If I took them back to my place, who knows what freak or so-called 'friend' would rip them off when my back was turned? No Honey; they stayright here. That way, I will always have them..."

She kissed me tenderly.

"...andyou to come home to. Iwill have you to come home to, won't I?"

I kissed her back, passionately.

"You can count onthat," I replied, "and thank you."

"For?" she questioned.

"For considering this 'home'. It feels like one, with you here."

She threw me back on the couch and climbed atop me, hiking up my skirt and unbuttoning my blouse.

"What do you say we have a little 'housewarming party'? Just the two of us?" she purred. "We haveso much to talk about."


Yes, Virginia; there IS a Chapter Five.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
Caught and Used

Looking like a women and now dressing as a women.I spent some time transforming my body in a female one complete with long hair hairless body and now breast 36 d cup.Once fully made up i can pass for a women easy.But once found out that i was not a women i paid the price and then some.My first date raped me stripped most of my clothes tied me from head to toe and used me for hours on end.When he was done his friends took over.I was forced to suck all theirs cocks eat their asses take their cocks deep in my ass and back ass to mouth.made to swallow their loads.And finished the night by all of them filling my belly throat and mouth with all their cum and washed down with loads of piss.They left me stripped tied to the bed for house cleaning to find and they used me the rest of the day

agamottoagamottoabout 10 years ago
Hot hot hot!

I dare say, this chapter had me hanging on for dear life, wonderful story so far!

Now all I need is to find MY Dianna, to help me find my inner Lisa!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

I was really digging this story till this chapter; all a bit sudden don't you think? Straight, emotional cripple divorcee to swingin CD ass slut in 24 hours? NFW!

Pretty f-cking thin. That, and I can't imagine a cuckold falling for a "woman" who openly tells him she isn't going to stop fucking other men. Nothing says love like sex with anonymous strangers! Again, WTF!?

You totally lost me here; no fucking way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Excellent.. your writing and the plot.

Your plot and your writing leave me waiting with anticipation for the next chapter. The picture of you on your profile, makes me see you as Lisa.. and wanting to be with her like no other has.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
I have jumped down the rabbit hole

or it seems, through the looking glass into this mad, mad world.

it is like one extended hallucination. lets see if i have an understanding of the plot:

-a straight (seeming) husband has his wife run off with an ex-sports star, said star turns out to be attracted to transvestite/transexual prostitutes.

-the straight husband goes out the club, and has sex with the TV/TS shemale whore, who 'falls in love' with hubby as they have gay? sex.....i guess husband wasn't so straight?

-the now bi husband with shemale girlfriend (en femme) has run-in with runaway wife (not yet divorced) and the sports star/secret tranny lover.

-the now bi ex-husband gets steadly more femmed step by step by the shemale (and later other TV/TS), until the bi ex-husband goes in full drag en femme, and then he becomes a prostitute who has gay sex with men please his shemale girlfriend!

it is interesting in an insane way, but it is like this has been written by the mad hatter.

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