Better Then Before: Charlie and Michael


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She shifted her legs apart, threw the blankets off and bent her knees. Her nipples thrilled to her touch as she brushed her fingertips back and forth across them. It didn’t feel anywhere close to how good it had felt like when Michael had touched her. Her fingers curled inward and her bedroom filled with the scent of her young arousal. A low moan signaled the first direct touch of her clitoris. The touching and the moaning grew more intense, more insistent.

Charlie's tongue licked her lips. She chewed her bottom lip. Her forehead wrinkled in concentration as her orgasm approached. She bucked her hips into her hand and...


Charlie turned her head and stared aghast at the face outside her window. Michael's eyes were tensed, his mouth open as a grimace of pain...pain? No she'd seen this face before! She’s seen it this very day – that stupid asshole was coming! Charlie rolled off her bed and pulled open the window. Michael's hand was still wrapped around his cock.

"What are you doing?" Charlie hissed. Although a blind man could have seen just exactly what was going on, or had gone on, or was finished with, as his cum was dripping down the side of the house.

"I got them." Michael smiled weakly and held up a strip of condoms.

Charlie sagged against the window, "I'm in love with an idiot…how long have you been watching? God, you are such a pervert. " Even as she asked it she knew it had obviously been long enough. "Oh, get in here you big goof."

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean too...but you were...and you looked so...I just couldn't stop...and then I was. I'm really sorry."

Charlie was about to throw Michael back to the night when she realized something. She hadn't come yet. She stripped off her panties and laid back on the end of the bed.

"Kneel...and start licking. I'll tell you when you’re through."

Michael knelt between her legs and began to kiss and lick Charlie’s cunt.

One huge orgasm later.

"You can go now." Charlie rolled onto her bed and pulled her covers over her. She was still panting from the tremendous orgasm she’d just experienced.

"What...but I brought the...I thought that we might..."

"We'll talk tomorrow Mike. Go home now. I'm tired." Charlie pulled the covers to her neck.

"But Charlie, I haven't...I mean...I...I..." Mike looked down at his throbbing erection. The past 20 minutes of enthusiastic pussy licking had left him hard pressed to say the least.

Charlene looked at Mike's cock with longing. She wanted him as much as he wanted her, maybe more. She was just about to give in when...

"That's OK Charlie. I understand. I can wait as long as you need. I'll be ready when you are. I guess I'd better be going." Mike stuffed his cock back into his pants and slowly climbed out the window.


"Yeah Charlie."

"I want it to be you, I really do."

Mike nodded. "So do I."



"Can you come back tomorrow night...after eleven?"


"If you still have that problem," Charlie nodded at Mike's bulge. "I'll take care of it...if you want..."

Mike bent over the bed and kissed Charlie passionately. "Yeah Charlie, I want."

Charlie let her hand flow through Mike's hair and smiled. It was one of those satisfied smiles you get when you're really happy. Charlie was very satisfied and very happy.

Charlie had her first real boyfriend and to think that it was her best friend. She was pretty sure that she'd never been happier. And to think that Michael had feelings for her...deep feelings, Charlie was as surprised as anyone.

The following nights were incredible. Michael was able to come by just about every evening after eleven. They took turns pleasuring each other orally and manually.

It was just unbelievable, it was just...oh...oh…oh, God what was he doing with that finger of his...oh god…OH GOD…OHHHHH. Charlie screamed into her pillow – again.

As she shivered in delight Mike scooted up and wrapped his arms around her. He pulled a blanket over them and held her tight as her orgasm continue to echo through her. They fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Sometime later - five minutes, an hour and five minutes - Charlie woke and shook Mike awake.

"It's almost two in the morning - -you should go."

Mike nodded sleepily and clambered over Charlie. Somehow his legs and arms got entangled with her and it just happened. Somehow the head of his very erect cock was nestled between the very hot, wet and swollen lips of Charlie's cunt. He wasn't in her...well, he was a little. Mike felt Charlie's hip tilt toward him, or did she just take a deep breath? He looked down at her.

Charlie felt it. One second Mike was clumsily doing who knows what and the next he was in her...kind of. Charlie's body wanted her to lock her heels around Mike's ass and pull her hips up and just do it.

But what if Michael did it? What if he simply collapsed forward? That would drive him into her...he would be in her...he would be hers and she would be his. Charlie was surprised to find that she was ready for that...she even wanted that...just do it Mike, do it.

Mike couldn't recall a time when he wanted to do one thing as much as he wanted to fuck Charlie at that precise moment. He could see it in her eyes, she wouldn't tell him to do it, she wouldn't tell him not was his call, his choice.

"I love you Charlene."

Charlene bit her lower lip in anticipation of the pain to come, 'just be quick Mike, do it fast, like pulling off a band aid...'

Michel eased slowly back and climbed over Charlie's legs and sat on the edge of the bed. Charlie's eyes widen in amazement and then teared over in love. She quickly sat up and covered Michaels face with tender, passionate kisses. She slid off the bed and knelt before him taking his cock in her mouth. In seconds she was rewarded for her efforts as Mike came in her mouth.

Mike slowly dressed and then climbed through the window as he had for many a previous night. Charlie leaned out and kissed him again.

"Charlie. I don't think I could do that again. I'm surprised I was able to do it, or not do it tonight. I wanted to be in you so bad."

"I know...I know. Can you come for dinner Friday? My parents are going to be out of town for the weekend. I want you to spend the night with me. I'm ready."

Michael was already hard as he walked up to Charlie's front door. When it opened he gasped loudly.

"Oh my God, you look incredible." Mike stepped forward and embraced Charlene, kissing her passionately.

Charlie felt Mike's erection. She was happy that he was already hard, hard for her, hard to be in her. She wanted him now!

Mike was surprised when Charlene broke the kiss and took him by the hand. She led him toward her bedroom. "I know I said we'd eat first but I can't wait any longer. Is that ok with you?"

Mike smiled eagerly and nodded his head. He followed her down the hallway and entered her bedroom. He stopped and stared in shocked amazement. There were dozens of candles burning and her bed was surrounded by a curtain of white semi transparent cheese cloth. At the foot of the bed the hanging curtain was pulled aside and tied.

"Wow! This is incredible...this is awesome!" Mike turned to Charlene and kissed her. "Your amazing."

Charlie returned the kiss and placed her hands on Michael's chest and rubbed. "Take your clothes off and sit on the bed. I'm going to change."

Michael stripped his clothes off so quickly that the bathroom door had hardly closed then he was naked with his erection pointing skyward.

When the door opened he gasped again. Charlene was standing in the doorway. Her figure was obscured by a white semi-transparent teddy that stopped at the top of her thighs. She was also wearing a white bra and panty set that Mike really wanted to see up close. Charlie pivoted on her foot, twirling around so that the teddy was lifted and Michael groaned in frustrated appreciation.

On her third twirl Charlene loosened the teddy and let it fly off of her arms, fluttering to the floor. She stopped facing Mike, hands on her hips. Mike saw that her bra was also semi transparent and her panties open lace. She stepped forward and knelt between Michael’s legs.

"Oh god...oh Char...oh..." Mike was leaning back on his elbows watching Charlene's blonde head bob up and down. He couldn't see, but her certainly felt, one of her hands cradling his balls as the other gripped his shaft. He was close, so damn close...and then he was there.

He came with a hoarse cry. The continuing physical contact of Charlie's mouth and his cock was excruciatingly intense as he ejaculated again and again. At the moment she broke contact, Mike pulled her up and kissed her powerfully.

Charlene wiped a dribble of cum from her chin. She smiled knowingly as Mike laid her back on the bed. He kissed, licked and blew softly on her exposed skin. She felt a hot flush through out her body. She wanted him - -so badly.

Mike kissed his way down her body and then back up again. He tormented her by kissing the fabric of her panties, reveling in the strong fragrance emanating from her. He kissed up to her breasts and teased around her nipples until she cried out in frustration. Michael reached behind her for the clasp of her bra. He slid his hand from one strap to the other - 'where was that damn clasp?' He heard a soft giggle. He looked at Charlene.

"It's in the front."

"The front?"

"And you were doing so well."

Charlie began to laugh and Michael couldn't help but laugh with her. Charlie arched her back and Michael flipped open the clasp. The cups of her bra sprang apart only to catch on her nipples. Michael pushed the cups aside and pulled the bra from her. She hooked his fingers in her waistband and slowly pulled her panties down.

"God you're beautiful."

"You've seen me naked." Charlie was thrilled to hear the husky quality in Michaels voice.

"I know and you're still beautiful. Amazingly"

"Make love to me Michael."

Mike bent forward and kissed Charlene just above her pubic hair. He nibbled and sucked and licked his way down between her lips. A low moan encouraged him to continue.

“Yes Michael...yes.”

Mike curled his tongue into a tube and plunged it deeply into her cunt - again and again and again.

“Oh! I can't stand it. I need you in me now Michael. I can't wait a moment longer.”

“Let me get a condom and...”

“You don't need one. I'm on the Pill. I'm ready - now.”

Charlene laid back on the bed and spread her legs wide apart. She looked at Michael with his erection pointing right at her. Despite all of their sex play over the past month they were really going to do it. She bit her lip in concern. What if Michael's disappointed because she doesn't know what to do? What if she just wasn't any good at sex. She was absolutely lousy at softball, what if she couldn't do sex. What if...

“What's the matter Charlie? Hey, it's okay if you're not ready. We don't have to...”

“It's not that Michael, it's just...what if I really suck at this?”

Michael hardly had time to raise his eyebrows before Charlene realized what she'd said. They both busted up laughing.

“Actually Charlie since you don't suck at sucking, I really doubt that you'll fuck up at fucking.”


“Charlie you'll be amazing, because you are. You'll have guys lined up out the door.”

“Michael! Stop it.”

“I thought you wanted to start it? Oh c'mon Char...”

Mike moved forward over Charlie and kissed her tenderly.

“Charlie, I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Bend you knees a little, yeah. Now reach down and guide me into you.”

Charlie grasped Michael's cock and gently pulled him forward. She felt his cock press into the top of her vagina. She pushed him down slightly and felt his cock split her lips. She pulled him deeper into her wet cunt. The growing sensation of being filled was wonderfully satisfying.

“I feel so good - so full.”

“Let me know when you're ready for the rest.”

Michael slowly moved his cock back and forth. With each 'forth' he pushed a little deeper into Charlie's tightness.

“That's it, I'm all the way in. Are you okay?” Michael smiled as he looked down into Charlie's ecstatic face. Sex with the other two girls he'd been with was nothing like this. Was this what it felt like to truly love someone? Mike kissed Charlie passionately. He pushed his arms out straight, he wanted to see the expression on Charlie's face when he began to fuck her in earnest.

“What are you smiling about?”

“I'm smiling because I'm happy and I'm smiling because you look like you're really enjoying this and I'm smiling because we haven't done anything more then this.” Mike moved his cock up and down.

“Well show me what you got big boy.”

Mike pulled nearly out of Charlie and then pushed slowly back in. In and out, in and out. The range of expressions that paraded across Charlie's face was classic. From the reluctant acceptance of removal to the pleasure filled satisfaction of fullness. Mix in the occasional consternation of accommodation (she'd talked to enough of her friends to know that Michael was well endowed) and the self-consciousness of wanting it harder, faster - just more damn it, I want more - and not wanting to be thought of as slutty, or trampy. When was it appropriate to simply say, "Fuck me! Do it to me harder, faster - fuck me!"

Charlie decided to buck her hips a little. With her first lift Michael responded immediately and dramatically increased his pace and intensity. Charlie was overwhelmed by the change in sensation. She found herself naturally wrapping her legs around Michael's waist and trying to meet him thrust for thrust.

It was a race now as both lovers thrust against one another.

“I'm gonna cum Charlie, I'm gonna cum.”

“Yes Michael, yes, yes.”

Somehow Michael increased his pace and Charlie was nearly beside herself with pleasure. She watched entranced as Michael lifted his head and the cords of his neck bulged out. His breathing was hoarse and ragged and then he cried out Charlie's name.

Michael felt his orgasm building and did nothing to stop it. There would be other times to get Charlie off. He was lost in that most primal of male needs, to deposit his sperm in his woman, and right now Charlie was his woman. The pressure built inexorably until it reached that weightless point of no return. Spasms whipped through his body as he filled Charlie with his seed. He slowed his pace until he finally stopped. He bent down and kissed Charlie.

Charlie felt as if she was in the most perfect moment of her life. She would not relax her grip on Michael. Even as she felt his cock begin to soften. She did not want the moment to end. She told Michael as much when he asked her to let go. Michael pulled back until his cock fell out of Charlie. She felt an immediate flow out of her cunt - it was Michaels cum. Michael's sperm was dripping out of her. The thought crossed her mind that if she wasn't on the Pill and had been at the fertile part of her cycle she could be getting pregnant right now. Surprisingly, she found the idea wasn't scary at all. She almost said as much to Michael, but decided not to.

Michael laid beside her and held her closely, whispering sweet endearments in her ear. His stomach rumbled loudly. Then Charlie's rumbled in agreement. They laughed and got slowly out of bed.

Charlie looked round the table at the other women. “We spent the next two days eating, making love, sleeping, making love, and just plain fucking.”


“That was so special.”

“Very romantic, and you're still together?”

“No not really.”


“Oh we didn't break up or anything. We just agreed to see other people at our colleges - we aren't exclusive.”

“Oh that's too bad, well guys need to sow their wild...”

“It was actually my idea, Michael went along with it. I was already seeing a couple of guys and I didn't want to do it behind his back.”

“So Michael's available?” Charlie’s sister looked at her expectantly.

“Yes Jen, Michael’s available. But I'm pretty sure he has a pretty firm ‘no sluts’ rule.”


“Hello ladies, am I interrupting any...thing.” Michael strode into the room.

Every woman at the table turned and looked at Michael as if he was a big chunk of gourmet chocolate.

He smiled easily and confidently; it was going to fun this summer when he was home.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
To th wanker above

I bet its to small to find

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Total Rubbish

Written by a total wanker

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Biggest load of rubbish I have ever read

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Would love to find out what happens to Mike and Charlie. Looks like they aren't heading for marriage or anything what with separating and being with others, but the two characters I did find interesting. As for the story itself thought it was nice how they went from friends to lovers, but paced themselves even though both wanted to just do it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Sweet, romantic & loving

This was a wonderful story about making love rather than just fucking. I like that! - Dana

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