Betty the All-American Cock Tease


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Probably he would have plenty to say if he and his wife knew that I was deliberately sitting on the toilet with the bathroom window wide open, while their son hid in his bedroom with binoculars watching everything I was doing. Not for too much longer though, I finished emptying my bowels and unwound a few lengths of toilet paper to wipe myself clean.

Finally done, I stood up off the toilet and pulled up my panties, knowing full well that he was watching me. Adjusting my panties around my bottom and smoothing down my nightdress, I put down the lid of the toilet, thinking that as my brothers hadn't worked out how to put down a toilet seat that they no doubt thought the lid was some superfluous decoration that served no purpose. I pressed down the handle and flushed the toilet, the sound filling the bathroom.

Walking on my bare feet to the sink, my vagina tingling as I knew I was being watched through Eric's binoculars and the sound of the toilet cistern refilling continuing, I completed my visit to the toilet by thoroughly washing my hands with plenty of soap and warm water, before drying them on the hand towel. I did not leave the sink however, as I had other things to do.

The first probably wasn't all that sexy to Eric, it was brushing my teeth. I did however open my mouth wide on a number of occasions to show the white toothpaste over my tongue and teeth. I thought about what other sticky white substances had been in my mouth before. Mom and Dad would have absolutely died if they had known what Bobby and I had gotten up to when he drove me up to Lovers' Lane and we parked.

One time, the sticky white substance had ended up over my hands when my hands freed my boyfriend's penis and testicles from his pants and I gave him manual relief. Another time I learned to do something very unladylike with my mouth, Bobby filling it with that same sticky white substance which I eagerly drank. And other times I had taken off my panties and made myself fully available to Bobby in the back seat of the car, making sure that Bobby had gone to the barber's store not for a haircut but to purchase certain items beforehand to prevent the same sticky white substance going up my birth canal and into my uterus and fallopian tubes to find one of my eggs released that month. Much as Bobby and I loved each other, no way did I want to end up pregnant at age 18 and Bobby and I one of those young couples who had to get married while still in high school.

I finished brushing my teeth, giving me minty-fresh breath, and rinsed out my mouth. I stood at the open window inhaling cool fresh air and thinking about what other bad things I could do to tease my neighbor. I looked at my safety razor, and the answer was obvious. I had to attend to certain female landscaping, and for that I needed to take off my nightdress.

Trembling with nervous excitement, I lifted up my nightdress and took it off over my head, exposing my C-cup breasts. Knowing he was staring at my naked breasts through his binoculars, I stood bare chested at the window and applied some soap to my underarms. Taking my razor, I shaved the hair that was starting to grow under my armpits, knowing he was watching the entire process.

My underarms now shaved, I rinsed the razor and looked down at my legs. Being a blonde I didn't have excessive hair on my body, but a leg shave was still a must. I could have done it while still wearing my panties, but I was pretty sure that Eric would prefer me to do it completely nude.

Accordingly, I turned my back to the window and pulled my panties down, knowing that Eric could see my bare bottom as I slid my underwear down my long shapely legs to my bare feet and stepped out of my pants. The cheeks of my bottom no doubt held much attention from Eric, but soon I would let him see even more of me as I bent forward to pick my panties off the bathroom floor.

With my legs slightly apart, Eric would have gotten a perfect view of my vagina and anus as I bent over, thrusting my bottom high in the air so my voyeur could see my genitals and anal area in some detail through his binoculars. I felt the need to sate an itch on one of my bare toes so stayed in this position longer than I normally would have, my clitoris feeling aflame and my vulva getting wetter by the second as I picked up my panties and put them to one side.

I turned back to face the window, thinking about Eric looking at my triangle of blonde pubic hair as I applied some soap to my legs and began to shave them. For part of the process I had to put one leg on the bathtub, my crotch completely exposed to Eric's view, my vagina spread wide. If Eric's binoculars were powerful, he would not only have seen my pubic hair, my pussy and my anus, but my tight little pee-hole too.

With my legs shaved I again rinsed the razor, and knew it was far from the end of show-time for Eric, and I thought about the young man watching me as I walked completely naked to the shower and turned it on. If I had wanted to shower in privacy I could have closed the curtains. Did I want to shower in privacy? Of course I didn't, as soon as the water was warm enough I jumped under the droplets and began to shower.

I soaped up my body from my face down to my bare feet, lathering my naked breasts with plenty of soap, which in turn ran down my stomach to my naval and my pubic hair. I knew Eric was watching as I turned my attention to my more private female areas between my legs. I applied lots of soap to my feminine mound, my pubic hair getting full of soap and bubbles and used a cloth to thoroughly wash my vulva, as no good girl would want to have a smelly vagina. Not that I was a good girl, at 18 I had gone all the way with my boyfriend a number of times and now I was allowing the weird boy next door to watch me shower, this after he watched me on the toilet earlier, but still good feminine hygiene practices should be an essential part of any young woman's day.

Turning around, knowing Eric could see my bare bottom I thoroughly washed my anal area with the cloth, the soft fabric feeling so good on the entrance to my bowels, the most private part of my young body. With seven people in our house I couldn't take a long shower and use up all the hot water, so I rinsed off, the soapy water running down my legs to my bare feet and the shower floor and going down the drain.

I stepped my naked dripping young body out of the shower and onto the mat, drying myself with a towel. I think Eric would have liked to be my towel, especially when I dried my dripping wet breasts followed by my more intimate areas. I dried my pubic hair first, then my vagina, moving the towel between my legs front to back to dry my anus and buttocks, mindful that like when girls wipe their bottoms during a visit to the toilet they also needed to dry their female areas front to back too to be more hygienic, and avoid the risk of a urinary tract infection.

Nice and dry, I hanged my towel out to dry -- something my two younger brothers hadn't really mastered yet -- and picked up my fresh new panties, white full brief panties like the ones I had worn to bed, pulling them up and adjusting them around my vulva and bottom so they were comfortable. I put on my white bra to restrain and cover my big young boobs, then picked up my checked shirt and then my overalls, pulling them up and adjusting the straps over my shoulders. I didn't bother with shoes and still had bare feet, this combined with the checked shirt and denim overalls giving me a tomboy look, which was apt given my personality.

There was nothing interesting for Eric to see now, so I closed the bathroom window, opened the bathroom door, turned off the light and went back to my bedroom, where I sat in front of my dresser, brushing my long blonde hair and extending my long legs out, wriggling my bare toes. I had often seen Eric looking at my bare feet, clearly he liked them. Oddly enough, Bobby seemed to like my bare feet too, and would play plenty of attention to them when we were enjoying ourselves at Lover's Lane.

Eric could also see my pussy, but of course not the one between my legs. Rather he could see our pet cat, a pretty black and white tuxedo cat named Rosie which had leaped onto my bed and was cleaning her ears and whiskers. I had once asked Eric if his family had any pets. Apparently his parents didn't believe in them.

I heard Johnny getting up, my brother walking to the bathroom and I guessed Eric would probably move away from the window now and hide his binoculars. He only wanted to see the female half of the Reilly twins naked, not the male half. Other kids had said some very unkind things about Eric over the years -- and unfortunately my younger brothers were on the list -- and one of the terms often used was 'homosexual'. But I knew that was not true. Given Eric's voyeurism of me, he was definitely not a queer.


All seven members of our family were up and about early today, it was a busy Saturday for all of us. Mom and Dad were leaving early to go to a wedding in another town about 40 miles away, our aunt and uncle were coming to collect them soon. Mom was wearing a nice dress and hat, while Dad wore his best suit and hat.

As for me and my brothers, we were going to be doing our chores early this Saturday morning, and had different plans for the afternoon. Andy and Richie were going to a sleepover with some of their male cousins and friends, and knowing what these boys were like I was glad not to be the one supervising them.

Johnny had an interesting afternoon and evening planned. He and some of his friends -- my boyfriend Bobby included -- were going as observers and to assist with some basic support functions at a joint training exercise between the Navy and Coast Guard. They would be staying overnight and not back until early Sunday afternoon. Our high school and others in the other region often organized exercises with the police, fire brigade and armed services for boys who were interested in careers in these organizations.

It would have been neat if the girls had been allowed to go too, but unfortunately not, it was boys only. Once during a careers day at school I had told some female teachers that I would have liked to join the Navy, given my father served with them in the war. It was recommended that I take typing and shorthand, as the men at the naval bases always needed girls to type for them, until the girls got married and had to leave the service.

My Saturday included a girls' softball game in the early afternoon. With so many kids at the local schools who loved sports finding time for all the different teams to play was a challenge, so the girls' softball games were always played on Saturday afternoons. This afternoon we were playing against a team from a girls' Catholic Parochial boarding school, who were pretty good opposition.

"So good luck with your game today Betty, and I hope you and your friends learn plenty at the Navy and Coast Guard training camp Johnny," said Mom, as our aunt and uncle's car pulled into the driveway.

"Thanks Mom," Johnny and I said in unison.

"I know you and your friends will win today Betty," said Dad as he drained the last of his coffee and adjusted his hat. "And Johnny, I hope you decide that a Coast Guard career is for you after tonight, it is a very rewarding job. Pay attention and listen to everything they say."

"Yes Sir," said Johnny.

Dad then turned to my younger brothers. "You behave yourselves at the sleepover tonight, your mother and I don't want to hear any more negative reports from your Aunt about annoying the neighbors' dogs again."

"We'll be good," said Andy.

"Yeah, we promise," said Richie.

"That had better be the case, otherwise your father and I will have a fun summer ahead planned for you two boys of math revision and writing essays," Mom promised them, collecting her purse as she and Dad made for the door.

"Have a good time at the wedding," I said as our parents went on their way, the sound of our aunt and uncle's car driving away up the street audible.

Johnny turned on the kitchen radio, and all four of us got busy with our chores. One of mine was doing my laundry, and soon I was carrying my clothes out to the line to dry. Not to my surprise, who should be on the other side of the hedge that separated our garden from the Higgins' garden but Eric with a pair of garden shears, pruning the hedge.

He looked at me through his thick glasses, delighted and almost disbelieving to see me appear. It was like I was a famous movie star like Lauren Bacall, Olivia de Havilland or Rita Hayworth and he was star-struck. Or if President Truman or King George VI from England had both turned up and cheerfully greeted Eric with 'good morning.' I acted casually as Eric looked my overall clad figure up and down from my blonde hair to my bare feet, and gave him a friendly wave and greeting. "Hi Eric."

"Oh hi, um, hello, good afternoon, I mean morning Betty," Eric stammered, getting tongue-tied as he always did with me.

One thing about Eric was that he dressed more like he was from actual England rather than New England on the other side of the Atlantic. Today he wore a beige shirt, beige knee-length shorts, a beige knitted pullover and brown shoes and socks. Coupled with his glasses it made him look so square, and a target for bullies male and female.

Still, at least Eric wasn't wearing socks and sandals like one day at the beach down on the Maine Shore last summer, his parents and aunt dressed like they were going to church. My two younger brothers thought Eric's socks and sandals funnier than watching a Laurel and Hardy movie, and despite Johnny and I warning Andy and Richie not to laugh at Eric, it only seemed to encourage them even more and they sounded like a pair of hyenas.

The awkwardness thing around me was nothing new either. It happened everywhere, at home, at school, at church and in many other places. Like most teenagers Johnny and I had part time jobs to earn money, Johnny and Bobby working at a store packing shelves while I would work shifts at a restaurant waiting tables in my black dress and white apron.

One time, Eric came in with his family and I was to serve them. Poor Eric, at 18-years-of-age having his mother and aunt sitting next to him constantly reminding him to sit up straight, use his cutlery properly with his mother at one stage using a table napkin to wipe soup from the corner of her son's mouth. I felt embarrassed for Eric, especially as all this was happening in front of me. All the time his father sat there saying nothing as usual, plus they were lousy tippers. I would have preferred them to leave me no tip, rather than the insulting amount they did leave.

"So, it's swell weather today?' I said, beginning to hang out my clothes.

"Yeah, I mean no, I mean I guess," said Eric, blushing and again looking at my bare feet.

I just acted casually and kept talking about various things as I pegged out my clothes on the line, Eric getting more and more flustered especially as I reached my underwear. Most of my bras and panties were pure white, but I had some pink, light blue and lemon colored underwear as well, and I had to hide my amusement as Eric tried to make it seem as though he wasn't looking at my bras and my panties now drying in the sun, his spectacle-covered eyes going from the sky to the grass, to my bare feet, to the trees and the power poles.

With my last pair of panties now pegged out, I picked up the laundry basket. "Well see you later Eric," I said.

"No, I mean maybe Betty, see you later," Eric stammered while blushing, me feeling him watching the shape of my bottom through the denim of my overalls.

Eric kept casting discrete glances at my drying underwear as he continued to trim the hedge, and my brothers and I continued to do our chores, this time cleaning the first floor windows. Our chores done, we went back inside mid-morning to get ready for our afternoons.

I noticed that Eric also headed back inside at the same time as I did, and from my bedroom I noticed that Eric's bedroom curtains again were twitching? A spot of bird watching perhaps? Or spying on the girl next door?

Knowing it was the latter, I went into the bathroom and opened the window, before unclasping and pulling down my panties and sitting down barefoot on the toilet, the seat again left up thanks to my ever thoughtful brothers. This time I wasn't on the toilet as long as this morning for the simple reason I only needed to pee, but no doubt Eric enjoyed the show and focusing his binoculars upon my pussy and my pubic hair, me keeping my knees wide apart as I sat urinating into the toilet so he would have a good view between my legs.

My pee over, I got toilet paper and wiped my wet urethra and vulva, then stood up and flushed the lavatory, pulling up my panties and overalls, then washing my hands and leaving the bathroom. Eric would see more interesting things in my bedroom as I undressed completely and put on my sports briefs and bra, then my baseball uniform, a light blue uniform with knee-length pants and matching light blue socks. I braided my blonde hair into two long plaits, and put on my light blue baseball cap, grabbed my catchers' mitt and was ready to go.

While all this was happening, my brothers had been getting ready, Johnny, Andy and Richie packing overnight bags. The two younger boys were already outside as Johnny and I emerged, me holding the keys to our parents' car to drive into town. Andy and Richie were staring at a passing aircraft that flew away at some distance, a Catalina sea plane.

Johnny laughed. "You two boys looking for UFOs again?"

Andy and Richie turned around and became defensive. "No," Andy asserted.

"No we were looking at the plane, not for flying saucers," said Richie.

It was my turn to laugh. "Who are you two kidding, you're obsessed with flying saucers."

"No, you are obsessed with flying saucers Betty," Richie said, my younger brother glowering at me.

"Yes, I am," I joked sarcastically, knowing that my two brothers were well and truly caught up in the UFO craze that had been sweeping America since the last summer. "So, have you remembered your toothbrushes?"

Andy snorted in derision as we went into the garage. "Yes Mom!"

The boys put their things in the trunk, and while Andy and Richie climbed into the back of Dad's car, while I got into the drivers' side and started it. Johnny stayed outside to close the garage door after I reversed out, then jumped into the front passenger seat. Before I could back out further, Andy yelled out, "Hey Betty, there's your boyfriend!"

Puzzled that Bobby was here as he was supposed to meet us at the sports ground, I turned to look and there was Eric, pacing up and down near the bus stop looking worried.

"Yeah, really funny Andy," I said.

"Eric really loves you, Betty," said Richie, he and Andy laughing.

"Yeah, he does love you," said Andy. "Betty, Betty, where for art thou, Betty?"

"He is such a square," said Richie. "But he loves you Betty."

From the back seat of the car, both of my younger brothers began to sing. "Eric and Betty, sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G!"

"Okay, you need to stop making fun of poor Eric," said Johnny.

"But he's a loser, and it's fun to tease losers," asserted Andy.

"Yeah!" agreed Richie.

"No it's not, how would you feel if some boys thought you were losers and teased you?" I pointed out. I noticed that Eric was pacing up and down still, looking most worried. "I wonder what's wrong with him? We'd better see."

"Oh, you're not going to stop are you?" the horrified Andy asked.

"Yeah, if any of the other kids from school see they'll think we're squares too," complained Richie bitterly.

"Shush," Johnny warned our younger brothers, who looked out the car in dismay least should anyone from their Junior High be in the vicinity and see me stop and wind down the window.