Between the Stacks

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Robin can't fight her desires at work.
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Robin absentmindedly pushed her brand-new glasses up her nose as she placed the last book on the stack in front of her. It would take some time getting used to wearing them just as it took some time getting used to the fact that she actually needed them.

"These are due back in three weeks. I hope you enjoy them." Robin smiled at the student standing in front of her who moaned quietly as she reached to gather them.

"I'm not sure research is supposed to be enjoyable," was her snarky reply as she picked the tall stack of books up and made her way hurriedly toward the sliding door.

It depends on what kind of research you're doing, Robin thought, smiling behind a curtain of honey-colored hair as she bent over to pick a piece of paper from the floor.

The air from outside was cool on Robin's legs as the student swept out with her book filled backpack and she shivered as the door remained open. She shouldn't have worn this short dress today. Not when it was still coming off a cold, blustery winter. It was not something she'd normally buy, but she had been out shopping recently with some friends. She fell in love with it the moment she saw it and, after trying it on, knew that she looked amazing in it. She couldn't resist purchasing it right then and there. Maybe, though, she shouldn't have worn it to work and waited until date night instead. Or waited until it was warmer weather, at least.

Robin glanced up to check on the door just as it started to close behind a new patron. He looked much older than most of the students in this college. He had some grey just starting at the edges of his hair near his ears and some in his beard. Another indication that he probably didn't go to school here. He was handsome, though, she had to admit. Just her type with dark hair curling at the nape of his neck, a well-groomed beard, and hands that looked large and firm.

Better keep an eye on him she thought, her eyes following him as he walked past her sending a smile her way. His jeans fit just right in all the right places. It was hard not to notice as he sauntered away, and she smiled at the thought of doing a slow whistle. What would people say about that?! Still, she couldn't help noticing and admiring the way he filled them out or the way he walked.

Pull yourself together before people start thinking you're creepy, Robin mentally chided herself before turning around and going back to the trolley filled with returned books. They all needed to be checked in and put back on the shelves before she clocked out tonight. Still, she surreptitiously watched him move across the library to the tables near the biographies and set what looked like a heavy, well-used briefcase down before he headed into the stacks and disappeared.

"Can you help me?" An annoyed voice brought her back to reality and she moved towards the counter again.

"Sorry about that. I hope you've not been waiting too long," she said, even though she knew it couldn't have been very long at all.

"Just long enough to see you watching that guy." said the student with a wink. "He's cute. I don't blame you."

Robin's face began to heat and turn a pretty shade of pink, "I don't often get caught checking out the men in the library until they're standing in front of me like you are." They both laughed at that. Within minutes, she was done. "Here you go. All set. Have a nice night."

"Will do. Try not to get caught," the student said, nodding toward Robin's left hand where her wedding ring sparkled before she turned and started walking out of the library into the cool night air.

Robin looked at her ring, too. It wasn't flashy or big. When Nicholas had asked her to marry him, they were both just out of college and money was tight. She wasn't the type of person who wanted a big flashy ring, though, so it never bothered her, and she loved that the diamond was just the right size. Anything larger wouldn't have looked good on her small hands. In keeping with being on a tight budget, their wedding wasn't big and flashy, either. Regardless of the money, it just wasn't their style.

Nic had dazzled her since the first time she had seen him crossing campus in her junior year. Apparently, it was a mutual attraction, and they began dating exclusively a short time later. He was almost a foot taller, and she loved how her hand felt in his big paws. She loved everything about his hands, especially as they would go from sweetly tucking her hair behind her ear to pushing her against a wall. They were just the right fit -- if not in body size, then definitely in their interests and passion!

I should probably not be thinking like this right now. Especially not after this morning. Just the thought of the morning made her want to squirm to relieve the ache that had begun to, once again, spread through her, ending up between her legs.

Robin still had another hour or so to go before she was off the clock and a thirty-minute drive home before she could let her mind wander like that again; but that didn't mean she couldn't appreciate what was so blatantly sexy right here in the library at the moment. There were only a few other students here right now, anyway.

She couldn't help watching him, though. The way he moved quietly, but ... well, sensually, was the only word she could think of. He was taking his time, looking around at the library as he moved along, trailing his fingers down the books as he rambled slowly down one aisle and, then, into another. Every now and then he would turn to look over his shoulder at her, a small smile flirting across his face.

What is he up to?

Taking a deep breath, Robin moved out onto the floor and began to follow him, just as someone plopped another stack of books down.

"I'm in a little bit of a rush not to miss the city bus. Can you hurry?" He was a little out of breath as he spoke.

Holding in a deep sigh, she turned and strode back to the counter, grabbing the first book and the student's ID, trying not to appear flustered. It didn't take her long to check out his books and push them back across to him before he ran out the door. Unfortunately, because Robin had to pay attention to what she was doing, she had lost track of the attractive man who had arrived earlier.

What is he doing here? It was a silly question, really. It's a library and most people come here to either find a book or to have some peace and quiet as they worked on a project or read. It just struck her as curious the way he was behaving. It was like he really had no purpose in mind and was just browsing earlier. Where had he gone?

Wait...there he is!

He was just coming back to the table where he'd left his briefcase. Sitting down, he opened a book that he'd brought with him from one of the stacks. As he did, he looked up and caught her watching him. A faint smile crossed his face and he winked at her before he looked back down and started to read.

Great! Now he knows I'm watching him.

Robin decided to try to forget that he was there and pay attention to the things in front of her. So many things still needed to be done tonight before she could go home. There were books that had been returned that still needed to be sorted so that they could be put back on the shelves, several magazines were scattered on a table near their racks, and there were still several students who were working or reading quietly.

Focus! There are things that you need to be doing rather than watching some sexy man read a book!

She stepped out from behind the counter and walked quickly over to the magazine section wondering why it was so hard for people to put them away after they had finished reading them. As she scooped several off the table, they fell to the floor. They didn't make a loud noise, but in the quiet library, it still was heard by those around her. She looked around as she bent over and noticed that Mr. Handsome, as she was thinking of calling him, was watching her.

"Sorry." she mouthed in his direction. He simply smiled and lifted his left shoulder as if to say he didn't care about the noise.

Trying once again to focus on what she was doing, Robin continued working but she kept looking back over her shoulder every now and then to see what he was doing. There were a few times when she found he was watching her, too. It gave her a fresh shiver each time. Inwardly, she groaned.

What I wouldn't like to do to him right now!

Normally, things like this didn't happen. Robin didn't usually have these internal thoughts about being spread out on a table in front of some man here at the library, holding onto him as he stood between her open thighs and moved inside her. She was a bit unsettled by the way her body was beginning to come alive y these thoughts. It wasn't something she normally had to deal with at work.

Of course, if Nic hadn't teased her this morning, she might not be getting aroused so quickly by her thoughts. Maybe. But, this morning - before the alarm went off and he tumbled out of bed, heading to the shower - he had awakened her, in more ways than one, by running his fingers up and down her back. She didn't bother turning over to greet him with a morning kiss, especially when his hand moved over her naked ass before dipping between her legs. He teased her slowly, sliding a finger along her slit before sinking into her. The rhythm of his strokes was just starting to make her body move when the alarm went off and he abruptly stopped, planted a kiss on her butt cheek and got out of bed with promises of satisfaction "later".

Kicking her feet on the bed in disbelief, Robin watched him retreat across the room thinking that his ass looked perfect enough to bite. Her disappointment made her groan out loud. Robin heard him chuckle just before she heard the shower start.

He definitely won't get away with this tonight!

Not one to miss an opportunity, she rolled over and started to stroke her thighs, fully intent to get some kind of pleasure and to ease the need that he'd given her. It didn't quite work out as she had planned, though. In the morning silence, the phone rang abruptly. Robin sighed, rolled her eyes and reached out to answer it, only to hear about a co-worker who had called in sick.So much for a peaceful day off, she thought as she lay in bed debating what to wear.

Trying to shake off the thoughts of this morning, Robin continued her work. It didn't help that she could feel the stirring again. She knew her panties were already soaking because of the way she'd allowed her thoughts to wander. She also knew that she wouldn't get an opportunity to have any type of relief, not even a little. Just remembering his "I'll have to finish this later" made her want to duck behind the counter, slip her hand inside her panties, and run her fingers over her aching slit until it was satisfied.

Now that the books were sorted, Robin turned the cart toward the first aisle at the rear of the library. She'd start there and work her way back up to the front. Hopefully, by the time she reached the checkout counter, everyone would be packed up and ready to check out and leave so she could lock up.

Unfortunately, being between the rows of books didn't give her a clear view of Mr. Handsome, only of the front door and the check-out counter. Maybe it was a good thing, but she had been enjoying -- maybe too much - watching him work at the table, his dark head bent over a book as he made notes.

His hands would feel so good sliding up and down my body.

By now Robin had reached the end of the aisle where the entire reading area of the library was visible, and she saw he wasn't where she expected him to be. He wasn't at the check-out counter and his things were still at the table where he was working, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Where did he go? she wondered as she made her way down the next aisle to put a book on the shelf. So far, things had been easy tonight and it looked like closing up would go quickly, if only she could get this done and no other students came in this evening. Nic would probably be home before her, and she hoped he was ready to finish what he had started this morning. She was becoming increasingly aroused and knew that she would more than likely begin undressing as she entered the house.

She was at the end of the aisle in a corner of the library where she couldn't see any other part of the library. It wasn't often that Robin had to come to this isolated area. If someone needed her, they would have to wait until she was finished putting things away. She pushed the cart ahead of her and stopped in front of the section where her last book needed to go. At her height, she was going to need a library step ladder to put this one away on the top shelf. She wasn't even going to try to stretch to reach up there. What if it came tumbling down on her head? It didn't take her long to find one nearby and, pushing it up against the shelf, she stepped up, sliding the book into its place. That's when she realized where Mr. Handsome was. Right behind her.

She could feel his presence in the air. It became warm; maybe due to all the electricity that seemed to be between them. At first, she wasn't sure what was going on, but soon his hands were sliding up her legs and under her dress, pushing it up just a little. They were gentle but firm and determined to explore her thighs. Already the feel of his skin on hers made her tingle.

Robin felt him move as he leaned down and put his face on her bottom and heard him take a long, deep breath.

"What are you doing?" she whispered anxiously as she looked around to see who might be watching them.

She was relieved when she remembered that this row of books was remote. Anyone who came through the front doors or who walked up to the counter to check books out couldn't look in their direction to see everything they were doing.

What were they doing? What is HE doing? Robin began to panic, things were happening so quickly! She relaxed when she heard him next to her ear.

He snickered quietly, "What I've wanted to be doing since I saw you when I walked in. You mean to tell me you didn't want this, too?" His hands were pushing the hem of her dress up further as he spoke, they were warming her skin as they moved up her bare thighs.

As his fingers slid over her hips, he leaned forward again and she felt him rubbing his face over her ample bottom, felt his gentle nibble before he took another deep breath.

"Your scent tells me that you need this as much as I do."

Suddenly, his fingers gripped her hips and he pushed her up against the shelves in front of her. Holding tightly to the wooden frame, her imagination took another turn and she almost giggled.Please don't let them fall over.

Robin felt her dress rising further and the warmth of his breath on her bottom moments before he moved her panties aside and licked her cheek before he bit her gently. "We can't do this! You're going to get me fired!"

"Only if we get caught," he replied, his fingers sliding under the elastic bands at her legs and pulling her cheeks apart. "I won't tell anyone if you don't."

She rolled her eyes just before she felt his tongue licking her panty covered crevice. She was sure he could not only smell her scent but taste it, too, from her arousal earlier. She knew that she shouldn't allow him to do this, but her body had a mind of its own. Robin pushed back against his mouth as she leaned her head against the books.

This is crazy. Someone will see. I'll lose my job. I really need this, too.

She whispered, "I'm not saying a word to anyone, promise."

He chuckled and pulled her closer, nibbling and licking. Then, he stopped abruptly, moving away from her. She almost let out a groan of despair. All this teasing, all day long, and she still wasn't going to be able to cum. Robin angrily stepped down off the ladder and spun around to face him and tell him off for what he'd done, but as she did, she saw that he had opened the button on his jeans and was reaching inside, ready to pull his cock out right here in the library where anyone who strolled back this way could see them.

"Seriously?! What are you doing?"

"Shhh. You don't want people to know what we're doing, right? I wanted to bend you over that counter the moment I saw you when I walked in. I've watched you watching me, too. Don't deny it. I can see you want this, too. Just as much as I do."

Without waiting for her response, he leaned over and began kissing her. His mouth was sweet like warm caramel, and she could taste herself faintly on his lips. All the time he had been talking, she had been getting more wet and more aroused and his kiss made her tremble. This wasn't something that she ever thought she'd do at work. It wasn't something that she fantasized about, but he was right about one thing. She'd wanted him the moment he'd walked through the doors.

Her arms circled his neck, pulling him down as their kiss deepened. His hands hadn't stopped stroking her breasts through her clothing since their kiss had begun, but he was getting a little rougher, squeezing and pinching her nipples just the way she liked.

She was beginning to wriggle against him when he pushed her dress up around her waist and reached between her legs. "Open up for me, baby." he murmured against her mouth. Robin moved her feet apart as his fingers slid across her panty-clad lips. "Oh...a little wet, are we? I wonder why that is."

As he talked, his fingers moved back and forth, at one moment flicking her clit and at another pushing into her, the barrier of her slick panties keeping him from going farther than a fingertip into her.

"We're going to get caught." she moaned quietly, moving eagerly on his finger. It felt so good to finally be touched. She'd wanted her husband's touch this morning before he left for work. She wanted it before she was called into work. She wanted it now. She didn't know if she could wait until she was home. She wanted so much more than just a touch, though.

Robin almost cried out when she felt him pull away. "But...."

"Hush. Turn around. I've been wanting to do this since I walked in and I'm not stopping now."

His hands on her shoulders, he turned her to face the books again. If her eyes weren't filled with lust she could have read the titles. She felt him pull her hips back as she leaned forward, rested her forehead on the tomes in front of her, and then, felt the cool air on her rear as he lifted her dress again. Soon, she felt him move closer and push her panties to the side. She was yearning to feel his fingers deep inside her creamy hole again, and almost groaned out loud when she realized he was going to give her that and more. He was pushing his cock between her legs. The spongy tip was sliding back and forth on her slit as he guided it, getting it nice and slick so he could push deep inside her.

Without another word, he thrust his hips and she felt him opening her up. He sank smoothly into her warmth until he was completely inside. Robin bit her lip trying not to moan aloud as he started to move inside her. She was soaking wet and he glided easily into her and, just as easily, pulled back. Soon, she was moving with him. Her need was strong after having been curtailed that morning. There was no way she could deny him or herself, so she gave into the need and enjoyed how he was stroking her insides.

He held onto her hips as he pushed deep inside her fulfilling both of their desires. Her head bumped against the books each time he thrust into her as she continued to hold onto the shelves. It wasn't long before he was pumping quickly into her. She could feel how close she was to climaxing. It was her sole focus, no longer caring about whether they were seen, or heard, or if she was needed elsewhere.