Beyond the Borderline Bk. 02


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It was my turn to blush. "You're the second most beautiful woman I know, Gina," I said sincerely.

"Thank you, sugar," she said quietly. From y'all, that's high praise, high praise indeed."

Pressing a piece of paper into my palm, Gina said, "Here's my number and Paul's. Anything you need, sugar, anything, y'all just give us a call."

"Thanks, Gina. Thanks very much. I'm in pretty good shape right now, so I don't really need much, except to get out of this joint," I replied.

Taking her hand back, I looked at her intently. "The only favor I have to ask for you to look in on Mom. I think she could use a little comfort and TLC right about now. Everything's been very hard on her. I think she could use a hug or two."

Gina blushed endearingly, taking my meaning. I always found it a bit amusing that even though Paul and I were perfectly cool with Mom and her being sometime lovers, they both still found it difficult to talk about.

"You're good for each other, Gina. There's no one I'd rather have around her right now," I stated flatly and matter-of-factly.

Smiling hesitantly, Gina squeezed my hand back. "You're a wonderful son, Rick, caring about your momma so much."

"That I do, Gina. That's why I'm counting on you to deliver my kisses to her, exactly the way I would."

"Okay, big guy. I'll see to your very sweet momma. You concentrate on getting better, heah?"

"I'm highly motivated, Ms. Broussard, highly motivated."


Around a month into my recovery and a couple days before my discharge, I got a surprise. Mom, Jase, Dee Dee and Anna were coming to see me almost every day during visiting hours, but this time they came with an unexpected guest. When the family procession arrived at my room, it was led by Anna and Deirdre, pushing a wheelchair with Emily in it. Her legs stuck straight out from her casts and she looked terribly thin and little bit listless, but when she saw me, I got the smile I had been missing for many dark days. Mom picked her up and set her in my lap and it was all I could do to keep from breaking down completely. I gave her a gentle hug and kissed her forehead. "Howzit goin, punkin'?"

She hugged me and gave me a big grin. "I'm almost all betterer, now Daddy. The nice doctors said my leg boo-boos are fixed and guess what, I get my casts off tomorrow and you'll never guess what else because it's real neat and a big surprise," she huffed, finally running out of breath.

"I can't wait to hear, Emmy. Are you sure it's okay to tell me? I wouldn't want to get into any trouble, and you know how easy that is for me to do."

She leaned into me and put her lips to my ear. "It's prolly okay if I whisper so no one else can hear, Daddy. Are you ready?" she inquired seriously.

"I think so, but only if you're really sure, punkin'"

"I'm going to come back on Friday and take you home, Daddy. Then I'll help you get all better so we can go on walks and play in the cove like before the crash. I promise."

I lost it for real at that point, but that was short lived after the big group hug I got. Emmy looked at me with concern and asked "Why are you and Mommy crying, Daddy? Did I say something wrong?"

"No you didn't punkin'. Sometimes when grown ups are really, really happy, they cry. I know it's sort of silly, but that's what happens sometimes. Mommy and I are very, very happy right now. " I held up my hand and crooked my little finger. "I promise I'll be ready - pinky swear."

Emmy hooked her finger with mine solemnly. "I pinky swear too, Daddy."

On the way back to the Inn, I did nothing but sit in the back seat of our minivan, Mom on one side holding one hand, Emmy on the other, leaning up against me, my arm around her shoulder. I relished every moment of their closeness, serenaded by an unending litany from Dee Dee, Jason and Anna, describing everything that happened since the accident in minute, moment-by-moment detail. The weather outside was gray, clammy, wet and blustery, a leaden, overcast sky stretching from horizon to horizon as a winter storm gathered itself in from the Gulf of Alaska and prepared to inundate us.

It was an absolutely beautiful day.

When we arrived home around noon, Mom parked me in front of the fireplace and set the logs ablaze, settling in next to me, head on my shoulder. Her hand toyed idly with the hair at the nape of my neck, twining, untwining and stroking. One by one, Emmy, Jason, Anna and Deirdre made their way onto the couch with us, Emmy in my lap, Jason on Mom's with the twins flanking both of us. The trip back must have taken more out of me than I thought, because I fell deeply asleep after about 5 minutes, feeling whole for the first time in many weeks.

"Daddy, wake up. Wake up Daddy, it's dinnertime."

"Mnnpphh. Hi Emmy. Sorry, I think I dozed off."

Emily climbed carefully into my lap and called to the kitchen. "Daddy's not sawing logs anymore, Mommy! Can we eat now?"

"Wait just a minute, young lady. It can't be dinner time yet."

"Why's that, Daddy?"

"I distinctly remember that stuffed and roasted little girl with root vegetables was on the menu for tonight. You need to put an apple in your mouth and hop into the oven right this minute."

"Daddy!" she exclaimed reproachfully. "Mommy - Daddy's being bad again!"

I gathered her into my arms and mouthed her neck with a slobber. "Mmmmmm! I know you'll be extraspecialdelicious and tender and I'm sooooo hungry. Maybe I'll just have to settle for Emmy tartare, 'cause I don' t think I can wait another minute!" I growled.

Emmy jumped off my lap and ran shrieking with laughter into the kitchen. A minute later, Mom appeared in the doorway, smiling gently. Emmy was peeking out from behind her legs, eyes wide, giggling. Mom walked slowly to the sofa, wiping her hands on her apron and sat next to me. Without warning, Jase appeared from behind the sofa and flung himself across my lap. Anna and Dee Dee appeared next, grabbing both of my arms. Laughing wickedly, Emmy produced an apple from behind her back and shoved it in my mouth.

"Turn on the big oven!" she shouted.

God, it was good to be home.

Getting home finally restored some semblance of order to my universe and my first sit down meal with our family was purely and simply wonderful. The children all practically waited on me hand and foot, to the point where I had to start teasing them. After Emmy opened my napkin for me, Anna poured me a glass of wine and then Deirdre and Jason served me from the bowls in the center of the table, I had to chuckle. Mom got her digs in as well, as always bringing me back to earth in her inimitable way.

"Don't get used to any of this, hotshot. Part of your home rehab is going to be a very long 'honey-do' list. There's a lot that hasn't been taken care of around here for the last month and a half."

I smiled my sweetest smile at her and wiggled my eyebrows, opening my mouth with an audible "tock," doing my best impression of a fledgling in the nest. My exaggerated parody and cinematic reference were not lost on Mom.

"Ricky, this is not 'A Clockwork Orange' and you don't look the least bit like Malcolm McDowell, so put a sock on it and feed yourself, you impossible man."

"You better listen to Mom," Deirdre warned seriously. "You'll be in big trouble if you don't clean up your act."

"I guess you're right, Dee Dee. If your Mom got mad at me, I'd hate to think what kind of punishment I might get."

"Mommy, is Daddy too big to spank?" Emmy asked with a petulant smile.

""Yes, sweetie. That's just too much work for Mommy. Besides, I don't think it would work anyway."

"Uh, Mommy, do you want to borrow my baseball bat?" Jason asked.

"That's very sweet of you, Jase, always trying to help Mommy out. You know keeping Daddy in line is a full time job. But no thanks, his head is too hard. I wouldn't want to break the bat."

I leaned across the table and gave Mom a big, wet kiss.

"I promise to be good, dear. I wouldn't want the kids to have to see you beat me up. That would be traumatic."

The reaction around the table to our kiss was the universal, near simultaneous chorus of "Ewwwwwwwww! Mush!"

"Okay, okay!" I conceded. "Your mother and I will save the mush for later," I added, cocking an eyebrow as I looked at her. Once I was sure the kids were involved with their plates, I turned to Mom again with a smile, running my tongue over my lips. She blushed as I pursed my lips and whispered, "You're being naughty again. Don't make me get up and smack you, bad man."

"Yes ma'am."


The remainder of our meal was blissfully ordinary, as I caught up with the vicissitudes of preschool, first and third grades and then got the latest scoop on goings on at MacLeish, MacLeish and Dunsmuir. Mom's meal was, as usual, delicious. We had Nana's old Bolognese sauce over rigatoni and steamed vegetables and the munchkins had a rare non-weekend treat of ice cream for dessert.

Objectively, I know I am a better cook than Mom – after all, I'm an award-winning professional, but I would rather eat something cooked by her hand than anything from one of my menus or from any other restaurant, for that matter. There's something elemental and universal about "Mom's home cooking" and I'm no different than any other son in that regard, chef or not. In any event, I pushed myself away from the table, replete with pasta and rattled the dishes with a major league belch, to giggles all around the table.

"Ricky! Manners at the table!" Mom scolded.

"Sorry my sweet, but that was just so good, I made a pig of myself, I'm afraid. Your effort in the kitchen is very, very appreciated. I feel fully welcomed home now."

Somewhat mollified, Mom smiled to soften her remarks. "I know you're basically a lost cause, but just occasionally try to set a good example, okay?"

"All right kids, what should I say here?" I asked. "What is the correct way to handle this?"

The chorus from around the table was nearly instantaneous. "Rule number one - When in doubt, say 'Yes Dear!" was the shouted reply.

Blowing Mom a kiss, I said softly, "Yes, my dearest. I love you too."

After we cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher, it was time to get Emmy ready for bed. Pure adrenaline and the happiness of having Daddy back had kept her going to that point, but she was still recuperating herself and fairly suddenly hit the wall, practically falling asleep on her feet after we cleaned up the remains of dinner.

We got Anna and Deirdre started on their homework and allowed Jason the special treat of extra Nintendo time. Gathering Emmy into my arms, I took her into her bedroom and tucked her in, Mom joining me as I sat at her bedside. The usual goodnight kisses were exchanged and Emmy was asleep in seconds. We sat together, holding hands as we watched our youngest sleep, a contented smile on her lips. Nothing needed to be said, because we both knew exactly what the other was thinking. We sat quietly with our daughter for at least a half hour, luxuriating in the sensations of the restoration of our family.

We had finally gotten the twins and Jason off to bed, a difficult task given how wired they were by Emmy's and my return home. Many kisses and two good night stories for Jason were necessary before the brood was parked in cloud cuckoo land. I made the downstairs rounds, turning off lights and locking the doors while Mom went upstairs.

When I got to our bedroom, a treat awaited me. Mom had again dressed in the outfit she wore on our first night together, looking even better to my eyes than ever before. The increased heft, very slight sag of her wonderful breasts and increased size of her nipples only added to her appeal. As always, her magnificent thatch captured my eyes immediately, as full, luxuriously thick and bushy as I could remember. The desire and love reflected in her eyes was as strong as I could recall, rivaling what I remembered from our first time as lovers. Surprisingly, she seemed a bit nervous as I stood in our doorway, drinking in the sight of her with my hungry eyes.

"Ricky, I hope you don't mind. I feel as though we're beginning our lives again. For a while, I didn't know if you were going to come home to us, she whispered," a tear trickling down her cheek. "I just wanted things to be a little special. Also, if you're too tired tonight, I understand. I'm just so happy to have you home again."

I peeled off my shirt, closed the door behind me and strode to her quickly, taking her into my arms. Leaning my forehead onto hers, I felt my own eyes swimming a bit.

"I'm so happy to be home Mom, so happy I can't put it in words how good it feels. And no, I'm not too tired. I have been looking forward to making love with you for weeks. I've been going crazy not being able to be with you, my goddess."

I bent to kiss her, capturing her lips with an ecstatic sigh as our tongues found each other. We must have stood there and kissed for five minutes, immersing ourselves in our reunion, not even touching one another, simply holding hands and trying to convey all our thoughts and emotions through the one act. As we broke for air, Mom sighed and smiled.

"You haven't forgotten how to kiss, son of mine. You still make my toes tingle."

Running her hands up and down my arms and around my shoulders, she asked, "Are you sure you weren't staying in practice in the hospital and at rehab? There were a lot of pretty young nurses and therapists flitting around you as I recall."

"Now, Mom," I teased back. "You know what happens at the hospital stays at the hospital. Anything that might have occurred was purely for therapeutic purposes, I'm sure."

"You're still my impossible brat. Now shut up and kiss me, lover."

"Yes, momma dearest."

Where our previous kiss was a tender reminder of our union and vows to each other, as Mom pulled me close, she made her declaration of passion and lust with the next, pulling me with her on to our marital bed, hands fumbling with my belt buckle and zipper as we laid beside each other. Once she opened me up, she sighed, hand seeking my cock gently, almost tentatively, stroking lightly.

I smiled and cupped her face with my hands, kissing her on both cheeks. "I'm all right Mom, truly. That's probably the one part of me that wasn't broken in the accident."

Eyes filling with tears, Mom hugged me tightly, burying her face in my shoulder.

"I know,'s was such a close call, nearly losing you. I thought I'd never hold you in my arms again," she sobbed.

Hugging her close, I stroked her hair and back.

"Shhhhh. It's okay, Mom. I'm here. I'll always be here for my beautiful mother. My beautiful, gorgeous mother."

My hands wandered down her back, gliding over her marvelous, firm ass.

"My beautiful, gorgeous, sexy mom."

Pulling her close, I kissed her, tongue seeking hers.

"My beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, mom, who makes me so hard," I breathed.

I slid my hand down the crease between her cheeks, lightly scraping over her rosy pucker, continuing on to her slick folds.

"My sweet, sexy Mom, who I love to fuck so much."

Mom groaned and buried her head in my shoulder as my fingers eased into her moistness, slightly bucking her hips against my touch.

"My wonderful loving mother, who has the tightest, wettest, best pussy in the whole world," I murmured, laying her back on the bed.

Sliding her damp panties off her hips, I bent to take her in my mouth, licking her slowly and firmly from perineum to pearl, savoring her sweetness. When I moved up over her, she shifted her hips and parted her thighs with a sigh as I trailed my tongue up her abdomen, pausing at each nipple. Kissing her tenderly, I found her center and eased into her silky vise, each of us groaning as we connected. It felt as good as any time I could ever remember taking her, the amazing tightness and warmth as familiar and comforting as always, but at the same time, almost new again. I was almost as excited, as close to the edge as I was our very first time. It seemed as though if I moved one millimeter within her sheath, I would detonate like a thousand pounds of napalm, completely incinerating us both in my climax.

Mom seemed to be walking at the edge of the same cliff as me, her eyes screwed tightly shut, biting her lower lip as small beads of perspiration bloomed on her brow. I could feel her practically vibrating beneath me, her abdomen beginning to twitch and clench as she approached her point of no return.

I was good for no more than a half dozen strokes and then it all fell wonderfully apart, spraying myself into her, hands clutching her ass, head buried in her shoulder as I moaned out my spending. "Oh God! Mom! Mom! Ahhhh," I cried.

As she felt the first of my ropes bathing her insides, Mom snapped her head back, cords straining under the taut skin of her neck, her legs completely hooked around my waist as she literally pulled herself up off the mattress to grind herself against me, calling out ecstatically as she bathed us in her creamy release.

"Oh God! Ricky! Yes! Yes! Mommy's cumming! Yessssssssssss!" she cried, her last exhortation slowly fading to a sibilant whisper.

Collapsing against each other, we struggled to breath, feeling more as though we had run ten miles at a sprint, rather than coupling for a few short minutes. As we gradually reclaimed control of ourselves, I showered Mom with kisses; face, forehead, lips, chest, nipples, every square inch of skin I could reach without breaking my contact with her.

"My beautiful girl, my mother-love, my wife-mom" I murmured, nuzzling her cheek.

Toying with the hair at the nape of my neck, she whispered back, "Everything's all right. Momma has her boy back now, back where he belongs, between her legs, loving her. Don't ever leave me, Ricky. Always be with me, husband-son."

"Back where I belong," I affirmed quietly, "Back inside you, Mom, back in the sweetest pussy there ever was, back home."

I began to notice that my first orgasm had done little to relieve my excitement. I was still stiff inside her and only getting harder as we reclaimed each other. I started to move again.

"That's my boy," Mom cooed. "My dear, sweet, hard-cocked son is fucking his momma again. Oh yes, Ricky, that's so good. You feel so good in me, love. Don't stop. Don't stop loving me, son. Never stop," she sighed.

"Never, Mom. Not ever. You're all mine, all I'll ever need. My sweet Mom," I whispered gently.

I think we were both a little surprised by how quickly we came that first time, but it did have the advantage of taking the edge off of things and allowed us to lovingly prolong our subsequent joining. Neither of us were in a hurry at that point, simply wanting to savor and draw out our lovemaking for as long as possible, reestablishing our special connection, showing each other our appreciation of our second chance.

There was nothing particularly lustful or electrifying about how we kissed, caressed and coupled. For all the basic, uncomplicated things we did, those simple, sweet moments as we pleasured each other were as special as any time we had ever been together and remain among my fondest memories. It was truly a rebirth of sorts and helped us keep our life and our love in perspective for the rest of our days.

When we finished, Mom pulled me close, head on her breasts, stroking my hair. "Rest now, sweet boy," she whispered. "Rest now. Stay here in my arms. Rest now, darling."

I was asleep in moments, Mom's loving words cushioning my fall as I plummeted into soft darkness.

I was home.


When I woke up, Mom was on her side, her head propped on her hand and elbow, smiling softly. She leaned over and gave me a gentle, lingering kiss. "Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?"
