Beyond the Ordinary - Sisterly Love


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"Mmmmmmm," came a contented sound from Rhonda.

As he pumped away on his sister, Ron reached over and diddled Jenna's clit with his middle finger before stuffing it and his forefinger into her pussy to finger fuck her. After he figured he had given Rhonda equal time, Ron pulled out for a second to catch his breath. The women compensated by pulling him onto the bed, turning him around and laying him on his back. Rhonda grabbed his cock, straddling him facing his feet and impaled herself. Jenna then threw her leg over his head and squatted over his face. His tongue shot into her pussy as soon as it made contact.

Seeing Jenna's position, Rhonda grinned wickedly and rotated around on Ron's dick to face the other girl. Jenna's eyes lit up and the two leaned in to kiss forming the classic threesome triangle.

Oh, the thrill of having two nubile women to play with, Ron excitedly thought.

As the two females locked lips, they slowed down; Rhonda reducing the speed of her bouncing on his dick and Jenna eased off on rotating around his tongue. He rather liked this relaxed pace. Unfortunately, it did not last for long. Something sparked his sister to lean her hands back on his thighs to help her spring up and down faster, and this prompted Jenna to grind her snatch harder on his face. Ron reached up and flicked Rhonda's clit with his thumb until she came in a body shaking orgasm.

A minute later, she eased off of him, as Jenna did the same. The latter quickly took up Rhonda's vacated position on her boyfriend's rod and rode him hard and fast until she came minutes later. When Jenna dismounted, Rhonda grabbed her brother's cock and the two women went down on it, licking in unison, taking turns sucking, jerking and mouthing his balls until he erupted with streams of pearly white liquid rolling down the sides of his shaft for the women to lick off.

Jenna and Rhonda finished with a cum-swapping kiss that kept Ron hard for several minutes longer than usual.

"So, is this what I'm going to come home to every evening?" Ron asked playfully as the three laid in bed in post-coital bliss. "The two of you rabbits?"

"Can't make any promises one way or the other," Jenna shot back.

"Why are we too much for you?" Rhonda asked with a smirk. "Maybe we need to bring in another guy."

"Maybe if you hit it off with Tim," Jenna suggested.

"Hmmmm," she mouthed, pensively.

"You should take it easy with Tim," Ron said. "He hasn't dated much, so he might not be quite ready for someone with an insatiable appetite."

"Ooh, how delicious," Rhonda said, licking her lips, eyes widened.

"I'm serious, sis. If you and he hit it off, don't try to fuck his brains out on the first date. You might scare him off."

"Yes, daddy."

"Ha-ha. What did you guys fix for dinner?" a now ravished Ron asked.

"You're not going to believe this," Jenna spoke up.

"What? That you guys ordered pizza? It better have been from Angelo's."

"Smart ass," Jenna shot back. "Your sister cooked. And not only that, it was divine."

"Really?" Ron said, surprised. "You can cook?"

"Go try it," Rhonda challenged. "Chicken Cordon Bleu."

Sliding off the bed, Ron stopped in the bathroom to clean off, but not dress, and then headed off to the kitchen. The women heard the microwave—they had left him a plate—and a few minutes later, "Damn!"

Rhonda and Jenna giggled.

A moment later, he appeared in the doorway holding the plate and shoveling food down, his dick dangling from side to side as he moved, causing the girls to chuckle some more.

"Where did you learn to cook like this?" Ron wanted to know. "This is amazing!"

Beaming, Rhonda explained. "Well, since that asshole wouldn't fuck me, food was my next passion, so I learned how to really cook."

"Well, I guess we know who's going to be the chef tomorrow night."

* * *

Ron and Jenna were awakened unusually early for a Saturday morning from the sound of activity in the kitchen. They tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but the amazing roasted scent of coffee brewing and the distinct smell of bacon frying vied for their attention and convinced them that sleep was less important. Ron slipped into his boxers while Jenna eased into one of his T-shirts and both ambled into the kitchen. Rhonda was preparing a spectacular breakfast, and their amazement was divided between that and the fact that she was clad in a pair of shorts, sans underwear they were willing to bet, and topless.

Hearing their arrival, Rhonda said, "Breakfast coming up. Coffee?" But when she saw their perplexed stares, she asked, "What?"

Ron cupped his hands under his chest as though he was holding a pair of tits.

"You're topless. Why can't I be?"

Ron bobbed his head from side to side and up and down in a gesture that said he hadn't considered that but that he agreed.

"I'd join you," Jenna said, "but I'm bottomless."

"Sorry, I just like being topless," Rhonda informed them.

"Then who are we to stop you," Ron offered.

After the first couple of bites, Ron marveled over how delicious the omelet was, considering there were ingredients he didn't recognize.

His sister was beaming.

"So, are there any other secrets you want to tell us?" Ron asked. "You show up here and I learn that you're a sex fiend and a gourmet chef."

"Well, if you hadn't shut me out for so long, you might have learned that," she said as a mild rebuke.

"I guess I had that coming," he admitted.

"I wasn't attempting to put you down," Rhonda corrected, "I just meant—"

"It's okay. You're right."

"So, what are you cooking tonight?" Jenna asked to change the subject.

"Beef Bourguignonne," she told them using her best French accent. "A la Julia Child."

"Wow!" Jenna was genuinely impressed.

"And I won't be cooking it tonight, I'll be starting on it right after breakfast. It takes quite a while to prepare."

"Then we'll clean the kitchen when we're finished eating and you can have at it. Do you have everything you need?"

"Yes, I went to the grocery yesterday afternoon after Ron dropped me off."

Ron and Jenna got the kitchen ready for Rhonda to do her thing, and then attacked the rest of the apartment so it would be in tip-top shape for their guest tonight. They all decided to wait until all of the cleaning and cooking was done to shower and dress for the evening. All three remained in their breakfast attire. That made the chores fun and interesting as they couldn't resist playing with each other here and there; mostly toying touches such as a finger in a pussy when one passed another, a couple of pulls on a cock when going by, tongues on various body parts. But none of it brought anyone to orgasm.

Rhonda had even thought to buy food for lunch and surprised Ron and Jenna by making Croque Monsieur, the classic French smoked ham and Gruyere cheese sandwiches.

By mid-afternoon, the apartment was sparkling clean, although the air inside carried the delightful aroma of the Beef Bourguignonne. Rhonda had timed it to bake late in the afternoon so she could shower and get ready in time to take it out so it would be hot at dinner time. Ron and Jenna were about ready to shower also, but knowing Rhonda was on a schedule, they yielded to her. However, she had a request of her brother.

"I've been thinking about what you said in taking it slow with Tim. So, to keep things in check, do you think you could fuck me now, so I won't be horny during dinner?"

Both Ron and Jenna were taken aback by the request; not the content but the impeccable logic. He looked at his girlfriend.

"The shower stall in the master bedroom is just big enough for the three of us," Jenna noted, not wanting to be left out.

"Perfect," Rhonda agreed.

And so it went. Satisfying orgasms for everyone under the spray while becoming clean at the same time. Following that, they each dressed and awaited the arrival of their guest.

* * *

To even the casual observer, it was obvious that Rhonda and Tim were smitten with each other. They probably had been at lunch yesterday but had kept their attraction in check for the sake business and propriety. The goo-goo eyes with which they looked at each other and their giddy smiles were definite giveaways. If that wasn't enough, they practically ignored Ron and Jenna, who constantly smirked at each other.

Tim constantly praised the meal, almost to the point that it seemed forced, but somehow, Ron believed it was sincere; if for no other reason, it was a damned good meal.

After dinner, Jenna said that she and Ron would clean up. Her motive was to give Rhonda and Tim some time alone. Even after they finished, they remained sequestered in the kitchen for a while.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed the meal," Rhonda said as they took seats on the sofa. She had endeavored to dress alluringly, but not trashy, showing enough eye-catching cleavage to entice and enough leg and thigh to enchant. Amusingly, now that they were alone, his nervousness became more apparent.

"I can't say enough how marvelous it was. Where did you learn to cook so well?"

"Well, as you know, my—do I have to call him my husband?"

"The man you're married to," Tim suggested.

"That's a little better," she agreed with a smile. "Anyway, since he wouldn't . . . take care of me . . . as I would have liked, I turned to another of my favorite things, which was cooking. I read books, took classes."

With a nod, Tim asked, "How did he like that?"

She grinned deceivingly. "I never cooked anything fancy for him. Didn't think he deserved it, nor did I want to spend the time it took." She considered what she'd said and quickly added, "I'm sorry. I hope I haven't give you a negative impression of myself."

"Of course, not. Nothing I haven't heard before, and nowhere near the worst thing that anyone has ever done."

"Well, that's good." Not certain what that meant, she added, "I guess."

He chuckled. "I could tell you some stories."

"Probably not a good idea. You might give me ideas."

"You should have no further contact with him. If he contacts you, have him call me. I'll take care of everything."

"Well, that will certainly be a change for a man to take care of me." Rhonda was surprising herself by becoming nervous also. She wanted to say something to get the ball rolling, but heeding her brother's words, she bit her tongue. However, she did think of another approach. "So, how long have you been practicing law?"

"Oh, six, seven years."

"You must be good to have developed such a stellar reputation in so short a time."

"I've concentrated most of my time to becoming good, unfortunately, to the exclusion of many other things."

"Such as?"

He shrugged. "Oh, you know, a social life."

"That's sad."

"Yes. But I'd like to change that. I want to start dating again."

"Sounds like you should."

"Yes, well—" he cleared his throat to cover his jitteriness "—I . . . I . . . would you consider going out with me?" Tim paused for a second for her to respond, but his nervousness forced him to keep talking. "It's a bit unorthodox. I mean, dating a client, particularly a woman I'm representing in a divorce, but the truth is I don't have much opportunity to meet women, and I've never wanted to, you know, none of the other women I've represented were ones I would—"

Rhonda spoke to put him out of his misery. "I would love to go out with you."

"You would?"

"That's what I said. Would it be awkward for you?"

He dipped his head and raised his eyebrows in a gesture of uncertainty. "Well, you might want to consider this before you agree. To protect you and your case, we would have to keep it low key, out-of-the-way places, out of the public eye. If your husband or his attorney were to see us together in a . . . shall we say, social situation . . . it could adversely affect the outcome—"

Lawyers; they loved to talk. "I like low-key and out-of-the-way."

"If we continued to see each other socially, it would just be until your divorce was final," Tim quickly added.

"I'm sure we can find other things to do." Rhonda couldn't help herself, but she had to put herself out there for him; assuming he got her innuendo.

"Okay. Well. Good. Maybe you could teach me to cook."

Yes, I'd love to. At your place."

"Of course."

"Gotta be comfortable in your own kitchen with your own tools." Was she laying on the double-entendres to much? Or was his nervousness preventing him from even getting them?

"Maybe we could start with something simple."

"Yes. Work our way up to the heavy stuff."

"Great. When would you like to, you know, start?"

"I'm available anytime you are. Weekday, weeknight, weekend."

"Okay. Let me see how my schedule looks during the week. I'll call you Monday if I can do it during the week. If not, we'll plan on the weekend."

"Sounds like a plan."

By then, Ron and Jenna were tired of hiding out in the kitchen, so they rejoined Rhonda and Tim. Besides, they didn't want him to think they had abandoned him. Although, judging by the awed expression on his face, he was more than contented. The four made idle conversation for a while. Ron and Jenna could tell by Rhonda's face that she was ready to jump Tim's bones, but they did not read the same on his. The four polished off a bottle of wine, after which, Tim took his leave.

Rhonda was so horny after he departed, she couldn't rip her brother's cock out of his pants quick enough.

* * *

Later that evening, fully satiated thanks to Ron and Jenna (thank god for Jenna), though Rhonda's mind was relaxed from the soothing effects of several glasses of wine, a myriad of thoughts still bounced around between her ears. Try though she did, she was unable to organize this introspection. She tried her best not to get her hopes up about Tim. He was a great guy and undoubtedly a top notch lawyer. A lasting relationship with someone like him would be almost ideal.

Rhonda couldn't give it any more than an "almost" because she had yet to establish the level of his sexual prowess. After her miserable marriage to Tony and the incredible last few days with her brother and his girlfriend, she now knew that any future partner would have to match her sexual drive. So, far, there was no evidence that Tim could live up to that expectation. But she would not write him off until she was certain beyond any doubt.

And then there was her brother—and Jenna. She had taken a huge risk in coming here given her strained relationship with Ron. She almost thought she might be going from bad to worse. But she had been confident that he would at least take her in. She figured she'd have to listen to lectures, maybe even endure the cold shoulder for a while until he got over his anger.

Now, she knew it was the best course of action she could have ever selected. And not only did she not have to put up with all of the negatives she feared, there had actually been icing on the cake. He took her in, he helped her, he was kind to her, he apologized to her, he gave her what she needed. He fucked her—literally. And that was the greatest gift he could have ever given her. It was amazing that he had evolved to a point to do any of those things let alone the last.

And the reason he had was unbelievably simple. Her name was Jenna.

All Rhonda could hope for was to be as lucky as her brother and find a significant other like her brother had. Or better still, be as fortunate as Jenna and find a man that she could mold into the kind of partner Ron had become.

Ideally, that man would be Tim.

* * *

True to his word, Tim called Rhonda around mid-morning on Monday. He said he would have called sooner, but he feared awakening her or disturbing Ron and Jenna's morning routine. Rhonda assured him that she had been up and at 'em, even preparing breakfast for her brother and his girlfriend.

Tim said they could get together Wednesday night, but it would have to be an early evening as he was in court on Thursday morning. He preferred if they could wait until Friday because with the weekend following, there would be no time constraints. Rhonda understood and agreed to Friday, eager though she was. However, at least she had Ron and Jenna until then.

Tim called again on Wednesday so they could decide what she would teach him to cook. They discussed a number of ideas, but in the end, he told her to surprise him. He would pick her up after work on Friday and they would stop at the grocery to pick up whatever she needed.

By the appointed time on Friday, Rhonda was a whirlwind of excitement. Both Jenna and Ron came home early to see her off and caught her in the middle of changing for the fourth time. Her brother found it amusing, but Jenna understood.

"Are you going to cook for him like you do for us?" Ron asked, chuckling. "Topless?"

"I don't know. Would that be too much on a first date?" she joked back.

Ron answered the door as Rhonda finally settled on a short blue print wraparound dress, low-cut of course, and a low cup bra. She would have gone braless and panty-less, but even Jenna thought that would not be appropriate. Her last words whispered so Tim couldn't hear as she departed were, "Mom and dad, don't wait up!"

For dinner, Rhonda decided on something simple, like steaks, filets, but cooked a bit differently and with a nice Madeira sauce, asparagus with a Hollandaise sauce and a twice baked potato. Once the grocery basket was filled with the necessary items, she led Tim to the wine section.

"I've already bought some wine for tonight," he informed her.

"Oh. Okay." Somewhat surprised, she asked, "Was one of them Madeira?"

He shook his head.

"I'll need that for sauce," she explained, grabbing a bottle.

Considering Tim's low-key appearance and demeanor, Rhonda was stunned when she entered his high-end, ultra-modern condo with its huge open living, dining and kitchen areas. Her eyes really lit up when she saw his gourmet kitchen. "My god! This is fantastic!"

"Thought you might like the kitchen."

"Like it? I love it! I've dreamed of having a kitchen like this."

"Well, hopefully, you'll have many opportunities to use it."

That caught her off guard. She understood his hidden meaning. He was hoping on a long-term relationship, and this was one step in that direction. "So, do I," she answered reassuringly. Her eye further caught several bottles of red wine in a corner on one of the counters, several varietals, all high-end brands. As she put food away in the huge refrigerator, there were several more bottles of white wine chilling. Beyond that, it was virtually empty.

"I don't eat at home very much," Tim confessed.

"So, it would seem. Are you planning to get me drunk and take advantage of me?" Rhonda asked gesturing to all the alcohol.

"Uh, no, no, of course not."

Smirking at his misinterpretation of her quip, she added, "You wouldn't have to get me drunk." She could see that he was taken aback by that. "I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's okay." Tim was hesitant to ask something, but finally forced it out. "But I have to ask, when we interviewed last week, you indicated that you had an active libido, and your brother . . . alerted . . . me that you weren't . . . exaggerating."

Rhonda shrugged. "I like sex. What can I tell you? Is that going to be a problem?"

"Uh, well, I guess to be totally honest," Tim said slowly and nervously, "I have not had an . . . uh, active . . . sex life. So, if it comes to that, please do judge me too harshly."

With her most alluring smile, she went to him and placed her hands tenderly on his arms. "Well, I don't know exactly what my brother has told you, but just because I said I like sex doesn't mean . . . well, I guess what I'm saying is that the rest of the things I told you in the interview were also correct, meaning sex didn't happen very often."