Beyond the Were War Ch. 01


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The event was a huge success on an individual scale. There had been well over a hundred matings announced, matings that were hugely important to the Packs. So many packs were a shell of what they were in the past, and stable families and children were needed to bring them back. Even for those who remained single, contacts had been made and distant families rediscovered. The event broke down the historical fears that had kept packs closed off from each other.

Since there were a few single wolves with computer skills, a Wolfbook site (think Facebook with fur) was formed. It ended up being most helpful to arrange regional meetups and parties, and to link extended families. It didn't help find mates directly as that was done by smell, but it made contacts. In later years, they would find the most effective way to find mates at a distance was a traveling box of worn T-shirts in ziplock bags. Each was coded with a name and pack, and single wolves could sniff through to see if anything got a reaction.

A chance meeting of a computer geek with a Pack historian led to another breakthrough. The computer expert had been hired at after the peace treaty, and she saw how antiquated the Pack geneologies and histories were. A few phone calls later, and they had created a private site by which Pack records could be scanned, stored and searched. It would take years to get the information in, but it was a treasure trove. Many families members would be found using this new tool, further breaking down the old boundaries between packs.

The event was finally coming to an end. With Renee still unconscious in the hospital, it was left to her brother Derek to give the closing comments. "Fellow werewolves, we have truly made history here this weekend. We leave here not as individuals but as a people, a people who can live openly and freely with the respect of human and Were alike. May the friendships formed here strengthen, and may each annual gathering bring as much harmony and success as this one. May the new matings be fruitful and bring joy to your packs." He paused as the applause died down.

"And yet, our hearts ache because the one who is the driving force of this event, a woman who demonstrated her courage and honor to all, remains in a fight for her life. Renee Johnson should be here with...." Everyone held their breath until his smile broke wide on his face. "She's waking up!" The applause and yells nearly brought down the house. "May Luna protect you and guide you, Wolfstock is now closed, now make a hole I have to get to the hospital!"

The Betas of the Johnson and Santa Fe packs had already cleared a path and both Alphas raced out. The wolves left behind shifted and howled in thanks. On live TV, much of the nation rejoiced as well.

Cartel Safe House, Southern New Mexico 18 months ago

Maria woke up when they brought the latest girl in. She sat up from the thin mattress on the concrete floor that formed her bed, pulling the wool blanket around her. She watched the crying woman be pushed into the adjoining cell. Like the others, the woman was naked, bleeding and had been raped repeatedly. The men just locked the door and laughed, leaving the two of them alone in the near dark of the basement.

"What's your name?" There was no response, just more sobbing. The woman laid down on the thin mattress and ignored her. It was too bad, she was already defeated. At least the angry ones had a chance. She saw the faraway look in her eyes that told her she had already checked out.

She wished again that she didn't have Were ancestry; she knew she was tougher and could heal faster than the whores, daughters and other innocents that came through here. Juan used kidnapping and torture of family members as a means to an end, both because it was effective and because he liked it. He couldn't get it up with a woman who wanted to be with him, it took force and violence to sate his lust. Maria's wolf gave her the ability to take abuse and recover quickly just mean that Juan could beat her, rape her and leave her for dead more often.

She always healed up. They knew she would need lots of food to do so, and they would feed her well until she recovered then starve her so she wasn't too strong to resist. The next week, it would all happen again. Six months of this, or so. Time passed quickly when you were locked in a basement, the light never changing, only the shift changes of your captors to mark the time.

The next morning, Ms. No Name was dead. Humans he went through quickly because he couldn't hold back on his impulses. Those that survived the first night with him often didn't make it past the second. Some had tried to make friends with her, but she had stopped doing that. It was too hard losing them.

One of the men dragged her body out and stuffed her in a 55 gallon drum. Her parents would never know what happened to her.

Hector came with her breakfast, and he was smiling. She knew enough to know this wasn't good. "Maria, good morning! Good news, your father has made a good payment this week, so you've been invited to a party to celebrate!"

Maria knew better. She had felt the bond with her father break as she was bundled into the van the day they took her, but she was smart enough not to let on that she knew. Like all her pain, she kept it buried deep inside where they couldn't see it.

Luis came down the stairs with a syringe in hand and Paco behind him. She knew there were normally four of them in the house, Marco was the fourth but he rarely came downstairs. She heard the electronic lock set and discreetly looked to the video cameras, knowing she was being watched. She and her wolf itched to fight, but didn't have the strength. Her wolf was being suppressed by drugs, she could feel her fighting against the fog in her mind. They both knew now wasn't the time.

It was futile to resist when she was called over to get the shot. She could struggle, but that would only result in them using cattle prod and baton on her until she complied. She got plenty of pain as it was, no need to go looking for more. She meekly presented her arm, still slightly bruised from Juan's visit five days ago, and took the shot. The men left her and went back upstairs. She sat down on the bed and curled up; she needed her energy to be ready for the next session.

It wasn't until after lunch that she got the first indication of what the shot did. Her scent was first to change, becoming much stronger. She could almost taste the pheremones. Her sex swelled and reddened, and started to leak copiously. Her breasts became super sensitive, the nipples hardened and aroused. She put her hand under her thin T-shirt and rubbed them, but it only made it worse. Her pussy was on fire, and when she touched it the desire to come became almost unbearable. No matter how many times she masturbated, it never quenched her desire.

By dinner time she was furiously dry humping the cell bars looking for relief. She was glad when the door opened and the men came to get her.


She struggled as they took her naked body out, not to get away but to get to them. Her rational mind was on vacation, all that mattered to her now was getting relief. When they pushed her into the room with Juan and a dozen of his associates, it was like they tossed her starving into an all you can eat buffet. She practically tore the pants off the first man she saw, pushing him back on the couch and plunging his cock into her. She screamed with relief but it wasn't enough. Cock after cock she devoured, cock after cock thrust into her, and nothing helped. As soon as one would shoot his load, she would lunge for another to replace it. Mouth, ass, pussy, tits- anywhere was good for her, and all were used to overflowing. The party went well into the night, becoming more violent as the sex and the tequila kept more of them from getting it up again.

By the time she was dumped back into her cell, beaten, whipped and fucked more times than anyone should be able to handle, she still couldn't rest. She spent the rest of the night desperately masturbating, hoping that the next orgasm would bring her the relief she needed.

It didn't. It took two more days before she was back to normal, two days her jailers took full advantage of.


Denver General Hospital

Renee woke up with the first light of the day, two days since she had been moved from the Intensive Care Unit to a normal room and she still couldn't believe she was alive. She gently squeezed her right hand, causing Robert to stir. He hadn't let go of her hand even in sleep for two days. She smiled as she felt his pulse in her hand, looking over to the baby monitor to verify her little ones were still good. The doctors had run a bunch of tests, worried over the loss of blood, but so far it looked like their brain activity was good and they were active. She loved seeing them push and kick each other on the ultrasound scans she got daily.

Derek and Amanda were going to stop by before they left town, the demands of their pack called and now that she was awake and healing they could return to Montana. She would missed them. Amanda was already showing signs of being the kind of aunt who would spoil her nephews rotten. Derek was praying she would go into heat soon so they could have their own.

Renee felt the call of nature coming, so she squeezed Robert's hand again until he woke up. "Good morning, my love, how are you feeling today?"

"Like I'm about to burst. Help me to the bathroom?" Robert disconnected the monitors and picked her up carefully, avoiding the deep slashes as best he could. The mass of injuries was healing now, but the pain was clear. She could have used a bedpan, but she was stubborn. She used the toilet then he moved her into the shower, setting her on a chair before fetching a washcloth and soap. He spent the next half hour gently cleansing her body. She tried not to react to the sharp pains that it sometimes caused, but he could tell. She could tell he was crying as he cared for her, but was polite enough not to let on that she did. By the time he had her dressed and back in bed, she had just enough energy to eat before falling asleep again.

She woke up two hours later when Derek and Amanda came in, a huge flat package under his arm. "Good morning, sis, you're looking better today!"

Renee slowly sat up with Robert's assistance, then he sat on the bed behind her so she could lean back onto his broad chest. "Better every day. You guys look exhausted though."

Amanda hugged her gently. "Yes, it's been a rough patch. Lots of stuff to do for the Pack and for the Council. Speaking of which, we brought you something." Derek laid the package on her lap and stood back. She tore open the paper covering it, revealing a large photograph set into a frame. The print was of a number of happy young couples on the steps at Red Rock, arms around each other and smiling at the camera. Around the outside on the border were hundreds of signatures, thank yous and well wishes. "We got a group shot of all the newly mated pairs that found each other at Wolfstock. Every one of those people is now happy and complete thanks to your idea that brought them together. You've made a huge difference, Renee, this is one way we could thank you."

Renee was finding it tough to read as tears ran down her face. "But I didn't really do anything!"

Derek shook his head. "Yes, you did it all. You alone recognized the thing we needed was to come together as a people. You created it, organized it, paid for it and ensured its success. You have no idea how much you have done, or how much you mean to us." She laid the framed photo down as her brother and sister-in-law embraced her.

"I'm going to miss you guys." Renee was still clinging to their hands, even though she knew they had to leave to catch their flight. "You will always be welcome on my territory, especially if you get tired of those cold winters in Montana!"

"We'll miss you too," said Derek, "and you're always welcome on our territory if you get tired of the desert heat." He kissed her, Amanda did too, then they left.

Renee kept looking at the photo, seeing people she knew or had met, and reading the notes left for her. Truly, the gift of mates was the greatest gift they had been given. She only had a few days with Gary, but a second chance mate was a true blessing. She could feed the bond forming and strengthening with Robert, and suddenly knew what she needed to do.

"Robert?" He pulled her close and kissed her neck as she leaned back against him. "Do you love me?"

"I've loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you. I love you desperately; I never dreamed I could love anyone again and yet here you are." He slowly kissed along her neck, his hands intertwined with hers on her belly.

"Do you want me as your mate?"

She felt his head lift off her neck. "Of course, love, I just am patient enough for you to be ready. It's been a rough week and you have a lot to recover from. When you are ready, I would be honored to take you as my mate and Alpha Female." He could feel her tension. "What are you worried about?"

"Nothing. Everything. My Pack. Is it too soon after losing my mate? What about my babies? Where do we live? What do I do?"

He squeezed her gently. "Do you love me?"

She sighed and closed her eyes. "Yes. Since the first time I saw you."

"Do you want me as your mate?"

"Since the first time I saw you, I was just afraid I would hurt you if I let you too close."

He chuckled. "You could never hurt me, just as I could never hurt you. The only thing I fear in life is living it without you." He could feel the bond deepening. "It's not too soon, it's Luna's will that we meet and have this chance. Would Gary want you to pine away for him? From what I've learned of him, I know he wanted you to be happy, I know he wants his children to be happy too. I know I can give that to you."

"But they aren't your children, and you're an Alpha. Why would you raise children that aren't your heirs?"

"Because they are yours, because you fought for them, lived for them and love them. So will I. If you are willing, I will formally adopt them and they will be as my own."

Renee was silent for a few minutes. "What about my Pack?"

"Well, you know you aren't numerous, you have no territory, no home, and few warriors. We both know that doing nothing is not an option. On the other hand, you have me, your Pack members are already settling in, and we already have one mating between our Packs. I want them all to join us, to absorb them into the Gila pack, to stay with both of us."

"I owe them the choice. At first I was hoping I could just find another Pack for them and I could go back to being just a normal pregnant woman. I guess I'm stuck with being an Alpha now."

"You are ANYTHING but normal, my love. And I mean that in a good way." He started nuzzling her neck, softly nipping at her ear. When he moaned into the side of her neck she started squirming.

"Robert? I want you to mark me. Make me yours."

He stiffened against her. "You aren't near recovered, we need to wait."

"I've waited long enough. Besides, what's another wound? It's like another pound to an elephant." He laughed. "Lock the door, Robert, and strip. I need you to make love to me." He grinned as the door clicked. Slowly taking off his shirt, he watched as she pulled the thin hospital gown up over her torn body. She was covered in bruises, had several long lines of stitches holding closed deep cuts, and yet she was the sexiest thing he had ever seen.

"Gently, though. You let me know if it hurts." He pushed off his pants and she licked her lips as she saw his erection bounce up in front of her.

"Porcupine sex it is."


"Yes, dear, slow and careful so no one gets hurt!" She held out her hand as he came up on the bed. He knelt at her feet, his strong hands slowly spreading her knees apart. He avoided the cuts and kept her right leg still, knowing her torn hamstring was still early in its recovery. He kissed his way up her thighs, following the strong scent that was uniquely her, the one that called to his very being. He gently spread her lips apart and kissed her swollen clit, before his tongue started laving at her. She was swollen and tender, he wanted to do so much more but he knew she couldn't handle it right now.

"Are you sure you want me to continue?" She nodded as he lined up his cock with her. He kept his arms straight and his body off her as he slowly pushed forward. They both groaned in pleasure as she was filled. He paused and looked in her eyes for signs of pain when he was fully seated, but all he could see was love and lust. Her wolf was close. He started to move in and out, careful not to put any weight on her. She played with her breasts for a while, he eyes closing, before placing her hands behind his neck and pulling his head down to hers. "I'm not going to last long," he said.

"Me either. Do it. Mate with me."

He picked up the pace, still being careful not to move her around too much, and let his teeth shift. He watched her eyes, and when he felt her tense and her eyes go closed she exposed her neck to him. His wolf took over, surging forward and biting deeply into the junction between her neck and shoulder. She cried out as the pain mixed with the pleasure, her teeth also shifting. He started to come, huge spurts of pent up seed filling her up. She moved up and bit his right shoulder, her teeth drawing blood and shaking to ensure it would scar well. He was hers, and she was his. The bond between them exploded their emotions as it fully snapped in place.

He could feel her pleasure, and her pain. He knew it was too early, he was hurting her. He carefully moved off of her and went to the bathroom to get some washcloths to clean the blood and come off them both. When he came back, he gently kissed her before cleaning her and covering her up. "I love you, Renee."

"I love you too, Robert." She closed her eyes and was asleep immediately. Robert sat in the chair by her, holding her hand, his eyes focused on her breathing.

He stayed with her until lunchtime when her Pack arrived. He hated leaving, but she still had her own Pack and they had a lot to talk about. He gently kissed her lips before leaving to have an extended lunch.

As soon as her Pack started to enter the room, Wendy let out a scream. "YOU MATED!!!" The rest of the Pack piled into the room, each coming up to hug her and congratulate her. All matings were celebrated, but second mates were rare, mainly because so few survived the loss of their first mate. It took the floor nurse poking her head in and threatening to kick them all out if they didn't quiet down to end the celebration.

Renee got right to the point. "Well, I've made my decision as you can see. I'm going to be the Alpha Female of the Gila pack. You each have the freedom to choose your future, I owe you no less. You can go to any pack you wish and your share of the pack assets will go with you. Or, you can stay with Robert and I as members of the Gila pack."

"Will they accept us?" Kelly was nervous, she had been through so much and didn't want to leave Renee.

"Robert wants you all to be with us, this was his idea. Keep it to yourselves for now, he will be informing his pack once he knows what you all have decided. I just need to know if you want to do that."

"YES!" It was a chorus of joy as the tiny little pack accepted. No longer would they have to worry about territory or safety, they all liked the pack they had been staying with and that they would all stay together.

"OK, I'll let him know." She used her mate bond to tell him. "We have to have a formal Pack vote with regional Council supervision to make it official, but we will start the process now. I need you guys to head back to New Mexico now. Robert and his Betas will work with you to discuss how we can expand the compound to include you all. The Doc says I'll be able to travel tomorrow, so I'll finish recovering back at home and I can see you there."