Beyond the Were War Ch. 07


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Juan looked into the camera. "YOU did this. Everything that happens to her is YOUR fault, you proud sonafabitch. Look at how well you protected the most important thing in your life." He gestured to the cameraman to unmute the other side of the conversation.

"I'LL FUCKING SKIN YOU ALIVE! YOU ARE DEAD!" Robert was on the verge of shifting, his nails lengthening and cutting the skin of his palms as he fought for control.

"No... you won't. You will do EXACTLY what I tell you or your woman here will spend the rest of her short and pain filled life as the fuck toy of every swinging dick who owes me a favor. She will be well used, trust me on that. So, here is what you will do. Have you loaded all my money back into a truck for me?"

Robert closed his eyes, then relaxed and opened them. "Yes, I have it ready to go."

"And Maria, you must bring her."

"I can't, she's not here. She went to visit relatives in Texas."

Juan looked at him, trying to see if he was lying. "You call her and tell her to meet you at the Super 8 hotel off University Avenue in El Paso tomorrow at noon. If she doesn't show up..."

"I know, Renee dies."

"Good, you understand me now. Bring only your driver's license and cash, no phones. You are going to drive it out of your Pack lands and head east on I-10 towards Texas. One of my associates will meet up with you. He is going to scan it for bugs, communications devices and any other crap you might think of pulling. He will then join you in the cab and you will drive where he tells you to go. Nobody else leaves your Pack lands, I have people watching. If you try anything, if anyone follows you, if a cop even takes an interest in your truck, she will die. You will die. I will kill every member of your pack and you will become just a memory. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, I understand." Robert sat back, defeated.

"I hope so, for her sake." He gestured across his throat and cut the phone call. "Take her down, knock her out and load her up."

El Paso Pack SUV

West El Paso, Texas

Andy was furiously clenching and relaxing his fists, trying to fight off the change. Renee had been broadcasting what was happening over the link, and what they were doing to his Luna had him seeing blood. Linda was near a breakdown as she drove a few miles away, they were desperately seeking her scent in the area they suspected she was being held but they were running out of time. They needed to do something different. "Renee, can you give me any more details on where you might be?"

Renee came back, even her mental bond showed the pain she was enduring. "Residential area, rambler construction. It has a four pane picture window to the right of the front door, probably set apart from other houses as he said no one would hear me. It has exposed wood beams in the ceiling, so look for something built in the 50's or 60's, it isn't that big a house either."

"OK, that helps. Hang in there, Renee, we're coming for you." Pulling up Google, they started to narrow down the possible locations to a few neighborhoods. Using Street View, he started looking for possibles as they car sped to the first location.

"Andy, they've given me a... shot... shit."

"Renee?" Nothing. "RENEE!" Andy looked at the El Paso betas. "They've knocked her out again." He sighed, this was making the job much tougher, and they were running out of time.

Near Vado, New Mexico

Anna watched nervously as the change started to come upon her mate. His eyes hadn't opened, but the random pops and moves under his skin told her everything she needed to know. The next few minutes would see him through or send him spinning into madness. She removed her underwear, tossing it aside as she rolled over the top of him. Her plan was simple- cling tight to him through the change and make sure her scent was in his nose until he recognized her as his mate and calmed down.

She looked back to where the SUV was parked with Caleb and Maria. They were well back, for their safety as well as hers. A new werewolf with his mate could be dangerous to anyone around as they sorted through the emotions and the instincts. She nodded her head, then turned back to her mate. His face was starting to reform, his nose lengthening into a snout, his teeth growing in and sharpening. Fur was erupting on his naked form, and his limbs started to flail about. She dropped herself onto him, pressing her entire body close to his as she gripped his legs with hers and her arms held tight around his shoulders. She kept her head down and away from his teeth, pressing it into the junction of his shoulder and neck so her hair would be in his face. The sound of bones popping and reforming became rapid like a machine gun, then just as soon as it stopped. She lifted up as he rolled onto his side. He was a good looking wolf, she thought appreciatively, mostly black with some brown and tan spots and white socks. She moved her head to stare into the eyes of her mate.

That's when he lunged forward and bit her.

She screamed as his teeth tore through the flesh of her shoulder, tearing muscle and sinew as he shook his head. She rolled onto her back as he let her go, her eyes begging him to stop as he bit into the arm that was trying to protect her neck. There was a sickening crunch as his jaws crushed the bones in her arm, then he let go again. He stood over her, teeth exposed and growling, as she begged him to stop. He was about to tear into her again when the pain hit his back leg, followed by the sound of a gunshot. He spun around, seeing the vehicle and the man with the rifle, and paused briefly before taking off into the bushes.

By the time Maria reached Anna, the blood was spurting in streams from her torn shoulder to the rock and sand below. She tore her shirt off and slapped it on the flesh, causing Anna to scream as she applied pressure. Caleb had run past them hoping to get in another shot, but Enrique's wolf had taken him too quickly away, he knew without shifting to wolf form he'd never catch him. He looked back, he couldn't lose Anna either, and from the bond he knew she wouldn't last long without assistance. He ran back to them, picking Anna up along with the blanket as Maria kept the pressure on the wound. They loaded her in the back of the SUV and Caleb jumped into the drivers seat. They tore back to the interstate at high speed. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed 911, he needed help and he needed it now. A State Patrol cruiser met them back at the interstate and escorted them to the clinic in Las Cruces. It was a tough day for the dispatcher, not only did they have a severely injured werewolf coming to a human hospital but they had a feral wolf on the loose out there.

El Paso Pack Territory

Western Side

Joe was completely focused on the woman at the tree and the man who was slapping her, trying to get her to open her mouth and take his semi-hard cock in it. His vision was tunneled on her eyes as he flew into the clearing at full speed. He leaped into the air, jaws open, and before the man could turn around he had his neck pinned in his powerful jaws. He chomped down, his wolf giddy at the taste of his blood as his momentum pulled him off his feet. Twisting and shaking his head, there was a sickening crunch and the man dropped to the ground.

Mark entered the clearing just as the second man had dropped his captive and was bringing his rifle up. It wasn't fast enough, Mark's chocolate colored wolf slammed into his chest at full speed. He heard the sound of multiple ribs breaking as the guard was knocked off his feet. Mark skidded to a stop, turned and pounced. He got to his throat and with a strong jerk he tore it open. While the arterial spray was covering them with blood, he jumped in again and bit the hand off that was holding the rifle. He spat the appendange at his feet, then jumped back in for his belly. He tore him to pieces within seconds, ignoring the screams of the women still tied to the tree.

Hector was last, his man saw the wolves and tried to run for it. Bad idea to run from a wolf. Hector quickly caught up to him and launched himself onto his back, pushing him roughly to the ground. There was a wet thunk as his head hit a rock and he went still. "Everyone good?" He got an assent from his team members, then opened the link to the other patrol and his Alpha. "Alpha, we have two guards dead and I have one knocked out. What do you want me to do with him?"

"See if he knows anything that would justify saving his life. If not, kill him."

Hector tied his man up using zip ties he found in his pockets, then threw him over his shoulder and carried him back to the others. He looked over to Joe and Mark; Joe had a young woman in his lap, hugging her tightly while he whispered in her ear. Mark was cutting the second woman down, she had passed out from the fright of the incident. The men and women who had been taking a break were now in small clusters, holding on to each other in fear. "You are now under the protection of Alpha Merino and the El Paso pack. We mean you no harm."

One of the men looked up. "What will happen to us?"

"You will leave your burdens here and come with us. We will talk to each of you and if you are no threat we will drive you to the northern border and let you go there. Our fight is only with the Cartel."

An hour later, vehicles were being loaded to take most of them away. The two dead guards were buried, and the last one was wishing he was dead. He gave up a key piece of information in exchange for his life- the location of the wholesale distribution center near their territory.

Six hours later, the El Paso pack had gained a new Pack member, eliminated another twenty Cartel men, and confiscated 6.7 million in cash an gold. The drugs they left for the DEA to find with an anonymous phone call. Given everything else that had happened that day, it was all blamed on a Cartel war and no one suspected a thing.

Gila Pack House

New Mexico

"Boss, are you sure you want to do this?" His Betas were lined up by the truck, worry clear on their faces. It went against every instinct they had to let their Alpha leave them for certain death. Rico jumped down from the cab of the truck, the radio in his hand, the GPS disabled. "Madam Alpha Renee did tell us that we shouldn't do it, that rescue was coming."

Robert let a long breath out. "I got a call from Alpha Merino. They found the place in El Paso where Renee was being held, but she wasn't there. She was taken in a truck by Juan and Carlos. They were unable to find her." He turned to them all. "I'm not the future of this pack, Renee and the pups she is carrying is. I don't care about the money, I care about her. So if I have to die to give her that future, then that is what I will do. My final command to you all is that no one is to go after me, no one leaves the territory. Thank you all, and may Luna bless you and your families." He turned his back on his men and stepped up into the truck. He put it in gear and started to move out the driveway.

Tears filled his eyes, his Pack members had turned out lining the long driveway. Most were shifted and lifted their heads and howled as he passed by. Using the Pack link, he talked to them all. "I love each and every one of you, and I want you all to live your lives to your fullest. Support Alpha Renee when she returns."

No one followed as he drove to the interstate.

Foothills near Vado, New Mexico

Enrique battled the wolf in his mind for control. The long run had allowed some of the adrenaline to leave his body, and his wolf collapsed down to the sand. He licked at the bullet wound in his rear leg, cleaning the dried blood off his fur. It was a clean through and through wound and was already healing up. As he panted heavily, his mind kept going back to what happened when he woke up and shifted.

He had hurt her. Anna was his mate, and he had torn her apart. Her blood was on his fur, and his wolf was arguing with him in his mind. He wanted to go back to her, to see her again, but Enrique knew that they would be hunted. He didn't want to be shot again. Eventually, he was able to merge his human side with his wolf side and bring the emotions under control again. He rose up on his four legs and started to circle back to where he had come from, but got himself a good five hundred yards away from his original track. He moved quickly and quietly, his wolf side understanding the importance of stealth as they returned.

When he crept to the top of the hill, he could see they were all gone. Trotting down to where he changed, he could smell the blood and the stale scent of his mate; moving further west, he tracked them to the tire tracks. There was nothing else to do but find her. He sat and let out a mournful howl, listening for a reply but there was none. He started to trot along the road, his mind reliving that moment over and over. He had to hope she was still alive, if he had killed her he didn't want to live.

I-25 Southbound

Just north of Los Cruces, NM

Alpha Hastings continued to drive at the posted speed limit towards his death. He looked over at Victor, a Cartel hit man who had stopped him just outside Pack lands. He didn't say much, he just kept his nickel-plated .45 in his lap as he watched Robert. He could smell the wolfsbane that no doubt covered the silver ammunition he would be carrying. He had handcuffed his right wrist to the steering wheel to make sure he didn't try something. He never said a word, just gestured to drive. Robert had followed instructions and had left everyone on his territory, but the Cartel didn't know about the people he already had in Texas, and they couldn't detect his mind linking. His Alpha call was sent out periodically, but he didn't expect a response yet.

He was shocked when a voice replied. "Alpha, it's Caleb, where are you?"

"I'm on I-25 just coming south into Los Cruces, and I need help. The Cartel is forcing me to trade myself and the money for Renee, and I don't have any backup. I need you guys to get ahead of me and wait for my signal."

There was a pause. "I can help, but the others are busy. Anna is in surgery, Enrique hurt her badly and is now rogue. I have to leave Maria with her. Linda and Andy went back to El Paso to search for Renee. I'll head out to the vehicle. Where are they sending you?"

"Texas. It won't be El Paso, though, Alpha Merino already hit their safe house and Renee was gone."

"Or somewhere in between. I'm going to gas up and check my guns, let me know when you are coming up on Lohman Avenue and I'll jump on the freeway ahead of you. I also have to call Alpha Merino and see if he can send someone to help Anna and Maria while I am gone."

"OK, just be generic when you talk to them, remember we don't know how much of our communications is monitored. Maria, you stay strong for us, link with me if you get scared. You can do this." He sent feelings of love and acceptance down the bond, and she instantly felt better.

"Got it boss, good luck."

For the first time since leaving, Robert began to think they might get out of this. Backup would help, but until Renee was free he had to go along with their plan.

El Paso Pack House


Alpha Merino took the call from Caleb. "I need help, Alpha, a friend of ours is hurt and in surgery at the Los Cruces Area Hospital. She will need someone to help the human doctors, and we will need transport for her when she is released. Can you help us?"

His response was immediate. "Yes, I think we can do that. I will send your friends your way as well. Let me call you back." Mind linking with his Betas in town, he directed them to leave for the Los Cruces area immediately with Linda and Andy, then he mind linked with the pack doctor and asked her to take a driver and go as well. He was taking a chance, but when Alpha Hastings described the directions he was given he figured that was a good direction for now. Julia was on the road ten minutes later, using her cellphone she called ahead to the hospital and gave them her contact info should the surgeon have any questions about working on werewolves. She found out she was still in surgery, they had stopped the major blood loss and were doing reconstruction of her shoulder at the time. She should be in recovery by the time they arrived.

Cartel Van

South of Los Cruces

Carlos exited the interstate at the Vado exit and headed east past the gas station. "There is nothing out her but dirt and rock, I've used it before to hide bodies. It will work for what we need." They made their way down the rough track before taking a dirt path off towards the foothills. "Boss, how are we going to play this?"

"We'll get him here, bind him up, then rape and kill his woman in front of him before we kill him. Then we go back to El Paso and pick up Maria." Juan made a call to him man in the truck, and told him directions. He smiled, revenge was a dish best served cold, and it was very cold out in the desert at night.

Gila Truck

South of Los Cruces

Robert drove along the interstate, the sun setting to his right. His hearing had allowed him to hear the directions, so he passed them along the Pack bond to Caleb and Maria. Maria agreed to use a hospital phone to call Andy, and Caleb raced ahead to the exit before they could arrive. Robert preached caution, though. "I don't know if they will have lookouts or something already set up, so you can't approach by vehicle. Find a place to park and go wolf, head east and wait for me."

"Got it, boss. I'll be at the exit in ten minutes then I'll run ahead. Keep in touch, all right?"

Foothills east of Vado, NM

Caleb worked his way through the brush and scrub, moving towards the foothills ahead. He figured they wouldn't do anything in the wide open expanses so he kept going. His mind was so focused on where he was going he didn't notice a wolf was coming towards him until it was nearly on him. He spun around at the noise, his hackles up as he faced a wolf. Not just any wolf. Enrique. The rogue who nearly killed Anna.

Without thinking, he attacked. Lunging forward he got his teeth on the back of his neck and bit down, but something was different. Enrique didn't fight him, he just fell to the ground and went limp. His submission triggered something in him, so Caleb let go. Enrique stayed down, exposing his throat and stomach to him in the universal language of submission. "Enrique... are you in control of your wolf?" He tried to get through, but Enrique wasn't accepted into the pack yet so there was no bond that would work. He stepped back and shifted into his human form. "Enrique... you need to shift. Close your eyes and look into your mind, find your wolf. Let your human walk forward and your wolf retreat." He tried to coach him through the change but couldn't make it work. "All right, we'll have to do it this way. I need your help, Alpha Hastings is in trouble and they are coming this way. I need you to stay with me and help us. Can you do that?" Enrique nodded his head, then stood up. "OK, follow me. We're heading towards the hills to wait for them."

As they walked along, he tried to contact Maria but they were too far away. He tried a different tact. "Alpha, I'm nearly in place and I have some good news for you."

"I could use some, Caleb. We're a mile away from the exit now."

"I found help. Enrique came back, he gained control of his wolf. I can't talk him through shifting back but he is with me now and all right. Can you let Maria and Anna know?"

"Of course. I'm so glad he pulled through, Anna needs him to get better."

They pushed forward, knowing time was short. His senses were paying attention, and they smelled the humans before they came into view. They slowly crept to the top of the hill and looked over at the van. Two men were in view, they were drinking beer and smoking marijuana. Both carried pistols, and one had an AK-47 strapped to his back. The van was closed, they focused on scent and identified Renee as being in the van. Caleb tried the link to her, but she didn't respond. "Alpha, we found them. Two men, both armed, Renee is in the van, I can't tell for sure if someone else is in there with her."