Beyond Worlds: Mis-taken Hero - 01

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Truck-kun claims another... sort of.
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Titus Langley stopped typing and hung his head in exasperation. Dave had already yelled at him twice this week and it was only Wednesday. What did he want now?

"Langley! Where are the McCready reports?" said Dave, stomping over to Titus's workstation.

Titus slowly turned around in his chair as his boss appeared at the entrance to his cubicle. Dave was as stereotypical of a shitty boss as you could get. Years of gaining inches in his waistline, losing centimeters from his hairline, and a bad attitude from being passed over for promotions had turned into a god complex where he lorded over his employees to achieve some illusion of importance in his life. Dave didn't have the talent, skill, or smarts to ascend the corporate ladder, and the world had changed so much that he had little chance of finding a similar paying job at a different company. But instead of trying to better himself, he took out his frustration on his subordinates, and the better you were at your job, the harder he came down on you. Unfortunately for Titus, he was one of the best data analysts in the firm. He could read exceptionally fast and often saw patterns in the data he worked with long before others in his field. This was as good as drawing a target on his back as far as Dave was concerned.

"The McCready reports aren't due until next Tuesday," Titus responded with a calm that obscured just how pissed off he was at the moment. "The Patel account is due Friday, and Anderson needs to be in by Monday morning. I'm working on those two right now."

"I didn't ask what you were working on. Drop those and get on the McCready account. Now."

"If I pivot to the McCready analysis and the Patel and Anderson reports aren't in by their deadline, then it's on your head, not mine."

Dave leaned down. "Don't take that tone with me, Titus. There are a million kids fresh out of college who are just as good as you. Do as you're told or find another job," Dave snapped before stomping back to his office.

Titus sighed and started gathering up the documents scattered about his cubicle desk and shoving them into a binder labeled "Patel."

"Are you alright, Titus?" said a voice behind him.

Titus glanced back and smiled at Milly. Her real name was Amelia, but that was also her grandmother's name, so she went by Milly. "Thanks for worrying about me, but I'll be fine," he said before slipping the Patel binder back into its place on his desk organizer and pulling out a larger binder with the name McCready on the side.

Milly was as close to a friend at the office as Titus had. They met one day in the break room not long after he started working there and immediately noticed they shared the same hazel eye color. Over the past few months, they had slowly gotten to know one another, and Titus could almost consider her a friend. But Milly was a pretty, athletic brunette with a cute nose, long legs, and small but perky breasts. What really caught Titus's attention was the woman's backside. Probably because she wore the kinds of skirts that showed off her world-class ass.

Compared to Milly, Titus considered himself a troll. Instead of having a mix of his parent's features, it looked like someone divided his face in two and gave one side his mother's features and the other side his father's. While neither of his parents were unattractive, when smashed together on a single face, it made him look lopsided and, in his opinion, a little creepy. Adding to his predicament was the extra flab hanging around his waist from too much time at his desk and not enough in the employee's gym downstairs. Lastly, the worst part of his body was his dick, at least in Titus's eyes. While he thankfully wasn't a virgin, a few of his relationships in his forty-one years had come to a screeching halt the moment he took his pants off.

He hoped this budding friendship between him and Milly might turn into something more. It was a distant hope, but it was there.

"Actually, you may be able to help me out. Considering how this week has gone, I'd like to end things on a high note. Maybe we could go out for a drink after work on Friday?"

"Sorry, Titus, I'm busy Friday night."

Titus smiled. "A pretty woman like you? I shouldn't be surprised. Thanks for the offer of help, but I'm good, though I need to get working on these," he replied, turning away to hide the disappointment in his eyes. She didn't even take a moment to think about it before turning him down.

Milly stopped in a second time at the end of the day. Titus briefly considered reiterating his offer but then decided to leave it alone. He still had his pride and didn't want to sound desperate.

Many hours later, long after the sun had gone down, Titus emailed the finished McCready report to Dave for review and dropped its corresponding binder in the 'completed' basket hanging on the wall near his cubicle's entrance.

As the elevator took him to the parking garage in the building's basement, he wondered where he might be able to grab something to eat this late at night.


"Titus," came a voice from behind him.

"Milly?" he asked, turning around to find her standing at the entrance of his cubicle. "I thought I was the only one working late. What are you still doing here?"

"I came back to check on you," she said, unbuttoning her blouse. "If you keep working like this, you'll end up jumping off of a bridge from all the stress. You need to relax." Titus gasped as she undid the front clasp of her lacy bra and pulled it open along with her blouse, revealing her perfect tits. "Lucky for you, I know the perfect way to relax you."

Milly dropped to her knees and began working at Titus's belt buckle.

"M-Milly? Are you sure about this?" he stammered, hardly believing his eyes.

She answered by grabbing his zipper in her teeth and slowly pulling it down, then reaching into his pants and fishing out his cock. "Mmmmm," she hummed in appreciation as she stroked a hand up and down the length of his prick.

"Oh, fuck," he groaned as she ran her tongue up the side of his cock before enveloping the head in the warm wetness of her mouth. Milly giggled at the outburst, sending delicious vibrations up his prick before starting to bob up and down in earnest.

She worked his cock like a pornstar, swirling her tongue around the head while twisting and jerking the shaft with her hand. Only a couple minutes of her intense blowjob had Titus putting his hand on her head.

"Milly. Milly!" he pleaded. "I'm about to--!"

She gripped the base of his shaft painfully while staring up at him with mischief in her eyes. The head of his prick popped out of her mouth. "I want your cum, but not in my mouth," she said, dragging her tongue up his cock.

When his prick had settled down some, Milly stood up and turned away from him. Holding the cubicle wall for support, she bent over and flipped up her skirt, wafting the scent of her arousal toward him and showing off her pantyhose-covered ass. Titus took a moment to enjoy the view before gripping a spot right over her pussy with his fingers and pulling to either side. Milly gasped and giggled as the material ripped, exposing her glistening, shaved pussy. Unable to control himself, Titus stood up behind her and slowly slid his cock into her as she let out a long moan.

"You fill me up so good, Titus. Now cum deep inside me," she whimpered, rocking back into him.

"After your BJ, I'm not going to take long."

"I don't care. I just want to feel your jizz shooting deep into my pussy."

He nodded and gripped her hips before taking long, deep strokes, speeding up a little with each one. Within seconds, Milly was shrieking and moaning with pleasure as Titus pounded her. Then with a final groan accompanied by a long wail from Milly, he flooded her sex with cum.

Titus sighed as he came back to reality. "As if that would ever happen," he mumbled. Looking over at the tablet playing porn on his nightstand, he used the pinky finger of his cum-covered hand to pause the vid, then grabbed a tissue from the box beside it to clean himself up.


"Langley! Make sure the Patel analysis is on my desk by morning!" shouted Dave.

"It won't be," he called back. "You pulled me off it yesterday to work an account that isn't due until next week. Remember?"

He felt as much as heard Dave stomping over to his cubicle. "What did you say?!"

"Do you need to get your hearing aids checked, Dave? You pulled me off the Patel account to work on McCready, which was in your email this morning. Had you left me alone to do my job, then the Patel analysis would already be done," Titus fired back, loud enough for most of the office to hear. 'Play stupid games, Dave, win stupid prizes,' he thought as he began gathering up the papers on his desk. "If you need it done so badly, then you can give it to someone else.

Titus caught the moment of fear in his boss's eye before the man's anger returned. "It was assigned to you. It's your responsibility to get it done on time!"

"Bullshit. My last firm folded because it couldn't recover after the pandemic. I wasn't fired for poor-quality work, Dave. I was the best in my department there and walked in the door here as one of the best here. This late in the game, I'm the only person in this office who can have all of this data processed with a full, detailed report by tomorrow morning. That's why you won't give it to someone else."

'Come on, asshole, you've already made yourself look like a fool. Say something else that will let me rip into you again.'

"Just get it done," Dave snarled.

'Wise choice,' thought Titus as he turned around and got back to work without waiting for his boss to leave.


A couple hours later in the bathroom stall, Titus dropped his pants and sat on the toilet. He only needed to piss, but the anger from his confrontation with Dave had worn off and left him feeling exhausted. He also felt that since he sat on his ass all day for work, it was nice to sit somewhere else for a few minutes not surrounded by paperwork and computer screens.

The bathroom door opened a few seconds later, and Titus heard two sets of footsteps walk up to the urinals.

"I heard Dave is planning on firing Titus after clock-out on Friday."

Titus slowed his breathing and cocked his head to the side.

"Nah, The Anderson account is too important, and Titus is about the only person here who could hope to get it done by Monday. If Dave doesn't cool off by then, I imagine Titus'll be gone Monday morning."

"I wouldn't count on him cooling off. Getting lippy is one thing, but getting lippy loud enough that the whole office can hear you make an ass out of yourself? Dave won't forgive that. I wonder why Dave has such a hate-boner for the guy?"

"Because Titus is an actual threat to his job. Dave's been running on momentum for years, and what Titus said is true; he was the top of his department at his old job and is probably the best analyst here."

"Is the guy really that good?" one asked as they moved over to the sinks to wash their hands.

"I had a friend from college who worked with Titus at his last firm. My friend called him a wizard with numbers and patterns. But if you don't believe me, go look at that McCready report Dave was hollering about yesterday. They offered it to me, and after looking over that mess, I knew I couldn't make their deadline. Titus got it done half a week early while still working the Patel and Anderson accounts."

"Damn. That is impressive."

"Impressive enough that Dave sees him as real competition for his job. Which is another reason why Titus'll get fired Monday morning. He'll have to pack up his desk and be escorted out by security in front of the whole office as an example. But, impressive skills or not, let Titus worry about Titus, and you worry about you. Don't give Dave a reason to put a target on your back too."


Motivation was in short supply for Titus after listening to the conversation in the bathroom, and he ended up working past sundown yet again while finishing up his report on the Patel data.

Souring his mood further, as the rest of the office left, Ben came over and spoke to Milly. Since Milly's cubicle wasn't far from his, he heard Ben ask her to join him for a cocktail. Milly agreed almost immediately.

Ben was a ho. The stereotypical tall and handsome guy of the office, he had slept with over half of the single women and even a few married ones, if rumors were true. But, if the rumors were true, Ben was quite the cocksman, hung like a horse, but enjoyed the playboy lifestyle too much to settle down with one woman. Milly knew all of this and either thought she might be the one to finally tie him down or at least have a few good nights in bed. Either way, she walked with a little extra sway in her hips as they left together.

Titus briefly considered writing a resignation letter but quickly discarded the idea. If Dave fired him, then that meant severance pay, and he would need every cent until he found a new job.

Well, maybe not every cent. His life was going to shit, so he may as well have a little fun.


Titus pulled up to the curb next to an alleyway filled with women smoking cigarettes and chatting idly. In the dim streetlight, he saw one of the girls further back drop to her knees and lean over a cardboard box with a straw held to her nose.

Rolling down his passenger side window, he called out, "I'd like to order a Brandy Old Fashioned."

"What the fuck? An Old Fashioned is made with whiskey," one of the women muttered.

"This one's mine," said one of the older streetwalkers as she made her way through the crowded alley and out to the car. She flicked the cigarette she had been smoking away before leaning in the open window. "What's up titty-man? Haven't seen you in awhile."

Titus about choked from the strong smell of burnt tobacco wafting toward him as she spoke. "I was hoping to get something started with one of the girls at work. But she's off fucking the office playboy tonight, so fuck her."

"Her loss. You're a nice guy, titty-man. Bj's are thirty, pussy's sixty, and my ass is a bill."

"Still fifty for my usual?"

She frowned for a brief second before sighing. "I suppose."

"Hop in," he said as the lock on the passenger door clicked open.

Brandy yammered on about how hard life was as a whore in this city and told a few humorous stories about new girls learning the ropes of being a professional streetwalker the hard way. Brandy wasn't a pretty woman. At one time she was, but years of drugs, smoking, and selling her body had taken their toll on her. But Brandy was one of the few streetwalkers who didn't mind the size of his dick or his special request.

She explained to him long ago that she hated cumming while on the job, an opinion that was apparently shared by most streetwalkers. Many of them were selling their bodies to pay the bills and buy drugs. They were at rock bottom and weren't supposed to like it. 'Whoregasms,' as she called them, felt like their body betraying them and were the reason she charged him the extra twenty to make her cum as she sucked him off. It also usually took a long time to get her off, and she said the extra was for the tricks she didn't turn while taking care of him.

After driving around for a while, Titus pulled into an empty lot at one of the many city parks. Since the console between the seats made things uncomfortable, Brandy and Titus moved to the backseat and locked the doors behind them. Titus pulled his pants down as she pulled a condom out of her clutch and ripped it open. After sliding the rubber over his cock, she laid on her side with one leg raised, then found a comfortable position to start sucking his cock. Titus's hand sought out the whore's pussy beneath the tiny miniskirt and began gently toying with her folds as Brandy's lips did the same to his prick.

After many failed relationships over the years, a few of which ended specifically because he couldn't satisfy his girlfriend with his cock, Titus needed to be reminded he could pleasure a woman. Brandy understood this, and to his knowledge, every one of the orgasms he gave her with his fingers was genuine. He also suspected that despite her aversion to cumming on the job, she enjoyed it a little bit at least, which was why she told him to use the phrase "Brandy Old Fashioned" to let her know it was him.

For many long minutes, she gently sucked him off, increasing speed, suction, and how active her tongue was in relation to her own arousal. When he began feeling wetness around her entrance, he collected some of it on his fingers and brought it up to her clit to start making light circles. Brandy moaned around his prick and buried her nose in his pubic hair as her tongue went wild.

Titus preferred when they came together, but that was rare. As long as they both got off, he didn't really care who came first but enjoyed it a lot more when she shook and moaned around his hard cock than if he had cum and gone soft.

Brandy started letting out soft, breathy moans around his prick as she began bobbing her head faster. Titus's fingers sped up flicking her pearl, causing her hips to jerk as tremors ran through her. With a blast of air from her nose, she buried his cock as far as it could go in her mouth as her body tensed up. With one hand still vibrating her clit, Titus grabbed Brandy's hair and began thrusting into her mouth. As the whore's body relaxed, he jammed his hips upward one last time and filled the receptacle at the end of the condom. Brandy continued to nurse his prick until he softened to the point the condom began slipping off.

The whore sighed and slipped the rubber the rest of the way off, then tied the open end in a knot as Titus reached forward to grab the sanitizing wipes out of the car's console.

Flashing blue lights made them both jump.

"Fuuuuck," Brandy groaned, reaching for the wipes instead after seeing Titus had frozen in fear.

A shadow briefly blocked the lights before the officer shined his flashlight into the car, then motioned for Titus to roll the window down.

"Brandy, what the hell are you doing here?" said the officer.

"Just having a little fun, Joel," she said, pulling a wipe from the packet and dabbing at her pussy without a hint of embarrassment.

"You know I'm going to have to take you in for this."

"How about if I blow you, and you forget you saw us?"

"You know I can't do that, Brandy."

"Wait a moment, officer," said Titus. "No money has changed hands. As of right now, this is just some fun between two adults."

"You didn't demand payment up front?" Joel asked Brandy, then shook his head. "You were still planning on paying her, so I'm still taking you in."

"Actually, I'm probably going to lose my job on Monday. Since I will be moving out of the city, and working remotely from now on, this was going to be our last chance to do this, so she gave me a freebie."

"And the woman he was interested in is off fucking some other guy tonight. I felt sorry for him," Brandy added.

"You could have left that part out," Titus grumbled.

The officer's eyes narrowed in suspicion before he sighed. "Fine, two consenting adults fucking in the backseat saves me a ton of paperwork. But hand over your license. I'm still fining you for trespassing since the park closes at eight. Get cleaned up and put your dick away. I'll be back in a few minutes with your citation."

When Officer Joel returned, Titus and Brandy had situated themselves and returned to the front seats. Titus graciously accepted the fine and immediately paid it online as Brandy turned sideways in the passenger seat and spread her legs wide. She slowly played with herself as she and Joel chatted about the other streetwalkers hanging out in the alley. He barely looked at her face and not once told her to cover up.