Bi First Time

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Nick, an 18-year-old virgin has sex for the first time.
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My introduction into my sexuality occurred two decades ago and is a story that I want to share. It is an event that is seared into my memory since it was how I lost my virginity. Bought up in a catholic family, and the product of a single-sex church school, my sexual experience was limited to kissing my girlfriend who I dated for a year until I turned 18. It was shortly after my 18th, when I was still dating Rachel that something happened that I still reflect on with happiness today.

As many people in rural communities will attest to, you need to find things to do as a child to keep yourself occupied. I had developed a love of the outdoors and at home spent time walking, running and cycling around the hills of the county of Herefordshire in the United Kingdom. In the last two years of living with my parents, before leaving for Cambridge University, I was introduced to my local rowing club and it was here that I found a sport I was good at. I stand 1,95m tall -- around six five, and weighed in at 88kg. I was lean -- a farming background does that to you, so when I joined the rowing club in my late teens I was lanky but strong. I immediately felt at home in a rowing boat. I loved the way that it moved when it was picked up by a perfectly placed blade -- the name for a rowing oar.

In my naivety I didn't realise that I had the perfect body for rowing. I rarely, if ever, saw my conservative family nude, and catholic body shame had been instilled in me from a young age. What I didn't realise at the time either was that I had an unusual talent for rowing so was moved from a novice boat to one occupied by an experienced crew very quickly.

The club captain was in charge of the boat I joined and he took a shine to me. He was a few years older than me and had returned from Oxford University to work as a lawyer in the area. He had competed as an Oxford lightweight and thus was muscly, very lean and incredibly fit. I liked him too - Oxford and Cambridge -- two of the ancient UK universities had a rowing rivalry that was more than 100 years old. So it was that James took me under his wing and taught me how to use my body.

He had an amazing physique. When you row you wear an all-in-one, often referred to as a 'onsie' -- a lycra body suit with a cut away vest top that finishes in shorts. One of my secret enjoyments of being around the rowing club was checking out other athletes wearing lycra. The women and men looked super-hot wearing onsies. Whilst it was designed for functional reasons, it perfectly showed off taught muscles, bulges and body shapes. On hot summer days after training sessions, the guys in the eight would roll down their onsies to their waist, put away the boat and head to the showers before relaxing on the patio by the boathouse with a drink.

One evening after practice we were putting the boat away when James stopped me for a chat about technique. We stood in the boathouse and as the other members of the crew thinned out and went for their shower, James talked to me. I was checking him out as he did so. As a lightweight rower, he had a fabulous six-pack and tonight it appeared that his onsie had been rolled down further than normal. Rather than listen, my eyes kept wandering around his body as I checked out his rib muscles, his clavicle, and his thigh muscles.

I knew this was dangerous territory since James had a girlfriend, as did I, but I kept going back to his six pack. The 'v' line that is created by the muscles that connect to stomach to the pubic area were fascinating me. I tried to keep eye contact, but my attention kept moving down there. He was ripped, and it seemed that his onsie had been rolled in a way that was deliberately provocative, ending where you would expect to see a bush of public hair. I was wondering why I could see no hair -- although James was blonde, I would expect to see something there. I also knew that his body was stirring my cock into life. I tried to push back the thoughts, but the nascent voyeuristic side of me meant that knowing that checking out the rowing captain's body was a taboo, and this thought made it somehow dirtier, forbidden and thus hornier. My cock stirred some more as I thought about his body.

"Nick, Nick, are you getting this?" said James, as my attention had again wandered to his onsie. I looked up at him, startled back into his eyes, hoping that he didn't realise what I was doing; the liberalism of cities was not a feature of this small-town rowing club, and anything that wasn't straight was never talked about.

"Sorry, James," I said. "I think I got distracted for a minute, can you go over it again?"

James stared at me holding my gaze. "What were you thinking about, your girlfriend?"

A transient smile passed his lips as he almost imperceptibly glanced down at the bulge caused by my semi-hard cock protruding from my onsie. My breathing quickened as I realised that I may be busted and that he'd seen me checking him out. I held my water bottle in front of my groin, and tried to act normal, but was trying to give my cock some relief by pushing it with the hard edge of the bottle.

The spell was broken when James headed for the changing room. This was a danger zone; we'd been chatting a while and the other members of the crew were exiting as we entered. The sunshine of the evening meant the crew were staying for a drink on the terrace, meaning we were alone in the changing room with the guys outside.

I felt trapped alone in the changing room with James. It would be seen as weird not to shower -- it's something we always did after training, So I felt compelled to do so. But on the other hand, the deliciousness of being alone with James met that my cock was starting to throb more through my onsie and not less. Thus, getting in the shower would betray me at least as much as leaving without having a wash.

As I was summing up what to do, I noticed James slipping off his onsie before digging into his bag for shower gel and a towel. Having rummaged around he turned towards me and stood naked in front of me. His towel was thrown lazily over his shoulder, leaving most of his delicious body, including his cock exposed. I felt a flush of nervousness, my face reddened and I knew I must be blushing. I wanted to make eye-contact with James, but I was also desperate to solve the riddle of the missing public hair. I could feel my heart pumping in my chest as this man stood in front of me. He was a little taller, leaner, and beautiful. I use that term deliberately. Some men have a rugged handsomeness about them, but not James. He was beautiful -- not in an effeminate way, but in an insanely manly way. The way his veins stuck out his arms, his toned body, but more than that his personality. He had an easy grace that was uncommon in guys that age. Quietly confident without being cocky, amusing in a way that didn't mock others, but rather in a self-depreciating way, and incredibly kind and patient to those around him.

My bulge grew, I could feel the vein that runs the length of my cock gorge with blood and could imagine it throbbing blue under my onsie. Was James teasing me, was he aware of the effect he was having on me?

"Nick, can I use your shower gel, I seem to have forgotten mine?" he asked, an eyebrow arching upwards in enquiry.

"Sure," I said, reaching into the bag to find it.

I felt my hands were a little trembly and as I pulled the gel bottle out my bag, it fell from my hands onto the changing room floor. I bent to pick it and got a shot of James' cock and balls as I straightened up. This guy was packing. His cock pointed down, but even flaccid must have been 14cm or six inches long. The flash was gone in an instant, but it left me wondering if he was getting turned on too? His foreskin wasn't completely covering his cock head -- a sign that maybe his cock was starting to fill with blood. My attention had been so much on his cock that I forgot to look at his pubic hair. Rather, I passed the gel to James, keeping a safe and firm eye contact with him, despite my body's reaction to seeing him. I could feel a little jolt of adrenalin and needed to breathe through my mouth to get in enough air without James seeing me gasping.

James padded off to the shower, leaving me with a bulging cock in my onsie and wondering what to do next. I decided to play it hetro -- walk towards the shower with my towel in my arm, covering my semi-hard cock, before quickly jumping into the shower. My plan was to allow cold water to jolt me back into hetro-normality and let things rest there.

James was facing the wall, running gel up his legs, so it gave me the time I needed to execute my plan. I stood opposite him in the open-plan shower area, facing the wall as cold water cooled down my raging hormones. With my cock now visibly shrinking, I braved turning around to chat with James. I turned to see that he was looking at me -- nothing unusual there, but then he had an intensity about him that seemed a little odd. I kept my gaze fixed rigidly on his face, not daring to let my eyes wander for a moment, but I did wonder if his cock was growing as he faced me.

We chatted about the usual things -- rowing, girls, more rowing, university. This was safe, but on the other hand I felt a bit disappointed since I had loved checking him out and that buzzy feeling was subsiding. James mentioned his girlfriend a couple of times in what appeared to be a signal that he was hetro, although he let it slip that they had broken up with her in the last week.

Whilst I had a girlfriend, and was off to university in a few months, at 18 I was still a virgin and hadn't really gone past kissing and hugging my girl. James made a comment about this -- how he had enjoyed the 'physical part' of being in a relationship, and how he had dated many girls when he was at Oxford. I am sure this was true -- he was beautiful and a member of one of the elite rowing crews, so pulling girls would be easy. He asked me about my girlfriend Rachel, who he know I had been seeing for almost a year. I said she was good and that we were both off to different universities at the end of the summer so weren't sure what would happen next.

"So," said James, "do you want to have sex?"

The abruptness of his question stunned me. I am sure I physically buckled as he said that, and my hand instinctively covered my private parts as I looked at him. I felt another adrenalin rush and knew my cock would start to bulge and pulse.

"With Rachel, you mean?" I blurted out, not sure of where this was going.

I then stammered something meaningless as James walked off to towel himself down and change. I was left pondering what he meant by this -- I am sure it was a deliberately ambiguous statement on the one hand, but on the other I wasn't sure enough of myself to know how to respond. Here we were two hetro guys getting changed after rowing training, and I was starting to get hard and turned on.

I finished showering and as I did so looked over towards James. I gazed at his body from top to bottom as he dried himself. He was taking great care to towel himself down, his hands working slowly and lasciviously across his body. It was then the mystery of the pubic hair was resolved. He had none. Not even a landing strip. His cock and balls were shaved bald. His cock stood away from his body and bulged. I cast my eye across his back and butt, his gorgeous legs, but kept returning to his hairless chest and pubic area. He really was beautiful. And that cock -- was it even possible to have a cock that big when flaccid? I was so damn sure that he was sporting the beginnings of a semi and the thought of him getting hard had my hormones racing again.

I stared down at my body and saw a huge amount of pubic hair -- it had not even occurred to me that this area could be trimmed due to my conservative background. But I also knew this needed to change.

The next training session came and went without incident. There was a women's crew out at the same time, and after training I got chatting to a really cute girl called Lucy who I knew had dated James. Like all rowers, she was tall at 1,89m - around 6'3 - and beautiful. I had seen her earlier with her onsie rolled down revealing a bra top that showed off her shoulders and small athletic breasts. But best of all I could see her ripped midriff.

Out of kit, she oozed sex, wearing a floaty strapless a-line dress that showed of her back muscles and shoulders beautifully, to say nothing of her thighs. We chatted for a bit and Lucy flirted with me in the summer sunshine, twisting her hair and laughing at everything I said. Since I was preparing for leaving home, we ended up talking about university life. At one point she told me a joke, touching my knee with one hand as the other covered the laughter coming out of her mouth. As all teenagers do, my cock stirred at this brush with her hand, but surrounded by other members of the club, nothing came of it.

Before the next training session, I decided that I needed some self-care, so decided to use the time when my parents were out to trim my pubic hair. In the bathroom I stared at myself in the mirror and saw my 18-year-old body, noticing that it was filling out as a result of all the rowing training.

As I showered, I thought about what happened the night before with Lucy sitting in her summer dress laughing away as she flirted with me and touched my leg. My hands ran lazily across my body, although I stopped at my cock to rub myself hard as I thought about Lucy. I started to fantasize about what she and James got up to when they were dating, and this got my blood racing.

In particular, I wondered how Lucy found it when she took James' huge cock in her hands. I played a video in my mind of James' cock and hairless balls being massaged and rubbed and then of Lucy taking it into her mouth. But as I pulled my cock into hardness, I realised that I was dreaming less about Lucy, and more about what it would be like to feel James' cock in my hand. This was a taboo in our house -- I can imagine my conservative parents or staff from the church school -- many of whom were members of the clergy -- going batshit if they knew I was fantasizing about cock.

Yet the prohibited nature of my thoughts turned me on all the more and I found myself fisting my cock hard as imagined me playing with James' tool. I fantasized about kneeling beside Lucy in front of James. Watching her squeezing James' cock before looking at me, nodding and then feeding his cock into my virgin mouth. The thought of his cock sliding into my face tipped me over the edge, and I came hard, shooting a huge load across the glass side of the shower.

The thought about trimming my hair started when I saw James. His cock looked beautiful and his balls too. My initial plan was just to trim with nail scissors -- I had never got close to even thinking about his before, so even the idea of a light trim had me both excited and nervous. I got to work -- cutting away layer after layer of hair until I could see my balls and cock better. Each time I looked up at the mirror, I got a little more excited at the result, and so each time I trimmed a little more.

I then realised that the challenge with manscaping is not deciding to start, but rather determining when to stop. Every time I looked up, I liked what I saw more and more. And each time, I got hard at the thought that both Lucy and James were probably shaved. So then, having trimmed with scissors, I decided to shave off the remaining stubble. This was bold -- and my inexpert hand took the lightest of grips on the blade as a pulled the razor across my body for the first time. It felt a little dirty, which egged me on. Another taboo to be explored.

As I cut away, I got hard again, so tried to simultaneously shave away my pubes whilst touching stiffening cock. Much as I found this distracting, I cut away, pulling my butt cheeks apart to get the hairs around my anus, pulling my balls to one side to get into the thigh gap, and running the blade along the bottom of my cock shaft. It got me really hard again, so by the time I finished, I was turned on and horny.

It was only then that I stepped out the shower to admire myself. I realised then I was growing into a man -- my six pack was visible, my cock and balls looked awesome without hair. I continued to fist myself, thinking first about feeding Lucy my cock before imagining me and James wanking together. I imagined us in the rowing club showers alone together. His cock in my hands, Me going down on him, tasting his cum.

Was this real? Was I really wanking off to the thought of having sex with another man? Was this really how I wanted to lose my virginity? That's what pushed me over the edge a second time. The thought of giving my virginity to James. Loosing off my load into his willing mouth. I was firmly crossing the line, my dirty thoughts squarely replacing the notion that gay sex was a sin. Even as I realised that cock turned me on, a load of cum shot from my cock onto the same shower glass. I knew then that I wanted to taste cock for real.

The next training was on a Friday. We had a great session in the beautiful sunshine, finishing the training with a practice race. This consists of a racing start followed by 2000m of all-out rowing. It makes you feel alive -- adrenalin courses through your body, your breath is laboured and you fight against your desire to stop as lactic acid burns every muscle in your body. It was exhausting but our crew gelled as we raced and as our speed built we found a new rhythm in the boat that felt unbelievably good.

At the end of the race, we were all heaving for air, shattered by the exertion of the 2km piece. Stopping to gulp water, we all got off the water glistening with sweat as the person steering the boat -- the coxswain, or cox gave us feedback on our performance. We all rolled down our onsies before we rowed back to the landing stage, each inwardly smiling at the way our boat moved during the session. James was sat in front of me in the boat and as we went in, I started to fantasise about his body once again as I saw his back muscles twitch and flex as he worked his blade.

I headed into the showers hoping that I could get some along time with James, expecting to be able to flash my naked cock and balls in his direction. But the changing room had an urgency about it that prevented lingering. Since, being a Friday, most people had plans to go out. The crew disappeared quickly after training leaving me, Lucy and James together standing in an awkward ring outside the boat house.

Hindsight is a great thing, but a phenomenon of rare and transient beauty is naivety. The three of us stood chatting in what for me seemed like normal circumstances. I smiled inwardly at the three of us, me the 18-year-old chatting to my friends who were both 5 years older than me. Whilst Lucy and James had fucked each other all last summer, I was still a virgin. This summer, Lucy was clearly flirting with me and wanted to fuck me, yet I was torn between not wanting to cheat on my girlfriend on the one hand, and my fantasies about James on the other. What I didn't realise then was that I had grown into a man; one that was desired by both these beautiful creatures, and that this summer would be a summer of many happy memories.

Saying my goodbyes, I got on my bike to cycle the 10km or so back to my parent's house. I had planned to meet my girlfriend that evening, but she was in a mood, so we decided to leave it to the next day. I set off, knowing I'd have a quiet night since my parents were away the whole weekend at a wedding.

When I got a few km out of town, my bike tire ran flat, meaning that I'd have to walk the remaining distance home unless I could get help. I checked my phone and confirmed what I already knew -- no signal. I was thinking about a plan B when James' car pulled up beside me.