Big Bang Theory - Gorilla Girl

Story Info
Penny recalls her first film.
7.8k words

Part 9 of the 51 part series

Updated 08/17/2020
Created 01/23/2015
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(Fictional story about fictional characters. This is a stand-alone story.)


After years of never being able to coordinate their schedules or their preferences; Penny had finally convinced her husband, Leonard, to take an actual vacation with her. Physically being away from the apartment and their friends for more than one day! The destination was Catalina Island, just off the California coast. It was only about an hours drive to Long Beach, if they took the 710, where they would have to catch the ferry to the island. She knew the trip was way out of Leonard's comfort-zone, and loved him even more for agreeing to take it. He didn't even ask for anything in return; like accompanying him to Comic Con or dressing up as Princess Leia for Halloween. Their reservations at the Avalon Holiday Inn Resort were for Friday and Saturday nights, and the weather report was for perfect beach weather; typical of Southern California.

Relaxation was the main goal, but Penny had booked them a tour around the island in a glass-bottom boat. Leonard had surprisingly agreed to leave his laptop at home...that was when she truly knew he loved her unconditionally. She smiled as she remembered Sheldon's reaction when Leonard had told him about the upcoming plans: "are you're planning on going into the ocean and taking a boat...have you not seen Jaws."

Of course on the drive, Leonard had regaled her with trivia tidbits about the island, like: "did you know it's actually named Santa Catalina Island, and it was originally commercially developed by William know, the chewing gum guy." " And here's one that reminds me of you: famous actress Marilyn Monroe once lived on the island."

Leaning her head on his shoulder as he drove, she responded: "thanks sweetie for mentioning me in the same breath as Marilyn Monroe; but we both know how well my acting career went."

"Well who knows," Leonard told her, "you still have acting credits out there; you never know when an important Producer or casting director will see something and come knocking on our door." She just let it go, knowing that he had only the best intentions, and enjoyed the rest of the drive. The ferry ride was very pleasant, with Leonard even getting out of the car and strolling on the upper deck, arm in arm, with her. After driving to the center of the island where the main town of Avalon was located, they checked into their spacious suite, which even included a jacuzzi. While at the front desk, they had decided to rent bicycles to get to the beach. "Maybe today should be our "beach day," since tomorrow is the glass-bottom boat excursion," Leonard had suggested, "we don't want to overdue it since we're here to relax."

"Listen to you; Leonard Hofstadter scheduling a beach-day," she teased the introverted indoorsy scientist, "who are you and what have you done to my husband."

"I know you love the beach and I would do anything to make you happy," he shyly answered.

"God, I love you," she threw her arms around his neck and smothered his lips with hers. "You always make me happy...and wait until you see what I'm wearing today." Taking her suitcase into the bathroom, she proceeded to change into her swim suit...or what there was of it. She had decided to bring the tiny orange thong she had worn in Las Vegas when she, Bernadette and Amy had spent a weekend there. The top really consisted on a couple orange triangles, that she could slide to make them even more revealing, held up by strings; and the bottom just barely covered her crack and slit. When she came out of the bathroom, she made a flourish with her arms and dropped her towel. Leonard just stood in the middle of the room with his mouth open, and she was afraid he was going to reach for his inhaler.

"Holy crap...I've died and gone to heaven," he gasped, "do we have to go out. You know it would be totally fine with me if we just stayed in the room."

"Oh no...we didn't come this far to just stay in the room. We could have stayed home and done that," she laughed, "besides, don't you want to see this wet?" He put his hands together, looked up at the ceiling, and closed his eyes. "What are you doing now," she asked.

"Praying for rain," he chuckled. "OK we can go to the beach, but we'll have to wait a few minutes; it would be a little embarrassing to go down through the lobby like this." She looked down at his groin and saw that the front of his swim suit was sticking straight out as if he were hiding a chihuahua in there. They both laughed and sat down on the edge of the bed for a couple minutes before going down and riding their bikes to the beach. The Concierge had told them about a more secluded beach; Lover's Cove, which was usually frequented by scuba divers; so they decided to check it out. Even though Penny had a towel around her waist, even the elderly Concierge openly leered at her chest.

As they rode to the beach, Penny was impressed with his biking skills and let him know. "What, you didn't think I could ride a bike," he replied, "I had a bike...I wasn't a very fast runner and it helped me get away from the bullies." Instantly she loved him even more. She knew he had a rough childhood; being super intelligent and having a psychologist mother who treated him as a subject of her behavioral experiments. It was actually difficult for her to relate because she had always been popular in school; truth was if they had gone to the same school, she probably would have been one of the kids picking on him. They had brought two over-sized bath towels from the hotel and stretched them out on the sandy beach before smearing Leonard with SPF 100 sunscreen.

Far from crowded, the beach soon emptied out as the sun got lower in the sky and Penny coaxed Leonard into joining her in the Pacific. The water was warm and almost soothing as they waded deeper, and after Penny ducked under and resurfaced, Leonard whistled: "wow...I really am glad I saw that suit wet." Her engorged gumdrop nipples thrust against the flimsy material as it stuck to her wet skin like a layer of glue. "I know the water isn't that cold, so you must just be glad to see me," he teased his gorgeous wife.

"You have no idea," she teased back and held up her left hand. In it she clutched the tiny orange strip of cloth that was her bikini bottom. With her right hand she reached forward, under the water, and grasped Leonard's crotch. "Oooo, it seems like someone is equally as glad to see ME." Releasing him she proceeded to tie the strings to her bottom around her neck: "I wouldn't want to lose's a long way back to the hotel." Leonard reached his hand out and gently ran his palm up and down her smooth mound, as if making sure she was nude below the waist. "Oooo yeah...don't stop," she encouraged him, "that feels so good."

He continued to caress her bald mound and she responded by suggesting: "I think it's time you lost those constricting trunks...there seems to be a snake dying to get out."

"OK," he agreed, "but the second I feel some sea creature nibbling at my junk...I'm outa here." She ducked below the surface again and yanked his swim suit down and off one leg; leaving it hanging on one ankle so it didn't float away. On the way down and back up, she made sure to caress his fat nine inches which was bobbing weightless in the water.

Surfacing with a smile, she told him: "while I was down there I think I saw a big fat sea creature searching for a cave to hide in." They embraced and kissed for what must have been ten Mississippi's, and when their lips parted, she whispered: "God I love you." Just in case anyone wandered down to the beach, Leonard didn't want to expose his wife, so he slid his hand up under her skimpy top and began to knead her wonderful breast with one hand while resuming his exploration of her plump mound with the other. Her fleshy labia had begun to protrude with excitement and his index and middle fingers soon were sliding into her pussy. "Ohhh Leonard," she moaned, throwing her blond head back until it touched the surface.

Grasping his thick rod in her hand she squeezed it and urged him: "I need to feel this inside me." She spread her long legs wide in the sandy bottom and pulled him closer while guiding his hard prick between her thighs. Leonard bent his knees until his chin touched the surface of the water and he felt his bulbous crown nudge against her slit. Painstakingly slowly, he straightened his legs, forcing his thick rod to penetrate her slippery opening. "Ohhh God, yesss," Penny moaned as his shaft began to slowly slide up into her hole, stretching her walls as he advanced inside her. When he was finally standing straight up, his balls nestled against her mound, she wrapped one leg around his body and admitted: "ohhh baby...I love your cock."

On land they would have taken a tumble in that position, but with the buoyancy of the water it was almost like they were weightless in space. Leonard could feel the muscles in her vaginal walls gripping him tightly as he began to bend and straighten his legs, fucking the girl of his dreams. Even though they were married, sometimes he had to stop himself from pinching himself to make sure it was all real. He was fucking Penny...his cock was in her cunt. The girl that he loved, actually loved him back. He began to thrust up into her pussy as hard as he could, creating little waves around them. He bounced them up off the ocean floor and let them float down again; it was really quite erotic.

Her arms were around his neck and he took advantage by licking and nibbling at her earlobe and throat, tasting the salt water. He knew it drove her wild and she responded by bucking her naked body against him. "Fuck me baby...fuck me...stretch my cunt with that big fat cock," she groaned in his ear. He grasped her perfectly round ass cheeks in his hands and pulled her onto him as he jammed his pole into her pussy. "Ohhh God," she tried not to scream, "fuck me...fuck me...I love your fucking cock." He was fucking her as hard as he could, but the water made all his thrusts less violent and slower. The results were that it felt even better to Penny; the sensation of feeling every inch of his prodigious shaft sliding in from the cold into her warmth was amazing.

With his hands on her ass, she wrapped both legs around his waist and thrust her pelvis against his. The buoyancy of the water supported their bodies as they ground their groins together. "Fuck me baby...fuck me," she groaned in his ear. "Cum in me...fill my cunt with your seed." As her vaginal muscles squeezed his fat prick and her body trembled with climax, Leonard rammed into her hole and began to pump his load up into her belly. "Fuck yeah...cum in me baby...cum in me," she gasped as her blond hair thrashed back and forth against the surface of the ocean. Leonard mashed his pelvis against hers as he filled her hole with his sperm. "Oh God, Leonard, that feels so fucking good. I love having you inside me."

When he had squirted every drop up her hot tunnel, Leonard relaxed and realized that the whole time they had been making love, not once had he glanced around to see if anyone else was in the vicinity. As Penny released her legs and stood in front of him, she suddenly noticed the same thing and told him: "wow, you must really love me. Not once did you check to see if we were being observed. I have never known you to throw caution to the wind like that."

"What can I're my world," he answered as he leaned forward and kissed her passionately. As they were slipping back into their bathing suits, they finally did look around and the few beachgoers in sight were completely ignoring them. Biking back to the Holiday Inn, Leonard told her: "the next time you ask me about the five most adventurous things I've done; I'm pretty sure that will rank as number one."

"For now...," she grinned and patted his rump as she zoomed past him.

That night as they were laying in bed surfing channels, Leonard let out a whoop: "holy's Serial-Ape-ist 2!"

"You're kidding," she exclaimed, looking up from her phone. "I don't believe it...oh my God. Yep there's Wil Wheaton." The horrible movie was about half over and they watched the last half, laughing almost constantly.

"You see, I told you," Leonard chuckled, "your acting credits are out there. How could some Producer watch that and not want you in his next film. To heck with your Pharmaceuticals career." She punched his arm playfully and they both sunk back into their overstuffed pillows.

Feeling herself becoming drowsy, Penny thought back to an earlier time way before you met Leonard. It had been just after she left Kurt. He had become obsessed with body building to the point that he was spending every dime on steroids and other drugs and had become physically abusive when not just ignoring her completely. She feared for her safety as his "roid rage" episodes became more frequent and moved into an apartment with two friends. Before long she knew that was a mistake also, when they turned out to be even bigger slobs than her, and kept reneging on their shares of the rent. Her only other option was to find a place of her own, and to do so she needed an influx of cash to cover her first month's rent and security deposit.

She had been so desperate that when one of her friends told her she had overheard another girl talking about auditions for an adult movie; she jumped at the opportunity to earn some quick substantial money. Leonard and all her current friends assumed that the "Ape-ist" films were her first foray into movies featuring jungle animals, but the title of the extremely low-budget porno flick was titled: Gorilla Girl. The so-called plot was just a take-off of all the King Kong movies: girl goes to jungle; girl gets captured by an ape. Supposedly set in the African Congo, it was about a village terrorized by a huge lowland gorilla; and the only way to appease the ape was to occasionally offer it a human female sacrifice. Since gorillas are herbivores, the sole purpose of the sacrifice was as a new plaything.

When she showed up for an audition, she could swear the Director; a dowdy looking man named Oliver Douglas; actually drooled when he heard she was a farmgirl from Nebraska. As much as she had gone to the audition with trepidation, it only consisted of her stripping down to her underwear and then reading a few lines from the brief script. Strangely the only cast member she met at the audition was the one with no "speaking" parts. He did however have "grunting" parts. Luther was a giant of a man, nearly six foot seven with a shinny bald black head; and he would be playing the lowland gorilla. It turned out he was a professional "gorilla extra," having been hired for numerous films. He had actually worked in the Primate section of the San Diego Zoo and studied the mannerisms and movements of apes.

His suit had been made by a professional seamstress who had worked for one of the largest film companies and when he was "in character," you could not tell he was not a real gorilla. The suit fit him like a second skin, with padding in all the correct places; even the prominent back-hump. Luther seemed like a nice man and told Penny the reason he had come to her audition was that, like her, this would be his first x-rated film and he just wanted to get to know everyone before filming began. The Director advised them that filming would begin in three days and gave them the address of the shoot. He told Penny not to worry about wardrobe because, what there was, would be provided to her.

When she arrived for the shoot, she discovered that the "set" was actually just someone's fenced in backyard. They had done their best to make it look like a jungle, with numerous potted palms hastily replanted around the perimeter and the fence disguised by jungle-print wallpaper. Luckily the lawn had been unkempt for some time, and the overgrown grasses and ferns helped with the illusion; even though it was still cheesy. The Assistant Director; Eddie; who was also the wardrobe person, the electrician, the sound & light person, cameraman and in charge of props; gave her a khaki shirt and short skirt to wear, along with the ubiquitous jungle pith helmet. She looked like the classic female tropical explorer from the '50s Tarzan movies.

Finally she was introduced to her fellow actors: her male co-star was named Brad and was quite handsome; then there were six large black men whose wardrobe also seemed to be copied from the same Tarzan films; loincloths and necklaces made from faux animal teeth. They were supposed to be the natives from the terrorized village who would kidnap Penny. They introduced themselves as Elijah, Jim, Braxton, Morgan, Kyle and Jarrod. They were all at least six foot three inches tall and their loincloths did little to hide the enormous tools hanging between their legs. Penny had never had sex with a black man before, and if these were typical, then the long-standing myth was true.

According to the plot, she and Brad had come to that location to film gorillas in their native habitat, and were just unlucky enough to stumble across the wrong village. The first scene of the day began with Penny and Brad sleeping on cots in a tent when two of the "natives" burst in. Elijah clubbed Brad over the head, while Jim (who was about six foot five), grabbed a struggling Penny by the arms and dragged her out of the tent. All the time she was struggling, the short skirt provided ample glimpses of her skimpy blue lace panties and her perfectly round ass cheeks. Once outside the natives gathered around the beautiful blond and just stared. They had never seen blond hair before and began to run their hands through her luxurious tresses as she stood, faking fear.

While Jim and Braxton held her arms, the other four tribesmen began to paw at her clothes; ripping her shirt off her body to expose her braless breasts. They were works of art, a full 35 C, and just as firm as a diner Jello mold. Eight hands mauled her magnificent tits coaxing her gumdrop sized pink nipples to erection. They wobbled and bounced and Penny thought the black hands against her pale flesh was incredibly erotic. Elijah and Morgan trapped her firm gumdrops between their lips and suckled like newborns while Kyle and Jarrod shoved her short skirt down her remarkable legs. They lifted her feet, one by one, and then tossed her garment aside in the grass. Kyle produced a primitive looking knife and deftly sliced the sides of her skimpy panties.

Back then she kept her blond bush trimmed into a thin landing strip just above her slit and her naked body was magnificent. Jarrod kneeled between her legs and nudged her feet wide apart as he gazed at her plump mound. He ran his large hands up and down her silky smooth thighs causing her to shiver and leaned in close enough to inhale her scent of arousal. With her now naked, she noticed that their loincloths were now sticking straight out. As if on cue, they all grabbed their coverings and ripped them off. "Holy crap," Penny mumbled as their pricks were exposed. She had never before seen a black dick, and now she was staring at six; and not one of them was less than ten inches long.

She wanted to grab them and feel their hardness in her hands but, in keeping with the illusion of being a captive, Braxton and Jim would not release her arms. Kyle kneeled behind her and started to knead her firm ass cheeks as if they were mounds of rising bread dough. He dug his fingers deep into her flesh and actually bit her cheeks several times. When aroused, her fleshy labia would protrude all on their own and spread out against her mound like the wings of a pink butterfly; and they were now extended. Jarrod sucked her lips into his mouth and gently chewed on them as he slid his long middle finger up inside her. Having so many erogenous zones stimulated at the same time triggered sensory overload and Penny's entire naked body quivered and trembled as her fluid leaked down her thighs.