Big Bang Theory - Penny's Audition

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"This must be it."

Her eyes briefly studied the piece of paper in her hand before she again looked up examining the exterior of the building in more detail. It was a simple brick building set apart from any other building and one that she had to negotiate a series of rubbish strewn, dirty back alleys to find. Later on she would tell herself that this should have been the first warning sign that a red stop light should have flashed on in her mind. But as they say hindsight is a wonderful thing.

She studied the address on the paper again and she held it in the air as her eyes compared it the information that was stencilled on the glass of the door "J.G Johnson. Agent No. 358."

"Yes this is it" she exclaimed almost dejectedly as her eyes glanced around around the rubbish strewn alley.

Torn and faded posters advertising everything under the sun adorned the walls surrounding the simple door with a small glass widow on top. On one side a pile of cardboard boxes threatened to topple over her as she slowly and cautiously made her way up the three steps that led up to the door.

"I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't so desperate for money!" she muttered under her breath in a last ditch effort to convince herself as her hand grasped the handle of the door and with one final deep breath she pushed the door open.

She entered a small room that was scarcely furnished with a just few chairs and a tattered pot plant that had seen better days standing withered and drooping in one corner. A rather buxom brunette sat behind a counter on the other side of the room with a nail file in one hand while she appeared to be busy paying close attention to the red painted fingernails of her other hand. The door swung shut with a bang behind her frightening her and cutting off most of the sunlight from outside leaving the room in partial darkness.


The woman behind the counter either did not hear or was deliberately ignoring her.

"Hi!" She repeated her nervous greeting which she combined by her hand pressing on the small bell located on top of the counter for added emphasis.

It was only then that the brunettes head turned towards her. "Sorry," she replied in a southern accent "I didn't see ya there. Just busy doing some filing!" Her head turned away again to inspect her nails chuckling away at the same time at her unfunny joke.

"What can I do ya for? she asked as she turned back with her head slightly tilted as she spoke.

"Um...Hi my name is Penny... I'm here to audition for the cat food commercial..."

"The what?" Taken aback by the buxom brunette's rather confused expression Penny stood silent for a few seconds before she spoke again.

"You know the cat food commercial......the ad in the paper...." She twisted her body to rummage through the large bag she was carrying over her shoulder until she found what was she was looking for handing the brunette a torn newspaper clipping.

She turned the small clipping from the newspaper this way and that way until her eyes suddenly lit up. "Oh that ad...," her eyes scanned a paper next to the phone on the counter before she looked up again, "you just sit your pretty little ass down and I'll go tell Mr Johnson that you're here."

"OK..." before another word could leave her lips Penny looked on as woman twirled around in her chair and then slowly got to her feet. She stared in wonder as the brunette wobbled away wearing the tightest pair of leopard print leggings she had ever seen with her black high heels producing loud clicking noises as they smacked against the floorboards.


Her foot tapping nervously as she waited for the brunette to return Penny let her eyes wander aimlessly around the room. She had just taken a long deep breath to compose herself when she was startled by brunette's voice.

"Mr Johnson will see ya now," her southern accent was more pronounced now, "did I scare you dear?"

"No, no you just surprised me a little" Penny replied as she slung her bag over her shoulder before rising to her feet.

"Just follow me."

She followed as the woman walked slowly past the counter and down into a small corridor before stopping at the second door.

"Go straight in he's expecting you."

Penny's hand waited for a few seconds after her hand had gripped the door knob before she finally swung the door opened.


Jonah Johnson had only been in the porn business for a few years but had quickly built up a reputation as one of the brightest and most talented newcomers in the field of adult entertainment and erotica. As founder and self appointed chief executive officer of J.G. Johnson Productions he opted to sink nearly all of his available capital and even a little more into the production of his films and hence the tiny fraction that was left was spent on his office space.

Always on the lookout for the freshest and exciting new talent to star in his films he would use any legal means available to him even placing ads in the newspaper. That is how he had lured Celeste, his buxom brunette receptionist into the business and now it seems this very same method may have snagged another potential recruit.

He slipped his boot clad feet onto his desk leaning back in his chair as he watched the door to his office open through the semi darkened vision of his ray bans. The woman who walked in nearly took his breath away, so much so that he was forced to lower his sunglasses to his nose so that his eyes could tell if she was real or a mirage.

Her blonde hair was tied up into two ponytails one hanging either side of her beautiful face. She wore a top that was certainly a size too small for her showing off the sublime curves of her body. He was certain although he had no way of really knowing until she turned around that the tiny denim cutoff shorts she wore partly rode up into her delicious and tantalising ass crack.

His finger pushed up his ray bans from the bridge of his nose as he watched her extend a hand towards him.

"Hi I'm Penny."

Penny stood in front of the desk as the windowless door to the office closed almost silently behind her with a soft thud sounding ominously like a prison cell door slamming shut. She stood with her hand extended looking on as he lounged back in his chair, his feet up on his desk crossed on top of one other.

For some time Penny stood there with her hand extended as he remained unmoved in the same prostrate position though she was sure she could see his eyes flicker about wildly behind his dark sunglasses. He was about thirty five she guessed wearing a white shirt, faded blued jeans and his face was covered in about three days worth of unshaven stubble.

She was about to put her hand down when he suddenly sprung to life swinging his legs to the floor and rising quickly to his feet.

"Penny was it?" he asked as he extended his own hand.

"Yes" their hands touched briefly in a short but firm handshake.

"Jonah Johnson at your service," he waved his hand in the direction of a chair in front of his desk, "have a seat"

Penny smiled briefly before she lowered her bag to the floor and eased herself onto the chair taking some time to make herself comfortable.

"So what can I do for you Penny?"

"I'm here to audition," she said, "you know for the ad you placed in the paper."

"The ad?" he gave her a questioning look.

"You know....hang on I have it here," she bent down to rummage through her bag again until she found the newspaper clipping, "the one for the cat food commercial here it is." She leaned forward slightly placing the clipping on his desk in front him. "I desperately need the money" she added as she sat back down.

His face lit up in a smile as he briefly studied the clipping in front of him. "I think there may some confusion about-."

"What do you mean?" she did not let him finish.

Jonah got up and walked over to the front of the desk where he propped himself on the edge just in front of where she was sitting. "You see the pussy I'm talking about.....," his voice trailed off for a few seconds before he continued, "I produce porn films."

The simple statement took some time to register in her brain and she looked straight ahead for few seconds before she registered any movement. "Oh my god!," she picked up her bag and slung it over shoulder as she rose quickly from the chair, "I'm sorry to waste your time-."

"I'll pay you one thousand to audition and five thousand per scene."

Penny stopped dead in her tracks as she headed towards the door. It was perhaps thirty seconds later that she turned around to face him again taking just one step closer, "One thousand dollars - no I couldn't!"

"Make it a thousand five hundred...."

She took one step closer letting her bag slip from her shoulder to the floor as she stood there as if in a daze.

"Ah I see you interested....

"No no," she shook her head as if to clear her mind, "the money is great but I could never do it."

"At least hear me out," his hand pointed towards the chair in front of his desk for a full minute or so before she finally slowly made her way to the chair and sat down.

"I am only doing this to hear what ever cockamamie reasons you are going to spurt out!" Penny exclaimed as she eased herself back into the chair.

Jonah eased himself off the desk and began to pace slowly around where she was sitting. "All the girls are like you, country kids all full of hope and dreams of stardom in the big smoke. Let me guess Kansas?"

"Nebraska" she corrected him with a satisfied smile.

"Sorry Nebraska my mistake. But when you finally land in the big smoke you find your dreams of stardom evaporate like an ice cube left out in a hot Texas summers day and all your left with is if you're lucky that is, is a couple of commercials and a play above a bowling alley!"

"Lucky guess!"

"All a simple man like me is offering you is a chance to break free from the drudgery of your life and get the chance to shoot your star in a different direction. After your audition off course!"

"And what do I have to do for this audition?

He stopped pacing to stand facing her. "Surely you have sucked off a man before?"

"Of course hundreds-," she stopped herself mid sentence, "lets just say a few why?"

Jonah walked right up to where she was sitting where he unzipped his jeans and without a any further words from his lips reached inside and pulled free his rapidly hardening member. He let it playfully rub against her cheek before he let it dangle just in front of her face.

"All you have to do is suck me off and let me come all over your pretty little face. That's all I just want to see if you have what it takes."

"You can't be serious!," Penny moved her head away slightly, "Here? Now!!?" Her head twisted around twisting and turning to look in the general direction of the closed door of his office.

"I can invite Celeste in to watch if you want to but she'll probably want to join in!" he joked as he inched his body just a little closer.

She found her hand moving as if on its own accord reaching upwards until her slim fingers tentatively wrapped themselves around his shaft. Her green eyes nervously peered in all directions as her fingers began to slowly travel along his shaft the blue of her fingernails contrasting starkly with the darkness of the skin his cock.

He let out a small groan as her fingers tightened their grip sliding now along the full length of his shaft. "That's it Penny, now open that pretty little mouth of yours and let it slide right in..."

Penny peered up at him as if she was unsure of what to do next, her fingers travelling along his along his shaft at even greater speed. "I am only doing this because I need the money," she offered, "nothing more, nothing less pure and simple."

"That's what they all say-" his words were cut off suddenly as with her head tilted downwards slightly she allowed the head of his cock to slide between her lips. Slowly and surely she allowed the rest of his cock to slide into her mouth until his whole length was embedded deep within her mouth. It was only then that she allowed herself at a leisurely pace at first to bob along his shaft with her tightly wrapped lips sliding easily along his cock.

As her nervousness and fear dissolved over time she found herself unable to resist succumbing to the desire and lust that was pulsing and coursing through every fibre of her being like a highly contagious virus. Her head began to bob along his shaft at speed with his now lubricated shaft sliding effortlessly and repeatedly into her saliva drenched mouth. She used her fingers to perfection squeezing and sliding along his length in one simultaneous action while the other hand pushed against his hip for balance.

A smug, satisfied smile spreading across his face Jonah could only look on as her lips slid along his cock with a frenzy and passion he had not seen or felt before from such a comparative newcomer. Her two ponytails flew about wildly as the straps of her top slowly slipped off her shoulders each one revealing a thin pale strip in comparison with the rest of her richly tanned skin. His hands reached out his fingers grabbing hold of the sides of her top to help them on their way down her arms and body exposing her ample perfectly formed breasts.

"No bra that's the girl!" he exclaimed as he twisted her erect nipples between the tips of his fingers.

He began to thrust his cock down her mouth using small movements of hips sliding his shaft out and in again in a constant repetitious cycle.

"Hold your mouth open," he suggested as his hands grabbed hold of each of her ponytails holding her head steady as he began to drive his shaft into her mouth and down her throat before pulling out, "yes that's it."

Penny did as he asked opening her red coloured lips as wide as she could feeling his cock slide repeatedly down over her tongue and down her throat. Saliva began to drip down in rivers from the corners of her mouth as his shaft pumped into her mouth as strangely the experiences of all previous boyfriends including Leonard came flooding into her mind like a highly erotic episode of this is your life.

It was not long after that he exploded at first down her throat before he quickly pulled his shaft from between her lips letting the remainder pulse out in spurts hitting her across the left side of her face and with some drops landing on her hair. His hand massaged his shaft coaxing the last few drops out as he rubbed his cock across her breasts flicking the head of his cock rapidly against her highly sensitive nipples.

Penny watched as Jonah shuffled away towards his desk with his hand still playing with his now spent shaft. She absentmindedly wiped the saliva from her mouth as he picked up the receiver of the phone on his desk and pressed a button.

"Celeste could you come in here please."

It was a less than thirty seconds later that door to the office opened and Celeste the receptionist she had met earlier walked in.

"Celeste I think this young lady here needs your full attention" he waved his hand in Penny's general direction.

She turned quickly on the spot and walked to where Penny was sitting with her legs outstretched sucking in one huge mouthful of air after another. Her top was now around her waist leaving her breasts exposed and saliva still dribbled from her chin down her neck and onto her chest. Her head and hair were decorated with splashes of cum which had begun to run slowly down her face in little streams.

Penny could only look on as Celeste knelt down in front of her a almost devilish smile on her face.

"With pleasure sir!" she exclaimed before turning her full attention to Penny. Slowly and surely she began to cleanse her still quivering, writhing body of his sticky white salty offering using her tongue, lips and fingers in the most sensual and erotic manner imaginable.

"Oh by the way," Jonah added as he watched Celeste and Penny lock lips in a passionate cum soaked kiss, "you've got the part!"


She thought she would be able to sneak out, to make it down the stairs and out of the apartment building without anyone seeing her leave.

"Hello Penny."

Startled she felt her heart literally miss a beat and her body jump and shake from the surprise.

"Oh its only you Sheldon," she said as she turned around quickly on the spot to the direction of the voice, "I didn't see you there."

He gave out a long exasperated sigh. "You of all people Penny should know that is a physical impossibility. I am not transparent, I am a solid and since the light reflects from my body to your eyes you should in theory be able to see me as plain as the sun on a hot Texas summers day-."

"It was a figure of speech Sheldon!"

"Oh sorry," he offered apologetically, "where are you going?"

Penny stood silent for a second or two before she offered nervously ' see... I am going into work at the cheesecake factory." Her hands gesticulated wildly as she spoke.

"But didn't you say that the cheesecake factory would be closed today?"

"Yes, yes I did," she replied her brain whirling and twirling in hurry attempting to think of a good excuse with her eyes lighting up when one suddenly came to mind, "But they called and asked me to go in and help with the stock take!"

"Stock take?? At the cheesecake factory??" His face screwed up in a questioning expression.

"Sheldon how do you think we always make sure that we have the freshest beef on hand to make your favourite Big Boy burger?"

"Oh," he gave a shrug of his shoulders, "it sounds logical." A goofy smile spread across his face before he started to make his way past her and up the stairs.


"I look like a goddamn whore!"

She glanced at the only full length mirror in the room as she delicately pulled the last white stocking up onto her leg snapping the elastic against her thigh. Penny eased her stocking clad feet into a pair of bright red high heel pumps that had been set aside for her before she stood back twirling her body around in a slow deliberate circle all the while keeping her eyes trained on her reflection.

Her hands playfully lifted up the skirt of the tantalisingly short waitress outfit she had been given to wear letting her fingers feel the soft silky material of the lacy almost see through panties she had on.

"But damn do I look hot!" she exclaimed with an newfound air of confidence craning her head backwards to ogle herself in the mirror.

Penny turned to face the mirror one final time to give her whole outfit the once over with her red gleaming high heel pumps scraping against the rough floorboards as she moved. A smile spread across her face as she let her fingers run against the gossamer like silk material of her hose feeling wondrously soft and sensuous against her fingertips. The sheer white stockings ended mid thigh, just above her knees and she had just begun to tease them into their correct alignment with her hands when the door to the dressing room opened.

"Are your ready?" Jonah asked.

"I think so," Penny turned around as her fingers finished pulling each stocking into place, "but I am so nervous look I'm literally shaking," she held out one trembling hand to show him. "And I don't want to think what my friends would say of me if they ever found out about this!" The faces of Leonard, Sheldon and Bernadette flashed in an instant through her mind.

Jonah turned and placed his hand gently under her chin lifting up her face so that their eyes met "Excuse my french Penny but to hell with your friends and what they think. You are a sexy beautiful young woman with her own life to live and her own decisions to make whatever the consequences that may arise. I want you to give the performance of you life with Troy and Dan out there on the set, a performance that hopefully all of us will be talking about for many days afterwards. Take the amount of people watching on and behind the set out of your mind plus I will give you verbal cues off set and off camera to help you."