Big Bang Theory Season 03 Ep. 10-13


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Once again Sheldon butt in, "Well, I'm not sure about interesting, but..."

Leonard cut him off, "Not the time, Sheldon!"

He nodded from the back seat, "Very well."

Later in the apartment, the three of them were eating dinner, along with Howard and Raj and Beverly asked them, "So, Howard, have you and Rajesh finally summoned the courage to express your latent homosexual feeling towards one another?"

Howard choked on his food and Raj stopped chewing, "What? No!" Raj also waved his hand back and forth on a sign of no way.

She stared them down, "Why not?"

"Because we don't have latent homosexual feelings toward one another. Really, I have a girlfriend now."

"And where is she this evening?"

"She had to go out of town, her grandmother died."

She nodded, "I see..."Her grandmother died!"

He was shaken now, "Honest to God, Ahem Leonard, tell her I have a girlfriend."

Leonard wanted to keep the focus on Howard, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"What do you mean; you don't know what I'm talking about? Tell her I have a girlfriend."

"All right!" He turned to his mother and used his fingers like quotation marks and says, ""He" "Has" "A Girlfriend!"

Howard was frazzled now, "Her name is Bernadette, she's a waitress, and she's going to school to be a microbiologist."

She shook her head, "Howard keep in mind, the more passionately you stick to this construct, the more you're hurting your partner."

Raj leaned over and whispered in Howard's ear, but Howard jumped back, "Do you really think your lips in my ear is helping?"

Just then Penny came in from her place, "Hi, sorry I'm late."

Leonard stood up, "Oh, glad you're here. Sit down; I'll get you a plate. Mom, you remember Penny?"

"Oh yes, the waitress/actress with the unresolved father issues. Has he finally come to terms with his little slugger growing breasts?"

She folded her arms under those perfect breasts, "Well, he sent me a football and a catcher's mitt for Christmas, so I'm gonna say no."

Beverly turned to Leonard, who was in the kitchen dishing out food for Penny, "Oh, speaking of fathers, Leonard that reminds me, I'm divorcing yours."

He stopped with a tong full of spaghetti above Penny's plate, "What?"

"Yes, he was cheating on me."

Leonard came rushing into the room, "No!"

She nodded, "Yes, with a waitress from the university cafeteria. Can you believe it? A waitress!" She stopped and looked to Penny, "Oh, no offense, dear!"

Penny shook her head and replied sarcastically, "No, it sounded like a compliment."

Leonard was still shocked, "When did this happen?"

"Well, let's see... Sheldon, when did I leave Leonard's father?"

"September 22nd"

"Oh yeah, that's right, the weekend after Leonard's dog died."

Leonard was losing it, "Mitzy's dead?"

Sheldon chimed in, "She was old and blind Leonard, what choice did we have?"

"I don't believe this! Why am I the last to know?"

"Excuse me Leonard, I am the one getting the divorce, Mitzy is the one who is dead, why are you the one making a fuss?"

He had it, he was done, "You're right, I'm sorry! I'm wayyyyyyyyy out of line!" He stormed off and went to his room.

Beverly turned and watched him leave and looking at Penny began, "So Penny, what's new in your life?"

She shook her head, "Nothing, not a damn thing!"

After dinner, Leonard refused to come out and confront his mother, so Penny offered to drive her to her hotel.

Once in the car, Beverly started, "Thank you for driving me back to my hotel."

"Oh, it's not a problem."

"I was going to ask Leonard to do it, but he seemed a bit emotionally unstable, and you don't want someone like that operating heavy machinery."

Penny nodded, "No, you do not."

Beverly looked over, "Your "Check engine" light is on."

Penny looked down, "Yeah, I gotta put a sticker over that. So you must be devastated about your divorce."

"Oh, not at all, but I am a bit distressed to be on a vehicle that's not subjected to regular maintenance."

"Come on, I mean, you're not upset that your marriage is over?"

"Well, initially I felt something akin to grief and perhaps anger, but that's the natural reaction of the limbic system to being betrayed by a loathsome son of a bitch. Thankfully, my shock was mitigated by the fact that I haven't had intercourse with him in eight years."

Penny's jaw dropped, "Eight years?"

"Oh, that's nothing. I've been responsible for my own orgasms since 1982."

Penny stared straight ahead, "Yikes!"

Beverly started chuckling uncontrollably.

Penny looked to her, "Wha...? What's so funny?"

She smiled and turned to Penny, "That's exactly what I say during orgasm: Yikes!"

Penny was at wits end, "You know I could use a drink. You wanna stop for a drink?"

"Oh, I don't drink."

"I do, I'll teach you!" She turned and headed for The Cheesecake Factory. Once there, the two of them cozied up to the bar and Penny had her friend, the bartender, pour them a second round of tequila shots, "Okay Beverly, now this time, try drinking it all at once." They both downed the large shots.

Beverly shivered and gasping for her breath to return blurted out, "Yikes!"

Penny smiled at her, "I've been responsible for my own buzz since 2003." She yelled to the bartender, "Another round for me and my homegirl."

As the bartender filled the shot glasses Beverly watched, "I feel a spreading warmth through my extremities."

"As long as you don't feel it running down your pants, you're fine!"

They both down another shot and Beverly grunts and makes several weird faces, "Oh fuck, that is fascinating. I'm noticing an immediate lowering of my inhibitions. For example, I'm seriously considering asking that busboy to ravish me in the alleyway while I eat cheesecake. What do you think?"

"Well, we are known for out cheesecake and I know the manager's office is empty this late in the evening, so I'm sure we could try it out." She blurted out to the barkeep, "Hit us again!"

Beverly followed up, "Yes, if a little is good, more must be better."

Penny giggled, "Ha, ha, hey Bev, guess what?"

"What Penny?"

"I'm sleeping with your son."

"Really? Which one?"

Penny was stumped for a second and slurring her words, replied, "The one from whom I live across the hall--- from."

"Oh, well, that's convenient. How did his penis turn out?"

"Oh Beverly, I can't talk to my boyfriend's mother about his penis."

"Oh, fair enough. What can you tell me, if anything, about that busboy's penis?" She took of her glasses and reached up and removed the clips holding her hair back. She shook her hair, allowing it to surround her face and make her more appealing.

Penny looked towards the busboy, "Actually, I've only had the cheesecake, but I'm very friendly with him. How about we go over there and see when his break is. I'm sure we can use the manager's office and you can see for yourself, first hand." She turned to the bartender, "One more time! You know Leonard did not wanna tell you we were dating,"

"Really? That means he's either embarrassed by the relationship, or he doesn't care enough about his mother to tell her he's in one. Either way, one of us should be insulted."

"Well, let's go find out who."

"Wait a second, I thought we were going to get that busboy and take him for a test run in your manager's office."

Penny put her fingers to his lips, "Shhhhhh, someone may hear you. Come on, I think his name is Felix, no one is looking, let's go!"

Felix was a rather handsome Hispanic, about twenty-five and had dark wavy hair.

Penny whispered in his ear and he immediately nodded. Taking his tray of dishes to the kitchen, he dropped them off and met Beverly and Penny at the door to the manager's office. Penny knew where he kept his spare key and opening it, the three of them slipped in and Penny locked the door behind her. She pulled the shades down and turning around, Beverly already had her skirt down around her ankles.

Penny watched as Beverly pulled the shorter Felix to her shapely legs and she let out a groan when Beverly reached down and grabbed Felix by his stiffening cock. She kissed him with such intensity; Felix staggered back when she broke the kiss. Penny sat back in the manager's chair and watched as Beverly slowly slid to her knees and began lowering Felix's pants.

"My God Penny, he isn't wearing any underwear. I thought you were going to get us some cheesecake."

Penny put her finger to her lips, "Shhhhhh, not too loud Beverly, we don't want to get caught. If you promise to keep it quiet, I'll get you some cheesecake." Penny slipped out of the office and hurried to the showcase where the individual slices of cheesecake were, she pulled out two, one strawberry and one chocolate. She hurried back to the office and slipping in, she nearly dropped the two plates of cake.

Beverly had Felix naked and on his back sprawled out across the manager's desk. She too was naked and straddled his legs and was riding his sizeable cock like a woman possessed. Beverly turned and groaned out, "Oh good, you got the cheesecake, I think I like Felix's penis better. Why don't you set those down and climb up her and use his mouth. He was very good at eating my vagina. I'm sure he could do the same for you."

Penny giggled, "I don't think so Beverly, but your son's penis is enough for me just now. If I told you what Leonard and Sheldon did to me last night, I think you'd have a completely different view of your son and Sheldon. I tell you, after a bout I had a couple weeks ago with a female friend, I wouldn't mind test driving you at some time in the future."

Beverly rode Felix harder and faster. She threw her head back and groaned as Felix reached up and played with her surgically enhanced breasts. He twisted her nipples and she couldn't keep her head still, she was too intoxicated to think straight. She looked to Penny and her face was contorted, She groaned out over and over again, "Yikes, yikes, yikes!"

Felix released his load into her and Beverly shook, just like when she downed her first full shot of tequila. She looked to Penny, are you sure you wouldn't want to try out his penis, it's still rather firm."

She giggled, "No thank you, I'll settle for the cheesecake."

Beverly slid off of Felix and started dressing. She watched intently as the busboy got to his feet, dressed and turned to Penny. "She is one loco lady Penny, but if she ever wants to pass on the cheesecake again, I'll always be available." He shook Beverly's hand and slipped out of the office and went back to work.

Once Beverly was dressed, she sat beside Penny and patted her on the knee, I like the busboy, but whenever you're ready to try what you talked about, I'll be waiting, till then, can I try the cheesecake?"

Penny handed her a plate with half of each kind on it. The two of them ate in silence and when they were done, they snuck out. Penny made sure the office was put back the way they found it and as they left, Beverly turned to Penny, "Let's go back and find out who should be upset with Leonard, you or I!"

They got back to Leonard's place and upon entering Penny yelled out, "Leonard?

Beverly was still drunk and yelled out, "Sonny boy!"

Penny went towards the hallway, "Get out here! Your mommy wants to talk to you!"

He came in his robe and as he put on his glasses he blurted out, "What the hell is going on?"

Penny started singing; "You're in trouble!"

Beverly staggered into the living room; "Why didn't you tell me you were tapping my homegirl?" She turned to Penny; "Did I say that right?"

Penny nodded, "Yeah, not bad, not bad."

Leonard looked at both of them, "Are you guys drunk?"

Beverly swayed from side to side, "Well I hope so. Otherwise, why would we have stopped at Del Taco? Now, how could you not tell me you were in a relationship with this lovely, charming young woman?" She pulled Penny to her and hugged her.

Penny hugged her back, "Heh, heh, thank you."

"You're welcome. Is it because she's uneducated, trapped in a menial service position?"

Penny looked up at her, "What the hell happened to lovely and charming?"

Leonard was finally awake, "How come you didn't tell me that you and Father were getting a divorce? How come you didn't tell me you had surgery? How come you didn't tell me my dog died?"

Beverly swayed and staggered toward him, "What I hear you saying is that you want a more intimate mother-son relationship."

He nodded, "I do!"

She slowly approached him and put her arms around him and hugging him, patted him on the back of his head. Pulling away she placed her hands on his shoulders, "There, it's late, now go to bed."

He turned and headed towards his bedroom, never taking his eyes off his mother.

Beverly turned towards Penny, "I'm getting a warm feeling spreading through my heart."

Penny snickered, "That's the Del Taco."

Just then Sheldon came out of the bedroom and entered the living room, "Why is Leonard softly banging his head against his bedroom door?"

Beverly stepped closer to Sheldon, she turned and spoke to Penny, "Speaking of warm feeling...Come here!" She pulled Sheldon to her and planted a hot kiss on his lips. Her hand slipped into his robe and squeezed his soft cock.

Penny was shocked as she put her hand over her mouth, "Knowing Sheldon, Beverly, he won't be in any shape to do anything, like I said, he was over the top last night, as was Leonard."

Beverly broke the kiss and turned back to Penny, "No, I'd rather try out the busboy again!"

Beverly was too drunk to go back to her hotel and jumped at the change to join Penny at her apartment. Upon entering the apartment, Beverly dropped her jacket and took Penny in her arms, "Let me see if you kiss better than Sheldon." She grabbed Penny by the nape of her neck and pulled her forcefully to her. She planted her lips on Penny's and when she felt her lips part, Beverly slipped her tongue into her mouth and she groaned when she felt Penny's tongue begin to dance playfully on hers.

Penny was surprised by Beverly's actions, but she quickly recovered and kissing her back, she went on the offensive. Her tongue darted in and out of Beverly's mouth. Her hands began sliding along Beverly's plush body and cupping her ass, she pulled her tight against hers. She wanted to explore the mother of her boyfriend and reluctantly pulled back and taking her by the hand, led her to her bedroom.

Once again after the two of them entered the bedroom, Beverly took the lead. She reached down and in one swift movement, lifted the loose tunic Penny was wearing. Seeing she was still in her early twenties, she wasn't wearing a bra and her full, firm tits pointed up towards Beverly, begging to be played with. Beverly did just that. "Mmmmm, your breasts are so full and firm and yet at the same time, so soft and subtle." She lifted one; it already stood high and directed it to her lips. This was a new experience for her, even though Penny had some experience; it was the first one on one with another woman.

Beverly's tongue rolled around the huge aeroule and stiff, firm bud. Her lips closed around it and she began sucking on it. She let out a moan as she tasted her first female breast. Her tongue swirled around the bumps and she reveled in the feeling. It was strange to her, all the tiny bumps, so stiff and yet so soft. She couldn't get enough of it and now she knew why men were so obsessed with breasts. She moved to its twin and was even more urgent and she lapped away at the tip and sucked greedily at the tender morsel.

Penny was in heaven, she loved having her tits sucked on and having a woman and more so, Leonard's mother, she was turned on like never before. She wanted to reciprocate and she found the zipper in the side of Beverly's tight fitting top. She yanked it down and the material slackened. She tugged at it, but had a tough time pulling up and over Beverly's head. Beverly didn't want to release her tit, but finally did and Beverly immediately went back to nursing on her aching tit. Penny frantically clawed at the clasp holding Beverly's bra secure. She never had this much trouble with bra clasps before. Her hands were shaking, anticipating uncovering her tits. She finally managed and drawing the large cups from her tits, Penny let out a gasp and a moan. Beverly's tits were fuller and firmer than her own. She knew that at her age, they had to be enhanced. She cupped one and as she tried to maneuver around to get to one stiff nipple, Beverly pulled off of hers.

Beverly gave one of her sly giggles, "Yes Penny, they were enhanced. My bastard of a husband gave them to me as an anniversary present. I fixed the bastard and wouldn't let him touch them once I had the procedure, nice huh?"

Penny looked up at Beverly blue eyes and just nodded. She replied by leaning forward and took one of Beverly's nipples between her lips and she licked and sucked just like she liked having it done to her.

The two of them were fascinated with each other's tits and all four of them were aching, covered in spit and sore from being tugged at, sucked and licked. Penny finally took the next step, as she moved to Beverly's neck, her hands found the zipper on the back of her skirt, she tugged it down and as it hit the floor, she drew her panties down too. She was tired of standing and she guided Beverly to her bed. Once she had Beverly on her back, she stepped back and quickly removed her red pants and black lace panties. She stood before Beverly and ran her hands from her hips, across her belly and down to her dripping pussy. She dipped her fingers in and slipped them out, covered it her juices, she ran her fingers across her puffy lips and sucked on her juicy fingertips. She smiled down at Beverly, "Mmmm, I guess I am tasty, just like Leonard always says, you wanna taste?"

Beverly drew in a quick breath and licking her parched lips, nodded. Her arms reached out and Penny lowered her body to the matron's lush body. Beverly tasted Penny's cunt juices on her lips as they kissed. Their full, high standing tits crushed against each other's as their bodies meshed. She groaned even louder when she felt Penny grind her pussy mound against hers. She never felt anything like it before. She loved and would always love cock, but this was new and exciting and she couldn't wait to explore this young, sexy blonde. She crushed her lips urgently against Penny's and a surge of excitement raced through her body, from her lips pressed against Penny's down through her tits that were scraping against Penny's equally puckered nipples. She felt the tingles running down through her heaving belly to her extremely wet pussy. She felt the flutter and her clit tingled. She thrust her legs out straight and wrapped them around Penny's wiggling legs. Her arms pulled Penny tighter to her and just continued kissing her. This is where she wanted to be right now, she felt safe and being a psychologist, she knew she was throwing everything she knew was right out the window.

Penny took the options out of Beverly's hands as she broke the kiss and began planting kisses all along her chin and down her neck. She gently cupped Beverly's face and pushed her chin upward. She attacked her neck and rained kisses all over it. She felt Beverly's pulse and it made her want to continue. She flicked out her tongue and ran it down across Beverly's flushed upper chest. Her chin bumped up against Beverly's tits and suddenly she had the urge to suck on them.

Beverly swept Penny's long blonde hair from her face. She wanted to see her eyes and her lips as she sucked on her aching nipples. She rubbed her fingers together, feeling the silky hair running through her fingers. She had a hard time keeping her eyes open when she saw and felt Penny's lips close over the stiff peak. She arched her back and her head was tipped back. It was even better than she anticipated. She let out a gasp, "Oh my God Penny, that's incredible, don't stop. Mmmm, yes, yes, oh myyyyyy., Yikes, oh Penny, I'm cumming, yikes, yikes, yikes!" She fell lifeless to the bed; her breathing was coming in loud gasps as she tried to regain some of her strength. Her hands were still in Penny's hair and she moaned out, "Oh Penny, please, please, give me a chance to rest!"