Big Brother Brasil

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Ana and Augusto.
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I am very fortunate to have traveled to Brazil. The exhilarating experience of Carnival is an experience of a lifetime.

I have taken liberties with writing about a supremely sex Drum Queen I met during my trip.

This is an incest story from the beautiful land of Brazil - home of the Samba and Carnival.



I, my wife Ana & our son Augusto, live in Rio de Janeiro. Ana looks gorgeous. She's smart, articulate, speaks 3 languages & most importantly she's sexier than ever at 42. If we hadn't studied together since school, forget marrying, I sometimes wonder how I'd have befriended her.

20yr-old Augusto is an athlete and a fantastic baseball player. He aims to migrate to the USA and play professionally.

As Head-Tech at Banijay, I've complete control of all the content that gets funneled to the Chief Producer, who then decides what goes on to TV. My team controls all of the 100's of cameras & microphones in the Big Brother Brasil - BBB - house.

Over the last decade, the stakes in BBB have multiplied. The current prize money for the winner is over R$10million. After years of experience handling live streaming content, I realize how much my team matters in who the winner is. Public votes based on what they see, and without our help even the producer can't decide what the viewers should see.

Last season was a sad conclusion. A very abrasive person ended up winning. With millions of Reals and a swanky BMW car given away as a prize, undeservedly, I can guarantee - based on what all I had seen and the viewers had not. But viewers voting based on what they saw, decides the winner.

Ana is the most gentle person I know. She is also very beautiful. Her body is so toned she is fuckable as fuck. She does not have a bone of spite in her. Ana's only vulnerable moment was when she got superseded by another girl who became a Drum Queen at Ana's carnival school. She quit the next day, dejected. Now Ana is a fitness instructor and a carnival guide for tourists visiting Rio.

Augusto is going to finish college soon and is hectically chasing scouts to get them to take a look at his game. Our suburban home is large and comfortable. We have a comfortable life. Fortunately, no one in my family watches BBB.

Last week, when I heard the prize money for BBB is going to be upped again, a tinge of jealousy swept through me. I wondered what R$10million could do for us if we had that kind of money.

Yet another week later, I got to see the first-cut of the list of participants for the competition. I saw one name, and I froze. It was of the girl who had pipped Ana to be the Drum Queen 8-years earlier. Now no longer a Drum Queen, she was worthy of a has-been celebrity status that usually rolls into the BBB house.

I stayed away from mentioning this to Ana. Even as negotiations with the shortlisted candidates were ongoing, a plan found a seed in my mind. 'A score to settle with Ana's bête noire on one hand, and R$10million on the other.'

One afternoon, when Augusto had left for college, I tested waters with Ana. "When did you last see BBB?"

"I don't see that trash."

"No, I was just asking. When did you last see it?"

"I think I saw one a few years ago. Never liked it. Sorry," She felt apologetic trashing my place of work. I didn't care.

"Are you aware of the prize money this year? It's R$10million to the winner."

She raised an eyebrow momentarily, and she smiled back, "As I said it is trash. But possibly great for your channel, mmhm."

I smiled back. We had never been enchanted by big money. We were content with what we had. Very happy indeed.

I boasted a little, "you know Ana, I have the shortlist of this years' candidates being vetted for the house."

Ana smiled and looked at me calmly, love in her eyes, almost proud.

Later that night, I brought up the subject again, "I have to tell you something."


"From the list of names in the shortlist, I saw that Vivienne is being considered to be invited as a contestant."

Ana froze for a moment. Then looked towards me. Her eyes betrayed her. I knew Ana could never dream of hurting anyone, but for a brief moment of weakness, she looked like a wounded tigress.

"Vivienne Santos?" she asked as composed as one could have imagined.

I nodded sheepishly, feeling guilty of having brought to my beloved wife.

Ana turned and looked towards the wall in front of our bed and stayed quiet for a long while. I did not provoke any further conversation.

It took me three days to find the courage and an opportunity to broach the subject again. Time was ticking, and if my plan was to work, I would've to move fast.

"Ana, I have a thought. Please listen to me with an open mind."

She did not need a sixth sense to know I was referring to our conversation from a few days ago.

She nodded but remained quiet.

"I told you I have access behind the scene at the house." She nodded, inquisitive as to what I had thought.

"I can do some manipulation and get 'you' on the shortlist in place of her in the BBB house."

Her eyes squinted, amazed at what I had just said.

I implored further, "I have access to the back-end systems, and it would not take me long to ensure that there is a denial in place for Vivienne." I paused for effect. "I can also insert your name in her place, so it would be a beautiful coup d'etat of sorts. You will be in the BBB house in her place."

"Now why would I want to do that," amused that I had come up with a dumb idea. She knew I was too smart for that.

"For one, you will take 'her' place. Then you are going to 'win'. We will become millionaires, and life would be sweet. And because you would be there in place of her, it would be only sweeter. The money would be an icing on the cake."

She opened her mouth and nothing came out. Unclear where to start at my dysfunctional plan.

I laid bare the details.

"I understand you think this is crazy, but listen to the details."

She closed her mouth but still stared at me in amazement.

"First, I will knock her name off from the shortlist and replace hers with yours. Second, once you are in, I have enough capabilities and resources in the house to ensure every feed from the cameras which projects you in a positive light is directed to the producers. No way can that go wrong" I added for emphasis, "because everything goes through me."

She looked at me, a little calmer than earlier but still surprised as to how did I think she would agree to something so ludicrous.

"Then, when the votes come in, they are populated in our system that's manned by me and my team. I know how to direct those."

"Are you MAD?"


"You are scheming and plotting all this "for money"? What if you got caught? what if WE got caught?"

The part about money seemed dirty, and she emphasized it for that precise reason.

"Ana, there is no way anyone can know except you and me. Plus, no one will know you are my wife, until later. There is no trail possible because it is all digital."

Before she could attack further, I added, "the thought came to me because I saw her name. After all these years, this would be a sweet victory for you, my love. She took your spot mischievously and yet couldn't last long enough as the Drum Queen. All I am giving you is a spot. If you end up winning, it would be a victory like no other."

Upon seeing her listen, I continued, "she knows that she is being considered. The first slap on Vivienne's face would be when your name appears on the shortlist in her place."

"You are beautiful, intelligent, smart, and you CAN win too. I have seen these contests each year and all that happens is that you are judged on how you behave inside - actually what viewers see. That's where I come in."

It took me six days of relentless badgering for her to acquiesce but she seemed jittery.

I upped my game.

I, first, knocked Vivienne out of the list. No one knew how it happened. What followed was a media uproar. Vivienne cried foul, & said, "I had never even considered going into the BBB house. I don't even want to go in." It was clear she was upset.

Parallelly, I pursued Augusto and chased him with enough incentives. What clinched the deal, was that he would be given enough money to migrate to the USA and pursue his dream of playing baseball. Being young and tech-friendly, he knew what I was proposing was not bullshit.

The clincher for Ana was when I assured her Augusto would also be going into the house with her. I understood that spite alone wasn't sufficient motivation for Ana. Now, she had assured protection in an alien environment that I was persuading her to go in.

The first lucky break came our way. Four days later, Ana and Augusto's names appeared on the shortlist. Nobody had a clue how? Maybe the CEO of the company had got them there, maybe someone else. A Samba dancer was getting replaced with another. With things getting into media fast enough there was no backtracking.

Augusto was a late entrant and the youngest of the lot. Everyone was intrigued, but no one knew how this was happening. There was so much media glare that the issue got clouded. Ana-Vivienne issue kept everyone busy and talking.

Ana got a handsome contract of R$100,000, and Augusto got offered R$80,000. Surviving each exit from the house would add 10% to their fee. Besides that, the prize money of R$10million was there for the picking along with the BMW.

Nine days after that, at a press briefing, contestants were invited to interact with the media. Augusto and Ana stayed away from each other and only got together in a group where contestants met each other.

Beyond a shred of doubt, Ana was the most beautiful person of all the contestants, even the actress of yesteryears looked pale in front of Ana. It only made me more proud than ever.

I got about doing my job. I had pumped both Ana and Augusto sufficiently and had assured them that everything was in control, but the real test was going to start soon.

First up, I had my team test every camera, all of the 108 cameras were spread evenly around the house - most were conspicuous and many camouflaged. All of the 207 microphones were placed around the house. There were besides what would be carried on person by the fifteen contestants.

The ten thousand square foot house was wired with around two hundred thousand meters of cables. Thankfully each of the high-resolution cameras and every microphone was digital, so the content had to transfer to the recorders controlled by my team.

Two days before the start, I sat with a tentative Ana and a nervous Augusto. I calmed them down and assured them, " do not think of winning or losing. Both of you should think of it as a paid holiday that it is. What's the worst could happen? Even if you lose, you will have tons of money, and it could be fun." I smiled at them. The facts were bare.

I gave them countless tips. I also gave them information on some of the camera blind spots in the BBB house. My advice on the microphones was to speak very low whenever necessary.

I assured them that the microphones and cameras were in my hands. All they needed to do was give me a signal, and I'd ensure it is shut off. For no particular reason, I did not bother to tell them - it doesn't work like that. Everything would get recorded, but I will have the capability to filter out whatever I do not wish to redirect to my producer. I would find out later, that this little piece of information that I had withheld from them innocuously would lead to some life-changing consequences for the three of us. Nevertheless, a subtle hand signal was agreed between the three of us.

The night before their departure, there was nervous anxiety between Ana and me. When we made love, I was pumped, and she was anxious. We both fucked clumsily.

For the next four months, BBB house would be locked from the outside. All 15 contestants would try and act themselves or their best presentable self to win this huge prize.

A motley group of 8 men and 7 women. Four of the men were under 25, as were three girls. Two of the men were about 40, and as were two women. Two men and two women were above forty, none above 50. In all, three actors, two dancers, four sportspersons, one politician, two students, one model, and two comics. Five Portuguese, three German, four Spanish, and three mixed.

To ensure Ana and Augusto had the lay of the land, they went about the house at their own pace in separate groups. They managed to get themselves adjacent beds. Ana had the last of the ladies' beds, and Augusto picked first of the gents'.

As was agreed, for the first four days, I tested my skills on the content. I started to funnel all content sans Ana and Augusto to the producer. It went like a piece of cake.

On day five, Augusto went to the specific camera I had told him about in the main sitting room of the house and looked directly towards it. I took the toggle in my hand and moved the camera up and down, twice. It was our signal that I had things in my control.

Had something gone wrong I'd have to move the angle right to left and back a couple of times. A short while later, Ana came to the same camera and looked into it. I did the same movement. She smiled at this sublime way of communication. Had the camera remained steady in its original position, it would have meant I wasn't on shift at the time.

Day after day, I handled content in a manner that my producer and the audience barely even knew who Ana and Augusto were. Except for those events where a group was performing some 'task' given to them by Big Brother, Ana and Augusto would vanish into the house without getting noticed. Of course, I saw their every move, as I did for every other contestant.

On the first voting day, two weeks into the house, the results were surprisingly positive. I needed to do no manipulation. Ana was in the middle somewhere in the list and Augusto in the bottom five. But only one person was to be eliminated from the house, and it wasn't going to be anyone from my family. Apparently, nobody wanted the politician around.

Another week of mundane 'tasks' and contests later, near the day of voting tension grew inside and outside the BBB house. One of the comics was sent out packing. Yet again, I had to do nothing to keep my pair inside the house.

I played god with the camera feeds and ensured a minimal amount of attention was drawn to Ana and Augusto, especially avoiding unnecessary. I did not realize whatever feed I was letting through, was all ensuring Ana had the best angles to project physically, all made her look younger, sexier & attractive.

For Augusto, all I let through subconsciously, was when he was without his t-shirt or his shirt or when he was playing, showcasing his athletic and playful side.

The next week's competitive tasks were a team task of cooking and baking. For some reason of division, Ana and Augusto were in different teams. The elimination of the week would have to be from the losing team. Augusto's team won. Ana was in danger, but I was confident she won't be losing out. She didn't, an ex-actress showing extra tantrums during the team baking event got the boot from the audience.

The temperature within the house was rising. Alliances were forming; likes and dislikes were showing. Bitching, bickering, abuses were flying. Outbursts were not uncommon.

The producers came with a game a couple of weeks later that hadn't been part of previous seasons. A Kissing Booth.

Each of the ten remaining participants was given R$1000 to spend. Each person would man the kissing booth. Two persons per day, for five days. One could charge up to R$50 for a kiss. The highest two earners would be exempt from elimination, the rest would have to test their fate through voting.

The final ten included an actress, an actor, one comic, both dancers including Ana, two sportspersons, both students (including Augusto), and the model.

On the first day of the week, the footballer and the model set up their booth. The guys lined up for the model and the girls for the footballer. When Ana approached the footballer to kiss him, my heart tore into pieces. Ana modestly kissed the side of his lips, smiled, and stepped back. The ultra-high-definition cameras focused on every kiss and captured every emotion, every action, and every reaction.

The next day Augusto and lady comic set up their kissing booths. Augusto got his share of girls and the girl got the boys. I believe Ana must have thought if she avoided kissing Augusto it would send a wrong signal so after he had all three girls kiss him, Ana walked up to him. Her eyes met his and slowly she stepped forward. Augusto was amazed, comprehending the possibilities of what was going to happen.

Ana put the R$50 in the jar in front of Augusto and moved in closer. She kissed him on the edge of the lips, as she had done the previous day with the footballer. The effect it had on Augusto was different though. He believed the kiss would be a lot more, he held Ana's shoulders and kept her in place. Many couldn't see the pressure of his hands on her shoulders. Ana felt it. She stayed for longer. Their lips remained closed but the kiss was a lot longer than they had both imagined it'd be.

Reluctantly both stepped back.

The girl-comic had all the boys kiss her, and she had collected the R$200 from them. Augusto, too, had R$200 from his four customers. The mother in Ana decided to change that. She walked back to Augusto's booth before the game for the day could be called.

Augusto was surprised but pleased. Ana again chose to kiss the corner of his lips. Augusto was worried about how he had behaved the previous time. When Ana's lips didn't move away fast enough, Augusto's hands went up to her shoulders. The pleasure of having his mom at his lips was too good. The inward pressure on her shoulders returned.

Somewhere during the kiss, even though closed, their lips had found center. Their heads tilted.

When the kiss broke, way later than was required to be seen legit, they were both smiling sheepishly.

Instead of stepping away, Ana pulled another R$50 and put it in the jar. There was clapping all around, synchronized claps, until their lips met again.

Their third kiss was steamier than the first two, for sure. Because this one started at the center of their lips. Their hands were on the back of the other's heads, pulling sufficiently. If I could see, I would have noticed that it was Augusto's tongue that put in that slight bit of effort and Ana didn't put much of a resistance.

The next part was clear to everyone in the house and millions watching. Augusto kissed Ana with passion and enthusiasm that did justice to a young hormonal boy's urges. Satiated and gasping for air, they both parted and only then realized that the hooting and clapping in the room was to egg them to go on.

Ana dished out yet another R$50 and threw it towards Augusto's jar. It didn't go in. But no one cared. She was inside his mouth this time way faster than lightning. Their tongues traveled to and fro luxuriously. They kissed passionately. Their hands roamed around each other's back, neck, and head.

Ana broke off the kiss after a good long couple of minutes, remembering where they were.

The atmosphere in the house changed dramatically after that.

Another girl, the model, decided she needed to be part of some of the action or possibly wanted to be in the center of attention. She took another shot at Augusto, investing another R$50 into his jar. Her kiss, like Ana's last one, started from the lips and dived straight into Augusto's mouth. Her tongue was welcomed by Augusto who let her clean his mother's saliva from the inside of his mouth.

Ana deftly calmed the girl down, caressing her cheeks, kissing just her lips. Slowly her tongue came out licking the girl's lips. The girl-comic's confidence returned and she was smiling by the time the kiss ended.