BIG BUTT CHINA - Mei Two Pt. 02


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"You get that if you pass the first mini-test." She forced a smile as she continued tutoring me. It turned out to be three tests before I claimed the brownie. Mei kept everything business, but I noticed her staring at me and quickly averting her eyes intermittently.

"What is it?" I finally asked, tiring of her behavior.

"I want to say something, but you'd probably get mad if you heard it. I'm not as personable as my sister and well, I put my foot in my mouth a lot."

"Well, then you probably shouldn't say that shit, then."

"I know, but then the cycle just continues until I blurt it out anyway, so I thought I'd ask."


"Come on, please?"

"No, Mei-Hua." She looked away for a few moments before scribbling in my notebook. Part of me wondered if she were going to ask me the same thing her sister had before. My eyes wandered down to her conservative dress designed to keep her bounty hidden from the male populace. I wondered if the twins were truly identical.

"Still trying to look at my ass, huh?"

"Stop it." I redoubled my efforts to focus on my books as she leaned over with that unasked question on her lips.


"Don't!" I warned, worried that Mei-Hua was going to ask to see my junk or something. Her posture was a lot more relaxed than before.

"DID YOU USE PROTECTION WHEN YOU SLEPT WITH MY SISTER?!!" She blurted out, embarrassing both of us as the few sparse students using the library turned in our direction.

"Oh, no you didn't."

"Sorry, but all we have are each other and a baby would really complicate our lives right now; I-I mean you would probably be involved in raising him or her, but Mei-Zhen would be in over her head!! After our parents died, we were shuffled around our relatives and she didn't adjust well. You uhm, seem okay so I just wanna know if you wore a condom?" I stared at her silently processing her stammering diatribe.

"Hey uh, thanks for your help Mei-Hua."

"See, I knew you'd be mad." I was putting away my belongings as she facepalmed and squirmed in her seat.

"Gee, am I that fucking transparent; your sister deserves better, but you're too busy finding new ways to shove your head further up your own ass." Mei-Hua snagged my jacket sleeve as I stood up.

"I'm the only one looking out for us; some one has to do the heavy lifting and that's me. Don't worry, we'll let you know about the baby if she's pregnant."

"Wow, you're awesome."

"Look, maybe this uh, truce didn't work out, but I promise you won't fail no matter what. Even though you hate me and think I'm an asshole." I was just thinking how weird it was, hearing this crock of shit spilling from a girl with the face of an angel. The perfect likeness of a woman who'd literally charmed the pants off me. I'd slept with her twin, but also sort of hoped for more and her twin was making me regret that decision.

"For your information, we used a lot of condoms. Have a nice day, bitch." I trudged off noticing a security guard near the librarian's desk.

"Uhm, thanks for putting my mind at ease." She called after me, igniting my fury and indignation.

"Mei-Zhen is comfortable in her own skin, she knows what she wants and how to get it. Unlike her, you could use a GOOD FUCK." I wanted to be savage and leave Mei-Hua shocked. Her almond shaped eyes narrowed as she took a bite of her brownie, sizing me up.

"Yeah, right Mr. Wonderful; but did you ever stop to think about how she even knew you were alive?" she punctuated her words with a knowing, angry looking smirk.


I hurried out with white noise and static filling my mind as her words became clearer presenting me with a question unasked and unknown until she posed it. I'd only had contact with Mei-Hua after we'd met. My walk back towards the dorm was longer than expected as I pondered her words. I took the time to rest on a bench outside one of the administrative buildings. I checked my phone noticing some calls from an unknown number. There were at least ten of them with no messages attached. I called back getting a never-ending series of rings before I gave up. I still couldn't get the twins off my mind alternately thinking about how arrogant and annoying Mei-Hua was in contrast to her more relaxed and sensual sister, Mei-Zhen. My phone suddenly rang again affording me an opportunity to answer it.

"Hi, how's it going?" It wasn't either sister; it was someone I considered, worse.


"Don't hang up, I just wanted to see how you were doing. We uhm, didn't end on the best of terms and I've been thinking about you for a minute." My ex-girlfriend hadn't been on my mind during the entire time I'd been dealing with the Mei sisters. I found myself without emotion to spare.

"I'm doing just fine; I'm going to hang up now."

"WAIT!! You don't have to be salty; I just wanted to admit that I was wrong for not telling you about Ralphie. I didn't make the best of decisions, uhm you know how it is when you get caught up in things and Ralphie just kind of swept me off my feet, you know?" I stared at the phone like fecal matter was pouring out of it.

"No, I don't know shit about Ralphie, except what I read in your letter, Mylie."

"I'm trying to apologize for what I did; I want your forgiveness and maybe, friendship. It's hard starting a new chapter in your life when the other person is unsure about things. I-I mean I'm the one that's gonna be doing all the hard work and sometimes you just need some support when shit gets fucking real!! I could always count on you, remember how it used to be?" Mylie was ranting, not really talking to me at all; using me as her sounding board. Hijacking me for an impromptu therapy session with her own tortured consciousness.

"Pregnant, huh?"

"Don't gloat; we're still trying to figure things out. Everybody can't be perfect like you; have the right answers like you and always do the right thing-like YOU!! Ralphie is just-complicated; I mean we fuck like animals all the time and it's unfair to just spring something like this on a good guy like him, right?!!"

"Pregnant and alone; he left your ass after you told 'em, right Mylie?" She broke down, blubbering into her end of the receiver. I hated hearing her cry, not because of any lingering feelings, but because her crying voice sounded so ugly and uncharacteristically masculine.

"WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!! MY LIFE IS RUINED!!" I put the phone on speaker setting it down on the bench beside me as I watched the sun hanging low in the sky. The golden glow of the setting sun left a familiar golden hue over everything. Mylie's sobs serenaded me as a gentle breeze wafted through the semi-wooded area.

"I gotta go Mylie, bye."

"So, you're just gonna leave things like this? We were really good together, before. Will you just forgive me; I don't think I can deal with this all by myself." I reclined on the seat mulling her words as I watched a coed jog by with an amazing set of buns.

"Lose my fucking number." Her caterwauling got louder as I pushed the button on my phone silencing my ex-girlfriend.

Mylie had thought to call me the minute she was in trouble and I was offended at her unsaid assessment of me as a person. I guess I was supposed to be the pushover waiting in the wings for this conniving bitch to come running back to me with a bun in the oven. The remembered anger returned with a vengeance as I realized the sham relationship I'd been apart of for a good portion of my young life. All things considered, I'd only been with three women. Two of them were complete fucking train wrecks and well Mei-Zhen was, still being evaluated. Her sister's words hung in my mind as I pocketed my phone continuing on to my dorm.

I was alarmed as I walked onto my dorm room floor to notice a gathering of some dormmates at my door. I figured Irma Hersh had returned for more havoc and very nearly walked back out. Some of the guy's desperate looks and omnipresent camera phones told me that my initial worries were unfounded. There was only one, or maybe two people that could elicit that reaction from a group of horny, male students in my life at this time. I crept up watching the excited reactions of my peers, thirsty fan boys all of them. No one seemed to notice me standing in the back of the crowd and I was tall enough to peer over their shoulders into my room. There she was on hands and knees grabbing handfuls of the copious amounts of flyers left littering my floor. She'd filled the slightly torn garbage bags left behind by the assholes who'd attacked me and Armin earlier. She was visible from the waist down wearing some shiny, track leggings that did nothing to hide an extremely visible and diminishing panty line. Her small feet were bare as I noticed two extra bags of trash outside the door. A mop and bucket full of dirty water rested beside the garbage bags.

"I can't believe this shit, an Asian chick with all that fucking ASS!!" One guy commented as some others nodded.

"She's gotta be the hottest janitor, I've ever seen." Someone else laughed.

"Man, I wanna eat that shit; you know how them brothers do? Yeah uh, suck a fart out that fat culo." Two shady looking dudes I'd never seen before were running their mouths. One short, hairy looking creep was actively filming Mei-Zhen with his I-Phone.

"Shut up." I didn't want to hear anything else from this tool.

"No seriously, I'd lick that fucking dump clean; probably taste like Chow Mein, huh Mikey boy?" An Indian guy with a severe hair lip thought this clown was the funniest guy he'd ever heard.

"Shut-the fuck-up."

"No, I'm serious dude." I picked up the mop bucket weighing its contents.

"Me too." I doused both idiots with the dirty mop water. The group turned in my direction before scattering like some disparate group of street urchins leaving the smart ass alone to face me. He looked like he wanted to GO, before ultimately backing down. I never broke eye contact with the tough guy who was backing away from me arms outstretched.

"Man, get the FUCK outta HERE!!" I shouted breaking his resolve as he ran around the corner at the end of the corridor. I found Mei standing in the doorway with a hand on her chest looking wild eyed at the turn of events. I shrugged my shoulders as she smiled warmly.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was in the neighborhood and I...uhm, sounds like bullshit, right?" I took the remining bag of garbage from her, nodding my head.

"You're going to make me leave?"

"I should, but I guess not, Mei-Zhen." She was wearing this shimmering lace crop top leaving a bit of her abdomen exposed; her face was made up as well. Her perfume wafted through my room leaving me a little affected.

"You won't even know I'm here."

"I doubt that very much; so, you were in the neighborhood, huh?" I snagged her wrist, shaking it a little.

"Yeah." Her narrow eyes were cast downward as her palm cupped and caressed my crotch. Mei focused her actions using her fingers to pinch and slightly tug on my shaft. I found her touch electric, rising to the occasion immediately as my hands went to her narrow waist. Mei surprised me by pointedly grasping my wrists pulling them back to my sides.

"Relax, let's not go from zero to one thousand right away."


"Just let me, do this for a little bit." Both of her hands were working wonders on my member, softly stroking and caressing everything. no was already breathing hard; I noticed her nostrils flaring as she played with me.

"Feels so good, Mei." My voice faltered as she squeezed my shaft just below the head of my cock. She kept up this sort of pinching motion, licking her lips, looking up at my face for a reaction.

"It feels so BIG; positively HUGE in fact." Her mouth was open, one of her hands firmly massaging the underside of my balls.

"You know it is, Mei; you tamed it the other night. OOOHHHH, yes Mei that feels so FUCKING GOOD!! You want me to cum in my pants or something?" I wanted her mouth on my cock so bad, I was near tears.

"Would that be so bad?"


"Cumming in your pants; what if I want you to SOIL your PANTS for me; would you DO it?" I gasped as she squeezed my balls hard through my jeans.

"Yeah, I guess." She licked her lips, enjoying every bit of what she was doing as I tried to reconcile her words with her actions.


"Yuh-Yeah, Mei; that's feels really good."

"I know." She got behind me leaning up against my bed, reaching around to squeeze my package greedily. I just went with it as it became apparent that she wanted us both sitting on the bed. I positioned myself between her voluptuous thighs as she tugged and stroked without mercy. Her breath was hot on my neck.

"Mei." I was close.

"You're really gonna fill your boxers FULL of CUM just because I said so, huh?" Her tongue darted out touching neck, sending slivers of pleasure down my spine.

"I'd do anything for you; AAAHHH, AAAAHHHH BAAABY!!" My thighs tightened up painfully as I went into the beginning throws of an intense orgasm.

"Cum for me, asshole!" Mei quickly drew my zipper down releasing my rock-solid tumescence to her waiting palm. Her finger wrapped tightly around it jacking hard on the underside of the shaft as I exploded on the edge of my bed in several powerful bursts. Her other hand provided an intense twisting motion at the base of cock that had me twisting and aching my back in her grasp. Mei nibbled and sucked at my neck even giving my earlobe a nip or two. She was breathing hard and trembling a little bit as she worked me to completion.

"I-It's so fucking BIG; you got a really THICK COCK, shit." Mei ran her thumb up and down the shaft spreading a bit of my cum over it.

"I wanna touch you, too." I admitted, desperate for her lush curves and exotic beauty."

"No." She gave me a slight push, prompting me to stand as she stared, transfixed at my cum webbed up between her fingers. I zipped up watching her play with the gooey strands, amazed.

"What gives?"

"Uhm, you're supposed to be studying, aren't you?"


"Well?" She raised an eyebrow, reclining back on her elbow still staring at my splooge on her fingertips.

"I mean-yeah, but we were in the middle of something, weren't we?"

"Maybe, but then again, maybe I wanted to give you something to look forward to after you pass your makeup test." Mei smirked at me scooting forward on the bed with her hand still aloft, covered in the evidence of her tease play.

"That's cold."

"You wanna fail that test? I thought you were cramming all weekend and guess what? You folded as soon as I touched you. That's not a good look for someone who needs to work as hard as fuck to stay in school. You do-wanna STAY enrolled, right?" Mei was suddenly all business throwing me for a loop.

"Sorry to disappoint you; was this all a test, too?" Mei looked away, flustered.

"If you fail; you'll blame me, right?"

"I never blamed you, it was all my fault for screwing up my education. Had ah, a bad breakup and fucked off a week. I just wanted your sister's help and that got everything so fucking complicated. Oddly enough, you explained her situation that first night, just by showing me your body. Maybe if Mei-Hua gave me the chance, things would have been different." Mei smiled warmly at me in a way that made me feel, strange.

"Hey, you crack those books and I'll get us something to eat-AAAAHHH SHIT!!" She looked down realizing that she was sitting in a pool of my cum on the edge of the bed. Mei jumped down running to the small bathroom in the other corner of our room. She washed her hands profusely before peeling off the leggings to her knees. My heart skipped a beat as her immense cheeks came into view, barely covered by what looked like bikini styled boy shorts. The sight had an instant reaction as my cock became painfully erect in seconds.

"Damn, it's all up in the crotch; she's gonna be pissed." Mei was talking to herself as she stuffed the leggings into my very small sink running water over the soiled area. I was given a view of her spectacular figure as she did her best to clean the garment. The slenderness of her back and the smooth transition into her abnormally wide hips were something to behold.

"Maybe some club soda will work; man, you've got some thick cum."

Mei-Zhen appeared to forget I was even there as she emerged from my tiny bathroom laying the leggings across Armin's bed. She had a wad of tissues dabbing at the soiled area bending slightly at the waist. Her perfect peach was exposed in the pronounced gap between her luscious thighs. Her gluteal cleft which started higher than you would normally expect was calling out to me in the worst way as Mei continued fretting over the pants. I wanted to sink my teeth into her rounded hips and kiss her thin lips. Those boy shorts were pretty much a thong at this point, digging impossibly deep into the crack of her massive oval shaped cheeks. Before I even realized it, I was on my knees, filling my hands with her bounty.

"HEY, WHU-WHAT?!! CUT THAT OUT!! Yuh-You're supposed to be studying; we'll have time for that later!! Think-UH, OOOOHHHHHH, OH SHIT; you're licking me down there in a dirty place." My face was buried in her backside as I sought her slit from the back.

"Whu-What about your studies; the test?" One of her hands grabbed at the top of my head as she tried to pivot while I pried her thick, meaty buns apart working my way deeper. Mei gasped and whined sounding like a distressed lamb.

"AAAAAAWWW, OOOOHHH, My but you're nasty; AWWWWWW FAWWK!!" She shifted, finally accommodating my inspired efforts, spreading her long, shapely legs as wide as she could.

Her pungent scent was everywhere as I continued caring little where my tongue licked. Mei folded her left leg forward giving me perfect access to her snatch. I could hear her reacting to my attention as she gasped and moaned finally pushing back against my wet, face. The girl was dripping profusely as some of her moisture seeped into my mouth. My thick lips pressed against her slit sucking and kissing before slipping a tongue inside.

"OOOHHHH, IT'S WRONG, BUT IT FEELS SOOOO FUCKING GOOD!!" Mei wiggled and twerked her big, pale ass against my face as my nails dug into her cheeks until she lurched forward landing on her back on Armin's bed. We stared at one another for a few seconds before spreading her legs presenting her delicate flower to me.

"Come on, finish it." She demanded, crooking her finger.

I dove between her legs with renewed vigor, making an absolute meal out of her snatch. Mei twisted her back involuntarily crying out in pleasure. My thumbs held her cunt open as I began fellating her engorged clit causing the embattled Asian beauty to grab both of my ears in tandem with her rotating hips.

"DO IT, AWWWWW EAT THAT PUSSY!!" My fingers dug into the outsides of her lush thighs feeling the goosebumps on her skin. Mei was close, art the precipice and pinnacle of pleasure.

Mei's shrill cries filled the room as her butt bounced on the bed taking me with her for the ride. Her naturally muscular thighs locked around my head. She sounded like someone was gutting her as I was inundated with her liquid lust as she came hard.

"Wǒ yào qù nǐ mā de liǎn shàng yòng lì!! nǐ zhēn shì tài bàng le!!" Her legs jerked and shook as she pulled them towards her chest. I took the opportunity to crawl up on my roommate's bed planting my knees under her butt. My cock was sandwiched between her labia lips feeling the steaming promise of her slit.

"WHU-WAIT!!" Mei's hand quickly ensnared my shaft. Both of us were breathing hard; her skin glistened with sweat as she looked up into my face, conflicted.

"What, oh-yeah, condoms, right? I still got a few left over from the other night, I'll snag one." I went to snag a rubber from my dresser when Mei tightened her grip on my bicep.