Big Butt Chronicles: Holiday


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"JESSIE!!" My thighs tightened up as I exploded inside her in several white hot bursts of liquid satisfaction that had me seeing double. We kissed swirling our tongues around inside each other's mouths as I whimpered and squirmed around on top of her body. I could feel her rubbing my back and cupping one of my cheeks in encouragement. I wanted to stay inside her forever and never let the outside world in again. I was sorry that I wasn't there for her when she needed me and the guilt had caused me to walk out on her when she simply wanted to vent. I was saddened at the time I'd lost because of my selfishness knowing I would never be able to get it back.

"Jess, I'm sorry." I blubbered into her ear as my tears dotted her cheek.

"I'm sorry too; get some sleep. You have work in the morning." There was something missing in her voice but I was too tired to address it drifting off.

"Why don't you wear the ring?" I asked.

"Not yet; we both have to see how it all turns out first." Her answer was peculiar but I fell into a deep sleep before I could inquire further.

I awoke on the living room floor under a quilt Jessie had laid over my body. The white t-shirt she'd been wearing was discarded on the carpet within reach. I pressed the cotton material against my face taking in her scent and feeling rejuvenated. The shower was running in the bathroom making my morning wood point at the ceiling with thoughts of Jess' nude body covered in suds. However I was disappointed to find her rummaging in the closet wrapped in a flannel robe. I tried to give her a kiss but she begged off citing my morning breath. I obliged her cleaning my teeth and hopping into the shower. During my shower I ended up rubbing one out to thoughts of her magnificent body. I noticed a contraceptive sponge in the toilet as I wrapped a towel around my waist.

"Come here and make it quick; I'm going to the gym." She'd lost her robe assuming a bent over posture on the corner of the bed facing me.

"Wow; what brought this on?"

"I peeked; saw what you were doing naughty boy. Let's hurry this up." Everything seemed okay and I ended up glazing her massive butt with cum at least three times before she managed to peel me off of her body. She left the bathroom door open for me allowing open viewing of her second shower of the morning. I relaxed on our bed absentmindedly stroking my manhood not stopping until I shot a weak squirt of jizz just as my girlfriend pulled her full back panties over those full, voluptuous cheeks. Jessie finished dressing leaving without a word.

We barely saw one another after that with Jessie working nights while I labored during the day. She seemed upbeat spending more time at the gym as time passed. Whenever both of us had time we managed to have some sort of sexual contact. I noticed that Jessie seemed intent on having sex doggy style more and while this should have been a boon to me; something felt off about the whole affair. Finally one afternoon I spoke up while we laying under the covers watching the news lie about the state of the country.

"Do you REALLY love me or just the way I look; I wonder sometimes if you'd still feel the same way if I was-different."

"Yes, I love YOU Jess!! Are we really having this conversation again?" Jess suddenly surprised me by hopping out of the bed revealing her nude body in all its glory.

"Take a good look because this is my farewell tour of being a freak."


"Well a few weeks ago I saw this doctor because my health insurance got activated and I wanted a checkup. She uhm, diagnosed me with a condition and it's actually treatable." She clasped her hands looking down at the carpet before looking back up into my confused features.


"Lipedema-uhm, that's what it's called and a lot of women have it to varying degrees. Dr. Bernard thinks she can "FIX ME", make me normal like other people." She half mumbled the last part as this strange feeling overcame me.

"There's nothing wrong with you."

"I want to do this treatment; you say it doesn't matter what I look like right? If that's true then you'll support my decision." There was a familiar look of terror on her face that reminded me of that incident at the park. I knew there was no way I could let her down.

Jessie had been working out like a beast trying to drop weight even taking a self-defense class. I found myself internally conflicted knowing that I loved her but confused at shat the future held. I looked up the disease myself noticing that Jess didn't resemble any of the extreme cases I saw on my laptop. I asked her to get a second opinion and we ended up arguing for about a week before she caved in an attempt to prove me wrong. A second doctor agreed with me advising her that her condition was an extreme case of steatopygia. He still opinioned that some liposuction could adjust her appearance advising her on some plastic surgeons.

"I'm still having the surgery whether you like it or not."

"I support you, I just thought you should get a second opinion and I was right."

"You just wanted to save your fucking sex toy; you don't care about how I feel. I'm tired of being bothered by legions of perverts everywhere I go! You don't know what it's like to worry about somebody raping you every time you step outside the door!! I DO-I LIVE WITH THIS SHIT EVERY FUCKING DAY AND I DON'T NEED YOU AROUND IF YOU CAN'T SUPPORT MY DECISION!!" She punctuated her statement by rolling over in the bed taking most of the blankets with her. Her magnificent body was soon hidden under all of the bedding.


"Leave me alone, I need some sleep for tomorrow's surgery."

"I support you; I'll go with you alright?"

"That's okay I'll get Barry to take me."

"Who the fuck is Barry?"

"A friend from work."

"...?!!" She drifted off to sleep without another word leaving me to my own devices. Barry Ellsworth turned out to be her immediate supervisor from her job. He was this rail thin guy that kind of reminded me of a fucked up version of Harry Connick Jr. He'd become fast friends with Jessie during the graveyard shift in which they worked with her sharing a plethora of personal information about our personal lives. He'd also been working out with her at the gym unknown to me until a slip of the lip from my girlfriend. The ensuing argument ravaged our sex lives exiling me to the couch and strengthening her bond with Barry. I did my best to be supportive of Jessie but her friendship wasn't making it any easier on our relationship. Worrying that maybe I was in the wrong I sought the counsel of my friend Dillon who responded in my favor.

"Sounds like this thing might be a done deal." His words echoed in my ears many days afterwards.

Jessie's surgery went well reducing her lower half to manageable proportions but it was hard going as she recovered from the procedure. It felt wrong to me but I did my best to hide my feelings and ignore Barry who was dropping by the house almost regularly. There was a scare of blood clots and some allergic reactions to medication but Jessie pulled through fine. Over a third of her lower body had been reduced retaining her general shape but in a more manageable form. That humongous butt was gone forever leaving me with some sexual grief which I wisely kept to myself. I didn't know what to do with myself in the days that followed as she continued working out. On one occasion I joined her at the gym only to find that Barry would be joining us. I got pissed and stormed off for a dinner out alone. Oddly enough I found myself at Jessie's old job in the hours before it closed.

"She's driving you crazy, isn't she?" Jessie's old boss Sal was quite perceptive.

"It's that obvious"

"That girl hasn't been the same since that incident at the park; you shouldn't have to suffer because of it."

"We're both suffering, Jessie and I." I corrected wanting the old Italian gent to know where I stood with my estranged girlfriend.

"Not from where I'm sitting; girl's in here twice a week eating lunch with this "Barry" guy. What's up with that I tell you; that guy's a bum. I seen many people across this counter the last thirty years and I always know a bum when I see one.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest at this revelation realizing there was much I hadn't noticed about my girlfriend as of late.

"Maybe you two should go your own way; seems like she's keeping something from you. That Barry guy always seems kind of over anxious when he's with her and I can't blame him. Jessie's a completely different girl than she was before when she had that huge can holding her back."

"Thanks for making me feel better." My snarky comment didn't go unnoticed by Sal who promptly served up a slice of his famous apple pie alamode. It was a favorite menu item and the people's choice but every bite felt like a rock going down my throat. I was embarrassed and humiliated because of things that had been hidden from me.

"Hey pal, didn't mean to rain on your parade or nothing but did you ever stop to consider that the girl in your life right now is the real Jess?" The old man wasn't done doling out sage advice much to my chagrin.

"How do you mean?

"She always hated that big, fat keister of hers something fierce, felt it kept her from having the life she always wanted and now...What's stopping her buddy?! She's finally got the freaking body she's always wanted and maybe, just maybe you don't figure into the equation."

"You really think that Sal?"

"I'm just saying; what do you think?" His answer was terse and to the point chaffing my ego even more and eliciting a little fear of possibilities. I slapped some money from the counter and bolted over to my apartment finding it empty. My heart was thumping a mile a minute as I searched the house making sure Jessie was still living there. Her clothing and laptop were present relieving me for a bit before I noticed it was on and flipped it up. I found myself looking at her Facebook page. It was filled to the brim with pictures of her new figure. There were more pictures than I cared for that revealed her with Barry outside of work. They appeared the best of friends in more selfies than I cared to count. A wave of anger swept through me directed at the asshole who was spending more time with Jessie than her boyfriend. I slammed my hand on the keyboard accidentally bringing up a Instagram account in Jessie's name. The pictures here were more suggestive than I'd ever known my shy girlfriend to be. It was shocking as my eyes kept going back to a photo of Jessie peering into the full length mirror on the back of our bedroom door. She was wearing some skimpy, bikini style panties made of sheer material.

"The Me Underneath." Was written under the photo.

There was another photo in which she was professionally made up at what looked like the makeup counter of some department store. Jessie was simply starring at her own reflection in the countertop mirror wide eyed with a look of wonder. Barry was reflected in the background with a Cheshire Cat grin that I wanted to mess up with my fist. Another picture was from the same mall excursion with Jessie in a plain white blouse and a pencil skirt trying on a pair of heels. She was posed showing off a curvy leg with one finger pressed to her lips as if silencing the viewer of the picture.

I was torn viewing these revealing pictures that were obviously not meant for my eyes. I was looking at part of jessie that was hidden away and never mentioned. I didn't know how to handle the revelation looking through scores of pics; most of my girlfriend unveiling an alluring quality that was never present during better times. Maybe Sal was right and she was just settling for me because her options were limited at the time. I remembered the light argument we'd had when she mentioned that I was probably only attracted to her because of her abnormally wide hips and huge butt. Well Jessie eradicated that version of herself leaving me with...what exactly?!!

I closed the laptop and went to the fridge pulling a six pack from its icy confines. Sports center was the only light in the darkness of the living room as I downed beer after beer until sleep or something passing for it took me.

"Wake up." The first thing I saw was her face looking somewhat angelic surrounded by her now brown tinted locks; I hadn't recalled the change in hair color.


"Looks like you had a hell of a night; want to tell me about it?" Jesse was hovering over me sounding glib and upbeat despite the visual I was presenting. My head felt like someone had driven a spike in it while I was sleeping and I was more than a little irritated that Jessie didn't pick up on my despair right away. I wanted to ask her about the social media and all those photos. I wanted to know just what was her relationship with Barry. Something was holding me back, restraining me against my nature from acting. I was afraid of where such protestations and accusations would lead. Did I really want to lose Jessie or had I already lost her and didn't realize it yet?

"No, not particularly; how was work?"

"Business as usual, nothing really to talk about. I'm thinking about burning some calories at the gym; had some pizza last night. I should have brought you some; Barry knows the best places to eat."

"No thanks."

"Still jealous; haven't I told you there's nothing to worry about?" I felt like I was talking to another person other than the girl I'd moved in with.

"I know what I feel."

"I know what I'd like to feel." Her hand cupped my package while she looked into my worried face with what amounted to a plastic smile on her face. Jessie was wearing makeup and some earrings while her hair had been done. I hadn't noticed before taking it all in with anxious hunger. We hadn't been intimate since the night before her surgery.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"Yeah." She got up and casually walked into our bedroom with me not far behind. I found Jessie staring at her reflection in the mirror on the back of the closet door. It was eerily reminiscent of the phot I'd seen on her Instagram page. She looked over her shoulder at me with somewhat of an inquisitive expression before turning back to her own image.

"There's something I never told you." The cold manner in which she said it caught me off guard.

"What is that?"

"36C-38-68." She said it in a girlish giggle while moving an errant hair away from her pretty face.

"Your old measurements huh?"

"I never told you before, I just thought you'd like to know what I was working with before. I was measured by the doctor before my surgery. Never had the courage to find out before and it just seemed appropriate that I tell you right here and now. Do you miss it; do you miss my huge, flabby ass?" I didn't know how to answer even though we both knew I did.

"You really want to know?"

"I think I already know." I got up and stood behind her staring at her reflection in the mirror. My tumescence pressed into the crack of her ass. Jessie was wearing yoga pants without any panties underneath.

"Do you now?" I cupped her mound rubbing her slit with my middle fingers. She tried to turn away but I roughly cupped her chin directing her gaze back towards the mirror. Her hair smelled sweet and somewhat intoxicating with this fruity tinge. I luxuriated in the smell as my hand slid down cupping one of her breasts through the thin, cotton hoodie she wore. She squirmed against me as her nipple became hard in the palm of my hand. Jessie pushed back into my length dipping at the waist sawing my cock with her crack. I could feel her wetness seeping through the crotch of her leggings, the grey material was flimsy under my fingertips.

"Do you wanna fuck me?"


"Then take me; fuck my brains out!" Her voice was husky and nearly unrecognizable. It was almost like I was with another woman as I ripped the drenched crotch of her leggings finally touching flesh to hungry flesh. Her lips were puffy and soft and I diddled her clit until her knees became weak. She lurched forward placing her palms flat on the mirror as I continued ripping the leggings until her bare ass was exposed. Even though her ass was less than a third of its original size, it was full and inviting. I slid effortlessly inside her up to the hilt forcing her to stand on her toes.

"I-I can feel it hitting the back of my little hole; you gonna fuck me hard?" Jessie continued her dirty talk making me pulse inside her snatch.

Jessie gasped as I took her hard and relentless with forceful strokes. Her round butt bounced loudly against my pelvis but it just wasn't the same as before. She was pounding back into me with equal force rolling and twerking her hips. I drew the hoodie over her long, brown mane finding her nude underneath. Some alarms were going off in my head but I had to have Jessie after being denied for so long. We hadn't been together in months with Jessie repeatedly citing how tired she was and talking about Barry all the time didn't help matters. Now here she was in front of me acting like she was in heat and I intended to enjoy myself even if only for a little while. Twenty minutes later I was glazing her backside with a torrent of cum as she bounced and twerked exciting me even more. Her entire ass was left completely shiny with some of her lower back. It struck me odd because before I could barely get one cheek covered. Her diminished size allowed me to handle her in ways not possible before as I picked her up placing her on the bed belly first before nearly fucking her into the mattress.

"It's okay; you can look at my face now."

"Huh?" My cock pushed into her from behind meeting a little resistance at the entrance to her narrow passage before sinking deeper that it had when we initially started. Her cheeks while smaller than before were still substantial. Jessie looked to have at the very least, a 44 Inch butt that looked cum-inducing parted by my girth. Her wetness and the squelching sound had me nearly there.

"I'm just saying that-I'd like to know that you care about the rest of me besides my ass."

"Whu-What are you talking about?" Her rounded cheeks jiggled from my actions.

"What's wrong with my face huh; doesn't it look better than my fucking ass?!! All you ever do is fuck me from behind; I'd like to lay on my back for a change if you don't mind!!"

"I don't mind, all you have to do is say so Jessie!"

"WHY?!! Shouldn't you know what I WANT after ALL this TIME?!! You're supposed to make love to me, but all you wanna do is shove it in my butt!!"

"I never did that!!"

"And you're not going to; GET OFF MY BACK, YOU'RE HURTING ME!!" Jessie began squirming under me until I let her up. She paced around in the darkness of our bedroom looking agitated and disturbed.

"Jessie what the fuck wrong with you?" I was through dancing around the subject; I had to address the obvious.

"YOU-You don't care about me; you just wanna fuck your WHITE BITCH!! I want to be romanced and treated right for a change!! I want something to fucking change for once in a while and maybe you could have sex with me like a NORMAL PERSON DOES!!"

"I don't want to fight but you've been "different" lately and I'm worried about us."

"Really, from where I'm standing it looks like you're just worried about GETTING OFF!" My cock betrayed my words still at maximum hardness pointing directly up at the ceiling. I resisted the urge to finish the job myself, but her words gave me pause. It was like some switch flipped inside her leaving me with some angry bitch.

"I'm going to keep going."


"I'm going to keep working out and seeing the doctor until I get rid of anything left of this fat butt. Apparently it's still too big and I need to be safe." She seemed to be talking to herself more than me.

"Safe, what are you talking about?!!"