Big Girl Job

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He gets revenge by taking control.
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I waved at the security guard as he buzzed me into the building and pointedly ignored as he leered at my outfit. I had chosen to partake in the company's casual Friday tradition and wore a light blue mini skirt and white baby tee. I was wearing white flats, but my company issue stilettos were in my bag. I would put them on in the elevator. I stole a quick glance at my watch and held back a groan. It was already eight fifteen.

The elevator doors slid closed and I took half a second to smile at my reflection. I looked good. Blonde hair that went all the way down to the middle of my back, cornflower blue eyes bright and rosy cheeks from the anxiety of being late on my fifth day of work. I changed shoes and carefully slipped off my bra, letting my c cupped breasts free. I let out a sigh. That was one benefit of working in the corporate world. No bras.

The elevator let me out on the twelfth floor and the blast of freezing cold ac made me shiver.

"Scarlett!" Heather smiled genially. She was the floor receptionist and had been so nice to me all week long. I grinned back. She looked me up and down and gave me a thumbs up. "You look amazing."

"Thank you." I glanced nervously around the office. It was still early, so most of the senior managers hadn't arrived. "How late am I?" She handed me my breakfast.

"Not very." Heather assured me. "I was just about to plug in for the morning."

"Ok, well I won't keep you." I veered left, passing the secretaries and assistants who were either already plugged in or in the process of plugging in. My station was at the very end of the hall where the operations manager's office was. I sat in a cubicle directly outside his office with his primary assistant and my immediate boss, Lindsay.

Lindsay was already seated, drinking her coffee. She was wearing a floral summer dress and yellow flats. Lindsay was lucky. She didn't have to wear stilettos all day like me. She also made two times my salary even though I was the one doing the real work. I studied her as I walked up. She was a very ordinary looking woman. Black hair, grey eyes, a round face and pretty lips. She was taller than I was, which is why I assumed she was allowed to wear flats.

"You're late." She called as I approached. I flushed and set my bag down. "But I'll have mercy on you this time." She smiled. "It is Friday after all." I sighed with relief.

"Thank you, Ms. Dawson. I promise it will not happen again."

"Plug in. Quickly." I sat down at my desk and powered up my computer, pulling my headphones on. The company's logo flashed in black and white for five seconds before I was prompted to sign in.

Plugging in was the casual term for what we were doing. In actuality, we were watching a series of videos that gave us our assignments for the day and listening to the company's daily briefing. We worked for a large tech conglomerate, and every second of the day was reserved for something. Managers and supervisors didn't have the time to stop and tell you what to do, you just had to know. The briefing was an extension of this. It contained all the relevant information we needed for client meetings and staff memos, so we were never out of the loop. I liked the video, but the briefing was very boring. Even now, the disembodied voice was monotonous. I let my eyes slip closed, trying to listen intently. It was important work, and I was elated to have scored this job straight out of college. My dad knew my boss, Levi Cole, and I hadn't even interviewed. I was hired on the spot after a brief but invasive questionnaire. As thrilled as I was, I didn't understand why they wanted to know my sexual history.

I continued to listen, letting all the information seep into my brain, unaware of my chair being pulled away from my desk. My skirt was lifted, and my legs parted automatically. Dimly, I wondered what was going on, but wondering wasn't part of my job description so I let all my curiosity float away. I felt a finger dip into my soaking wet pussy and tease my clit. My lips parted. That same finger slid inside me, then another, then another. I sighed, enjoying the sensation. How lucky I was to work for a company that took such great care of their employees. My top was lifted, and I could feel my nipples being tugged and then licked. I squirmed and sighed again.

"That's right, you mindless whore..." The voice was muffled by the headphones and droning voice in my ears. "You're nothing but a cock sleeve, Scarlett." I frowned. "And the second Levi gets bored of you, I can't wait to show him what a real woman is like."

The morning briefing concluded wishing everyone a productive and subservient day and I smiled. My schedule wasn't as cluttered today with it being a Friday so when I removed the headphones, I had a few minutes to myself. I fixed my outfit to ensure I looked perfect and thought nothing of the fact that I was completely disheveled. I took a sip of my meal replacement shake once I'd pulled my shirt down. Lindsay wiped her hands with a tissue and narrowed her eyes at me. I saw that she was also eating a muffin.

This was another perk of Lindsay's job. She got to eat and drink whatever she wanted whereas the entry level staff were forbidden from bringing in outside food. All we had available were the meal replacement shakes, company issued nutrigrain bars and water from the fountain.

"The agendas for today's meetings are in printer C." Lindsay told me. "I need you to put them on Levi's desk for him to review when he gets in."

"Yes ma'am." I drained the rest of my shake and stood. Once I'd retrieved the stack of papers, I let myself into Mr. Cole's office, spread the agendas out on his desk, opened the blinds, decanted a bottle of whisky for the day and knelt down in my usual spot. It was going to be a wonderfully productive and subservient day.


I smiled in satisfaction as I walked through the corridor leading to my office. It was a rewarding thing to see the fruits of such hard labor. I had started C&C Technologies when I was an introverted eighteen years old spending too many nights cooped up at home and now, thirty years later it had morphed from trying to create video games in my parents' garage to now being one of the largest software development companies in the US. I'd done well for myself, and the money had certainly helped too. Everything else started long after I'd made my name. It was my best friend David and co-founder of C&C who clued me in. We were hosting focus groups to review a game they'd been developing, and seventy eight percent of the volunteers had reported falling asleep right after the loading animation which was just a fifteen-second-long C&C logo flashing white on a black screen. My research told me that lights strobing at 10 hertz could induce a transitional state in the brain, making the subject confused and lethargic. 10 hertz consistently flashing for thirty minutes caused an electrochemical response in the brain so strong it altered the very essence of who someone was. It was an interesting discovery that I immediately tested out. The result was one focus group going into REM sleep almost immediately and the other reportedly feeling calm and serene following the short series of videos. A few tweaks later and I had my finished product.

Plugged® was advertised as a behavioral modifier. Marketed primarily to parents with troubled teens or occasionally to employers with a high turnover rate.

It worked just as it said on the tin: modifying problematic behavior by inducing sensorimotor stimulation that completely rewired the brain. With our goldmine in hand, I personally picked three members of the R&D team at C&C and they explored the limits of our test subjects. Now, almost three years after our discovery, we had perfected PluggedXL®. Five times as effective and ten times the price, sold completely under the table. XL was used by government agencies and billionaires who's employees had pesky ideas of unionizing. C&C was a changed company. We used Plugged® to curate a brilliant and loyal team, maximize efficiency, and generate more profit in three years than I had seen in my entire career and XL for more degenerate uses.

I honestly wouldn't have even considered using XL in such a way had Rebecca Dawson not walked into my life. She planted a nugget of an idea inside my head and a few weeks later I was testing it out on the office receptionist.

She took to the programming like a fish to water. We told her it was an orientation video that we wanted to test out and added a few erotic buzzwords to the audio accompaniment. We found her vacant stared, sitting in a pool of her own come. Rebecca made it so that all new hires was put through this rigorous training simulation and orientation video series. We already had an established team so everyone she hired was purely for leisure. A petite redhead for David, a tall dark skinned college grad with a gorgeous smile for Eric down the hall, a butch femme for Gina upstairs and Heather the receptionist was a floater. She went where she was wanted and with a tight pussy and an ass you could bounce a quarter off of, she was in very high demand.

For me personally, I had had a very specific request. Scarlett Shaw was the daughter of my high school bully and I held a mile-long grudge. When she first graduated community college, I made it clear to every hiring manager in the city that she was mine. I waited patiently as she got rejection after rejection until finally her father gave me an embarrassed call. I was smug but accommodating and promised that she could start that very week. I had her go through the most rigorous training, and she was told to watch the orientation video twice. I wanted her complete obedience.

I strolled past Rebecca who didn't even bother to greet me. She was busy dealing with a sales issue for one of our biggest clients and I didn't want to interrupt her. My office was bright and airy, my drink was ready to be poured, my work was laid out and my cockslut was kneeling before me, everything was as it should be. She was looking up at me with her large, innocent blue eyes. I'd been going easy on her for her first week. Testing the programming out with menial vaguely objectifying tasks.

Today was the day I claimed her as mine.

"Scarlett." I greeted warmly, placing my briefcase down next to my desk. I could see a shiver go through her at the mention of her name. I sat down at my desk and turned my computer on. I answered a few emails and made sure to remind the floor of the very important client meeting scheduled for a few minutes from now. I cleared my throat. "We have a very important client meeting, Scarlett." She nodded just once to indicate she'd heard me. "I'll need you to make them very happy so there's no doubt in their minds."

"Yes, Mr. Cole."

"It might require you to do somethings that may make you uncomfortable, Scarlett." She nodded briskly. "Are you up for the challenge?"

"Yes, Mr. Cole."

I stood up and walked towards her, unzipping my pants and fishing my dick out of my boxers. She watched me with wide eyes and licked her lips. Her programming was such that she was obsessed with her master, every inch of me was worth worshipping to her.

"Take it." I commanded as though talking to a dog. She latched onto me and pulled me into her mouth. She licked the underside and spat on it, using both hands to stimulate where she couldn't reach. I had to grab onto my table for support as I stared into her adoring blue eyes. She was like a bottomless pit, pulling me into her throat without care for her gag reflex. When she did gag, it felt heavenly, her throat closing around me. I came without warning and she almost choked and tried to pull back. My hand was knotted in her hair, so I kept her there, nose pressed right up into my pubes, convulsing as I emptied my balls into her throat. When I let her go, she fell to the floor, doubled over, coughing.

"When the clients come, I may ask you to take that hideous outfit off." I informed her and her shoulders drooped. I imagine she'd been super proud of her casual Friday attempt. "You will do it without hesitation."

"Yes, Mr. Cole."

"Good girl." She shivered again. The intercom on my desk beeped.

"Clients are here, Levi." Rebecca called and I grinned. "Shall I show them in?"

"Yes, thank you." I called back. She ushered them all in shortly after. One was a dark-skinned man wearing a black suit, the other was olive toned, wearing a vestment, complete with the white roman collar, and the third was a local millionaire wearing street clothes, a polo shirt and cargo pants. "Gentlemen, thank you for joining me." They all looked taken aback to see Scarlett kneeling on the floor, but they all recovered rather quickly and sat down on the couch.

"Now, gentlemen, I understand you had a few reservations regarding XL?"

"Yes." The priest spoke up first. "I personally wondered about the long-term effects." He wrung his hands together. "I run a school; you see..."

"Saint James, yes, I'm aware." He looked pleased that I'd done my research.

"And as overjoyed as I would be to have students who were obedient and attentive, I wouldn't want them to be permanently altered." He bit his lip. "I just need our parents to believe that Catholic School works."

"And XL would do that." I fed them the company line. "It would allow you to cultivate the perfect student, whatever that looks like for you, and with a simple weaning on the days leading up to their exit from that school, they would transition into the same individuals they were before they underwent the treatment."

"Good." The business man commented. "And XL would provide unconditional obedience?" He wanted to know. "I have a few employees who have been hell on wheels."

"Complete obedience." I assured him. "Employees here at C&C wouldn't dream of doing anything out of line." I gestured to Scarlett. "In fact, they've been known to go above and beyond when necessary." They all glanced at her again, intrigued.

"And you're saying she would do whatever you wanted?" I nodded. The millionaire leaned back in his seat. "I think we'd like a demonstration."

"Of course, gentlemen." I clapped once and Scarlett rose. "Scarlett, these are the clients I was telling you about." She nodded once. "They're ready for you." She needed no further instruction. She dropped her skirt and stepped out of it, revealing her shaven pussy and glistening lips to her audience. Then she tugged her shirt off, letting her tits free. They were delectable C cups with zero drop and puffy pink nipples. The men were all giving her their undivided attention and she sashayed over to them, dropping to her knees before the priest.


She didn't need to say anything else. One man stood and dropped his pants, guiding her hand to his hardening cock. The other pulled her to her feet and began to fondle her breasts.

"So soft..." The priest commented and brought his hands to her mound, grazing her pussy. She was tugged in all three directions as they all had their way with her. She gave a blowjob to one as the other sat her down right on his cock and the third reached for the bottle of lube I'd placed on the end table. They lay against the arm of the couch and Scarlett's eyes rolled back as the priest sunk his cock into her virgin asshole without any warning. She was being penetrated in every hole and was loving it, if her moans were any indication. They were all grunting and groaning, enjoying the sampler I had provided, and I stood with my video camera in one hand and my cellphone in the other. I was recording the moment for posterity, of course, but I would also add it to my hefty file of blackmail information.

I watched as they took their little party to the floor. Scarlett was contorted into a wide split, bouncing on the one dick while serving the other with her mouth. She gave a hand job to the third and he compensated by slapping her breasts for his own sick enjoyment. Then, I suppose he got tired of not being inside her and moved them to the coffee table where she could be bent over with a dick in her ass, one in her pussy and another in her mouth. They seemed to be having a good time and Scarlett, if all went according to plan, was all set to have the most mind-blowing orgasm of her entire life and I didn't want to be the only one watching. I texted Heather, our main receptionist and a few minutes later I could hear her heels walking towards my office.

"Just enter through that door and I will try to track your daughter down, Mr. Shaw."

"Thank you, sweetheart." My door opened and I watched gleefully as Scarlett's father walked into my office and took in the scene before him. His daughter bent over a coffee table with not one but three dicks inside her and me, taping the scene with a huge smile on my face.

"Bobby!" I called, beckoning him to come closer. Scarlett hadn't seen him and honestly, I wasn't even sure she would recognize him. Slut Scarlett who viewed me as her master was wildly different from innocent Scarlett who got straight As and never broke a single rule at home. "Please, come in. Enjoy the show."

"What the fuck is this, Levi?"

"This is my revenge." I told him, still smiling. "Near daily ass whoopings, hanging my underwear on the flag pole, forcing me to drink your spit water, making Giulia Bates ask me out on a dare and tell everybody I tried to date rape her." I reminded him as his face got whiter and whiter. "The bill has come due, Bobby."

"So, what you take my daughter as some kind of comeuppance for how we treated you in college, Levi? Thirty years ago??"

"I hold a mean grudge. I don't forget and I don't forgive." I nudged his shoulder. "She's flexible as hell, Bobby, was she a cheerleader in high school?"

Robert Shaw was already red in the face but at my comment he looked like he was about to blow.

"Aggravated assault is a felony, Bobby." I reminded him, turning the camera onto him. "Punishable but five to twenty years."

"Fuck you, Cole." But like a car crash, he couldn't take his eyes off of his daughter. She was about to cum and was moaning loudly around the dick in her mouth. All three men were all set to cum with her, and Bobby watched as hole by hole, his daughter was filled with cum. She shrieked in pleasure and collapsed against the business man who tossed her off of him and onto the floor. She lay in a satisfied heap, still twitching from her orgasm.

The men looked surprised to see another man in the room and quickly dressed.

"I believe we have a deal, gentlemen?"

"We do..." They said one by one. I directed them to Rebecca outside who would be waiting with contracts and intro packages and turned to Bobby. Scarlett had barely recovered and was now licking cum off the coffee table.

"She's mine now, Bobby." I told him. "And there's nothing you can do about it." He was breathing heavily, staring as his little princess got to her feet, another man's cum leaking out of her and down her thighs. "I will be fucking her every single day and I am going to have a good time doing it." I cocked my head to one side. "She's going to be sitting at your dinner table at the end of every day with my cum inside of her." I didn't tell him that I was planning on taking her off the company issued contraceptives and putting a baby in her belly because I rather enjoyed Scarlett and would enjoy having her around 24/7 for my every want and need. I would save that for my grand finale. "How does it feel to be powerless, Bobby?"

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mattenwmattenwover 1 year ago

A bullet usually has no sender on it and it is silent over a long distance. If you think he's bulletproof, don't be fooled. And you can find snipers all over the world for little money. I wouldn't feel safe as Cole anymore!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hope to see a part 2 soon

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 1 year ago

Yeah, I agree wth the comments below. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Other then the Anger Management issues that the MC has that DO need to be addressed it was a pretty good story for what it is. A little more detail in some areas, a little more background in the lead up would have put a really nice polish on the story. I gave a 4/5 and I will be looking for more of your stories, just to see what you can write.


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