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"Huh, what?" With great effort I managed to tilt my head over finding a show creeping away from Renee's cracked bedroom door. I was instantly concerned that Renee was considering helping herself to more of my "wicked herbal induced" tumescence. I held my hand pressed against my forehead managing to sit upright taking stock of my situation.

My clothing was missing.

My shoulders cracked and popped wondering what devious prank Renee planned next worried that I'd be running around in the streets downstairs like my cousin had. There was no denying the previous events of this day would be forever a banner moment in my sexual history if I managed to survive the impending assault by my cousin Jaquan. I glanced down at my erection which seemed to be pointing at the door.

"This is another fine mess you've gotten me into."

My hands found a damp towel at my side drawing it around my waist. I had difficulty tying it into a sufficient knot opting to just hold it to my body as I got up with the intent of giving Renee another serious round of back shots in repayment for her egregious behavior. My mind drifted to my prior experiences with Erica Walton, Porsha Simms and Tressie Fisher. Renee Kelly blew all of them out of the water by miles, making these former experiences pale in comparison.

"Hey Renee?" I was ready to give her some more shots to that big, milk colored ass rounding the corner into the living room.

Renee Kelly was not alone.

There were four women in the living room, two on either side of Renee sitting on her sofa while one hung back looking down over the shoulders of their circle. I found another older looking woman creeping along the wall adjacent. This woman looked middle eastern, Italian or something with a larger frame than the other girls assembled. She seemed kind of shady, sneaky looking sly in those few seconds. Renee was wearing nothing more than an oversized football jersey with this thin dark skinned sister behind the couch pinning her hair up. On her right sat an attractive Asian girl probably of Korean or Filipino descent with a thick pair of librarian glasses across her button nose.

The girl on her immediate left was a sister dressed in trashy fashion with these overly large thighs that caught my eye. More importantly, Renee and company were peering at my open laptop watching one of my "movies". The entire contents of my camera bag were all over the table like some sort of audit as all of the women turned towards me simultaneously.

"Ah yeah, uh excuse me...gonna go back to that room back there." I realized my erection was poking out of the towel. On her huge flat screen television Channing Tatum was stripping for a screaming audience full of women.

The living room exploded in uproarious laughter as I walked soberly back to Renee's bedroom sitting on the bed facepalming. At every turn Renee proved way out of my league using me as a plaything while thinking nothing of going through my things. There was this light knock at the door I was afraid to acknowledge but it continued.

"Yeah?" The door slowly opened as the woman I'd seen leaning against the far wall peered inside. I covered my lower half with a blanket.

"Hello, hi I'm Mintzy; actually my name's Shirley, Shirley Lozano." She had deep olive colored skin on a roundish face with a prominent nose and cheekbones. Her eyes were big and expressive with natural puffiness or bags under them accentuated with dark, heavy eyeshadow.


"Well uhm, I was just wondering about how you were doing and all?" her head appeared a little further from the other side of the door looking directly at me. Correction she was looking right at my unyielding tumescence.

"Is there something you want, Ms. Lozano?" I redoubled the blanket trying to hide my erection.

"Well my friends call me uhm, Mintzy and such."

"Is there something you wanted, Ms. Lozano?!" I repeated weary and in no mood for bullshit, but she just had this sort of sly expression on her face as she glanced back over her shoulder for a second before continuing.

"I was just feeling a little bit curious about the nature of them, there sex tapes you got yourself. That was, like your thing doing them girls and such?" Her accent was gratingly East Coast as I stared back at her face wondering if I should answer.

"Uhm, yeah it's me Mintzy." I sighed.

"Oh wow, I'm really sorry to be such a bother, but I ain't never met me no porno flick star, before."

"Nice to meet you, Mintzy." I deadpanned.

Her hand appeared from the other side of the door extended out towards me, but there was no way I was getting up in my birthday suit with a tent under the sheets covering my lower half. Her hand was kind of puffy looking with long fingers, well-manicured with long nails white tipped. I figured she was one of Renee's customers if not a friend outright. I didn't know what to make of her personally other than her east coast accent and apparent interest which seemed rooted in something more, prurient.

"I uhm, I could like come over to you; shake the hand if you want?"

"Mintzy, you realize I'm naked, right?" Her brow furrowed a little.

"Of course I realize that brotha; it's a natural state of being and what kind of woman would I be if I let that get in the way of making like, a new friend and all?"

"Please Mintzy, I'm kind of..." Before I could finish she pushed the door open wide walking into Renee's bedroom.

Like I mentioned before she was short of squarish, blocky and rectangular built somewhere around five seven and a bit of change. She was dressed in this cotton of rayon top, kind of collarless shirt that clung to her figure with shortened sleeves that stopped at her forearms. It could've just been small for her size, but she also wore this really tight matching knee length skirt of the same material that went to her knees above a pair of calf length heeled boots. I could help but notice some generous curves on her from a prominent bust to slightly wider hips than her moderate waistline. Her clothing was a sort of muted purplish color while the more expensive looking boots were glossy black. Her palm was sort of sweaty as we shook hands.

"Very nice to meet a, new friend." There was some pressure applied to my hand as she shook it.

"Hey, I'm not decent; do you mind?"

"Not at all brother; I'm a little curious cause I ain't never met no porno flick star."

"You said that already." Her body language was so clear it was transparent, but I wasn't crazy enough to do anything in Renee Kelly's bedroom. Mintzy didn't seem deterred in the least, blowing right by my apparent reticence.

"I saw the way you were really giving it to that black girl in the church; that was some primo shit right there, brother. I mean it looked like, well it looked like it hurt, so good."


"Hey, can't you take a little appreciation brother? That's all I'm trying to do right here; don't you understand nothing?" Mintzy was giving off all type of weird, shady vibes as I bunched more bedding over my tumescence.

"Look, this is Renee's bedroom, her apartment." That should've put the kibosh on her overtures.

"Yeah, this is my building; I'm her landlady." Mintzy shot back.

Her declaration was definitive and savage which spoke to the company she kept which seemed to include Renee. I could tell from speaking with her that Mintzy wasn't used to being denied. She was obviously looking for some action. Her hand was already on the doorknob gradually pushing the door up only to be suddenly stopped as Renee appeared.

"Mintzy, what the fuck are you doing?"

"Hey, no need for the blue language; we was just having us a proper conversation, is all Renee." I gulped as she shot me a look before glaring at her landlady.


"Yeah, really." Mintzy didn't appear fazed by the scowl on Renee's face in the least.

"So, you gonna let me fuck up in your bed, bitch?" I didn't know where this was going, but I knew that two Alpha-Females were squaring off as Mintzy turned sliding her hands to both hips.

"Like I said before; we was having this budding conversation that might have gone places Renee darling. I'm supposed to ignore a good looking guy with a decent prick cause you might get bent or something?" Renee folded her arms across her chest raising a finger scratching the space between her slanted eyes.

"So what, you wanna be a movie star or something, Mintzy?"

"Well maybe I do; you done fucking on him, or what?"

I was reminded of some old school movies with the older woman's east coast dialect reminding me of that old musical Grease, marking the older woman as some real life counterpart to Rizzo, a real life Pink Lady. Renee was wholly unpredictable, but I didn't believe she'd fight over me for any reason. Her beautiful face drifted in my direction, irritated.

"Hey, you gonna fuck in my bed, nigga?"

"NOT EVEN!" I waved both hands in front of my torso vigorously denying even the thought that resulted in that question as Renee turned back to her friend with a smirk.

"We get along just fine Renee; I love having you and your cute little girl as my tenants, you know hon?"

"Don't." Renee warned meaning every bit of it.

"It's so cruel to have me over for like, a girl thing showing these porno flicks when you keeping a piece off the table. I ain't trying to disrespect, but you know Frank been locked up for a minute now. I mean, this guy's got one hell of a boner just waiting. Sides, nobody watching your house babe."

"Excuse me?" I didn't like the sound of that as Renee silenced me with her palm across my mouth.

"I know you got it hard Mintzy; that's why I always got you over here and shit; ain't nobody cock blocking but you wrong trying to creep in my bedroom. Come on, you know that's wrong, bitch."

"Yeah, guess I got out of pocket cause I peeked in here earlier and this guy was laid out with his dick pointing up at your fucking ceiling. I ain't gonna lie, I almost hiked my skirt up and sat on that shit hon. That my friend-is the honest truth of the matter at hand."

Both women stared at one another in a dead heat, before cracking up at the thought of pummeling one another. I can't lie, it felt insulting as they basically haggled over me like things were a given as Renee noticed my expression. She was still wearing nothing more than a double XL football jersey. The seven on the front of it was distorted a little by her bust as she smiled cupping my cheek.

"Hey little nigga, you good or what?"

"Oh, so we're pimping me out, now?" I was indignant expecting the worst, but Renee just snickered in my face while Mintzy openly leered.

Renee poked a finger at my crotch making me yelp. I was still incredibly sensitive and a third erect at this point as she pivoted blocking Mintzy's view of me. We both watched as she drew down the bedding covering my erection.

"You wouldn't get up in that?" Her eyes rolled from my cock up to my face while her head remained still.

"You're passing me around?"

"We're not together, not anything honestly; don't get butt hurt along with the dickie here. Besides you were calling me bitch and worried about your trifling cousin earlier. I'm looking out for you man; looks like you still got a couple of clips in the chamber, right?" Her hands were carefully handling me, and I found myself wanting her lips around my cock.

"What you giving him a hand job or something?!" Mintzy was impatient and antsy drifting closer but Renee made sure to keep herself between us.

"Chill, I put a bowl of "Sexo Caliente" on his dick and this little nigga still kinda sore." Mintzy's big expressive eyes widened.

"OH MY GAAWD; ARE YOU DOING THAT SHIT AGAIN?!! I DON'T WANT NO FUCKING COPS OVAH HERE!!" Obviously Mintzy was in the know regarding the malicious punishment that had been enacted on my cousin Jaquan. Renee lost it doubling over with a big belly laugh unintentionally mooning me for a second.

"Be cool Mintzy; hey man don't you wanna get up in my girl, here? She's been, well going without for a good minute and her shit is tight, homie." Renee Kelly really was passing me around as I glanced over finding Mintzy visibly anxious.

"Why don't you just roll all your girls up in here, then?"

"Don't be out of pocket; besides two of my girls are "together" if you get my drift; man I watched your little fuck movies and I know what you like. Mintzy know too, and she just wanna break off a piece of chocolate, dog." This stunning beauty was actually making the hard sell for her land lady.

"She gonna give you a discount on your rent or something?" I was desperately clutching the remnants of my self-respect as Mintzy snickered.

"Renee you got yourself one funny motherfucker, right here."

"He's not my man; get over here and represent, bitch." Renee snatched Mintzy by the bicep drawing her close before clawing into her left breast while nodding to get me to follow her eyeline.


Renee's fingers disappeared up to the knuckles like she was clawing into a pillow or something. Mintzy apparently was holding. My incidental female pimp looked from her hidden fingertips to my face smiling. The olive skinned mature smiled also watching the direction of my gaze.

"You like that, huh brotha? Check it out."

Mintzy tugged at the hem of her shirt as Renee reached over helping draw it up revealing something that looked like a glorified girdle designed to compress her bust. Her right breast came into view hidden behind a reinforced cup.


"44GG for your information, brotha; so, we a lock or what?"

Her larger, blockier frame made more sense in context now, designed to carry around two boulders on her chest that dwarfed the aforementioned boobs of one Porsha Simms and Tressie Fisher. I reached out cupping the far side of the closest breast without word, but Renee snatched my hand away.

"You guys ain't doing it in my bed; get up outta here!"

"Renee hon, you're making things difficult girlfriend; you know my situation and all." Mintzy complained.

"What's her situation?!!" I didn't like the second allusion to some x-factor unknown to me, but Renee pressed a finger against my lips, silencing me.

"That's my bed and I'm the only one getting fucked in it, Mintzy; you can use my laundry room, babe."

"That-is so inhospitable, you know Renee? I done you plenty of solids before and you can't see your way to giving me a little back." Jaquan's esteemed baby mamma number two drew the bedding down revealing my erection to her land lady.

"Use the laundry room."

"Alright, Renee."

Mintzy withdrew from us leaving the room as my sexual benefactor turned her attention back towards me. I watched as she walked over to her vanity table picking up a small rectangular container. She opened the box removing a row of condoms which she pressed into my hand.

"Be careful with Mintzy, she likes getting pounded out and I know you're still sore."

Renee opened a drawer removing a small tube of lube equipping me with that also before gingerly pulling me to my feet. She retied the towel around my waist more successfully than I initially had.

"Thanks." I replied meekly noticing a slight change in her expression.

"Get up outta my bedroom."

Renee pushed against my chin turning my face away from her visage eventually directing me across the narrow corridor to a non-descript door I hadn't noticed between the two bedrooms when I originally entered the apartment. There was still some ambient noise coming from the television in the living room and the exciting girl chatter and peer commentary from Renee's clique. She flanked me on the side of the living room blocking view from her peers, but I noticed the female with the huge thighs standing at the other side of the corridor watching. Renee waved her off making the woman disappear from the living room entrance.

"There's some quilts behind the door in a pink hamper; toss that shit in the wash if you use them."

She cracked the door half shoving me inside, pulling it up behind me with authority. I found myself in an elongated narrow utility type room with exposed walls made smaller by a washer and dryer side by side along with some boxes on one side while the opposite smartly held some perfectly fitted shelving containing cleaning supplies, extra towels and random objects. There behind the door was the pink hamper stuffed with folded quilting. Mintzy was standing at the opposite end of this room up against a closed window that curiously had the glass panes painted over.

"I was thinking maybe you changed your mind or something." The nervous smile on her face made me feel a little more comfortable for some reason when there was a loud knock at the door.

Despite the strange setup, I wanted to explore the huge rack hidden behind her clothing. She took a step towards me lightly rubbing my biceps as my hands found her bust. I pushed on the outsides causing a visible ripple to appear under her top. Mintzy couldn't wait any longer undoing the knot snatching the towel away from my body tossing it aside. I winced when her fingers gazed my member.

"Oh Renee was so wrong putting that shit all over your cock; does it hurt a lot, brotha?"

"Only when I laugh." I shrugged as she handled me with care.

"I'll make it feel better for you."

Mintzy drew her skirt up kneeling with a bit of effort taking care as she took me into her mouth softly suckling my cock from crown to the midpoint. It was still weird hooking up with this woman because it was set up by Renee. Mintzy had this relaxed method holding her mouth open so that I could see my member sliding in and out of her mouth. It was soothing and sensual as her big, expressive eyes looked up at me from that kneeling position. She started adding more effort gradually until her lips were pursed around my shaft. Loud intrusive knocking suddenly interrupted us as Mintzy scrambled backward nearly toppling over. I cracked the laundry room door peering out into the corridor finding Renee standing there flanked by her friends.

"Uhm, what?"

"You forgot something; make us a good flick, alright?"

Renee was decidedly glib while her friends mirrored the sentiment even giggling. I noticed that same female with the huge legs staring pensively, her brow furrowed. I decided to ignore her taking my camera bag from Renee.

"YOU GIRLS ARE LIKE, SO WRONG!!" Mintzy commented dryly wiping a finger across her lips.

"YOU'RE NASTY!!" That same woman commented out of nowhere, her voice authoritative and aggressive sounding.

Renee nudged her with an elbow as the Asian girl leaned in closer prompting me to close the door in their collective faces. Some feminine tinged jeers followed along with muted commentary and laughter as I turned to Mintzy.

"WELL, YOU'RE ALL SOME KIND OF FUCKING PEEP FREAKS, I TELL YOU!!" The olive skinned mature yelled back at the closed door. I stood there looking at her with the camera bag in my hands.

"Uhm, sorry." It just felt like something I should say.

"Don't worry about it; you gonna make me one of those porn starlets, now?"

"You okay with that, Mintzy?"

"Sure." She was still on her knees watching as I unzipped the bag showing her the digital camera.

Mintzy had this sort of dimply smile that gave a hint of some whimsical part of her nature beyond the heavy accent and attitude. She was already topping me off as I prepared the Go Pro to capture her charms. There was this sort of weighted bounce to her bust as she leaned forward taking me all the way to the base. Mintzy carefully drew her thin lips back slowly playing to the Go Pro which was mounted around my fingers like a knuckle duster. The flat of her tongue ran along the underside of my glans before she took half between her lips carefully sucking. The soothing nature of it all was incredible.