Big Tits on Lil Sis Ch. 03


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"Sam," Mom cautioned, "I think that's a bit much."

"Oh, don't be so stuffy," Sam said, "I just feel like getting an all-over tan. It'll be a nice change. And I was thinking, why don't you try the same?"

"Me?" Mom asked, sounding taken aback, "Oh no. I would never."

"But I was thinking, it could be a nice surprise for Dad when you get back. Weren't you saying you were trying to think of a nice way to change things up for him?"

"Oh, you've got a dirty mind," Mom said sheepishly, "It's not a bad idea though. You just don't think it's a bit much? Tanning all over, with your brother here?"

"Mom, he's a grown-ass man. He's seen naked bodies before. He doesn't care. He didn't care yesterday when I was tanning topless, he won't care today. He'll probably even join in." Mom looked at me, uncertain.

"You really wouldn't care if we were to lay out naked?"

"Me?" I asked, uncomfortably turned on and desperate not to be the centre of attention. "No, I don't care. Tan all you want."

"You wouldn't be bothered seeing your old mother naked?"

"Wouldn't bother me," I said, "Like Sam says, I may just have to join you. It doesn't seem like there's much else to do today."

Mom paused, and put on a face like she was seriously considering it. I tried my hardest to wear a face that was disinterested and totally turned on by my sister's openly naked body just a few feet from me. I spared myself a cursory glance, just to get a look at her face, and I saw that Sam was watching Mom with an encouraging look.

"Just do it," she said, "It feels amazing."

Those simple words must have done the trick. My Mom sighed, turned away from me, and headed out to the dock.

"Last one to the doc is a rotten egg," she said, untying her bikini top behind her neck. I watched from behind as she walked the plank out onto the dock, pulled her bikini top off and tossed it aside, and stepped out of her bottoms.

I was not at all prepared for the sight of my naked Mom. Even just from behind, she was still a work of art. My Mom was taller than my sister, and had long lean legs she used to work very hard to keep in shape. I let my gaze slowly creep up her legs to the taut and bubbly ass newly presented. I watched the muscles of her back tighten and contort as she reached up and tied her long light brown hair into a pony tail, before she sat down and lay out on her back. I looked sideways at Sam, who was watching me and grinning.

I had no idea how to interpret her mischievous smile. Without a word, she followed Mom out to the dock and lay out beside her. I heard them both sigh contentedly, almost in unison. I watched them each sip at their drink before placing them aside.

I'd been rock hard since Sam had first dropped her towel, and watching my mother disrobe on her way to the dock had only gotten me stiffer. I ogled relentlessly as they lay on their backs, their heads facing me. I could only just make out the humps of their breasts. My Mom's were a little smaller than Sam's but even at this distance and with her laying on her back I could make out the little mountains come gently to rest on her chest.

My hand idly crept under my swimming trunks to play with my steely member. At once I was desperate to jerk off and at the same time desperate to approach, to see them nude up close and personal, and see what other personal activities I might be able to get away with. I was paralyzed with horniness and confusion, stricken with the dilemma of how I might make my way closer to them to improve my view. It wasn't like I could just stride up to them and join them tanning.

Or could I?

Luckily, Sam dispelled of the whole conundrum for me. I only heard them talking lowly from afar but as I watched I saw Sam raise her glass, my mother match it, and both of them finish their drinks in a few quick gulps. Sensing an opportunity, I downed my own glass and brought the OJ and champagne to the dock for them.

"Anyone need a refill?" I asked, approaching them from behind. I tried my best to keep my eyes from seeming lecherous, but I most insistently scoped out my mother's naked body as I drew nearer. ]Mom was normally a runner, and it showed. She had a flat, taut belly, tighter even than Sam's. Unlike Sam, Mom had a neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair resting atop her carefully shaven slit. It was darker brown than her hair was. I didn't even try to hide the obvious tenting in my shorts as I knelt down to collect their glasses.

"Are you our server boy?" Sam asked, pulling down her sunglasses to look knowingly at me. I could swear I saw her wink.

"It gives me nightmares to see people with empty glasses," I said, "I have to do this."

"Oh, it's just like pool service," Mom said.

"Dad isn't the only one who deserves to be treated on this vacation, Mom," Sam said, "Let Chris handle everything today. He's a big boy. You just relax."

"Leave everything to me," I said.

"Only he seems a little overdressed for a server boy," Sam said, "I think he ought to lose the trunks."

"Just let him be comfortable," Mom said.

"No, no," Sam said, "I'm declaring this dock a clothing-free area. If you want to fill the glasses, lose the shorts, brother."

This time, I was certain I saw her wink. Despite myself, I feigned a little resignation for a moment.

"Chris, don't," Mom said.

"No, no, it's alright," I said, "Fair's fair." And I lazily slipped my trunks over my waist and let them fall to the floor.

I was at full must and harder than a diamond-tipped drill bit. It sprung free from the restricting confines of my bathing suit liner, bouncing once or twice before coming to a comfortable rest, jutting out at the world and demanding its piece. Both Mom and Sam's eyes drew themselves immediately to it, only for Mom to blush and look away. Sam just smiled, and then her eyes moved to meet mine.

"That's better," she said. "Now you may fill my glass."

I dropped to my knees and filled the glasses sparsely with OJ, for colour, and mostly with champagne, for fun. With everyone already relaxed, I figured I could at least help my Mom forget about whatever it was bothering her. And I certainly didn't mind taking in the view. I leaned forward and placed their glasses down by their idle hands, ogling as subtly as I could. It didn't occur to me that I was pretty much thrusting my cock in their faces while I did.

"Jeez, Chris," Mom said, "What are you, bragging or something? Get that thing under control." Sam laughed. I looked down and saw that my cock was close enough to my Mom's face to be casting a shadow over it.

"Sorry," I said, "It's got a mind of its own."

"A pretty perverted mind, from the looks of it," Sam said, "Why is it so hard?"

"Oh, you know," I said, "Nice day. The weather and the sunshine. It doesn't get out very often."

"I bet you never get any action," Sam teased. "All alone down there at college. This is probably the closest its been to a girl." If she could wink with her smile, I am certain she would have.

"I don't mind you hanging out, so to speak," Mom said, "Just please don't rub it in my face like that."

"Phrasing, Mom?" Sam said, laughing.

"Oh, grow up," Mom scolded.

"I'll try and keep my distance," I said, leaning back and taking a sip of my drink, "But I can't keep it from springing up when it feels like."

"Isn't there something you can do for that?" Sam teased again, making the jerk-off motion at me in the air.

"What did I just say about growing up?" Mom said, "Let's all just be adult about this."

We all took sips of our drink, and the sun warmed our bodies while peace and silence overcame us.

It sounds like the setup for a perverted thriller orgy, but it very soon became pretty natural-feeling hanging out naked with Mom and Sam. They mostly lay out, occasionally rolling over to tan their backsides. My dick even eventually came under control after I went for a swim. I was hoping Sam might jump in for a game of King of The Hill, but she stayed at Mom's side and they whispered quietly while I was in the water.

I jumped out of the water and back onto the dock when I was cool and refreshed and started to pour more drinks when Mom stopped me.

"Oh no," she said, "I think that's enough for me. In fact, I'm feeling a little like taking a nap. I didn't sleep well."

"You sure?" Sam asked.

"Yes, it'll be good for me. You two stay here though. Enjoy the weather," she said, making conspicuous eye contact with me on the last part. "It won't be summer for long."

She stood, and I silently admired her body from up close. Even at her age, she was a real treat to behold. I felt the stirring in my cock again, and tried not to imagine how much of a goddess she must have been when she was younger. She squatted to pick up her towel, and I outright leered as her pussy lips spreading incidentally in front of me. I don't know if she caught me or not, but when she rose, she casually tossed her towel over her shoulder, and I watched her ass sway as she walked off the dock and on up to the cottage.

Sam, most certainly, caught me leering.

"You're such a perv," she said.

"I'm a male! I can't not look."

"You're lucky I'm so open about this stuff. You could have been having a real hell trip this week."

"Speaking of hell trips," I said, "Is she okay? She's seemed a bit down the last few days."

"She's having problems with Dad," Sam explained. "You know. Sexual problems. She's really frustrated."

"That sucks," I said, "What's wrong?"

"ED," she said, "He hasn't been able to get it up in a long time. Half the reason they planned this trip is to try and rev things up again."

"Really?" I asked, "I thought it was about bringing the family together again."

"Not everything is about you, perv. Although you didn't especially help today."

"Me? What did I do?"

"Waving your big hard cock in her face like that. Do you know what that must be like to a sexually frustrated woman who hasn't even looked at a stiff boner in like a year?"

"I didn't mean to!" I objected.

"I didn't mean to!" she mocked me, "So what? You might have been a little more tactful. You looked like you were ready to blow your load all over her."

"So she's feeling bad because of me?"

"I don't think 'bad' is exactly the word for it," Sam said, "But I'm going ot go check on her in a few minutes anyways."

"Why wait?"

"You're not the only one in this family who likes their private time," Sam said with a wink.

"Really? I guess I'm not the only perv in the family either, then."

Sam turned just her head to look at me. Her lips were slightly parted. She held eye contact with me, all while lazily dragging her hand down from her sunglasses over her lips, down on her chest through the valley of her cleavage slowly to come to rest just beneath her navel. If her fingers moved farther, I couldn't see from my angle.

"No," she said, "You're not."

I felt my cock getting hard again, and I think Sam noticed, because her eyes took a long slow tour down my chest and came to rest on my rising member.

"Should I go check on her?" I asked.

"Oh, you'd like that," Sam said, "No, no. I'll go. You just go quietly to the bedroom and wait for me there. I'll let you know what's up."

With that, she stood up. I stayed lying and stared unabashedly at the view she afforded me of her tight little cleanly shaven pussy. She just smirked when she realized what I was doing, and then did the same squat maneuver Mom did to pick up the towel. I openly ogled her the whole way, and she only smiled. Then off she went, towel tossed over her shoulder just like Mom, and I was left alone with a half bottle of champagne and a rock hard erection.

I waited a few minutes, still enjoying the sun sipping idly at the champagne bottle before I rose and headed back to the cottage. I didn't know why Sam wanted me in the bedroom when it was so nice out here, but I wasn't going to argue. Anything that got me closer to nudity made perfect sense to me, and so like Sam and Mom before me, I tossed my towel over my shoulder and walked up to the cottage. I heard Mom and Sam chatting quietly in Mom's room, so I just slunk into mine and sat down on my bed, imagining dirty filthy things and idly playing with my raging hard-on.

I heard Sam at the door not long after, and watched as she literally bounced into the room, her chest swaying and jumping rhythmically as she did so. She fell back on her bed, spreading eagle, and sighed.

"What's up?" I asked, "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine. Better. She's taking a nap now."

"Okay. What did you want me here for?"

"Nothing much," she said, sitting up and looking over at me. "You look like you need a release."

With my boner pointing prominently out from my lap, I couldn't exactly deny the charge. "Yeah, I do. Why? Do you want to help me out with that?"

"Not really," she said, "I need to do me. But you can watch if you want."

"You need to do you?"

"Mom's not the only one who can get a little worked up looking at a thick erection all morning," Sam said. "You can watch but I'm kind of loud when I play, and you have to promise not to take anything I say seriously."

"You want me to watch?"

"Yeah," she said, "To be honest, it kind of makes me hot showing off. Just don't touch me."

She was already idly rubbing herself around her clit, but she dropped back to lie on her bed crossways, with her legs hanging off the side. She lay completely open before me, legs spread and playing with herself. I watched her middle finger join her index and spread her vulva wide, revealing the candy-looking pink inside, before watching both digits disappear.

"Oh," she breathed loudly, "Yes..."

She cut herself off with a sharp gasp as her fingers danced irrhythmically inside her, dipping back and forth into her sweet cunt. Her free hand crept up to her right breast, pinching and pulling the nipple almost violently.

"Yes," she moaned, "Fuck yes,"

I was standing over her now, stroking madly. She was spread wide, legs pulled up and knees bent. I stood between her feet, watching her chest heave gently with the pleasured constrictions of her torso as she fingered herself intensely.

"Fuck yes," she gasped, "Fuck me,"

I heard her say it and I wasn't sure she didn't mean it. I thought if maybe I just lined my cock up and spread her wide it might not be awful. It might be what we both wanted. At least I know for sure that I did.

"Fuck me," she screamed, "Fuck me Chris!"

I burst instantly when I heard it. I covered her with stream after stream of long ropey come, splattering her neck down over both breasts to most of her belly. I hadn't realized how backed up I was. She was screaming and twisting under me, relishing in the shower of my seed.

"Oh god," she whimpered, "Oh, god, yes, fuck."

She went positively limp. Without even bothering to wipe herself clean, she rolled over on to her side, her one breast pouring out over the other one. She looked like she could hardly breathe.

"That was good," she said.

I wanted to kiss her, but I didn't. I watched her fall asleep. It didn't take long. I went back to my bed, and sleep came for me as well.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Ruined story

Disappointed the mom was added. Typical teenage fantasy couldnt leave it to 1 woman had to bring in another.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
1 Also disappointed...

The title is "big tits on Lil Sis", not "Mom cheats on Dad with daughter with big tits"... Where is the tag warning of that? You have a mom and son tag not a mom daughter tag. Oh well

prop69prop69over 7 years ago
change my vote to 5 stars

I am so hard...Wishing I was on the lake

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
@While I would assume no rational person


"Rational person" I'm not? Okay. Got me there then.

And "Thank you".

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Loving it

Better and better. Keep it going! Can't wait for the next installment.

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