Big Tits on Lil Sis Ch. 05


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"Who's with me?" she asked, "Chris?"

I was too stunned by her figure to respond immediately. It took me a few seconds to gather my tongue before I could finally stammer, "Yeah. Yeah, I'm coming."

I actually had to slide out of the seat sideways to get up from the table without getting a splinter on my throbbing hardon. I hoped I could be subtle, but when I stood up my erection was as stiff as could be, poking heinously out from my loins. I didn't dare make eye contact with my parents, just followed my cock like a divining rod after Sam's shaking ass down and towards the water. I desperately hoped the cool river would calm me down some, or else I was going to have to take Sam by force under cover of water. I didn't dare look back.

We splashed our way into the water, and just as she reached waist deep, Sam dove into the water, giving me an instantaneous little peek at her slit again as she did so before it followed her under. I dove in as well, and the shock of the cold only woke me up more. I swam right after her, spurred on by the irreconcilable power of preternatural horniness.

When we surfaced I grabbed her round the waist and pulled her into me, ostensibly threatening to wrestle her under the water.

"Stop," she said, "I'm watching."

"Watching what?"

"What do you think?" she asked, "Mom and Dad. See how he's holding up."

"If I was him, I'd be taking her straight to bed right now," I said, "But I'd be thinking of you while I was doing it."

"That's kind of sweet, actually," she said, "It doesn't look like he's taking the bait, though."

I shimmied around behind her, keeping her in my arms and rubbing my cock along her the whole way. I slid in behind her, gently rubbing my cock up and down her ass crack while we bobbed in the water. I watched over her shoulder as Mom and Dad stood together, next to the picnic table. Mom had dad wrapped in her arms, like I did Sam, and looked to be pulling him up towards the cottage. I couldn't tell from there whether Dad was hard or not, tucked in as close as he was to Mom's midsection. They had their heads close together, and it was hard to say whether they were whispering at each other or just necking like teenagers.

"We're going to have to take care of me here before long," I said, "You little tease. You get me harder than diamonds doing the things you do."

"Nuh uh," she said, "Today's about Dad. For Mom's sake. Nothing happens until they're both pleased."

"He's pleased," I said, pulling her back into the current with me, dropping one of my hands between her legs and raising the other to cup and squeeze her breast. She let herself lift into the flow of the water, falling easily back into my grip. "I can tell."

"Is he?" she asked, cocking her head to the side just enough to look at me.

"Geronimo!" Dad shouted, and we looked back up at the beach just in time to see him hurling himself along the dock before leaping into a flying cannonball, close enough to us that we were in his splash radius. Sam lightly kicked off of me, and I hesitantly let her slip from my grip.

We watched for my Dad to surface, but before he did, I saw Sam disappear immediately under the water. Then I felt the grip of a hand on my ankle and I was pulled under as well. I swam a little south, til I thought I was clear of the danger zone, before I surfaced. When I did, I saw Dad up and laughing and running his hands through his dripping hair. Then I saw Sam surface behind him, and like surface with a vengeance, jumping up so high that I caught sight of her swinging splashing breasts as they closed in around my Dad's head form behind. She wrapped her arms round his chest, and twisted him into the water, dunking him in return.

I treaded water lightly, and looked up the beach at my Mom. As usual, she was taking her time getting into the water. She was only ankle deep by then, and already looking cold. Regardless, she was still a sight to behold, standing in the warm sunlight naked as the day she was born, shivering a little, her nipples hardening against the soft flesh of her breasts.

Then I felt a strong pair of arms grip me round the chest. I was surprised at how strong Sam had gotten, til I felt the unmistakable feel a sausage pressing into the small of my back. I gasped as my Dad grabbed me hard, yanked on me, and pulled me under. And he held me under, too, for what felt like quite a good while. Long enough for me to learn that at least if he wasn't hard yet, he was maybe on his way to getting there. I was nearly out of breath before he finally let me go, and I fought my way to the surface.

Sam was laughing loudly. Dad was laughing too, but coughing and choking a little. He spit.

"Come on, Debbie," he called at my Mom, "Get on out here already! You're missing out on all the fun!"

"It's too cold," she called back. Dad laughed.

"You know what that means, don't you?" he said quietly, "Go get her, boy."

I didn't need to be told twice.

I took my time approaching, side-stroking my way towards in a meandering little path, only my eyes above the water because I couldn't look away from her beautiful figure for even an instant. I heard Dad and Sam laughing uproariously behind me between the sounds of intermittent dunking. Mom was still slowly stepping into the water, not yet at her waist level, and by the time I reached her it was easy for me to stand. I was taller than her, and I stood up and stared her down. Not that she met my gaze. She was gazing at my erection standing proudly and veiny a few inches above the water.

"You know what has to happen now," I said. She looked up and met me in the eye. Her lip quivered. She made a little sound that was hard to interpret.

"I'm going to have to dunk you," I said. She didn't move for a second, before she spread her arms wide out to her side. Her breasts rose and sat higher on her chest. She looked me dead in the eye without flinching.

"Go for it," she said.

I did, without a second thought.

I lunged forward, and the first part of me that made contact was my hard cock, poking her mercilessly in her belly. She giggled a little bit. I grabbed her round her waist with both arms, pulled her into the deeper water. Once I had a bit of leverage, I dropped my hands down to the cheeks of her ass and lifted her up and out of the water. I guess just by instinctual reaction, she kicked her legs up and wrapped them around me. She pulled me in closer, her legs strong from years of dedicated running. My cock rammed hard up her belly, then slid down between her legs, sliding along the wetness of her tight slit, before slipping into place just beneath her carriage. I was nearly supporting her with the strength of my hard cock. Then I twisted her, and pulled, and we both dropped together under the surface of the shallow river.

We twisted and swam together, diving and pulling and kicking through the water without ever letting each other go. I was addicted to the feel of my cock rubbing hard against her, and she didn't make even a single movement of resistance. It felt like she was clinging harder to me than I was to her, as though if I let her go she might not be able to surface without me. I felt her lips on mine, hungrily, under the water. It was wet and slippery and messy. Under river water is no place for a romantic kiss, but there was no denying that despite everything there was palpable romantic tension in our close embrace.

Then suddenly she kicked off of me and disappeared, and I only realized then how she had made me feel so breathless. I must have been drowning. I kicked up and surfaced, and when I surfaced and wiped the water from my eyes I saw my Mom had wrapped herself around my Dad and was openly making out with him above the water. He had one hand around her holding her tight, and the other looked like he was fondling her chest. She looked like she was pretty efficiently humping him, although it was hard to tell under the water. I was spiked with a sudden feeling of jealousy, although it didn't last long. I watched them for just a few seconds before I felt a hand come from behind and wrap itself around my cock.

"Oh good," Sam said, "I just wanted to make sure you hadn't gone yet. What do you think? Should we bring this upstairs?"

"Hmm?" I asked, turning around to meet her gaze. "You and me?"

"You'd like that," she said, "No. Mom and Dad. I've been doing what I can to get him up. Mom looks hot and ready. I'd say if there's any time we're going to be able to get him to let loose, now is it."

"You think so?" I asked, "Maybe. He's hard?"

"Hard as I could get him," she said. "It's getting there. Let's get him into bed. It will come more naturally to him there."

"How do we get them up there?" I asked, "Why didn't we do that before? Swimming was your idea."

"Yeah, and did you notice how immediately relaxed everybody got?" she said, "You know, you can be really clueless sometimes. Watch this."

She disappeared under the water before me, and I felt her swim by. I turned around and caught sight of Mom and Dad, still caught in the throes of their embrace. Then out of nowhere, Sam bounced up out of the water, high enough for her huge swinging breasts to damn near slap them both in the face. She was laughing uproariously, but maybe a little forced sounding. Mom and Dad broke off their passionate kissing as Sam put an arm around each of them, turning them and guiding them in towards the shore.

"You know, silly me," she said, "I forgot you're not supposed to go swimming right after a meal. You'll get a cramp and drown. Are you guys feeling crampy? I think I might have a cramp. I think we should all go inside and lay down for a bit. We'll feel better after a little nap, I think. Lie down for a bit. We'll digest our food better."

Mom and Dad certainly didn't seem to object. They had parted, and Sam had an arm around each of them walking them in towards the shore. In fact, Mom and Dad barely seemed to pay any attention to Sam at all while she was rambling. I walked in a few feet behind them, and they were both staring at each other over Sam's head. Direct, intense, unflinching eye contact. When their waists broke the surface, I saw all their arms were wrapped around each other. Sam, in the middle weirdly, had one of each of their hands on one of each of her ass cheeks. Dad was even squeezing one pretty regularly. Mom broke eye contact for just a split second to make sure I was following after them. I had no idea what was coming, only that I was committed and along for the ride.

I followed the chain of asses, Mom's and Sam's tight ones on the left, and then my Dad's on the right, up the beach, over the lawn and up the stairs into the cabin. I'd never really taken the time to evaluate a man's ass before, but if I had to qualify it, I guess I'd call it... strong? It jutted out and didn't sag. I guessed that must be what women looked for in asses. I shook my head at myself as we rounded the corner into the bedroom, nobody making any qualms. Two gorgeous asses on display and I was puzzling myself over the guy butt. I ought to get my head straight.

Once over the threshold over the bedroom, Sam artlessly pushed my Dad forward down onto the bed. He spun like a champion, landing on his back on the bed, his dick flopping up onto his belly. I noticed it looked as though it was at almost half-mast. I couldn't believe his resistance. I'd been so hard since Sam bent that I was already close to shooting my load. Sam then gave my Mom a playful but still surprisingly hard slap on the ass.

"Go get 'em, tiger," she said. My Mom smiled pleasantly before dropping to her knees between my Dad's legs and going to work on his cock like the pro I'd experienced her to be. She had him in her mouth, balls deep, before long, and was bobbing up and down excitedly. Sam dropped back and just watched, and sensing my opportunity, I slipped myself in behind her and began rubbing my erection in between her ass cheeks again. Both my hands darted to her tits immediately, admiring their weight and feel. I squeezed her nipples, pulled her breasts up with them, and started kissing and gently biting her on the neck.

"I want to fuck you," I whispered into her ear. She moaned in response, pushed her ass back into me as I kept rubbing myself onto her. I pushed her down, her torso extending out over the bed next to Dad, who himself was moaning just like her. I grabbed my cock and lined it up with the entrance of her pussy, determined to finally break her open. Just as I had myself lined up, the pulsing head of my dick just spreading the beautiful set of lips between her legs, she reached back and swatted at my cock.

"No," she whispered loudly, "No, not yet." I didn't stop immediately, just kept rubbing myself back and forth over the entrance to her vagina.

"No," she said again, "It's Dad. Get Dad. We have to get Dad."

She finally pushed me away, and I took a step or two back. Sam dropped to her knees and clambered over the foot or two, and with her hand she pushed Mom up a bit. Mom postured up, pulling Dad's semi-erect member with her hand. I watched as Sam slid her face in beneath, taking Dad's left ball into her mouth and sucking on it. I felt more than a little rejected, but still unceremoniously horny, and lacking any other recourse, returned to my hypersexual default of masturbating myself furiously. Hard and strained as I was, I knew I wouldn't last very long, and I was just making up my mind on whose swaying ass to come on when I saw my Mom pop herself off Dad's cock, still jerking it energetically, and pointing it towards Sam.

"Go," Mom said, "Get practice. Stiffen it up."

Sam did as she was told, moving her mouth up to take Dad's entire length in her mouth with ease. He wasn't much shorter than I was, and only half-erect he wasn't even nearly close to as thick as I was. I watched with a weird kind of pride as Sam capably began deep-throating him with abandon.

I was still stroking myself madly when Mom turned to face me. She looked me up and down for just one quick second before she reached out, grabbed me by the cock, and pulled me onto the bed with them.

"Don't feel left out, Chris," she said, "Get in here."

It was a tricky maneuver, but I managed to toss myself over Dad's body onto the far side of the bed. I landed on my back while my Mom crawled on over towards me, turning me over as she got to me.

"Get up," she said, and I got up onto my hands and knees while she crawled her way in front of me. "Warm me up," she said, swinging her naked ass in front of me. I looked her directly into the dripping opening of her pussy and buried my face without hesitation, sticking my tongue in as deep and as urgently as it would go.

"Oh," she cried at the contact, "Oh yes, just like that." I continued stabbing my tongue into her canal. I slapped her on the ass, once with each hand on each respective cheek, before I dug my fingers into her rump flesh and pulled them apart, spreading her wide in front of me.

"Oh god," she moaned. I flicked my tongue up and down, side to side, touching the extreme of any distance my tongue could reach. I reached up and grabbed her by the tits, pulled her into me, forcing my tongue deeper. Her breath was sharp and shallow. She pushed her ass back into me, driving my tongue even deeper into her, and I took a long slow lick up the rear of her canal before withdrawing, spreading her cheeks wide again, and then beginning my tongue's tour of her asshole.

"Yes," she called out, "God, yes! Just like that!"

I was happy to oblige, licking around her anus and occasionally giving a good solid lick right across it. When I felt it spread and open to me, I stuck my tongue in as deep as her tight sphincter would allow. Each time I did I was met with an excited cry, a desperate moan, or a plea for more. And each time, I was happy to spread her wider, to tongue her deeper, but all the while my erection going untended was demanding attention. So finally, when it became too much, I detached my tongue from her, slapped her hard on the ass, and postured up.

"I have to fuck you," I said, "I have to fuck you now."

"Oh," Mom only moaned. She hesitated, and I saw her glance Dad's way. I tore myself away from staring directly into her asshole long enough to look as well. Dad had lain fully back on the bed, and Sam had swung herself around so that she was facing away from us. Her ass was pointing directly at us.

"I have to fuck you now," I said again, and I slapped my dick on the cheeks of her ass to indicate urgency. I didn't wait before I started lining up between her legs.

"Go ahead," she said, and she certainly didn't need to tell me twice. Almost before she finished speaking I was plowing my way balls deep into her. I gripped her hard around the waist and pulled her onto me to match my every thrust. At first her breath caught her too hard for her to even make a sound, but before long she was able to squeal.

"God yes," she said, "Just like that. Oh god. Keep going."

"I'm going to come," I said, even though I'd barely started pumping.

"Keep going," she said, "Just keep going."

I was pumping into her as hard as she could. I could feel her starting to quake.

"I'm going to come," I said again.

"Just keep going."

And so I pumped and I thrust into her, my balls slapping against her pussy with each hard slam deep into her crevice, pressing myself hard into the walls of her vagina. I slapped her ass cheek with my right hand, once, twice, and again. I looked over, saw Sam's gaping asshole spread before me. I could see the opening of her dripping lips and asshole spread wide, saw right into her the depths of her anus.

"I'm going to come," I warned one last time.

"Yes," she screamed, "Come."

And I did, earnestly and desperately, pouring myself into her, surge after wanton surge.

"Oh god yes!" she was screaming, but all I could feel was my balls draining, could feel her vagina clenching and tightening and pulling on my cock, squeezing more cum out of me than I thought was possible. I was near ready to collapse from pleasure, but couldn't resist reaching over and slapping Sam hard on her closest ass cheek. I heard her moan with surprised pleasure.

"God yes," Mom said again. She looked like she was also on the verge of collapse, but slowly she crawled her way over to my Dad. She kissed him right on the mouth. Dad looked totally out of it. She gently slapped him on the face.

"Get up, honey," she said, "Get up. On your feet."

Slowly, he was able to comply. He patted Sam off his cock just long enough to sit up, and I saw Mom push him off the bed. He only barely caught himself on his feet. I saw he was still just at half-mast, and felt bad for Sam. She must have felt a little dejected not being able to bring him up to full hardness. Mom dove off the bed, dropped to her knees, and took him in her mouth. Sensing an opportunity, I leaned forward, desperate since I saw it to put my tongue on Sam's beautiful anus. But just before I got there, Mom caught Sam by the arm and pulled her down to the floor with her. I was left on the bed alone, watching Sam and Mom double-blow my struggling Dad.

It was all honestly a little bit hard to watch. Drained as I already was, energy- and semen-wise, I could barely think. I was at once kind of jealous and at the same time feeling pretty sorry for him. I could only remember when just recently that had been me in their mouths, and how hard I had been, and still it seemed like he wasn't able to quite rise to the occasion. I felt bad for Sam, knowing she was at least a little bit sensitive yet about her cock sucking skills. My poor Mom, only desperate to please my Dad, was doing everything she could just to get him hard, and yet he struggled. I wished there was more I could do. I just wanted to be apart of the team. A part of the family.