Bikers Intrude on Camping Family

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Bikers force themselves on family's on camping trip.
7.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/04/2022
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Rod and Becky had known each other since high school and had been married for 22 years. They probably wouldn't have tied the knot but for the fact Becky got pregnant when she turned 20. Rod had manned up and married her. The life-changing events of marriage and parenthood had altered some hopes and dreams for each.

Despite being somewhat forced into their union, Rod and Becky made the best of things. Becky gave birth to twins -- Beth and Bret. The parents learned from their many mistakes but were able to provide a loving and stable home life. Both kids made their parents proud, and each had earned a college scholarship. Their upcoming departures and the prospect of an empty nest had, surprisingly, caused some problems for Rod and Beth.

They had become restless and frustrated with themselves and each other. Their sex life had shriveled. The fire had not gone out completely, but they both admitted the need for more passion. Raising their kids while Rod worked in real estate and Becky worked part-time as a health club receptionist had made for hectic schedules. They both always seemed physically and mentally worn out. Their quickie fuck sessions grew infrequent and served more to just "take the edge off" rather than to fan the flames of passion. They discussed the issue but the solutions they brainstormed never came to fruition.

In their early 40s, neither were showing their age. Rod was 5-11, 180 pounds, with brown hair he kept closely cropped. He kept in shape with bike rides, often going on rides of up to 50 miles on weekends.

Becky could have been a poster girl for suburban soccer mom/MILF. She was 5-4 and 120 pounds. Her job at the health club came with a free membership. She could work out or do yoga before or after her work shift. Becky also was an avid runner. Either in the gym or running through the neighborhood, she could always tell when she was getting second looks.

Beth and Bret had inherited their parents' good looks and "slim genes." Both had become avid swimmers in grade school and competed regularly with a local swim club. Bret had been a member of the high school swim team. Beth had stopped swimming competitively but still swam laps to stay in shape.

With both kids going off to college, Rod and Becky thought that a family outing was appropriate. They had spent several summers traveling around the country, seeing the sights and famous landmarks. To save money, most of those trips had involved camping. No one in the family would lay claim to the "outdoorsy" description -- all four appreciated the hotel breaks and hot showers after a couple of nights "roughing it."

Just after high school graduations, they made plans to drive a couple of hours to one of their favorite secluded camp sites near a medium-sized lake. The twins were lukewarm about wasting a precious weekend during the summer before college, but they also realized it was meaningful to spend time with their parents.


It was about a 3-hour drive to reach the unregulated public area. Before turning off the main road, they stopped at a familiar old gas station/convenience store to fuel their SUV and get some supplies. It was early Friday afternoon and they planned to head home late Sunday afternoon.

The family didn't pay much attention to the three motorcycles parked under a large tree just off the parking lot. The riders/owners of those large "hogs" were lounging in the shade, drinking beer and smoking joints. The five bikers, though, paid close attention to the family as Rod gassed up the vehicle while Becky, Beth and Bret went inside to shop.

"Ain't that sweet? Looks like a nice wholesome All-American family taking a camping trip."

Luther grinned at his own words while his friends chuckled. They were five ne'er-do-wells who got by on unemployment checks and petty thefts. They were associated with an area motorcycle gang but preferred to come and go as they pleased.

Luther was the "leader." He had a shaved head and a full beard. That would have been intimidating enough, but he was also 6-4 and rock solid. He had spent a short prison term lifting weights and his muscles accentuated his powerful frame.

The other two men in the group were Mike and Eli. Eli was about 6-1, slender but still strong. His arms were covered with tattoos, and he had a long goatee. Mike had spent a few years in the military. He was African-American, about 6-foot tall and sturdily built.

Their bitches were Tawny and Lena. Tawny had dirty blonde hair that fell to her shoulders. She tied it back in a ponytail when they were riding but otherwise didn't give a fuck how it looked. She was 5-7 and slender. Lena was a Hispanic spitfire. She dyed her hair red and currently had trimmed it close to about an inch in length. She was 5-2 with a full bust and wide hips.

"Since we ain't got nothin' planned, what say we follow them folks and see where they go?" Luther said to his compadres. "If it looks like they want to keep to themselves, maybe we can fuck up their plans and give 'em some company."

The suggestion was met with unanimous approval. "Hell yeah," Eli said. "Mama and daughter are a couple of hotties."

As the SUV pulled onto the road, the bikers languidly stirred. They were accomplished at tailing drivers who paid little attention to who was following them, especially on country roads. The three men climbed on and kick started their bikes, with Tawny and Lena riding behind Mike and Eli. Luther led the threesome, and they followed the SUV, keeping their distance.

After a few miles, Rod turned on to an unmarked gravel road that would lead to the secluded camping spot they had visited a few times.

When the bikers reached the turnoff, they stopped. "Hot damn," Luther said. "Remember this little road?" The others nodded. "Ain't nothin' back there but that nice little lake where we spent a few nights. This is gonna be perfect."

The three bikes geared down and the group slowly made its way down the narrow gravel path. The dust from the SUV still hung in the air. When Luther figured they were about halfway to the lake, he motioned for a halt.

"Babes, wait here and chill," he said. "We gonna scout out the sitch."

The three men hiked through the woods, moving toward the lake but off the road. The land elevated and eventually they reached a small hill about 200 yards from the lake's edge. They dropped to their bellies between some bushes. Mike raised his military-grade field glasses to scope out the scene.

Rod had parked the SUV near a large tree that was on the edge of a medium-sized patch of grass about 200 yards from the lake's edge. Two other trees that were somewhat smaller formed a rough triangle that made for an ideal camping spot. The family had already pitched two tents. One was close to the SUV but other was about 50 yards away, between the two smaller trees.

"Ya think mom and pop are wantin' some privacy?" Mike whispered, slightly chuckling.

The three bikers maintained their vigil. After about 15 minutes, Beth emerged from the more-distant tent, carrying a towel and wearing an oversized t-shirt. Bret was already in his swim trunks and had a towel around his neck. The twins waved to their parents.

"Damn, that's perfect," Luther said. "We just have to deal with mom and dad first and we'll be all set when the kids come back."


The men returned to the cycles and told the two women the plan. They grinned in anticipation. The trio walked their bikes until they were just a bend in the road from the camp before kick starting the machines and rolling in.

Rod was in the SUV looking for a bag of charcoal and Becky was in their tent nearby. When the motorcycles roared to life and came into their camp site, they barely had time to react. Rod exited the vehicle and moved protectively near his wife.

The bikers killed their engines and all five visitors climbed off. "Howdy, folks," Luther said in a jaunty manner. "It appears we all like this spot for camping. Mind if we join ya?"

"Uh, well, if it's all the same with you folks, we were looking for some family time," Rod said, a bit unsure of how to handle the situation. "We'll be happy to pack up and find another spot."

"Now, you're not being neighborly... neighbor," Luther said. "There's plenty of room here."

Rod felt a nudge in his side from his wife. "No, really, we'll just..." He didn't/couldn't finish.

Mike and Eli stepped to each side of Luther, and both had guns in their hands.

"Friend -- and ma'am -- I don't think you understand your situation," Luther said, his demeanor and tone raising the threat level. "We're in charge here. We saw you folks back at the gas station, you look like a real nice little family. We decided to follow you here. We're plannin' on having a fun little weekend. All of us."

Becky stepped beside her husband. "What do you mean?"

Mike then spoke up. "Little mama, you a little slow on the uptake. We're gonna have ourselves an outdoor orgy and a family affair, all in one."

"No, you can't. Please go. Leave us alone," Rod said, his voice quivering as his eyes tried to avoid looking at the two guns.

"Mister, I know you wanna protect your family," Luther said. "But my compadres here, they know how to hurt people. And trust me, if we wanted to, we'd just use 4 bullets to the back of ya'll's heads and either sink your bodies in the lake or bury you in graves. It would take weeks before somebody found the bodies.

"Or, you can do as we say and after a couple of days, we'll just move on and leave ya'll... alive."

About this time, Bret and Beth came within earshot. They saw the visitors and then Bret saw the two men with guns. He ran closer.

"Mom, dad ... what the fuck is goin' on?" he yelled. His sister was close behind.

"Welcome, kids," Luther said. "I was just explaining to your parents what the situation is. We've decided you're just a lovely family that we'd join you for the weekend and we'd all get to know each other... ya, know, in the biblical sense."

"WHAT?" Beth yelled.

Luther ignored her. "Let's get things organized. Eli, Mike, tie these two guys to those trees."

"No, please, don't. Leave them alone," Becky pleaded, her eyes starting to well with tears as it was evident the situation was spiraling out of control.

Eli and Mike went to their bikes' saddlebags and grabbed some coils of rope. At gun point, they marched Rod and Bret to two of the trees. Eli tied their wrists and ankles to the trees. "Girls," he said to Tawny and Lena, "find something to gag those two. I don't want to hear 'em bitchin' at us."

Once father and son were restrained and gagged, Luther ready to move on. "OK, we need an expedition to gather some firewood and water for our little camp site." He spied a metal bucket next to the SUV. "Mike, grab that bucket and give it to mom; you two walk to the lake and get some water. Eli, give me your piece and you take the little lady here to gather some wood." Tawny and Lena giggled at his play on words.

Rod's eyes were wide, and he was yelling into his gag while struggling against his restraints. He was certain his daughter and his wife were about to be raped.

Mike handed Becky the bucket. "C'mon, ma'am, let's fetch some water."

Eli took Beth by the arm, his strong hand squeezing hard. "Let's go."


Beth walked with her head down, her breath coming in shuddering gasps. "What's wrong?" Eli asked.

"I'm scared," she whispered.

"You a virgin?"

"No." Her answer was barely audible.

"Then you got nothin' to worry about," Eli said. "By the way, what's your name?"


"Nice to meet you. I'm Eli."

The conversation ended and they followed a faint path into the woods eventually coming upon a small clearing. "Stop here," he said. "Lots of branches on the ground. Pick 'em up and let's start a pile... and don't try to run." He pulled a large knife from its sheath.

They gathered a small pile of wood. Eli used his knife to hack off the twigs and smaller branches until they had what appeared to be two armfuls of limbs. He then turned to Beth.

"So, what are you, about 18?" She nodded. "And not a virgin. You fucked and sucked cock then?" Her face flushed and she nodded slightly. "My kind of girl."

He started walking toward her and she retreated until she had backed against a tree. She was wearing her oversized t-shirt as a cover up and it was damp and clinging against her bikini top. The rough bark of the tree poked her back as she shrunk from the biker's presence.

He waved the knife in front of her face. "This is a damn good blade," he said. "Good for cuttin' wood... or clothes."

Eli pushed the knife point against the t-shirt. Beth gasped as she felt it poking against her skin. He twisted it slightly and the point caught in the thin cloth. He yanked it up and to the side, creating a small tear. Eli grabbed the collar, pulling it away as the knife pushed its way into the opening, then he tugged the knife upward, so it sliced through the collar. He regripped the knife and drove the blade into the tree trunk.

His large hands moved to the shirt where it was ripped at the collar. He stared at Beth until she met his gaze. Then he grinned and his hands ripped the shirt almost in half. The sound of the tearing cloth was loud in the quiet of the forest.

"Noooooo, GAAAAAAAAAAWDDDD Nooooo, please," Beth's words came out in a hoarse croak, her fear overwhelming her vocal cords.

Eli moved his hands lower, grabbing the cloth and ripping her shirt apart. His hands moved up to her shoulders and shoved the ruined garment down her arms so it fluttered to the ground.

Eli took a step back. Beth started to move her arms to cover her bikini-clad body. "None of that. Arms down." She reluctantly dropped her arms to her side.

"Damn, girl. You're fuckin' hot." Mike's eyes were glinting as he gazed over her slender body. Her legs were lean and strong, her torso flat. Her breasts were high on her chest, firm but not large. She varied, based on fit, between a B and a C cup.

Eli's rough, calloused hands reached for her face, lightly stroking the soft skin and moving through her hair. His thumb rubbed over her soft lips.

He then moved his hands to her bikini's shoulder straps and quickly pulled both down, her arms, exposing her breasts. They bounced slightly from the sudden move. Her nipples started to harden.

"Well, well. Look at those cute little nips. You must like the idea of having a real man having his way with you."

"AAHHHH, GAWWWD, Nooooo. Please. Don't hurt me."

"Ain't gonna hurt you."

His big hands cupped her firm mounds, completely covering them. He ground his hands against her chest, flattening her tits and pushing her hard nipples into his palms. She closed her eyes and groaned.

Then his fingers moved to her nipples, pinching and tweaking them. The rough treatment sent tingles down her spine and to her crotch. Beth's head whipped side to side in denial. Her breath quickened as her body betrayed her.

Eli dipped his head and captured one of the pink buds in his mouth. Beth felt her knees shaking and weakening. His hands moved under her arms, and he pulled her to the ground.

His mouth feasted on her nipples, moving from breast to breast, leaving a trail of saliva. Instinctively, she arched her back, forcing her breasts against his mouth. Eli took advantage by reaching behind her to unclasp her top and pull it aside.

Eli's mouth then started a journey south, kissing and nibbling at the satiny smooth skin of her torso. His thumbs hooked into the sides of her bikini bottom, pulling it down and off her legs. His hands then gripped her knees and pulled them wide, totally exposing her. "My gawd, he's gonna eat my pussy before he fucks me," she thought, the idea making her shudder with excitement and trepidation.

For a moment, he gazed at the delightful site of a teenage pussy. She was shaved and smooth, her labia formed a tight slit hiding the inner secrets of her womanhood.

"That is one fuckin' pretty cunt," Eli said in a low growl. The use of the vulgarity should have shamed Beth, but she had started to descend into a sexual gutter where only her satisfaction mattered.

Eli lowered his face and his long goatee moved up and down, lightly teasing Beth's mound. "AHHGHHGHH... YEESSSSS. OHHHAAAHHHH."

"Yeah, baby, chicks love my beard on their pussy."

The beard was quickly replaced by his thick, strong tongue that lapped back and forth on her slit. With each passage, her labia parted wider and wider. Then his thick thumbs pulled her lips wide, exposing the moist, pink inner folds. Eli's tongue immediately drilled deep. Beth's hips bucked.

"FFFFUUUUCKKKKK... SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOD. Eat my pussy." Beth was surprised by her reaction and words. Her pleasure had transformed her into... what? This stranger was basically raping her. Slut?... Whore?... Sexually aroused young woman?

Eli's mouth moved to the top of her mound and his tongue found her clit. As he licked and lapped at Beth's pleasure button, he pushed two thick fingers inside her and began to finger fuck her.

That was too much. Beth's orgasm crested so suddenly that she stopped breathing. Her back arched off the ground and her hips lurched.

Eli pulled his face from her mound, but his fingers remained inside her clutching pussy walls. "Damn, girl. You came like a freight train."

In the distance, there was a loud "CRACK." Beth was in such an orgasm haze that it didn't register. Eli recognized that it was Mike's gun. "Damn," he thought, "I hope he didn't shoot that hot little mama. We don't need that kinda trouble."

He removed his fingers and kneeled between Beth's legs. He watched her pussy twitching as it recovered from the climax. After a few minutes, he stood up, pulling on Beth's wrists so she was on her knees.

"Take my cock out."

Beth had experienced perhaps her strongest orgasm. She was now between the rational (I don't want to suck this man's cock) and the irrational (I wonder how big his cock is.)

Her hands fumbled with his belt buckle, then unbuttoned his jeans before pulling the zipper down. She grabbed the jeans at the hips and tugged downward. His rock-hard erection sprang free. Her eyes widened. It was most definitely a man's cock. Probably eight inches in length and thick. Its knob was purple and swollen.

Eli had kept his eyes on her face and enjoyed her reaction. "Bet that's the biggest, thickest dick you've seen." That Beth didn't answer was answer enough. His hand gripped each side of her head and he pulled her forward until her lips touched his cock head. Her nostrils flared at the smell of stale sweat.

"Open your mouth, babe." His hands squeezed her head harder and he thrust his hips forward.

Her lips parted and his swollen knob popped inside her mouth, nearly filling it. Her tongue started to bathe the swollen tip, tasting his salty precum. Beth started to bob her head back and forth, taking the top third of his rod in her mouth. Her hand stroked the rest of his staff, her saliva helping lubricate it.

Eli groaned as the young woman's lips and tongue worked on his shaft. His excitement was building, and he could feel his jizz boiling in his nuts. He was committed to depositing his load in her mouth. He wanted her to experience that subjugation before he fucked her.

"Nice hot little teen mouth on my dick. You're a fuckin' natural. I bet the boys love to have you suck their cocks. Ain't none of 'em as big a mine, I bet."

Eli's cock was twitching, and Beth had experienced that feeling in her mouth before. But she'd never swallowed a boy's cum; she'd always finished them with a hand job. The way this man was holding her head in place, she knew he was going to cum in her mouth. She tried protesting but her words were mumbled gurgles around the thick shaft.

The first powerful spurt exploded against the back of her throat, and she gulped it down. Squirt followed squirt, each one somewhat diminished but still she was collecting a mouthful as she couldn't swallow it all.