Bikini Stewardesses Go Mile High


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A while later and it was time to serve lunch. The girls stood up from their seats, and the three men squirmed to cover their erections. Menus were handed out, each starlet careful to smile and bend at the waist so their man got a mouth-watering sight of their unencumbered tits swinging free.

The boys made their lunch choices, but it was clear from their hungry gazes that they'd much rather be helping themselves to some succulent starlet tits instead.

The girls retired back to the galley to prepare the food. Candy was buzzing. "Can you believe I just did that!" she squealed with excitement. Jennifer smirked. She reached out and gave one of the blonde's boobs a playful squeeze. "Maybe it'll be a day of many firsts," she said. Candy turned scarlet. "One step at a time," she said, trying to pull away from Jennifer's roaming hands.

"Come on, you two," the topless Nicola scolded them. "We're here to be groped, not to grope each other. Now come on, we got a contract to secure."

Back out in the conference room, the girls served up lunch. Tate was driving a hard deal for Wolfgang, Leo and Big Joe, and the three was glad of a break to eat their meals, with their respective topless stewardesses on hand. Tate excused himself, and went up to the cockpit.

Nicola smiled seductively at Big Joe as he wolfed down his steak, her hand straying across his lap. "I like a man with a big appetite," she murmured. He leered at her. "And I like a girl with big tits." Nicola laughed, jiggling her bare boobs. The Texan's eyes lit up as he beheld those wobbling Aussie whoppers. "Do you mind if I, er, touch them?" he asked.

"Go ahead," said Nicola replied, leaning forward and pushing her boobs into his face. Big Joe licked his lips and brought his large hands up to gently cup Nicola's breasts. As his fingers brushed against her erect nipples, Nicola let out a moan. "Mmmm," she purred. "You'll have to forgive me, I have very sensitive nipples."

"Really?" Joe replied.

"Uh-huh. The slightest touch can set me- ooooooh!" Nicola closed her eyes as Big Joe squeezed her tender buds. Her hand tugged down the zip on his pants, and the only thing between Nicola and Joe's cock was a very expensive pair of silk boxers. Nicola could feel the monster rearing up in her grasp, eager to taste the delights of her moist pussy.

"It's such a shame," whispered Nicola, "that 'Big Joe' has chores to do before he can come out and play." Nicola nodded toward the contract lying on the table. Joe swallowed. He was being eaten up with desire, but he couldn't sign Tate's contract. Through the material of his underpants, Nicola firmly grasped Joe's penis. She smiled at the thought of what she was doing, the amount of power her nubile body had over men. Joe was weakening, and Nicola knew it. It was almost as if the blood pumping into his dick was draining from his brain, making him less capable of making a business decision.

Tate returned. He looked over the scene, his would-be partners engaging in some heavy petting with the three half-naked starlets, and grinned. Tate could smell victory!

"Ladies, why don't you withdraw to the galley and fetch the guests dessert? It looks like everyone is still hungry."

With sultry smiles, the girls stood up and left their eager partners. Back in the galley, they debated how to serve dessert.

"We should sit in their laps and spoon feed them," Candy suggested, now getting into her role as a sex-crazed bikini stewardess. Suddenly a loud roar of approval could be heard from the conference room. Nicola wondered what that could be about. Smiling, Tate entered through the curtain.

"I know you were only supposed to serve lunch for the guests," he said, face flushed, "but I've told them you'll do something a little different for dessert."

"And what is it?" Nicola asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I told them you'd put ice-cream on your boobs and let them lick it off."

Jennifer clapped her hands in delight. "Sounds like fun!"

"Wait a moment," said Nicola, "I think that's stretching our original contract just a little."

Tate rolled his eyes. "OK, OK, an extra hundred!" Nicola smiled. "We'll be out shortly."

Tate left. Jennifer shook her head. "Why, Knickers, you little mercenary!" The Aussie starlet shrugged. "Hey, if I can have some fun and make some money at the same time, why not?"

However, Candy's earlier trepidations had returned. "Lick ice-cream off my boobs?" She looked at the girls with wide eyes, clutching her chesty treasures.

"Come on," cried Jennifer, "you haven't lived till you've felt a hot tongue licking ice-cold desserts off your tits! Trust me on this." They stared at her. "What? A girl's got to work her way through college somehow," said Jennifer defensively.

"Candy," said Nicola, "you've had fun so far right? And you want the extra $100?"

"I guess so." The bashful blonde with beautiful boobs was beginning to come around to her co-star's way of thinking.

A few moments later the curtain parted once more and the three topless starlets strode back into the conference room. Each took up a hostess's position right next to their assigned passenger, carrying a small dish of ice cream.

"Gentlemen," Nicola announced, "for your dining pleasure, a rare a very exquisite dessert- ice cream served a la stewardess."

The three men clapped as the girls seated themselves back on their laps, facing toward their eager passenger. Nicola made herself comfortable, smiling at Joe. He didn't seem to notice, his eyes shinning bright were glued to her chest inches from his salivating lips.

Nicola took a dollop of vanilla ice cream onto a spoon, and ladled it onto her left boob. The Aussie starlet gave a slight gasp as the chilly desert made contact with her skin. It slid down a little, covering her erect nipple like a snowy peak. The white of the ice cream made a nice contrast against her tanned skin. Nicola repeated the operation with her right boob, covering her breast with a second topping of frosty dessert. A very tempting dish indeed!

Big Joe placed his hands on Nicola's waist, pulling her toward him. Nicola obediently leant forward, bringing her chest toward Joe's waiting lips. Nothing prepared Nicola for the feelings that followed. Big Joe's hot tongue flicked out, slithering across her boob as he licked at the ice cream. She groaned, her sensitive nipple caught between sizzling and chilly sensations. Again Joe's tongue shot out, raising goosebumps on Nicola's areolas. She shivered with delight.

Around her the scene was being replayed with Jennifer and Candy. Evidently Jennifer was no stranger to being a serving dish as she expertly covered her own tits in ice cream. Candy was fast becoming a fan of this particular method of service, giving little squeaks of delight as Leo enthusiastically lapped away at her chest.

Nicola spooned more of the cold ice cream onto her boobs for the hungry Texan. His head bobbed furiously between her boobs, randomly switching from nipple to nipple, eager to lick up the sweet treat. Nicola could feel his 'other' head anxiously squirming beneath her bottom, a pussy-plunging monster that wanted some attention too.

Nicola, mouth open and eyes closed, hugged Joe to her chest, letting the pleasant tingling sensation wash across her titties. The licking was now replaced with vigorous sucking and a little chewing as Joe switched to slurping noisily on each moist, pink nipple in turn.

The starlet moaned with delight, reaching down to tug at the knot that held her bikini bottoms in place. Nicola wasn't completely naked, but only in the sense that a true starlet is only naked without a pretty smile. In this case it was an angelic smile of debauched pleasure. Nude of any clothing, Nicola began to bounce slightly in Joe's lap, rubbing her bottom against his engorged cock.

Finally, the excited businessman pulled away from Nicola's damp tits. "Knickers, honey, I gotta get some relief, if you know what I mean, right now." Nicola longed to scream yes and dive straight in, but she was a girl with a mission to complete first.

"You know what you have to do," she gasped in barely suppressed pleasure. "Sign the contract, and 'Big Joe' gets a big reward."

Joe was out of his mind with lust. He leaned forward toward the table, squashing Nicola's bare body against his chest and cried out in desperation "Where's a pen, a pen?"

Tate grinned. "Here ya go, Joe, borrow mine." Joe grabbed the pen and hastily scribbled his signature on the contract. Wolfgang and Leo, in similar states of desire, looked at each other, and then both made a grab for the document.

Victorious, Tate took the contract with all three signatures and placed it in his pocket. "Gentlemen, a pleasure doing business. I'll let you enjoy the entertainment."

No sooner had Tate spoken those words than the bikini stewardesses slid underneath the table. This was soon followed by a collective gasp of relief as three impatient penises were finally delivered into three willing little mouths.

Nicola's lips clamped around Joe's cock and began to repay the favor he had paid her nipples. Feeling his impatience, Nicola slurped down his tool and quickly built up a fast pace, her head bobbing up and down in his lap. Nicola's worked Joe's dick like a pro. He had done what was required of him, sign the contract and earn Nicola an unexpected little bonus, so now he just had to sit back and let the talented little Aussie girl do what she did best. Nicola knew that no small part of the pleasure lay in the sound of a good blowjob, and made sure to make as much noise as possible as she suckled on his dick.

Nicola's efforts were rewarded with a lot of moaning from Joe as he came near to orgasm. The Texan let out a low growl, and Nicola felt a ripple of pleasure surge through his body a moment before jets of sperm squirted down her throat. Nicola smiled to herself. Another satisfied customer!

It wasn't long before the Gulfstream landed back at Van Nuys. The girls, still nude, bid each of the businessmen good-bye with a kiss on the cheek as they left the conference room. Doubtless the deal they had signed was not their advantage, but from the grin in their faces it looked liked they didn't care.

"Thanks girls, I could never had done it without you," Tate thanked them.

"All in a days work for the Bikini Stewardesses," Jennifer replied.

Tate stroked his chin. "There's just one last thing I'd like you do to, before you get dressed again."

"Yes?" Nicola replied, arching her eyebrows.

"I called a press conference for as soon as the plane landed- announcing this deal will be very good for the company's stock price. But, well, financial press conferences can be pretty dull. I thought a little eye candy would help liven things up."

Nicola opened her mouth, but Tate knew what she was going to say. "An extra $200 a piece?"

Nicola smiled. "That will do nicely."

Members of the fiscal press were lined up outside Tate's plane as soon as it had landed, eager for news on the proposed Tate Industries world-wide distribution deal. Joe Jackson, Wolfgang Schmidt and Leo Kuang had all emerged from the aircraft with no comment, but enigmatic Cheshire grins. Finally, Donovan Tate himself exited the craft. If his appearance did nothing to interest the reporters, the three perky sky-bunnies that followed certainly did.

Nicola sashayed her way down the steps first, giving a coy smile and a way to the small group of reporters. She was completely nude except for her cute little stewardess cap, plus the white collar and cuffs. Each step down the plane's stepladder (tentative in high heels) caused her boobs to bounce delightfully. Nicola's impromptu audience stared open mouth at the naked Aussie starlet, their eyes roaming over every inch of her bare body. Those beauty tits! That toned, flat stomach! That cute little muff! The silky-smooth skin that just begged to be stroked! Nicola had a golden all-over tan, and it was obvious to everyone she wasn't shy about showing it off.

Jennifer, similarly undressed to kill, followed Nicola. The tall, sophisticated starlet presented just as tasty a sight as her little friend. Jennifer may only have fallen into acting by accident, but she was definitely an out-going girl, as evidenced by the fact that her nipples were extended, and it wasn't a cold day.

Candy followed up the rear, flushed but excited. Her perky little boobs pointed out at the gathered journalists as if eager to be seen. The cute little blonde followed her co-starlets as they fell into line behind Tate.

Tate began to speak, and cameras flashed. However, the real center of attraction was not the millionaire businessmen but his three little stewardesses. Giggling, they ran through various poses for the crowd, showing off their bare bodies from every angle.

Nicola smirked as she slipped her hands behind her head and thrust her boobs out for the cameras. The day had started out with her posing nude for one photographer, and now ended up with her posing nude for many more! That's what Nicola loved about Hollywood, you never knew what was going to happen next. She leaned forward, cupping her breasts and tweaking her nipples. I can just see this picture on page 3, she thought. Page 3 of theFinancial Times!

The press conference over, the girls blew a few kisses to the reporters and followed Tate over to the hanger where he'd met them this morning. The girls put their bikinis back on, under Tate's lustful gaze.

"I have a confession," said Nicola as she tried to tie her top on over her boobs, "we're not real stewardesses. We're actresses."

"I know," Tate replied with a smirk. Nicola was flabbergasted, she stared at him in surprise with her breasts half-hanging out of her bikini.


"Of course I knew. I was one of the investors inBikini Stewardesses 2. I knew you were going to be here today, and after hearing about your little adventures on the set..." Nicola blushed. "... I knew that you'd be able to help me out today."

"So you never had any other stewardesses booked?" asked Candy. "I'm afraid not." Tate replied. "But I needed to get that contract signed, and if it hadn't've been for you girls, I never would've got the deal. No hard feelings?"

Nicola scowled. She didn't like being tricked. But she had had an enjoyable day, with a trip in an executive jet, and showing off her cute little stewardess outfit. And if they ever made aBikini Stewardesses 3, she now had a little method-experience. To top it all off, Nicola had earned herself a $1200 bonus.

"No hard feelings," Nicola replied. Tate took his checkbook out of his jacket and wrote out three checks. He presented each one to the girls by slipping it into their cleavage, like a patron tipping a stripper.

"Adios, ladies!" Tate bid them, as he left the hanger.

"Mmmm," murmured Candy, "I'm still pretty horny from all that attention Leo gave me." She slipped her arms around Nicola and Jennifer's shapely waists, pressing their delectable bodies against her.

"Does that hot tub invitation still stand?"


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Sex in the air - Does it get any better?

Loved the story but have to agree with Anonymous #1 that the girls should have negotiated their fee significantly higher. Maybe 5 or 10 grand. As for the comments on the Gulfstream - who cares! Its the action on the plane that is the focus of the story. I would have preferred if the girls lined up side-by-side kneeling on a couch while the three businessmen fucked their brains out doggy style. In fact, It would have been very interesting if Nicola did a triple penetration scene just to turn up the temperature a bit more! Oh one can always dream!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

A very entertaining story but:

Gulfstreams don't "cruise" at 5000 feet, they burn too much fuel at that altitude.

Gulfstreams require two pilots in the cockpit

Gulfstreams don't use vinyl on their seats....real leather all the way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Can't believe the girls allowed themselves to be bought that cheaply ... they should have raised their prices a lot!

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