Bikinis Are Dangerous Ch. 05


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"What is your size?" she asked eyeing me up expertly.

The dreaded question, who EVER wants to be asked THIS question? When I answered the usual answer, the size I had been for years, she shook her head at me and I asked "why not? Don't you carry those sizes?" Now I was worried, they didn't carry LARGE oompa loompa sizes?

"Yes of course we do but I don't believe you are that size, is it possible you are a smaller size?" she said respectfully.

I was puzzled, I had been the same size forever and then it hit me, I HAD been working out; maybe I was no longer an oompa loompa.

Because of the color of my hair, some colors just weren't going to work but this woman knew her job and had an eye not only for colors but size and style. In no time at all I had several very attractive dresses to choose from. But I knew without a shadow of a doubt that the one I tried on in a shade of blue that I can't quite describe except to say aqua but even that isn't accurate, it brought the color out in my eyes and the combination was like WOW to my own reflection. It hugged me in all the right places, making my breasts look bigger and my ass smaller somehow. I didn't care about the price but even that was in its favor since it was on sale! I bought real stockings to go with it and a new garter as well. Matching shoes and this woman deserved her commission!

I left that store knowing for the first time that I was beautiful, I felt beautiful, she had made me feel beautiful, but I had deserved it, I had worked out hard to achieve this and I walked with a little hitch in my stride that had never before been there. A little hitch in my giddyup! A swagger in the ole one two step. Nothing like a new dress, new stockings, new shoes to make a woman feel like a woman!

As I dressed to go out with my new friend I realized as I slid the new stocking up my freshly shaved legs that every woman should feel this sexy at least once in their life. I attached the stockings to the garters one at a time and pulled the dress on over my beautiful Victoria's Secret underwear. New clothes, sexy clothes, made a woman feel fabulous. As I slid into the shoes I realized I should have 'broken' them in but figured I would just be careful. I had no idea what she had in mind and as I had wanted to surprise her I might be over dressed.

As I answered my front door I think the surprise on her face was worth it. From my matching shoes, stockings, to the dress that clung in all the right places, and finally my hair that I had brushed until it shone, she was admiring of my appearance and for some reason I suddenly felt shy and flustered.

I couldn't help but stare at the incredible body, er woman before me. Her face was impeccably made up but it was her body that made me go WOW! Dressed in a crossover black dress with a plunging neckline her ample breasts peeked out enticingly, aching to come out and play. Her legs looked good with no stockings necessary since she was perpetually tanned. Her high heels brought her up to the height I would have been had I not been wearing some myself. We made quite a pair

"So where are we going?" I asked enthused, looking forward to a night out after so long.

"It's a surprise" she told me as we walked out to her car together.

She let me seat myself but I thought I saw a hesitation there for a moment as though she was going to help me. It's an awkward moment, especially when women date others of whether or not to play the gallant. Since she was still unsure about me and I hadn't made my interest known, yet, she decided to play it cool and be 'the friend' instead of the girlfriend.

She took me to this swanky club where our dressing up was totally appropriate. Apparently one of the doormen was a distant cousin because we got let right in. It was amazing to be herded to the head of the line like some important somebody. We both got stared at and not just because we looked pretty that night, both men and women glared at our 'superior' status in cutting to the head of the line. Since we were dressed appropriately they probably thought we were important someone's who they just didn't know.

The inside was decked out in a disco era collage of lights and colors. Everyone seemed to be dancing and we made our way to a group of people that she introduced me to as friends and relatives.

"Wanna dance?" she shouted over the music in my ear. At my nod I found myself following her to the floor. Several interested on lookers watched as we began to gyrate to the beat. I realized soon that I needed a drink or two to loosen up; I looked too stiff in my mind's eye.

We danced and drank for hours; I really had a good time and it looked like she did too. A few of her friends and I found out later cousin's danced with us as well. One of them was amazingly good. He looked like a Cuban John Travolta. He had all the moves and once I had consumed a few alcoholic beverages I relaxed enough to dance with him. Wow, if I were straight I could have fallen in love with his athletic body. I couldn't help but look at the woman I was calling (at least in my head) my girl. Laughing and dancing with her and her friends was a riot. We had a lot of fun. I found myself looking at her and the sheen of sweat from our exertions on her delicious little body.

As she drove me home in the early hours of the next day, we had literally danced the night away; I wanted to put my arm around her. I was hoping for a good night kiss, and yet, I felt too damn shy to instigate it. I was thrilled when she walked me to my door and as I fumbled for the key I turned and said "I had a wonderful time tonight, see you in a few hours?" I indicated the invitation we had to meet at the beach with everyone to have a picnic.

She smiled "yeah, see you in a few hours" before she took the initiative and leaned in for our first kiss. From the first time I had seen her bikini clad body, to the workouts she had tortured me with, to tonight, watching her dance and laugh and enjoy herself, I had wondered what tasting her would be like. Her mouth tasted like the strawberries of the Margarita she had consumed, but even more than that, the taste of her alone was intoxicating. That one kiss must have lasted a good five minutes as we explored each other's mouths. Our hands held each other's heads and shoulders so each of could enjoy the other fully. I know for me, I would have liked it to never end. As it was, had I had my way, I would have pulled her inside and made love to her. I found out later she wanted to make sure that I was sure.

As she pulled back she smiled faintly into my eyes. We were both breathing hard from that incredible first kiss. The scent of her; from her perfume, to that unique 'her' scent were enough to make me want her. Throbbingly and insistently, I admitted something in my head I had been feeling for quite a while; I wanted this woman, desperately. It wasn't something I hadn't known of course but it was like a neon sign going off in my head, loudly!

"Good night" she said with an even greater smile as she stepped back and headed back to her car. I watched stupidly as she made her way, my mind numb, I told myself later that I was watching her for her safety that she got back to the car okay. In reality, the kiss, my arousal, and the feelings that both provoked had me numb. My brain wasn't functioning properly. I did note that she had a nice ass and her curves were all in the right place, so something was working, somewhere.

I found out later that that walk as the hardest thing she had done. She had wanted to push me into the apartment and make mad passionate love to me; instead, she decided to play it cool. She had found out that I just might possibly be 'into' women, and after this night, there was hope for an 'us.'

As I walked to 'our' spot on the beach, I saw many of the others from the previous night. My one piece swim suit stood out like a sore thumb with all the bikini and speedo clad bodies. I consoled myself that I just wasn't quite ready for that much skin to be displayed. I spotted the one bikini clad body I was looking for though. She was laying out on a towel in a two piece black bikini that screamed 'lay on me' and with some mental difficulty I kept myself from doing that. As it was, I was weak in the knees. Seeing that flesh that I wanted to caress, to lick, to kiss, to suck, was torture. She put her hand up to shade the sun from her sunglasses as I said "hello" in a shy voice.

Smiling she sat up and I watched that amazing body which I was nearly drooling over. The way her skin fit those bones made me want to caress, to pet, to lick... mentally shaking myself I realized she had said hello as well.

"I brought my fruit salad" I indicated the small cooler I was toting, just to make conversation, to get me to stop thinking the thoughts I was. I wondered if she was regretting last night's kiss. I know I didn't.

"Wanna sit down?" she indicated a space that was clearly marked for someone.

"I don't want to take someone's space..." I began hesitantly.

"I saved it for you" she interrupted with a smile.

Joyfully I sat down as I looked around at the group that had gathered. Already a game of Frisbee was in action. Someone had set up a net for volleyball and people were horse playing around in and out of the water.

We joined in the volleyball games later and I was ever so grateful to my one piece suit. So many of the girls were falling out of their bikini's, some deliberately I was sure. I was a little distracted by the one in the striking black suit and after being hit in the head twice by the ball due to said distraction, sat out so I could watch her jump and run around. My interest didn't go unnoticed by her or her friends. She got teased on many scores but they were all happy for her, they had heard about her 'crush' for a while now and seeing my obvious interest, they had high hopes for us.

In the late afternoon I reluctantly packed up my stuff. I thought perhaps I had gotten too much sun on my pale shoulders and 'my girl' offered to drive me home but I had brought my car. "Would you care for a pizza at my place?" I offered instead. She delightedly accepted.

As we sat in our swim suits and shorts to wait for the pizza delivery guy we chatted about anything and everything. I loved that about our friendship. We could talk about anything. Even over the pizza and beer we chatted. I could sense something more though, this time was different. I could see her erect nipples through her bikini top; I had only to look down to see mine through my one piece. I felt wet between my legs, I wondered if I was imaging that I could scent her arousal, maybe it was just wishful thinking?

"Want me to pop in a movie?" I offered after dinner and she took me up on the offer as we sat on the couch to watch some comedy. Neither of us was interested in it. It was some Sandra Bullock movie, and while a funny one, we were both interested in each other. I could tell she was glancing at me as much as I was glancing at her. Digesting our pizza and beer we were relaxed and finally I felt this was ridiculous. I was aroused, she was interested, we were consenting adults, and the amount of skin exposed by her bikini was driving me crazy. I wanted to desperately plunge my fingers in the waistband of her bikini bottoms and find out her treasures. I finally turned to her and speaking her name waited for the fraction of a second for her to turn to me before I leaned in for a kiss.

Afterwards I felt I had unleashed some wild animal. She practically jumped me. I soon found out that her breasts were indeed real by the way they pushed insistently against me. That first kiss had her climbing on top of me on the couch. I didn't mind. I soon released those amazing orbs from their captivity and they were spilling out into my face in no time. She moaned when I took first one and then the other reverently in my hands and caressed them, my mouth found her nipples and I tongued them fervently. Her moan drove me mad as I wanted it all and I wanted it RIGHT NOW! It had been so long, too long really, since I had been with someone, but I found that having taken my time with this woman, falling in love with her, and yes I was willing to admit that already, making love to her was different, more worthwhile. Her animalistic attacking of me was welcome and encouraged.

She arched into me, pressing those melons into my face. I felt like I could suffocate with the size of them but I managed to kiss and fondle and lick and suck them to her evident delight. Gently I pinched them hearing her suck in her breath and enjoy it. My hands easily took the scraps of cloth known as a bikini from her incredible body. I indulged in my earlier fantasy of plunging into her bikini bottoms and removing them along with her shorts. The couch wasn't a great place to make love to her and I effortlessly scooped her smaller body up to carry her into my bedroom where I put her down on the bed and looked at the naked offering.

An incredible body to be sure but her dark hair, sculpted cheekbones, and welcoming lips beckoned me. I couldn't wait to feel all of her beneath me. I remembered the feelings I had felt the first time I saw her in a bikini on the sands and just today, the urge to lay on top of her and grind my own body against hers were there once again. I gave into those urges.

Her hands were busy as well as she peeled my one piece suit from my eager body, rolling it down from my body like a fruit roll up, peeling it slowly and deliberately. We rolled and played on the bed as our fingers got busy touching, probing, caressing each other higher and higher. The wetness I had suspected was incredible; I could have drowned when my face finally came in contact between her legs. She wrapped those legs around my shoulders to keep me there and bring me closer. I couldn't have gotten any closer unless I was inside. I wanted to go inside and my fingers slid in easily with the incredible amount of wetness they encountered. I eagerly lapped and poked and teased. My fingers, my tongue, and my teeth were all busy playing with the flesh offered to me. Her cries of joy at my invasion of her body were just background music as I didn't stop. As I said before it had been a long time and I couldn't seem to slow down as I made her cum a multiple of times before she grabbed my hair to pull my head away from her over sensitized clit and crotch. Any thoughts that I wasn't 'into' women were silenced by what I had done to her, thoroughly and completely.

"Enough" she gasped as she held onto the mane of hair she had so admired for so long. She pulled me up and rolled with me to get me under her incredible and fit body.

She began by kissing almost every freckle she could find on my body. Being a red head and having freckles went hand in hand so it took a while. I lay back and enjoyed the sensation; I took it like a woman. My body was gushing and I eagerly anticipated everything she might do to it. The first touch of her hands on my crotch had me arching and begging for her attention. I was so aroused I was no longer thinking straight. As she pinched my nipple and her mouth came in contact with my clit I began to grind against her immediately, there was no finesse, no more love play. I needed release and I needed it NOW! That first orgasm wasn't pretty, it was messy, it was base and it was so very very necessary. It had been so long since I had full-service instead of self-service that my body seemed to have a mind of its own. I bucked and nearly threw her off of me. She held on for dear life as she felt the gushing of fluid from between my legs. Pulling back she was in time to see a fountain of ejaculation come from between my legs as I cried out in relief. The amount amazed and delighted her. Later I would have to put my cover blanket, sheets, and mattress pad all in the washer, definitely a wet spot of monstrous proportions. In the meantime, she ground her mouth against my agitated clit, plunged her fingers rapidly in and out, and I soon came again. It didn't seem to be enough though, I needed more.

I rose up and trapped her beneath me. She loved the sight of her red-headed 'Fergie' rising above her as I began to grind down on her agile mouth with it's wonderful little tongue doing deliciously naughty things between my legs. Careful not to hurt her, I helped her get comfortable as her hands rose to play with my breasts and I used the headboard for balance before riding her face to another soul fulfilling orgasm. I think she nearly drowned from the amount of cum my body produced.

Finally though I collapsed to the side of the bed and she crawled up my sweaty and heated body to lay with her head on my chest as my heart returned to normal. I held her in my arms as I contemplated what exactly this might mean for both of us. We had certainly taken a step in the 'right' direction.

Every time I see my girl in her bikini though, she has the same effect on me. I can't imagine that delicious body belonging to someone else. We ended up moving in together months later after my first lease ran out. We spent a lot of time taking off her bikini's since she is such an avid sun-worshipper and wears them almost constantly. It led to some very pleasant times and I know she felt just putting one on created a problem, I couldn't seem to leave her alone when I saw her in one, apparently when I started wearing them it was a problem too, in our household BIKINI'S ARE DANGEROUS.

~The End~ K'Anne ;-P

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fingers46fingers46almost 12 years ago
Super duper,had to read all 5 chapters before commenting,great stuff

Even better on the second reading,didnt comment on the first,my mistake,really good,very descriptive,well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
An avid fan posts for the first time

I absolutely love all of your work!! Your imagination, your creativity and ability to capture the emotions and physical sensations are just spot on. Please keep up the writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Mmmmmm, sexy

ms864ms864almost 13 years ago
Great Story

Another wonderful bikini story. I really enjoy your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

super story from a super writer, as usual loved it :)


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