Bikinis, Wives + Friends = Fun Ch. 07


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The porn company gave us a suite to use for the three and a half weeks we were going to be in Vegas and that included all meals paid for. So we didn't have to worry about anything but our slot machine money. At ten that night we made our way to the club after spending time in our suite relaxing. April and Amy were a bit nervous and Al and I spent a few hours giving them a massage after they soaked in the giant hot tub that was in our suite.

Everything was set up and ready to go. Besides some circus performers that did their act in the nude, and a comedian with raunchy jokes, the girls were the only show that night involving anything erotic. Their routine had been advertised all over town for a week so there was a full house. Interest was high and it was standing room only in the auditorium. One stage hand said there were fifteen hundred customers in attendance and they turned away a lot of people.

The comedian was winding down his show when the girls met us in the wings. They sure looked different. The club had hired a makeup person to do the stage makeup, which was a lot heavier and more defined than they usually wore.

The MC of the night got on stage and gave a five-minute lead in before he introduced the "Two Mask-Ateers. It was show time and the girls hit the stage. As their act started the audience was subdued and it took half a tune to get them enthused. The top of their covering bikini hit the floor as they undid each other's strings. That got some cheers and when the bottoms followed revealing the micro thong the girls definitely had the audience's attention and the noise level had picked up considerably.

They signalled us for the second hoop and we rolled it out to them. They looked absolutely fantastic doing their routine. The professional lights and the big, back-dropped stage made them look like goddesses.

The crowd really got into it and the noise level went through the roof. By the end of the act, the girls were standing at the front of the stage nude. Their legs were spread apart rotating those two hoops around their bodies, leaving nothing to the imagination. I was sure the roof was going to come down. At the end of the show the music kept playing and the girls danced off stage.

We could see this act had worn them out but the crowd kept up yelling and screaming wanting an encore.

The MC wanted to know if they would, and April told him to give them a few minutes to catch their breath. They did a two song encore with two hoops each completely in the nude except for their heels. That finished them they were just to worn out, even if the crowd wanted more. They could hardly stand at the end of it.

Al and I knew that April and Amy would be busy after the end of that show with the start of the filming of their porn movie. They never returned to Al and me, because the script called for them to meet the actors that were playing the part of their husbands so they were met by two porn stars as they came off stage. The script, (a rough thing that just told the actors what was expected of them) for the movie had them doing their routine and going off with their husbands and having sex with them. So off they went, with camera crews and whatever following.

When we had first arrived at the club we were shown around and had found out the club had a system where the audience used the clubs credit cards to swipe readers at every table and on posts that were strategically placed around the club. Every audience member had to purchase a card that would automatically take money from their own bank accounts. That money was for the performers tips. The total was automatically tallied on a machine in the office. The office kept fifteen percent and the rest was paid out in cash at the end of the night to the dancers.

Al and I went to the office and met the owner who was all smiles. He told us that he was happy with the girls act and that he almost made his money back off of his fifteen percent of the girl's tips alone. He wanted to know if we wanted the money in cash now or later. We decided to have the girls share wired to our banks back home so we wouldn't be tempted to gamble it away.

Al and I went to our suite to await the girls' return. They were probably in an identical suite enjoying their boy toys. We were surprised that as soon as we opened the door we were met by a gorgeous woman in a slinky outfit. She told us, "The film company didn't want you to feel left out tonight, so they sent me over to keep your bed warm."

We knew the girls wouldn't be back tonight so Al and I enjoyed her company a lot that night. She was a retired porn actress. She had just got a bit old hat for the business, after she had done twenty films. Everyone had seen what she had to offer, so her films didn't sell that well anymore. Al and I had no complaints at all about her work and by the time she left we both slept until our wives came in around noon.

April came into my room and just dropped her clothes and wrapped her arms around me and died. I never even got a hello out of her. April and Amy slept until ten that evening and when they woke they both ordered something to eat and told us what they did after they left us after the show.

Al and I heard how they were led to the suite they were using for filming. They were followed by an entourage of people and cameras recorded their every move. While filming, there were always at least ten to twelve other people in the rooms with them as they preformed in front of the cameras. There were three cameras for each of them to capture everything they did from every angle. April told me the two guys playing Al's and my parts indeed had fair sized packages under their pants and knew how to use them. When the actors ran out of energy they had cock doubles take over for a while.

Amy told us that all the porn actors were good looking and that was a bonus. The rest of the night was spent sitting around as they told us of their adventure. Amy said, "The biggest complaint I have is that I would be really getting into a good fucking, when the director would want a change, or someone's make up would get smudged and have to be fixed by a makeup artist, or any of a host of other interruptions."

April added, "The worst thing is we have to be silent, and make all these funny faces as two other girls make all the sound effects. It takes all the fun out of it."

Amy agreed with April and added, "Other than that we did enjoy ourselves, and we didn't have to fake any orgasms when we were asked to perform one. This is certainly an experience that's for sure."

Nothing was planned until Sunday when they were scheduled to dance again. Everyone who was involved with the planning of their itinerary figured they would need the rest so they could give a top performance. Sunday night's performance was a resounding success, and if anything was received even better than the Friday show was.

There were even a few celebrities that wanted to meet them after the show. April and Amy got some autographs and were overjoyed when a few stars asked them for theirs. Our wives were getting to be well known even if no one had ever seen their faces. We wore those masks all the time and they were adding to the mystique they projected.

Al and I got to watch Amy and April the rest of the week as the filming progressed. They had a blast doing the film. In April's words, "Who can believe they pay you to have so many orgasms in a day." It's wonderful having this much attention."

The lead up to Friday's show was hectic. What with the filming of the movie, and promotional stuff to advertise their show, and upcoming film, the girls seemed to be constantly on the go. By now those masks were well recognized and the only place we took them off was in our room at the hotel.

The third show on stage the girls did was a runaway hit. Since the first weeks shows had been such a smashing success, the word was out, and the demand for a seat at this week's performance was phenomenal. Everyone and their dog wanted a seat and on the black market prices soared to five grand a ticket.

The owner of the place gave Amy and April new outfits. Along with the shoes and thigh high stockings he supplied them with a shiny bikini and under that they wore some polished pasties and their thongs matched the colour of their pasties.

After the show they again met a bunch of celebrities and Wanna Bees, and after that hullabaloo they went off with their actors to do some more filming. When we met them again April told us that the film was just about finished and they only had to be available one more afternoon which was scheduled the day after their last show at the strip club.

All week we hadn't made out with our wives because they were just too sore and tired, but we spent a lot of time just laying in bed talking over what was happening. April told me she thought the excitement of being in Vegas was great but she was looking forward to getting home and relaxing after this.

The last show at the club was another resounding success, and while the girls met some of the more notable audience members Al and I checked in with the club owner. He gave us a paper that told us of the tip money that he had wired home for us. Our eyes bugged out as we saw the total, and when we looked over the receipts from some of those tips that the girls got I couldn't believe some guys had tipped more than I made in a week working at home.

When Amy and April joined us the owner of the club tried everything he could to get the girls to stay for more shows. You talk about a sweet talker. He offered them more money. He told them how big of stars they could be. He even took them aside and told them that their husbands were holding them back and he could open doors for them for anything they wanted. He tried everything for a half hour and was promising them everything short of the moon if they would stay. In the end they both politely told him no but let him know that if they ever reconsidered they would call him.

April and Amy finished their last photo shoot and we went back to the hotel for a last night there. The next afternoon we snuck out of that hotel and went down to another hotel on the strip to spend our last four days in Vegas there. It was nice to be rid of those masks but we kept them as a remembrance of our time here. The four of us spent that time resting and enjoying the sights of Vegas. We even hit the slots where we lost about five hundred each. When we boarded the plane to head home we all knew this was the last time we would ever come to Vegas.

When we got home we had three days to rest and get ready before getting back to the old grind. Joe, Ray, Pete and Sam joined us in Al and Amy's home. They wanted to hear all about our adventures in Vegas. Amy and April informed them of their activities and at the end of their story also told them that they were happy to be home. There were just too many lights and distractions in Vegas for their liking.

We all went back to our jobs and felt at home. Gone were the hassles of rushing here or there that had taken over our lives in Vegas. At home we could do our routine and be ourselves. That routine included our monthly sessions with Amy and April enjoying the regular group of us six guys.

That porn movie hit the shops and sold well. There was even some buzz that it would take some awards at the ceremonies they had for the industry. Who knew that the porn industry had their own Oscar type awards.

Because that film did so well the company even made three more, by using all the extra film they had shot and splicing it together. By the time all the residuals got to our bank, April paid off all our bills and we found we had plenty extra to fix up our acreage and add on to the house. We didn't even have to do the work, because we paid contactors to do it for us.

So for the next year things went along at a slower pace and we enjoyed our lives. Our orgy/gangbang group still met once a month but the threesomes and swapping slowed down dramatically. Things sort of wound down when Pete found a girl he was interested in. She didn't want anything to do with our wild parties and he soon parted from our group. Sam just disappeared one day and we never heard or saw him again.

Joe and Ray then got involved in some Ski Doo racing business in the winter and in the summer they raced motorbikes and drifted away so that just left Al, Amy, April and I. We decided that the four of us were enough for us now and spent another year enjoying each other every chance we could.

Amy soon got a big promotion at work, and the offer was too good to pass up so she took it and the only down side of that was that Al and Amy had to move back east. It was sad seeing them go but April and I took it in stride especially when April told me that now that we had that wildness out of our systems that maybe it was time to start a family. I took a whole millisecond to think about that big step, and I agreed with her. It's now five years after our group broke up and April has given me three wonderful kids to enjoy. She blessed me with a set of twins, (boy and girl), and another little boy.

For your information.

We still see Al and Amy once a year when they travel to see us or we go to their place to visit for a couple of weeks for holidays. We still do our swapping with them and spend days at a time in bed trying to catch up on the year that we have been apart. The girls still like to be stuffed with two cocks but we found that left one of the girls just watching. We solved that by getting a double-headed dildo so the girls could fuck each other with it and we guys could do them from behind in their tight asses as we stacked up the bodies.

There is lots of time spent reminiscing looking at all those old pictures that were taken back then, and Al and I even add a few more to our collections every year. The kids stay with their grandparents during that time and are spoiled rotten. Oh yeah Al and Amy have a daughter and son now too. All the kids are getting to the inquisitive stage of life and have wondered about the masks in those frames that we have in our bedrooms. They are told those masks were a reminder of an especially great time we had one Halloween, and NO, they will not be told the truth.

Amy and Al do a lot of communicating by e-mail with us, and Amy still thanks April for getting her out of her prim and proper shell. She also tells us what she wants to do to our bodies when we get together the next time. By the time we do get together we are always looking forward to the experience.

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mysensualsecretsmysensualsecretsabout 1 year ago

Great series. What a life! Super horny.

WoodencavWoodencavalmost 2 years ago

Great storey, well written. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

col_lovercol_loverover 7 years ago
Fantastic Series

Right up until they became prostitutes. Down hill from their.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Just too old = senile

Did the guys ever get to fuck new women besides the other guys wife? No? Just WACCs then.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

the whole series was hot hot hot.

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