Billion Dollar Slaves 01 Ch. 08-09

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Rick takes over his wife's company.
3.2k words

Part 6 of the 29 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 11/28/2007
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Work, work, work

Donna awoke early and slipped into the bathroom where she indulged in a long hot shower. Toweling off she looked over her body in the full-length mirror for the first time since the surgery six weeks ago. Her new waistline gave her an hourglass figure, long waist and made her tits really stand out. As if, she thought 40 d cup tits didn't stand out enough, especially with the heavy stirrup shape rings outlining her areolas.

Donna slipped through the master bedroom and quietly downstairs to the kitchen. She started coffee and began rummaging through the fridge for breakfast. She tossed potato tots into the oven and started the bacon. She was humming a little tune to herself. When she realized it, she stopped, and then laughed at herself. She was happy she realized, for the first time since Daddy had got her pregnant, she was actually happy.

She turned around to get the English muffins and saw Rick standing in the doorway watching her. She sank gracefully down into the submissive position.

Rick's smile widened, 'Get back to cooking before something burns." He was about to reach to help her up when she slid to her knees and smoothly lifted herself to her feet. She quickly made him a cup of coffee and bowed as she presented it to him, arms out, head down.

He received the cup of coffee, touching her head to release her. Rick watched her as she started cooking again. She was almost dancing as she moved around the room. "You're really looking good."

Donna stopped. "I feel good, I'm happy. I like being a slave." As soon as she heard herself say it she realized it was true, she liked her life for the first time in years.

Rick was pleased with the situation; he had a budding sadistic partner and a painslut slave. "After breakfast I have some business to attend to. Why don't you ladies go shopping for some new clothes, something sexy for both of you. You might want to get something dressy also."

Lisa appeared at the doorway of the kitchen, she slid down to a submissive position. Rick motioned her up and gestured at the table, "Come here, sit, and lets have a nice breakfast all three of us."

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master. Good morning, Master" She slid over to her Mother and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Morning Mother." She sat at the table for the first time since Rick had made them slaves. Normally they ate kneeling beside Rick. "How about a cup of coffee for me, Mom?"

Donna looked back at her daughter, "Get it yourself. I'm not YOUR slave!" Both Rick and Lisa cracked up at her comment. Rick nodded his permission to Lisa and she went to get the coffee. On her way back to the table she swatted her mothers butt as she passed. Donna yelped and swung at Lisa who laughingly ducked without spilling a drop.

Later in his office Rick called his accountant," Jack, What's the good news? "

You had them pegged, Rick. I e-mailed you the evidence. We never would have found it if you hadn't had those back doors into the computer system."

Gotcha, Rick thought. "Thanks Jack, send me the bill for your time and just keep auditing the records."

"You got it buddy."

Rick called his office assistant and had her set up meetings for that afternoon. He heard the girls leave and triggered their collars for a short burst just as a reminder. He heard the squeals and laughed.

At two that afternoon his assistant Shirley showed Charlie Taggert, the head of purchasing into his office.

"Charlie good to see you, sit down. I wanted to go over some things with you regarding your cousin, Miss Courly and the theft of so much money that the police and the I.R.S. are gonna have a ball." Rick watched Charlie's face go gray and sweat break out.

Charlie began to sputter and Rick tossed several pages of evidence in his lap. "Now Charlie it's all there in black and white, your cooked books, the real figures and your signature. Plus I have security camera footage showing you and Miss Courly changing the books, falsifying documents, and your bank accounts, oh my, Charlie, between what you make and what you stole and what you reported to the I.R.S. your looking at federal charges after the local law puts you away for a long time.

'Rick, err, ah, Mr. Tyler Please can't we work something out? I can repay everything. I." Rick interrupted him. "Charlie, tell you what here is your one chance. You go back to your office, you write down a full confession, naming names, amounts, dates everything and you talk to nobody. I want that on my desk by 5 pm, then we'll talk."

Yes, sir, Thank you, sir. By 5 pm, yes sir. " Charlie almost fell over himself on the way out.

Rick sat looking at the closed door and laughed. Charlie was worth millions to the company. In the last year alone he had saved the company a fortune by buying a huge surplus of data chips before the country that they were made in underwent a revolution and the price of chips soared. His thefts were petty by comparison.

Charlie was also a genus at hiding his thefts, everything he had stolen and sold on the black market, he had covered as insured loss or damage. He had cost the company nothing. Insurance or tax write-offs had paid for everything.

Of course, Rick wouldn't mention that to Charlie, especially as now he owned the man.

The next three meetings, he fired the executives that had tried to rip him off. He did recover most of the money they stole, blackmailing them into signing over their stocks and pension plans and in two cases got personnel checks to cover for a lot of the stolen funds.

His five pm meeting with Charlie went as he had expected. Charlie now worked for a lot less salary, a smaller pension and less perks. He partially paid back the stolen funds and would be reporting to Rick on anything he might uncover during work.

Charlie left and Rick used the intercom to talk to his assistant," Shirley, send Miss Courly in and then you can go home. I'm sorry to have kept you so late. Have a nice weekend."

Miss Courly was 34, she had worked for the company for five years as a secretary, before being promoted to executive assistant to the office executives five years ago. Rick had found her file in the old mans secret room and some interesting footage. This wasn't the first scam she had done and the old man had caught and punished her.

Her newest scams had started after Donna took over. With no one keeping her under control she had seduced Charlie and three other execs, got them involved in the various scams. If left unchecked they would have looted the company pension fund and had the company broke in less than two years, while getting rich themselves.

Rick was looking forward to turning this bitch into a company asset, or at least the company toy.

Shirley knocked on his door, before she opened it and ushered in the lovely Miss Courly. Rick was seated behind his desk; he rose slightly waving the woman to a seat in front of the desk. Shirley closed the door as she left and Rick watched as she gathered her things and left via his camera and a monitor set into the desk.

Miss Courly sat with her legs discretely crossed, waiting patiently for Rick to start the meeting. Rick waited making small talk as he watched the building empty of personnel. Once the security guard had locked the front door, he decided to begin.

"Thanks for staying. I wanted to go over a few changes in your position that are taking place.'

"Certainly, Mr. Tyler. I don't mind staying late."

"So I have noticed." Rick began. "You spend quite a lot of time here after hours. You are really dedicated."

"I try to do the best job I can, sir."

"Your dedication and attention to detail will serve you well in your new position as a sex toy in the women's state prison."

She was startled out of her chair. "Sit down!" Rick commanded loudly. She sank back in her chair. "You have been a bad girl. Seducing executives, falsifying documents, stealing from the pension fund and what you did to poor Charlie, tsk, tsk." He wagged his finger at her.

She protested that she had never; Rick triggered the monitor on the wall of his office. The scene of Miss Courly naked and being fucked by one of the three fired managers on the boardroom table was loud and sweaty. He switched channels and showed her in an office sucking another manager's cock and calling him Daddy. Another switch showed the warehouse and Charlie down between her legs licking her pussy.

He tossed the evidence at her edge of the desk, "I also have signed confessions of all four men. You are going to jail for a long time. No more fancy condo, or designer clothes. I'm afraid you won't look quite so good in orange." He paused and relaxed back in his chair.

She sat motionless for almost five minutes; Rick sat and watched her work through her options. "You want something or the police would already be here." She noted. "Sex?"

"Sex I can get anywhere, besides I'm married."

She nodded. "Then I have some other use?

Rick laughed, "You are a very talented young lady, you, have a multitude of uses. The question is, are you ready to submit to my use of them?"

She sat and thought. "What are my options?

Rick sat forward. "Sign a full confession, sign over what funds you have stolen, then I own you for the next seven years until the statute of limitations runs out. You do what I tell you, when I tell you and with who ever I tell you. You are signing away your freedom to me. You will become my full and consenting slave. Your other choice is to go to prison, have all your assets seized to pay your depts. And if your lucky get out in time to collect social security."

He pushed a set of blank papers across the desk and a pen before sitting back and watching her. She sat for just a moment before picking up the pen. Rick stopped her with a wave of his finger. "Strip first, slaves should be nude."

She set the pen on the desk, reached back and unzipped her dress. Gotcha. Rick leaned back to enjoy the show.


The Executive Slut

A little after eight that night, Rick sent Lisa upstairs to put on her Mistress outfit, he took Donna out to the dungeon, stripped her naked and put her up on the cross. He put a ball gag in her mouth and a blindfold over her eyes. He spent the next few minutes lubing a dildo and setting it up on a piston machine which he adjusted until the dildo would go deep in Donna's pussy and then pull back until just the head remained inside. Once he was satisfied that it was adjusted correctly he switched it on and returned to the house.

Precisely at nine the front gate buzzer went off, He triggered the gate and sat back to wait. Lisa was sitting near the door, going over her instructions in her head. When the doorbell rang she checked her mask and hood one last time before opening the door. The woman standing there seemed shaken at Lisa's appearance; the black skintight leather covered her from head to toe.

Lisa waved the woman in closing the door behind her. "Stop." she commanded. She placed her own recently removed collar around the woman's neck and locked it in place. "A gift from your Master!' The woman tried to remove the necklace and realized it was on until Rick removed it.

"Where's Mr. Tyler?'

"Miss Courly, you were not given permission to speak." Lisa triggered the remote, the woman screamed and dropped to the floor trying to remove the necklace. After a few seconds she quit trying and curled up in a ball screaming. Lisa backed off the remote.

"Lets try this again shall we? On your feet," Slowly the woman rose. "Now strip."

She opened her mouth to protest and Lisa raised the remote. The woman began to quickly unbutton her blouse. A few seconds later, Lisa cuffed and gagged the naked woman and led her to her Master.

" Ahh, The Executive Slut. Mistress Lisa escort her to the play room." Rick ordered.

"Certainly, My Lord." Lisa replied, " Come with me, slut." Lisa took the woman by her short hair and escorted her out to the dungeon. As Lisa opened the door and she could see the whole dungeon and Donna tied to the cross, Miss Courly tried to break away from Lisa. Rick following behind shoved the woman, who fell into the room. Unable to break her fall with her hands cuffed behind her, she landed heavily and knocked the wind out of herself.

Rick took advantage of brief period of helplessness to relock the cuffs in front of the woman and clip the cuffs to a cable hanging from the ceiling. Lisa had at the same time attached the woman's ankles to a cuff n spreader bar. Rick pulled the woman's head up staring into her fear widened eyes. "You belong to me, bad girl. Now your going to be punished for what you have done. You have no choice. You have no hope of reprieve. You were mine from the moment you signed that confession." He nodded at Lisa and she pulled the lever on the winch. The chain slowly retracted back up into the ceiling, lifting the helpless body of the woman off the floor.

The woman was suspended by her cuffed wrists and dangled with her legs held spread by the bar attached to her ankles. Rick walked around her exploring her body with his fingers. He lifted her breasts, pulled her nipples and twisted, trailed his fingers down her belly and into her virgina. He pinched her inner thighs and calves. He examined her feet and her ass, probing her asshole with his middle finger. He ran his fingers up her spine and squeezed her neck. He pulled her head back by her hair and licked her face slowly.

Then he released her and walked to a throne like chair, where he sat observing the woman's discomfort. Once more he nodded and Lisa walked to the wall of toys and removed a light suede flogger. She walked behind the woman and began the figure eight movement Rick had taught her. She moved the spinning flogger closer ever closer to the woman's back and as she made contact began flogging her skin from neck to ankles. The light flogger wasn't made to hurt just sting and redden the skin, it also began the process of making the woman's body produce endorphins, the natural morphine the body produces in response to pain.

She continued flogging, moving around the suspended body, flogging her tits and belly and pussy and legs. She continued moving around to her back and ass and thighs. After fifteen minutes she walked away from the reddened body and back to the wall of toys. She rehung the flogger and chose a medium leather flogger. This one would hurt and sting and leave bruises and minor breaks in the skin.

She returned to her victim and began the figure eight again, this time starting at her breasts. The slap of the leather across the sensitive nipples got the woman kicking and screaming behind her ball gag. Lisa moved slowly down the woman's front, hitting her belly and upper thighs, slapping across her pussy and down her legs. She moved around the body carefully hitting every inch of exposed skin.

Once she had returned to face her victim, she swung the flogger in a big circle and slapped it up between her legs, letting the tips slam into her exposed pussy .The woman screamed and twisted her body almost horizontal. Lisa hit her pussy several more times; she hung swaying as Lisa returned the flogger to the wall.

Rick left the throne where he had been watching the Miss Cristy Courly's flogging with rapt attention. The surprise as Lisa began, the pain as Lisa changed floggers and the utter helplessness and agony as the flogger beat her tender pussy lips black n blue.

Lisa strode over and sat regally on the throne watching as Rick chose the heavy flogger. The straps of the flogger were one inch wide and a quarter of an inch thick. This flogger bruised when it hit with a heavy thud.

Rick went behind the suspended slave and took two chains from rings on the floor locking them onto the spreader bar. He motioned Lisa to raise the woman up further. The locking chains stretched tight and the woman's body began to stretch as if she was on a rack. Rick motioned again and Lisa stopped the winch, the woman was stretched to the limit of her muscles.

Rick picked up the flogger and whipped it around his head slamming it into the exposed buttocks; even through the gag her scream was loud. Her ass cheeks almost instantly went deep red and were darkening even as Rick slammed the flogger into her ass again. Rick knew he was tearing the tightly stretched muscles of the woman but wanted her to feel this session a long time.

He flogged her upper back twice, the moved to her front and worked over her breasts, He hit them stroke after stroke, the meat turning dark as they bruised. His final stroke was the same as Lisa right between the spread legs.

He motioned to Lisa to lower the unconscious woman; leaving her lay on the floor he walked over and added more lube to Donna's dildo. Donna had cum several times from all the attention her pussy was getting. Rick took a tens unit and hooked to her rings. It began to shock Donna's tits in a random fashion varying both duration and intensity.

Lisa as intrigued at how Rick had laced open her mother's pussy lips through the eyelets he had installed. It was wild how exposed her clit was. Lisa reached down and spun the spur resting on her mom's clit. Donna arched her body and came again.

The executive slut groaned. Rick and Lisa went over to her and uncuffed her, Rick even removed her gag. He began slapping her face. Once she seemed to focus he instructed her to return the next Friday nite at 7 pm sharp. He had Lisa escort her back to her car.

"My clothes?" the tearful woman asked.

Lisa slapped her tits. "That's Mistress to you slut."

The woman shivered in the autumn air, "May I have my cloths Mistress?"

"You may," the woman looked up, "when you return next week."

The woman nodded and fell into her car. She drove off slowly and unsteady.

Lisa returned to the dungeon where Rick had released Donna and wrapped her in a blanket, as Lisa walked in he was feeding her some water. "Let's put her to bed and call it a night."

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Marquis007Marquis007over 12 years ago

Hope to get some nice fisting action soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
keep at it...

dude, keep writing and we'll keep reading.. awesome stuff thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

You are a "sick" dude, but I can't stop reading them. Please keep them coming

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Excellent series I hope ther will be many more

many thanks fot your work

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Spot on,gave my slave immense pleasure as we tried some of ur stories

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