Birth Day Club


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She didn't answer...she also didn't look me in the eye. She stood in the foyer looking at the floor. "Are you okay?" I asked.

Amy managed a weak smile before she walked over to where I was sitting and straddled me on the chair; she sucked my tongue into her mouth. She had no lipstick on and her mascara had run. I could feel her shaking through her jacket. Her breath smelled of alcohol and her clothes reeked of cigarette smoke. "I'm going to fuck you until you can't see straight." She announced. I wondered if it would be our last.

My wife, who is normally very shy, didn't even pause to close the living room curtains before she started to tease me by slowly unbuttoning my shirt. I lifted her up, stood her in front of me and said, "Ladies first," as I pulled her jacket off and threw it on the floor.

I was stunned by how sheer her silk blouse was...every freckle on her chest was visible. The tiny lace bra lifted her breasts up and put her bright red nipples on display. I traced my fingers over her breasts, my nails leaving soft pink stripes on her flawless skin.

I turned her so she was facing the picture window. Anyone walking by would get quite a show while I examined her neck and back for anything unusual.

I reached around and cupped her magnificent breasts with both hands. Amy began to moan for me to go faster as I kneaded her rock hard nipples. I wasn't very gentle and the harder I pulled on her nipples the more Amy ground her ass into my erection.

I whispered into her ear, "We've got all night," before I unzipped her skirt; it fell down around her ankles. Amy had on a garter belt and thong that matched the bra. "Don't take anything off until I say you can. That goes for the shoes too." I ordered as I resumed pulling on her fiery red nipples. She pleaded with me to stop teasing and fuck her.

Even after two decades I love watching my wife strip but I had an ulterior motive for undressing her. I ran my hands down her tight body until they reached her lace panties. I hooked my index fingers in the elastic and slid them off her legs. I carefully examined them; they were soaked but there were no pecker tracks in the gusset. I held them to my nose and inhaled. All I could smell was the erotic musk of my wife's cunt. Satisfied I would not be tasting another man's cum, I knelt before her and began to lick her pussy. Amy was so turned on that she came in less than a minute. I took her blouse off before I laid her on the carpet. Then I dropped my pants and slammed my cock into her fiery hot hole. I didn't last much longer than she did.

Amy asked me to hold her so I wrapped my arms around her, playing with her hot ass as my cock got hard again, courtesy of the Viagra pill I borrowed from a friend. I slid my cock in and began to enjoy sloppy seconds for the first time in many years. While I pumped with my cock I began to pump her for information. Amy looked puzzled as this wasn't exactly our usual conversation during sex.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"No! No! Why would you say something crazy like that? What are you talking about?" she rambled on.

"You must think I'm pretty fucking stupid if you expect me to believe you dressed like this to go to dinner with a bunch of middle aged women."


"No! No, you've got it all wrong." Amy was breathing hard as she answered. "Like I told you, we went to the place Debbie found, Ricks something. I told you about it. We all agreed to dress up because they have live music on the first Friday of each month. Remember, I told you about it."

I pulled my cock out then thrust it in hard. "What I remember is you told me Birth Day Club was for woman only. Husbands and boyfriends were not welcome. So I said, 'Ricks sounds like fun. We should go there next month, just you and me.'"

"Oh, yeah," was her soft reply.

"Do they have dancing?" I slammed my cock into her again.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"I guess you forgot to mention that."

Amy did not look comfortable, from my questions, not my cock.

"Did anyone dance?" I pulled my cock out while I waited for her answer.

"There were a few people dancing."

I pushed my cock back in and resumed my rhythm. "You know what I mean. Did anyone from the Birth Day Club dance?"

A long pause. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Did you dance?" I timed my thrusts to my questions.

"We really weren't there that long" she was talking so fast I could barely understand her. "I told you the police shut the place down and made everyone leave. We barely finished eating so we weren't really there that long.

I stopped with my cock barely touching her pussy lips. "Answer the question. Who did you dance with?"

After a very long pause she said, "There was a guy who wouldn't leave us alone unless one of us danced with him."

"This is your last chance. Answer the question." I demanded.

Amy got a queer look on her face...her eyes got big and her lip began to quiver. I didn't say a word. I just stared at her. Finally she blinked. "I guess I did... His name is Dick...I danced with him to get him to leave us alone." I pushed my cock back in.

"And what else aren't you telling me." I again pulled my cock almost all the way out without saying another word

Amy looked like she wanted to run and hide but I was on top of her and I had no intention of letting her go until I wanted her to.

"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done it." Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Done what?" I asked as I fucked her again.

Amy began to sob..."I'm sorry...I'm sorry."

"If all you did was dance with another man what are sorry for? Now tell the truth. What else did you do?"

Amy was crying so hard she couldn't choke out a response.

"Okay bar bait, let's start at the beginning. How did you earn that nickname?" I pulled my cock out of her and stood up.

Amy lost it when I called her on her nickname. She began wailing, "I can't believe this is happening to me! I swear it's all a misunderstanding...don't believe what they said...I didn't know he was a drug was just innocent dancing...I mean he kissed me but we didn't do anything else...I love you...You're the only man that I love..." The words blurred together.

"You said he kissed you. Did you kiss him back?"

Her voice was so soft I could barely hear it, "Yes."

"Then you broke our marriage vows. Twenty one years down the drain."

"Honest...that's all we ever did." Amy got on her knees and wrapped her arms around my waist. My erect cock was right in her face.

I looked down at her. "Liar! What about him feeling you up in the parking lot? Did he get his fingers in your cunt?" My wife hated when I used that word. "And I don't even want to guess what you did with him tonight before the police dragged him away. You're pretty damn lucky you didn't get arrested too."

Amy responded with a torrent of tears.

I picked up her sheer blouse and held it up. "I can't begin to tell you how many times I asked you to dress like this for me and you always said only whores wear things like this. So I guess that makes you a whore. Well whore, what do you have to say for yourself?"

Amy looked terrified. "I admit I dressed like this because I was going to have an affair tonight...but honest to God I didn't."

"So you wouldn't wear this for the man you claim to love but you would for a drug dealer. We're finished. This is going to kill your mother."

"Oh God! She shrieked. "This is the worst night of my life!"

Then it got worst. I got up, picked her purse off the floor, and dumped its contents in front of her. The bright red box of rubbers exposed her lies. Amy turned white as a sheet and became hysterical.

I pointed to the box of condoms. "Explain this." I demanded.

"Look. It's never been opened."

"That just proves you were stupid enough to fuck that drug dealing bastard bare back."

"I swear...honest. I never fucked him. I never had sex with anyone but you. Never in my whole life."

"Then why do you have a box of condoms in your purse?"

Amy stammered...iiiitttt...iiitttt...

"Stop your lying. The only reason you would have condoms is to commit adultery."

She curled up on the floor in a fetal position and started to hyperventilate. The hardest thing I ever did in my life was to not wrap my arms around her. I had tears in my eyes as I sat naked on our sofa with my face buried in my hands. It took almost five minutes before she was able to talk.

"I can't expect you to believe me but I never fucked him...or anyone but you. Ever. And I thank God for keeping me from going through with it."

She crawled over and sat next to me. The unopened box sat on the coffee table.

"Before I throw you out I have only one question. Why did you cheat on us?"

Amy looked broken, almost deathlike. Her voice quivered as she spoke between deep breaths. "It's all so stupid now. I love you...I love our life...I love our family. It just seemed so...I guess it felt exciting to have a younger man wanting me. I...I never meant to hurt anyone, least of all you. You are the perfect husband...the perfect lover. I would rather be dead than have hurt you like I just did."

"I'm so ashamed of myself... I'm too embarrassed to look at you...I listened to those jealous bitches and destroyed our marriage. But I swear on all that is holy that you are the only lover I have ever had...and I ruined that. I...I...I...I look at you I see the hurt I caused and I... I know what I am; I know what I did.

I know I don't deserve a second chance, but if you could somehow find it in your heart, not to forgive me but just to keep the door open a crack. Give me the chance to prove I am worthy of being your wife. I'm throwing myself at your mercy."

I pushed the box of condoms in front of her. "Open it." She didn't move.

I repeated, "You have ten seconds to open the damn box," or I will throw you out on the street.

Amy's eyes welled up with tears when she saw the photographs inside.

"You knew," she began to hyperventilate as she stared at a photographic history of our life together.

"And you were willing to throw it all away. Twenty-one years of marriage...everything we went through..."

Behind the last picture was an orange Get out of Jail Free card from our Monopoly game. Amy stopped sobbing for a moment. Her expression changed to one of puzzlement. She turned it over. Written across it was I still love you.

"I would us that card if I were you." I said.

"Oh my god!" Amy screamed as she threw her arms around me. "I swear on my life I will never, never put myself in a situation like that ever again. I will make it up to you. I may be stupid but I have learned my lesson. You are the most incredible man ever. And I will never let you forget it."

We slept arm-in-arm that night. The next morning I was a little disappointed that she wasn't in bed until smelled bacon cooking. I threw on my robe and went downstairs. Amy was standing in front of the stove wearing only her high heels, garter belt, and stockings. "Last night you told me not to take anything off until I said I could. You said that meant the shoes too." My tongue claimed Amy's mouth.

"John, last night I almost made the biggest mistake of my life. I feel like I've been given the greatest second chance ever. I love you and will never again let you down."

Amy poured me a cup of coffee as I opened the newspaper. The front page story told of a big drug bust at Rick's Hi-way Lounge. Police received an anonymous call reporting someone selling roofies out of the men's room at Rick's Hi-way Lounge.

But this was not your run of the mill drug bust. It seems someone got revenge on the alleged dealer for selling date rape drugs. Police found him unconscious, his pants pockets packed with drugs. They believe at least two men were waiting for him in the men's room where they dropped him with a stun gun. They took turns playing piñata with his face and testicles. When both were beaten to a bloody pulp they dragged him into the handicapped stall, cut his silk shirt off, and duct taping him to the toilet. Using a permanent magic marker they printed, "I AM A DRUG DEALER. I SELL DATE RAPE DRUGS. I TRIED TO RAPE A WOMAN TONIGHT on his cleanly shaven chest." The coup de gra was they took pictures of him with his cell phone and sending them to every contact he had.

They also found four stolen handguns in his car along with a variety of other drugs. The States Attorney said he was going away for a long time.


I never did hear from the police but it is always better to be prepared for the worse case scenario.

The Birth Day Club dissolved. Amy no longer associates with those troublemakers. We do get together once a month with Jeannie, Becky, Ann Marie and their husbands.

When Dick came out of his coma a week later he couldn't remember anything. Even after surgery he doesn't look too pretty any more. He was indicted for felony possession of a controlled substance and sentenced to fifteen years in the state penitentiary. He'll be peeing in a bag for the rest of his life and the only erections he'll be having is when his cell mates rape him...and for two cartons of cigarettes a month my old friend was able to guarantee his ass would be very popular in the showers.

Oh, and Pastor Roberts really done good, with that forsaking all others vow. On January 31st we will be celebrating twenty-five years of wedded bliss.

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pummel187pummel1874 months ago

👉jopstorm1945👈 because he was trying to impress upon her his love and attraction he has towards her. Now the wife was playing with fire when she was out with her girlfriends, I as a man wouldn't have a problem with that, every woman likes to think that she's still "GOT IT" especially when they hit the 43 year old mark.

I can fully understand that, BUT when she went by herself, that my friend is NOT 🚫 alright (big time not alright). He was hoping she would come to her senses and realize that while yes she did enjoy the time out with her friends she was indeed a very happily married woman with her true love right beside her and there is absolutely NO REASON AT ALL for her to go and meet another man at a bar 🍺😥

I could be wrong, I've been wrong twice before.

pummel187pummel1874 months ago

Okay the husband is a classless man. YOU NEVER play games with your best friend, lover and your partner in life during SEX!!!!😔. Physical intimacy is very very special and should be treated with love and respect like you should for each other.

Think I don't know what I'm talking about? This act will forever stay with her until she passes away (it will not be a fond memory, no she will look on it as not one of her husband's finer moments), believe me, so guys and gals don't play games during intimacy, EVER 🥹

jopstorm1945jopstorm19458 months ago

Why did he not tell her not to go out that night when he knew no one from the BDClub would be there?


effigyw333effigyw33312 months ago


SarahwithloveSarahwithloveabout 1 year ago a big boy and post your home address here please. C'mon, don't be a pussy. I have something nice for you.

81 Red and White

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