Birthday at the Hotel Bar


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With the last immediate decision made, I stood and reached my hand to help her up. "So, Miss Higgins, you haven't seen my bedroom yet. Shall we?"

"Why, Mr. Baxter, don't you mean OUR bedroom?"

"It's not yours until you've fucked me in it, Miss Higgins."

She bolted for the stairs.

When I caught up with her, she was standing frozen at the foot of the bed, with her arms wrapped around her middle, her eyes moving over a dozen or so pictures that were on the walls over and to the side of my bed, that were my favorite pictures of Sheila. When I reached her side, I saw a tear running down her cheek. "Casey, honey, what's wrong?"

She turned to face me. "Sam, are you sure about this? I didn't answer you downstairs because your girls were there, but I love you too. But you've practically got a shrine to your wife set up here. It might even be a little creepy for me to try and make love in front of that. All of her eyes looking at me. Are you really, truly over her death?"

I wiped that tear away and hugged her tight, and softly said, "If someone had asked me that question before I met you, the answer would probably have been no. But now I know it's not a question of being over her, as much as being ready to build new memories with someone else. With you, I hope. Look, I'm always going to cherish the 25 years I got to have with Sheila, even the last one where she was sick. And I won't apologize for keeping pictures of her in my home to keep those memories fresh. When I moved in here, I wanted pictures of her closest to where I slept, so hers would still be the first face I saw each day. I don't need that as much now, but I just haven't changed things. So, if moving some of the pictures around the house so this room is less focussed on Sheila would make you more comfortable being here, why don't you call Pam and Wendy and tackle that this week? You're gonna need their help dealing with some of Sheila's clothes that are still in the closets, anyway, that I thought the girls might use as vintage. I'll call them tomorrow and let them know you're here and not back in Baltimore with me.

She answered, "I'd like that. It'll give me a chance to get to know them better, talking about their own memories of growing up with you and their mom, as we go through all the pictures. I might even get a few of me printed and framed, to hang in here, too."

I kissed her and whispered, "Now, don't tell the girls this, but it was always one of Sheila's fantasies to watch me make love to another woman. It never happened in real life, but just imagining it would turn her on. She'd describe what I was doing to the other girl, and then I'd do that to her. Made for some of our best lovemaking."

"Oooh, that's hot," she said.

"So, if you ever think you're feeling her eyes on you from these pictures, just imagine her naked, three fingers up her twat and pinching one her nipples while directing us to fuck harder."

"Oh, you have such a dirty mind, Mr. Baxter."

"And you love it. Ready to fuck, Miss Higgins?"

"I don't know how you stayed celibate for five years, but I'm so glad to help you get caught up!" She pushed me back to sit on the foot of the bed, and started opening my belt. "Actually, I think I'd rather finish the 69 that we interrupted on your birthday. I just realized I never got to taste your cum, when you fell asleep, I needed to hustle out of there, not that it helped. Then we've got to get some sleep so you can make it to the airport. Okay with you?"

"Perfect, my dear."

Once again, clothes flew all around the room. We settled Into the same position, already more turned on than we'd been on Tuesday, all of our first-time-together nerves gone. I'd added two fingers to Casey's vagina, stroking her g-spot while my tongue attacked her clit, bringing her to a series of orgasms, when she pulled off of my dick and moaned, in jest, "Sheila's cumming, Sam, she's cumming hard!" and swallowed my dick again, taking me deep into her throat, something Sheila had never managed.

A mental image of Sheila watching us flooded my mind, and I heard Sheila moan, "Cum for me, cum for her, cum baby, cum." I exploded like a rocket, shooting stream after stream of my jizz down Casey's throat and into her mouth, as the image of Sheila faded. Casey swallowed it all, then turned around to lay beside me. I kissed her, tasting a little of my sperm on her lips, while she tasted herself on mine.

"You've got a dirty mind of your own, Casey."

"Oh, I'm just getting started, Sam. We're gonna get so hot! If this is just our second time together, and we're this blissed, can you just imagine where we go from here?"

We slept, then Casey made me breakfast while I showered, and I headed to the airport by taxi, leaving my car for Casey to use. I had her keys to her car and apartment, and would get her to sign little contracts so my expense account could pay her for my use of them, since I wouldn't need to rent a car or get a hotel.

The week of work was routine, although a series of steamy texts and a long phone sex session on Tuesday kept me energized. Thursday, again, I got to come home to my new sweetheart. I walked into my condo, and immediately noticed that all kinds of pictures had been moved around. The transformation was incredible, as my arrangements were pretty pedestrian by comparison. A woman's touch was always absent from the condo, and now three had free reign to redecorate. A new, large five opening frame dominated the main wall, with me in the center, and Sheila, Casey, Wendy and Pam arranged around me. None were given primacy, and the result was amazing. I knew it as a sign that my daughters already respected Casey a lot.

"Well, hello Mr. Baxter," I heard from the top of the stairs. I looked up, and Casey was a vision in green, in a filmy negligee that enhanced her charms, far more than it covered them. "See something you like?"

"I see something I love, and the negligee is nice, too." I climbed the stairs to her, leaned my face up to accept a kiss from her, then slapped her on the butt when she turned around.

She squealed, then wiggled her butt at me, as she preceded me into the bedroom. The transformation here was even more beautiful. The selection of pictures here was more balanced than before, far more pictures with Pam and Wendy as kids in them, particularly together with Sheila and me. The feeling of this being a shrine to Sheila was gone, yet she was still present and the room instead captured my family's history. A second nightstand had been added to the room for Casey to use, and two recent pictures of her and I sat on hers, while my wedding picture to Sheila and photos of my daughters' college graduations sat on mine. The wall over the headboard now had a couple of framed posters, one of the San Diego skyline, the other of Baltimore's.

I laughed, and said, "What a great idea! Now two whole cities get to watch us fuck!"

She gasped, then said, "Oh, you and your dirty mind!"

"You know you love it!"

"I do, and all the rest of you." With that, she walked over to me and said, "Someone's got too many clothes on." Together, we got me disrobed, taking a little more care to place my clothes into the hamper that had taken the place of my laundry pile. Little touches and kisses had me rock hard by the time my boxer briefs came off.

Casey moved over to the bed, to draw down the covers, bending over the side of the bed as she did so. Her pussy and ass peeked out at me, under the negligee. She looked back at me and asked, "So, what position shall we try tonight, Sam?"

"I kinda like the one you're in right now," stepping behind her and sliding my length all the way in with one stroke. She lay her torso down on the bed, as I slammed into her again and again.

"Oh, oh, you're hitting my g-spot on every oh-my-god stroke oh, oh, oh fuck me!" And I did, giving Casey several more orgasms that started blending into a continuous one, until I began feeling myself about to come, much sooner than I wanted to. I pulled out, and lifted her up, and laid her on her back on the bed.

"Oh my god, Sam! I've never come like that before. But why did you stop?"

"I didn't want to cum so soon, because I really want to fuck your tits tonight. I've been thinking about it since the very first night I met you."

"Have you, now? Go get my lotion out of the bathroom, and slick me up. We don't want 'em dry."

I lotioned the area between her tits and the inner sides of them, then straddled her ribs, and lay my dick between her breasts. She pushed them together, and I started fucking them. Whenever my dickhead got in range, she'd give it a quick lick. Precum joined the lotion as I was picking up speed.

Then suddenly she said "oh, gimme that," and she grabbed my ass, and pulled me forward, sucking my dick into her mouth, and let me start fucking her mouth instead. Just half a dozen thrusts, I felt myself about to cum again, and pulled back. She panted, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, except I want to cum in your pussy tonight, and one more stroke in your mouth and I would have exploded." I moved myself down, spread her legs, and thrust inside. I swear she came immediately, and kept on cumming as I thrust into her just a dozen times, before filling her with my load.

We rolled to our sides, my dick still in her, and she sighed, "Welcome home, Sam."

I thrust my dick into her, before saying, "Nice to be home, Casey." She giggled, getting my double meaning. Surprisingly for a guy my age, my dick was staying hard, and I started thrusting slowly, making out with her as I did. It was gentle, it was excruciatingly slow, all about making love instead of fucking. I kept myself right on the edge of another orgasm for twenty minutes, while Casey had five more small ones, before finally letting my body and mind slip over that edge, into the most exquisite orgasm I'd ever had.

I swear our afterglow must have been visible from the moon.

Casey held my face and kissed it passionately. "That was, without a doubt, the best night of sex I've ever had. I am so glad I learned how to read lips!"

"Casey, if you hadn't come to my room, I was seriously thinking about switching hotels, just so I wouldn't be your customer any more, and THEN ask you out. But I like the way this worked out better, because I wasn't looking forward to having to say goodbye at the end of my assignment. If getting fired opened the door to you moving here, then I'm not sorry it happened, either."

We snuggled for a while more, and drifted to sleep.

The next day, I finally had a chance to show her San Diego, taking the day off. We hit the zoo, the beaches, and ate at a nice Mexican place in Old Town.

Then Saturday was dedicated to preparing to head back to Baltimore. Of course, we found plenty of opportunities both days to make out and make love, feeling closer and closer.

We were on the same flights the next day, and when I qualified for a First Class upgrade for the flight to Atlanta, I talked the gate agent into letting Casey get an upgrade, too. She'd never been in First Class before, and loved it. We were stuck in Coach for the second leg, though. It was shorter, so we survived fine.

We got to her apartment around 8, and had just enough energy left for a session of 69, starting slow, but building up to toe-curling orgasms. I went to work Monday, while Casey started figuring out which of her possessions would go to San Diego, which she could sell or donate, and started packing her first boxes.

That night, we went back to the hotel, this time as patrons. We had a brief scuffle with a Security officer, who'd been told to escort her out a couple of weeks before, but I shut that down by pointing out that she was there as a customer now, and if he didn't back off, the hotel would be dropped from my company's preferred list. I didn't actually have the authority to do that, but he didn't know that, and apologized quickly. Her ex-coworkers were thrilled to see her, and I got to tell Steve, "She found me."

He grinned, and said, "Treat her right, man."

After dinner, we sat at the bar. She ordered a white wine, while I ordered my usual rum and coke. We chatted with Steve for a while, until he had to serve some new patrons.

Then I stood up, and dropped to one knee next to Casey. She turned towards me, and her hands went to her mouth, while her eyes were huge. The bar went totally silent. "Casey, my love, since this is the place where our love story began, I could think of no better place to take this next step with you." I pulled the ring out of my pocket. She squeaked. I had bought it the previous week while she was still in San Diego. I took her hand, which was shaking, and asked, "Miss Casey Higgins, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, so I can make you happy for the rest of our lives?"

She tried to say yes, but her voice cracked. Taking a breath, she cried out "Yes!" I slipped the ring on her finger, then stood up and kissed her. The bar roared with cheers and claps.

While Casey was showing off her ring to the waitresses, Steve came over to me, and I asked, "How am I doing, Steve?"

"Doing fine, Sam. I've never seen her happier, certainly not since her parents died. The tinge of sadness she had is gone. Keep it up." He clapped me on the shoulder, and got back to serving his customers.

Casey came back to me, planted a big kiss on my lips, and asked, "This was your second birthday wish, the one you made with your daughters, wasn't it?" I nodded. "How did you know so soon?"

I thought a moment, trying to figure out how to explain. "You already had my heart even before you came to my room that night, I just wasn't consciously aware of it until I thought I had lost you. And then when you showed up at my condo, I felt such relief as I'd never felt before, and knew, just knew, that my love for you was just as strong as my love for Sheila had been when I asked her to marry. It wasn't about how many times we had made love, it was all those hours we had already talked at this bar, as if they'd all been dates. Would you have ever come to my room, if those hours weren't special, if you weren't falling in love with me, too?"

"No, never," she admitted. "No customer ever made me feel like you did."

"So once I knew in my heart that it wasn't a question of IF I'd ask you to marry me, but only of when and how, I made my wish 'I wish she'll say yes' and here we are. I love you, Casey, for ever and ever."

"So what the hell are you going to wish for next year?"

~~ The End, For Now ~~

Author's Note: While the initial idea for this story came to me when I was, like Sam, spending a birthday (my 53rd) at a hotel on a business trip, being waited on by a waitress who's been friendly every time, although not Casey-level friendly, I don't want it to appear that I condone hitting on hotel customer service staff. I think that's actually an abuse of the guest/service relationship. Hotel staff work to produce a hospitable atmosphere, and they deserve better than for guys to make the environment inhospitable for them just because the guy is horny or lonely or just doesn't respect them. Of course, I've never actually fallen in love with someone serving me as I have Sam and Casey do here, so I would hope I would deal with it as I had Sam say he would in the story - find another hotel first, then approach her about a date. It's also part of the reason why I had Casey make the first move in this story. The other is I think it's sexier that way.

So, treat this as what it's meant to be, a little bit of sexy/romantic "what might be", and tip your servers well!

I'd love to write these two characters again, or even expand on the characters of Pam and Wendy, I think there's a lot of potential there. But I'll need to come up with the right story ideas first. Consider this a standalone for now.


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liz33ndliz33ndover 4 years ago
this was a tear jerker

i like the story, altho not total erotic, it has it high points. more detail would be nice, all i read was Casey has a tuff of dark red pubic hair. maybe let Sam get caught having sex, and the girls getting turned on watching him/them.

MrWizard53MrWizard53over 5 years ago

It made me think/hope there's hope for me. I just lost my wife of 40 years to Leukemia. Maybe there is life out there... somewhere. Good story, I needed that. Thanks. Always write what your heart tells you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Really enjoyed this nifty little story!

Lovable characters in a nicely developed romantic plot made this an outstanding little love story! ~ 5+

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Dear Author, Truly enjoyed your sweet love story. Have been there and done that routine of being on the road Sunday afternoon thru Friday night. First class is nice but after a time, would have traded all the perks for being home! Fortunately I had a wonderful woman waiting at home so there could be none of that hanky-panky for me.

Thank you for the story and the escape to the past. Those years are long past but are still fondly remembered. jntiques

Crusader235Crusader235almost 7 years ago
To all

Great story! To all the single lonely road warriors out there, may you find a Casey of your own.

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