Birthday Celebrations

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Naive teen gets too drunk and gets shared between friends.
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Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It involves elements of sex, alcohol and drugs, and questionable consent. All characters are at the legal age of 18 or older.


This wasn't what Brianna had planned -- she didn't expect the 'casual' party to blow out of proportion like this!

Loud music was blaring throughout the entire house, and a countless stream of teenagers was littering every inch of the building. She wasn't even able to return to the living room without having to squeeze through multiple groups, by the stairs and in the hallway. Sure it was her boyfriend's home, but she knew that most of the clean-up would become her duty.

"Hey!" Brianna attempted to gain some attention of those around her. "Guys, could you," she continued timidly before even she realized that her words were completely drowned out by the music. "Could you just...could anyone turn down the music a little? Please..."

It was no use. She was forced to keep on trying to reach the living room and to lower the volume herself.

Truth be told, this was a mess of her own making.

It had been her job to make it a special event. Her boyfriend had asked her to help with the preparations for his little brother's birthday party. But even he probably didn't anticipate that Brianna would manage to gather a crowd of this size, certainly not on short notice.

Brianna loved helping people, always did. She was part of the school committee, she was the representative for her class members, and she was the head cheerleader. It wasn't that she sought out those positions, they simply ended up in her lap. Helping others brought a smile to her face, and in turn, people happily relied on her. Her generosity was widely known and accepted.

So there was no question about it. When her boyfriend asked her to help out with the preparations, she did.

It took a couple of phone calls, but her friends were happy to party! But then those friends invited more friends, and then the circle just kept on growing. She hadn't intended for the small birthday celebration to explode into a full-blown party. She didn't even recognize most of the faces that were present! Hell, plenty of the unfamiliar guys looked old enough to be advanced college students. Which was weird, most of her friends had just finished high school or recently entered college. There was an unexpected wide range of ages present.

"Chris!" She finally spotted her boyfriend near the speakers, and gestured for him to turn the music down just a little. It took him a moment to figure out her signals, but then he obliged. It was finally possible to have a normal conversation.

"Thank you so, so much!" It was a blessing to finally be able to hear herself again. She pushed her way past a few more unfamiliar faces and then gave him a hug -- mostly to reassure herself. His tall, muscular frame was like a beacon of safety and comfort in this mess.

"Wow, what's up? You doing all right?" Chris looked down at her and brushed a few stray strands of dark hair from her face. They were a cute couple, and an exotic one at that. While he was a just your average Caucasian high school jock with skin as pale as a bottle of milk, she was of a more mixed origin.

She was a Latina, and a cute one at that. Her caramel skin, as well as her dark chocolate eyes, made her quite the treat.

"Yeah it's just... how is your brother holding up? I know he's pretty shy so maybe this isn' know, optimal? I may have overdone it a little with the party? I think." She reflected on her words and felt a pinch of guilt. It was meant to be a perfect event, but instead she perceived it to be chaotic. Her inner perfectionist was ringing the alarm bells.

"This is totally on me..." She sulked and briefly lowered her gaze. Chris however, gave a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"You did great, babe. I'm sure he's having a good...time...? "Chris cut off his sentence after he spotted his little brother nearby. He was walking down the stairway with a camcorder in hand, with no sign of shyness.

"Is that Robbie?" He went for a quick double-take. They both turn to observe his little brother, who was in the process of celebrating his birthday by holding up his old camcorder and recording the multitude of drunken, scantily dressed high school and college girls. It was going to be a memory he wouldn't erase anytime soon.

"That does remind me," Chris added as he redirected his attention back to his girlfriend. "He's been struggling to, get you think you could hook him up with one of your friends?" He paused as he realized how silly his own words were, but it wouldn't be the weirdest favor he had asked for.

"It would be one hell of a gift," he continued. "I would owe you big time. He would finally stop mentioning how he wants to have his first time." He briefly paused and scratched the back of his head. "You can imagine how awkward it is, when your little brother tells you about wanting to get laid. I'm not even sure if he's picky anymore, he just wants to hump a girl."

Brianna grimaced slightly -- truth be told, she had already tried in the past to get Robbie into a relationship! Everybody deserves to be happy. So when she learned of Robbie's bad history with the ladies, she tried to get him to date one of her friends.

But he was simply too reclusive and way too much into his computer and board games. Unlike his older brother, he also wasn't in good shape physically. He was quite chubby and made no effort to improve that situation. If only there was some way to help him. She sighed.

"I don't know. I guess I can give it another try, sure! Let me find some liquid courage first, though." There was no need to stay sober for the entire duration of the party, she figured. People were having a good time, so why shouldn't she try to do the same. Who knows what the day may have in store for her.

Robbie however, was pretty much in heaven. It didn't take much for someone of his age to be entertained. He had never seen this many drunk girls in one place.

"Guys, are you seeing this? Jack. Pot." He swayed the camcorder around and got a few more good shots of the surrounding girls -- fortunately none of them recognized him or knew who the party was for. "Guys!" He briefly turned to ensure his two buddies were still following close behind.

"Come on, let's keep looking!" Robbie didn't have many friends, partly because very few people shared his obsessions for indoor activities. But Tim and Francis always had his back. Whether it was computer gaming, board games, or plain old Dungeons and Dragons. They kept each other company.

"What's going on over he—ohh..." Robbie's voice trailed off as he pushed past another couple of teens and had a look into the kitchen. Lined up along the entire length of the kitchen counter were bottles of whiskey, vodka and other beverages. Right next to those were like a dozen plastic cups full of freshly mixed drinks, with a few empty cups scattered across the floor.

This really felt like a wild college party.

What really caught the boy's attention however, was a young couple near the corner of the kitchen. The dude looked old enough to be a college graduate, while the girl looked freshly out of high school. What drew all attention, was where the guy's hand was planted -- deep inside her pants! His digits were moving erratically and he was quite obviously finger-fucking her.

Oddly enough it didn't coax much of a reaction out of the girl. She had her gaze averted to the ground with a glassy-eyed stare. Were all girls like this?

"He's totally going at it! I've never seen that in real life!" Robbie feverishly tried to zoom in with his camcorder, but failed to record anything significant before a few more guys approached from behind and firmly pushed him right out of the kitchen. It was written all across his face that he wasn't old enough to be anywhere near alcohol. Old enough to drive a car or own a gun maybe, but not old enough to drink booze.

In the meantime, Brianna had a few of those drinks herself, back in the living room. Aside from an unusually salty taste, they didn't raise any suspicion. Maybe a bit strong on the alcohol content, but decent.

However, it took her only a few minutes before she began to feel funny. More than just drunk, she felt sluggish but without feeling tired. She also felt weirdly out of breath.

Chris noticed rather quickly that she was behaving very unusual. She was a lightweight, but the drinks shouldn't do more than making her feel tipsy and giddy. They certainly shouldn't make her so...docile? She looked stoned rather than drunk.

"Babe, are you all right?" He could tell that something wasn't right.

As soon as he said that, the wheels in his head began to turn and he had another look around. In the midst of all the music and commotion, nobody had even noticed that some girls were passed out on the couch, and a random guy was sleeping on the carpet.

It made him furious to realize that someone pulled an unacceptable prank. Someone had slipped drugs into the drinks. Maybe just sleeping pills, maybe a roofie. It didn't make a difference.

"Ah, what the hell," he muttered under his breath before shutting down the speaker system and raising his voice to draw the attention of his guests.

"Party is over! Some asshole spiked the drinks, everyone out!" He then repeated himself once more while untangling a kissing couple that hadn't paid attention.

The commotion had been enough to draw Robbie's attention as well, who quickly approached his older sibling to offer his help.

"Just in time, here." Chris pushed Brianna into his brother's arms while his eyes were already going back to scanning the area. He wasn't sure how to deal with the girls who had multiple of the altered drinks and were straight up passed out. Thankfully Brianna was still able to stand on her own, though she was not quite grasping what was happening.

"Get her upstairs," Chris instructed while giving his brother a reassuring pat on the back. "I'll take care of the party so just get her upstairs."

Robbie hesitated and looked back at him with a surprised expression. Like a deer stuck in headlights. He had no idea that the drinks had been spiked so this was a confusing moment.

"Upstairs, to one of the bedrooms, what are you waiting for? I got my hands full here," he instructed before he once more surveyed the situation. A couple guys stared at the drugged girls, so he started there and ushered the creeps out of the house. He certainly didn't want to be the person who allowed girls to be roofied and taken advantage of at his own home.

It had all been so hectic that he didn't even pay attention to his younger brother anymore.

Brianna still felt a little weird, less energetic than before. She kept an arm around Robbie while he led her upstairs. Her surroundings didn't even register to her until she heard the door closing behind herself, at which point she turned to see Robbie staring right back at her.

There had been a colossal misunderstanding. As far as Robbie knew, his older brother had just set him up with his girlfriend. A favor for sure, but an incredibly weird one. In his eyes, it certainly made sense now why they both acted so fishy. He took another moment to contemplate the situation, and then he set his camcorder aside to approach her.

"So uh," he began to say. "He really wants me to...with you? Is that like, some kind of birthday gift?" Brianna gazed back at him with vacant eyes. It wasn't that the situation was overwhelming her, she simply couldn't motivate herself to think about it or the implication of his words.

Her thoughts were more occupied by a warm tingle in her crotch. A very special part of her was itching for attention and the moral implications didn't cross her thoughts.

"I guess." The response was half-hearted and she lazily lay down on his bed. It was a small bed, designed for just one person and with messy bed covers. This clearly wasn't the bedroom of someone who ever had a girlfriend before.

She got comfortable nonetheless and buried her face in the pillow. For a brief moment, things were quiet and peaceful...

It didn't remain like that for long. A pair of hands reached around to unbutton her jeans, and she instinctively groaned her lazy disapproval.

"What...what are you doing back there?" She twisted herself around and onto her back to see those same fingers grasping the waistband of her pants and gradually pulling them down. Before she had a chance to object properly, her jeans were already halfway down to her ankles and revealed what she wore underneath.

Her panties were an innocent pair of pink, frilled cotton undies.

Robbie scarcely believed his own eyes, up to then he had assumed she was some kind of secret seductress. That she and his brother had some kinky relationship which they had been keeping hidden. That of course, she would be wearing something lewd like a thong. But no, apparently she was truly religious and...prudish?

The old, washed-out fabric clung snugly to the shape of her vulva. Despite her unsexy taste in underwear, she obviously possessed a pussy -- which was all that currently mattered to him. But if she felt conscious about her panties...

"I don't mind, I guess they're cute," he mumbled while he gave her pants another tug and pulled them off completely to focus entirely on her underwear. Brianna was still barely reacting to his actions. She was quietly observing him. Whatever had been mixed into the drinks was keeping her sedated far beyond her control. It also didn't help that she was feeling weirdly excited and aroused -- another effect of the cocktail.

As far as Robbie was concerned, she was simply shy about this arrangement.

So when he touched her panties, grasped the soft fabric, and began to peel the material off her smooth skin, all he could think about was losing his virginity with her help.

It was a gradual process, he didn't want to rush this considering how relaxed she seemed to be. Maybe she wanted this to be romantic, who knows.

Instead of revealing some perfectly smooth shaven pussy however, he discovered her neatly trimmed bush of wiry pubic hair. This discovery made her even more appealing! It was so predictable and yet it felt like a major discovery -- she was simply a normal girl. She wasn't some kind of porn star, of course she didn't maintain her lady bits to be completely bare.

But even under the effect of alcohol and whatever else had been mixed into the drinks, she gradually felt her heart beating faster. Adrenaline began to pump through her at an alarming rate. Her mind began to grasp that she was about to have sexual intercourse with someone other than her boyfriend.

"Uhmm." She paused for a moment. It was so damned difficult to gather her thoughts and think straight. How did she end up in this situation?

Her eyes wandered up and down the view in front of her. The way Robbie was removing her underwear. How his gaze kept fixating on her crotch. Something about this was alerting her. But just as her emotions began to take shape in more coherent thoughts, she felt another dulling wave of drowsiness washing over her.

She leaned back, and took a deep breath. Her head rested on the cushy pillow. She watched her boyfriend's brother tossing her underwear away before standing back up to undress. She could vaguely recall the prior chat. About hooking him up with someone. Maybe...she had volunteered? Perhaps she had agreed to help him out in a more direct way.

In her drugged state, it made just enough sense.

Her gaze was glued to him and his actions, she had never been with anyone but her boyfriend so this was new. Robbie was without a doubt on the chubby side. And as he took off his pants, she also noted that he wasn't particularly well endowed.

But he definitely was excited and steadily growing. Brianna however, was still at the mere beginnings of feeling aroused, she knew that having sex in her current state would be unpleasant. So she reluctantly reached under her shirt, pushed her bra out of the way and began to caress her breasts. Some part of her knew that this would be the only foreplay she would get. As long as she could get herself wet enough to make his entry easy, she knew that her body would take care of the rest.

Simultaneously, Robbie held his semi-erect appendage in his fist and stroked it to life while watching her. He glanced back and forth between the motion underneath her shirt, and the triangle between her legs. The awkward teenagers continued like that for longer than either of them would care to admit.

Brianna eventually reached down to the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and away, discarding her last piece of clothing. Her small but perky breasts were crowned by stiff nipples, alluding to her own building excitement.

Her moral barrier was all but torn down, she was no longer conscious of the fact that she was about to cheat on her boyfriend. Unlike all the girls downstairs, she didn't have anyone to keep her safe and to prevent her from committing a mistake.

Robbie joined her side, and the bed creaked bitterly in response. The rusty bedsprings weren't made to endure the weight of two people. He climbed on top of her while supporting himself on his elbows, and his erection poked her belly button. He wasn't even close to his target destination.

It coaxed a timid giggle out of her.

"Wait, I got this," he uttered nervously. He readjusted his angle and reached down to grasp the veiny, firm surface of his dick. It felt harder than ever before, and throbbed in tune to his nervous heartbeat. He knew that he wouldn't last long once he was inside her, but that didn't matter.

The bloated crown of his appendage gradually slid down towards her crotch, accompanied by a very fine trail of pre-cum which clung to her chocolatey skin. It didn't help that he was particularly aware of some fruity adolescent perfume that surrounded her and made her even more intoxicating to be with. Everything about her was feminine and attractive. All of this had been developing so fast that he barely had the time to fully process it.

But he wasn't about to pause.

His member nestled in the midst of her pubes and he could feel his tip pressing against her skin. He gave it an inquisitive jerk forward, but merely lured a displeased groan out of her.

She felt him awkwardly applying pressure to her clitoris with that bloated head of his organ. He was still a couple inches away from his target.

"It's lower than that..."

She waited another moment while he fidgeted with her genitals, before she reached down and wrapped her slender fingers around his shaft. The first thing she noticed was how warm his cock felt! After her initial surprise faded, she guided his purple cockhead down to the slit of her womanhood and towards the snug embrace of her labia. She directed his dick up and down until it was decently held in place by her own body, until it was wedged in place just in front of the tiny opening that would lead inside her.

The bed squeaked as he suddenly lunged forward and buried his length inside her vagina with a single push, just like he had seen in porn. His inexperience was painfully obvious and she suffered the consequences of being his first.

Brianna inhaled sharply and tensed up. Despite being wet enough for his entry, she hadn't been prepared to take in everything at once! Her boyfriend had never pushed into her like a savage, it had always been a slow and gradual process to open her up.

"This is amazing," he spoke breathlessly, his voice heavy and sultry. Simultaneously he was still wriggling his hips forward, and fully ignored the way his pubic bone was already grinding against hers.

Brianna hadn't even noticed the way she had instinctively wrapped her legs around him -- it felt like someone had shoved a scalding metal rod into her privates and was still trying to push it deeper.