Birthday Girl Ch. 2


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"What did he say to that?"

"He couldn't get out to the barn fast enough." Louise chuckled reminiscently. "I think it was near one in the morning before he put the lamp out and went to sleep."

"What happened then?"

"We finished the roof next morning, then I asked Mike if he'd like to go on a picnic, that we'd finish the corral next day. Then, when we were on the trail, I asked him if he knew anywhere we could swim."

"Did he?"

"He sure did, and if you get the chance, let him take you there. The pool's lovely and the grass would make a grand bed for a fuck!"

"Would make?" asked Lisa curiously.

"Yes, >would make'. I made him turn his back while I undressed and got into the water, then made sure he couldn't see me properly while we were in the water, then made him turn his back again when I got out. I thought he'd explode, but I noticed him peeking and pretended not to notice. I would have been damned well embarrassed and confused if he hadn't peeked!"

"What then?" Lisa's voice was hushed, her eyes bright.

"We came back and had supper. We were sitting after supper and I asked him if he was enjoying the book. He blushed like a sunset, but Mike is honest and he admitted he was enjoying it. Then I asked him if he imagined doing any of the things in the book. Poor baby, he was in torture. He said yes, so I asked him if there was anyone in particular that he imagined doing them with. He said it was me, then I asked him if he'd liked what he'd seen at he pool. I said I'd seen him peeking, then asked him if he'd like to see the rest of me. The poor baby was in agonies, his pecker was making a huge bulge in his jeans, so I told him women have needs too, took him into the bedroom, took off all my clothes and we made love."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. He was raw and had no finesse, but by heck, he had enthusiasm and a beautiful pecker, so we fucked like a couple of wildcats all night."

"You enjoy it." Lisa was quietly emphatic.

"I do, honey, I do. Lisa, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Your Pa, I like him, I like him a lot. If I had the chance . .?"

"To take him to bed?" asked Lisa. Louise nodded.

"Go for it, Louise! Pa needs someone like you. He's been so lonely since Ma died. I know he's taken one or two women to bed, although I pretended not to notice. But you, Louise, oh please! If you get the chance, give him some loving." There were tears in Lisa's eyes. Louise reached out and hugged her.

"Thank you, sweetheart, I promise to do my best. Lord knows, my best is pretty good!"

"I'll bet! Louise?"

"Yes, honey?"

"Could I see that book?"

"Of course. See the dresser? Bottom drawer, under the towels. The bigger one of the two."

Lisa got up and fetched the book, sitting back down beside Louise and quietly turning the pages. Louise watched her surreptitiously. There were bright patches of red on her cheeks and she gasped audibly every now and again, finally sighing and putting the book to one side.

"I know why Mike felt horny," she said. "That book would make anyone horny." Lisa sighed heavily.

"What's up, honey?" Louise asked.

"I feel horny, I'm quite wet between my legs and there's no chance of a man before Tuesday."

Louise laughed. "Poor baby. Come on, let's go to bed. You've got a choice. You can sleep by yourself in the back room, the bed's fresh made, or you can come in with me."

"With you, Louise, if I may. I need a hug."

"And a hug you shall have, honey. Let's go." Louise picked up a candle and lit it from the lamp, then carefully put out the lamps, shielded the fire and led the way upstairs.

In the bedroom, Louise lit another candle from the first and put one at each side of the bed. She began to unbutton her dress. Lisa began to unbutton her own, stopping in surprise when she realised that Louise wasn't wearing anything under her dress, save for her stockings. Louise caught Lisa's eye and grinned. "It's cooler this way, out here. Come on, honey, get your things off."

Lisa took off her dress and carefully hung it over the back of a chair, then stripped off her underthings. She stood naked, then looked across at Louise, who stood equally naked at the other side of the bed.

"Do you want a nightgown, honey?" asked Louise. "I usually sleep like this, it's much more comfortable on a hot night."

"If you're sleeping like that, I will too," said Lisa. "You're beautiful, Louise," she said quietly.

"So are you, honey." Louise held out her hand. "Come over here, bring your candle."

Puzzled, Lisa did as Louise asked, then realised that Louise was standing before a full-length mirror. She moved across to join her.

"If I'm beautiful, who is that other lovely creature?" asked Louise, gesturing to the mirror.

Lisa looked at their reflection. Two naked women looked back at her, one brown-eyed blonde, full of bust, curved of hip, high-soaring deep-dipping loveliness. The other, slimmer, not as full of bust, not quite as curved of hip, equally lovely, hair a fine red-gold, eyes the green of a distant sea. She studied the reflection carefully, comparing herself to Louise.

"You're beautiful, Lisa," said Louise quietly, "A very lovely young lady. One I'm proud to know.

Lisa glanced at Louise and smiled, then giggled suddenly. "If Mike could see us now!"

Louise chuckled. "Come on, honey, let's go to bed."

They climbed into bed and pulled the covers up. Louise lay on her left side and reached out to pull Lisa close. Lisa snuggled into her arms and Louise hugged her, then kissed her cheek.

Lisa sighed contentedly. "Louise?"

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"What is it like, being with a man?"

Louise pulled back slightly, regarding Lisa in the light of the candles. "I'm not sure I can answer that question, Lisa. Not objectively, because there's so much sensation and emotion involved, but to me it's always been wonderful. I assume you're referring to the actual sex act itself?"

"I guess so, I mean, I want to know how it feels, to have a man's penis inside you." Lisa shrugged, "I've never actually even seen one, not hard."

Louise hugged the younger woman, then eased herself away and sat up. "Well, I can't show you a real one, because there are no men here, but I can show you something to give you an idea." She squeezed Lisa's hand and wriggled out of bed, stooping to the dresser and rummaging in the bottom drawer, "Got it!" she exclaimed, turning and brandishing an object the like of which Lisa had never seen before.

It was a carved replica of an erect male organ, with the accompanying testicle sac, with a handgrip attached. Lisa stared at it in fascination. "I had no idea they were so big," she whispered.

"I've seen real ones bigger, but not many," said Louise with a chuckle.

"I don't know whether I dare ask..." Lisa began.

"How many men I've had?" responded Louise quietly. Lisa nodded. "Before I met Tom, my late husband, I'd been to bed with about a dozen. Since then, only Tom and now Mike."

Lisa indicated the dildo. "How does it compare with Mike?"

Louise regarded the weapon in her hand thoughtfully. "I never actually measured Mike's prick, but I would say it's about the same size."

"It will never fit me," whispered Lisa worriedly. "I can barely get my finger in."

"It will, sweetheart, it will. Don't worry about it. Just think, if a baby can get out, a prick can get in." Louise grinned at Lisa, brandishing the dildo.

Lisa giggled. "Where did you get it?" she asked.

"Tom gave it to me. He carved it himself, gave it to me the night before he had to go away for two weeks. We'd been married for three months, could never get enough of each other in bed, and he reckoned if I pretended hard I could manage to survive without him." Louise smiled reminiscently.

"Did you use it?" asked Lisa.

"Not for the first three nights, then I just had to, I was feeling so horny." Louise grinned at Lisa.

"May I?" asked Lisa, holding out her hand. Louise nodded, and passed the weapon over. Lisa studied it, then gripped the shaft with her fist, just above the testicle sac, then put her other fist above the first. She shook her head. "I don't see how it can fit," she wailed.

"It will, I promise," said Louise. She studied Lisa. "You are virgin, aren't you? You still have your hymen?"

Lisa flushed, but nodded. "Yes."

"We could pop your cherry with this," said Louise, indicating the dildo, "but I rather think you'd prefer Mike to do it, wouldn't you?"

Lisa nodded. "Yes," she whispered. "I want Mike to do it." She shuddered. "Oh, Louise, I feel all hot and horny now."

Louise reached out and pulled the younger girl into her arms. "You and me both, sweetheart," she whispered, bringing her lips closer to Lisa's, slowly, giving her every chance to pull away. Lisa's eyes widened, then closed as their lips met, abandoning herself to the kiss, her lips opening to Louise's gently probing tongue.

The kiss was long, gentle at first, building to a fire which left Lisa gasping as she broke away and looked wildly at Louise. Louise smiled and took her hand. "I'll stop if you want, honey. But we could both feel better for this."

Lisa shook her head. "I don't want to stop, I feel - I feel - oh, I don't know how I feel, but it's good!" She leaned forward and kissed Louise lightly on the lips. Louise smiled and pushed gently at Lisa until she was lying flat on her back, her head comfortably cushioned by the pillows. They were both lying on top of the bedclothes now, fully revealed to each other. Louise reached out slowly and rested her hand on Lisa's belly, then slowly moved it up to cup her breast. Lisa's nipples were rigid and she shuddered delicately as Louise's thumb brushed over one, then again as Louise brought her lips to the other and sucked gently.

Louise gently sucked Lisa's nipple, then licked her breast, making Lisa giggle, then kissed her way down to Lisa's belly, pausing to stick her tongue in Lisa's navel, occasioning another giggle, then on down to Lisa's mons. Lisa's hand on her head stopped her there.

"What are you doing, Louise?" Lisa's voice was strained, but there was excitement in her tone.

Louise raised her head and smiled warmly at Lisa. "I'm going to make you come, Lisa, with my mouth and my fingers, then you are going to do the same for me."

"Oh, yes!" whispered Lisa, "Please!"

Louise wriggled around until she was between Lisa's legs, pushing gently to part them. She ducked her head and kissed lightly at Lisa's curls, then extended her tongue and flicked lightly at Lisa's clitoris. Lisa jumped, and moaned, her eyes tightly shut. Louise kissed gently at he inside of Lisa's thigh, then ran her tongue the full length of Lisa's cleft, from the rosebud pucker of her anus, to the clitoris beginning to peep from its folds.

Lisa was excited and it wasn't long before she could feel sensation building in her. Louise's touch was exciting her, stimulating her, pushing her closer and closer to the brink. Louise had varied her approach, licking at Lisa's cleft, flicking her tongue at the young girl's clitoris, occasionally sucking gently at it. Lisa began to moan, her stomach muscles rippling, Louise's tongue probed harder, pushing into Lisa's cunt, flicking over her clitoris. Lisa began to pant, and Louise suddenly took her clitoris between her lips and sucked hard.

That did it. Lisa screamed as her orgasm took her, shaking, shuddering, gripping Louise's head so that the older woman felt as if her hair was about to be ripped from her scalp. Lisa's shudders slowly stilled and her hand released its frantic grasp of Louise's hair.

"Oh, my God," said Lisa. "That was incredible!"

"Mike could do this for you, if you teach him." Louise smiled. "You could also suck his cock, that can be good fun." She smiled warmly at Lisa, then moved up the bed. "Kiss me, Lisa, taste yourself."

Hesitantly, the younger woman brought her lips to those of Louise, kissing her lightly at first, then with increasing passion until the two of them were inflamed. Slowly, gently, Louise broke the kiss. "Do you like the taste of yourself?" she asked gently.

Lisa smiled. "Very much," she replied, an impish gleam in her eyes, "but that's the first time I've tasted myself anywhere but on my own finger!"

Louise laughed out loud, a warm, rich laugh. She smiled at Lisa. "Do you think you could do that for me now?" she asked.

Lisa leaned forward and kissed her warmly. "With great pleasure," she replied. "Now you lie back, and let me play with your tits."

Louise smiled and lay back, closing her eyes as Lisa's lips closed on her erect nipple, sucking gently. Lisa's fingers were moving lightly over her other breast, stroking, pulling gently. Louise sighed as Lisa's kisses moved down her body, chuckled as Lisa speared her tongue into Louise's navel, moaned as she felt Lisa's breath upon her mons.

Lisa moved round until she was comfortably placed between Louise's legs, then - as Louise had done - she kissed the inside of the other woman's thighs. She breathed deeply, smelling for the first time the scent of another woman in heat, then extended her tongue and lapped gently at Louise's pussy, tasting her, mentally comparing her to her own taste, enjoying the similarities, revelling in the subtle differences.

Lisa let her tongue play with Louise's cunt, lapping at her, flicking her clitoris, sucking at the folds, chewing gently with her lips, enjoying the sounds that Louise was making, realising that she was exciting the older woman, becoming excited herself that she could have this effect, letting her tongue probe deeper, pointing it and extending it as far as she could, realising she couldn't reach deep enough.

Louise was panting now, and Lisa could feel her juices trickling down her chin. Louise's cunt was soaking, open to Lisa's tongue. From the corner of her eye Lisa spotted the dildo and reached out carefully for it, bringing it close as she let her tongue flick Louise's clitoris. She raised herself slightly, changing the angle of her attack.

Louise moaned. "I'm so close, Lisa, so close. You're going to make me come, baby, soon. Very soon, baby, very soon."

As Louise's hoarse panting reached a peak, Lisa sucked hard at her clitoris, then gently but firmly slid the dildo into the older woman's cunt, open and lubricated in her excitement, ready for the penetration. Louise screamed and her body shook as her orgasm took her, as Lisa twitched the dildo and sent her over the edge, into ecstasy, into darkness, into unconsciousness as she fainted.

Lisa sat up, alarmed, then relaxed as the older woman's eyes flickered open and a look of wonder came over her face. She reached for Lisa and kissed her. "That was incredible, sweetheart, absolutely incredible. I have not been so successfully fucked since Mike's third time, when we both came." She hugged Lisa. "Oh, darling, I love you." Louise laughed. "I know who I want in my bed in future, if there's no man around!" She laughed again. "Maybe even if there is!"

* * * * *

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froggy1939froggy1939about 8 years ago
Whose Birthday Is It?

The story as it has developed so far is superb, both with the specific sex scenes and the dialogue and foreplay (both verbal and physical). I grew up in the West, apparently one state west of the setting here. Although I didn't have an older woman to show me the ropes I had some high school and college classmates who could relate to this - in living color. I'm looking forward to some more!

froggy1939froggy1939over 8 years ago
Happy Birthday!!

This story has developed in a very thoughtful way. Louise's seduction of Mike was very clever and the description of their sexual encounters exciting. (Where was Louise when I was growing up in the country??) Although I guessed that Louise would take Lisa to bed, showing her the same book that had excited Mike was a good ploy. All in all this is a very well written and enticing story. Looking forward to Ch. 3, and hoping for MANY more!

gulshannraygulshannrayalmost 11 years ago


ChucksSiteChucksSiteover 12 years ago
This story started out with some interesting and erotic action, and ...

has nicely progressed where more of the characters are getting laid. Good stuff! Still have to get Lisa's dad into the mix somehow, and a swimming party and a "first timer" for Lisa, so the next chapter should be even better. This story is getting better as it progresses. Great job Frederick Carol! Thanks.

kunnillinguistkunnillinguistover 13 years ago
Great series

I really enjoyed this story, loved the entire stories. Like the way it developed. I wonder what Louise is up to now? Will you continue her escapades? She's a great teacher.

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