Birthday Treats


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And the rest of her was just as good to look at; a firm flat stomach, tiny waist and slenderly flaring hips leading down to legs, that for her height were attractively long. But it was when she turned that I saw what was obviously the most beautiful part of her - at least to my eyes at that moment it was - her bottom.

It was, as one of my young, teen-age nephews would have described it - 'an arse to die for!'

The cheeks were surprisingly full, but also incredibly taut, each distinctly separated from the other, and at the base of that deeply defined cleft, was a vee shaped, and sexually inviting space between her bottom-cheeks and her thighs.

Even if I wouldn't have used the phrase the youngsters would have, I knew exactly what it meant; she had an arse made for fucking, and in spite of how engorged my cock already was, I felt myself reacting as even more blood surged up into it.

Then when Shun-shun bent down to move the clothes to one side, I felt it starting to throb even more strongly as I thought what it might actually feel like if I were sometime able to push it into that space, then push it even deeper, into the undoubtedly tight little pussy that lay beyond.

Those thoughts continued to remain with me even as Shun-shun had Penny lie down on the bed and having produced a flask of some delightfully fragrant oil, began lightly apply it. Yet again I could only watch with a growing sense of envy as her fingers pressed, stroked and kneaded Penny's gorgeous body; steadily working down her back, then spending almost as much time on the rounded globes of her buttocks before moving lower.

As she started massaging her thighs Shun-shun eased Penny's legs further apart, and that time I found myself imagining it was my fingers that were doing that. But whereas mine would have lingered there, and then, feeling the damp heat that lay between them, moving upwards, Shun-shun's worked downwards, to her knees, calves and then feet.

'Please to turn over now.' Shun-shun said after she'd spent a minute or two massaging Penny's feet and toes, and both my interest and the accompanying envy went up a couple of notches as Penny rolled over and Shun-shun began to work her way upwards.

If the way her breasts looked was anything to go by the massage had already got Penny highly stimulated. They were tautly swollen, making their upsweeping curves even more pronounced, their tips engorged and the nipples spiking. Then, as if to confirm what I thought, as Shun-shun's hand moved up over and between her thighs, I heard Penny's first softly whispered sound of pleasure.

The sounds grew more distinct as Shun-shun's movements changed; subtly shifting from stroking to more definite caressing. Her hands seemed to also move just a little more slowly, gradually working their way over Penny's stomach and hips, then back down across and between her thighs. Retracing the same path again and again before moving higher, slowly edging up towards what would have been to my hands, her irresistibly tempting breasts.

Penny's reactions became much stronger when Shun-shun finally reached them, I heard her give a low moan and she arched her upper body, thrusting her breasts up to meet the pleasure giving hands. But although we could both see how tense she was, and could guess how much she must have wanted release, Shun-shun still took her time, continuing those slow, sensuously leisurely caresses.

My envy grew stronger still as I continued watching Shun-shun's hands; imagined the feel of the warm firmness of Penny's breasts beneath my own, felt my fingers curling around those luscious curves, felt their spiking tips against my palms. And as those imagined feelings made my fingers tingle, I felt a growing ache in the pit of my stomach and my cock once again jerking in response.

But, although it seemed an impossibility, those responses grew even stronger, even wilder when Shun-shun stopped what she was doing, got down off the bed and began applying a light sheen of the oil to herself - and in doing so gave me my first clear view of the front of her body.

At first my eyes went once more to those high-tilting breasts and their darkly circled aureoles - but then I suddenly realised that unlike Penny - who had a trim but thick pubic bush - Shun-shun's, like some very young school-girl's, was completely hairless.

Although she only stood still for a second or two I found myself wondering just what it would feel like to kiss and suck that smooth flesh between her legs, and the undoubtedly equally hairless pussy that lay between them.

Then she turned again and doing my best to push those thoughts aside, at least for the time being, I watched as she pulled Penny upright, and although her voice was husky it was loud enough for me to hear quite clearly when she said. 'Now please use this body to complete your pleasure.'

Whereas Shun-shun's proposition took me completely by surprise, Penny seemed to have been half expecting it, showing virtually no hesitation before taking Shun-shun in her arms and kissing her full on the mouth.

Then I spent the next twenty or so minutes in increasingly excited frustration as I watched the two beautiful girls pleasuring each other. Although each used their hands and mouths to good effect, at various times every other single part of their bodies also played its part as they coiled and writhed together.

Although the implication of what Shun-shun had said was that Penny should concentrate on her own pleasure, it was clear from the outset that Penny's objective was for their mutual delight and gratification. She demonstrated the same amazing self-control that she had when pleasuring me, somehow able to delay reaching her own climax until she was sure Shun-shun would be achieving hers too.

Even when each girl had her hand down between the other's thighs - when I could see the fingers slip, sliding up and down between those wetly pouting pussy-lips - when I was sorely tempted to cross the room and stand beside them; working myself up to a pressure-relieving climax, then spraying them with the churningly hot semen I could feel accumulating in my tightly swollen balls - they still took their time. Whether that was because each knew the other would achieve an even more satisfying climax the longer it was delayed, or merely because each enjoyed feeling her fingers being clung to by the other's demanding pussy.

But even when they did finally orgasm together, that was only the start of it. Once the initial waves had passed it seemed that what Penny had done for her only made Shun-shun even more determined to show who was the provider and who the recipient. Although her caresses continued to be essentially feminine her other actions were distinctly more forceful, making it difficult, if not impossible for Penny to reciprocate, moving and twisting her this way and that as she began working her slowly towards yet another climax.

So, because she had been so single minded, when Penny finally began what was obviously an even more intense, rolling, multiple orgasm I was somewhat surprised to see Shun-shun twist herself around so she could get beneath her, so that their mouths and tongues were each able to reach the other's pussy.

But I really only fully understood her intention when, a few seconds after they had settled, Shun-shun turned her head towards me, then beckoned me over, indicating I should get behind Penny.

By that stage I'd got so wound up from watching the two of them that I'd got a truly raging erection and certainly needed no encouragement to use it. So I moved over and stood behind Penny's crouching body, listening to the distinct slurping sounds as each worked on the other's pussy. Shun-shun's wide staring eyes looked up from between Penny's thighs, their gaze firmly focused on my rearing cock as I stood there for a few moments.

But of course the taut curves of Penny's buttocks were irresistible and I felt her body tense momentarily at the unexpected touch of my hand on them. Then, realising what was happening, and guessing what my intention was, she made my access easier by shifting her legs a little further apart and lifting her bottom - exposing both her tightly wrinkled arse-hole, and immediately below that, the by then drippingly wet lips of her redly swollen pussy.

The sight and the anticipation of thrusting into it sent a fresh surge of blood into my already vastly overheated cock and there was another when I felt Shun-shun's fingers close around it, guiding it home as I edged forward.

The combination of the excitement of what I had been previously watching and what Shun-shun had done for her meant that my rock-hard cock slid effortlessly into Penny's sopping pussy and I was able to get most of it deep inside her with one single movement. But it wasn't just rock-hard, it had also become super-sensitive and the sensations that coursed through me as I drove it deep into that slick, velvety passage were simply indescribable.

Then, as I heard Penny's muffled moan of pleasure, I tightened my grip of her hips and completely opened her up by driving the rest inside her.

Even though it was so wet, the tightness of her pussy heightened the intensity of the sensations coursing through me as I began to thrust in and out of her. Then, as if what I was already experiencing weren't enough, I felt Shun-shun's arms snake around my legs, her hands adding to the thrills as one stroked and fondled my balls and the other urged me on by squeezing my buttocks.

The three of us seemed to be lost in some separate world, a world where there was nothing but our intertwined bodies and the blissful delight we were each both giving to and receiving from the others. And blending with the girls' muffled slurping sounds as they licked and greedily sucked each other's pussy, were my own, deeper, gasps and grunts as waves of indescribable pleasure swept through my entire body.

After what seemed an eternity of rapturous fucking I realised by the way she was jerking herself back at me that Penny was finally building towards yet another climax, and of course her actions intensified my own. I found myself gripping her more firmly, my thrusting becoming even more forceful, and each time my body smacked against her arse-cheeks I felt a bruising jolt as my balls slapped against the backs of her thighs.

Then she lifted her head from where it had been buried between Shun-shun's thighs and let out a cry as she felt her contractions starting. Knowing what she needed right then I increased both the speed and power of my action, sweat starting to drip off me as I drove my cock even faster and deeper into her spasming pussy.

I felt the ache in my balls growing, then, as they tightened up against the base of the shaft, Shun-shun's fingers curling around, and begin rhythmically squeezing them. At the same moment forcing the fingers of her other hand up between the cheeks of my arse, one of them probing, then pushing right up into my anus.

That was more stimulation than my system could take and with a mind-blowing rush my entire body seemed to concentrate all its force behind my pistoning cock. I felt Shun-shun's fingers working harder, and as the finger up my arse thrust even deeper, the first scalding jet ripped through me. A split-second later I heard Penny give a keening wail as she felt that first load blasting into her, a wail that turned to high pitched shrieks of pleasure when the first was followed almost immediately by another and another and another, my pistoning cock pumping gouts of hot, thick semen deep into the very core of her.

And even though the pleasure-centres in my head seemed completely over-loaded by the strength of the sensations coursing through me, I could still feel Shun-shun's fingers gently squeezing, and Penny jerking herself backwards in an effort to make sure she forced every last drop out of me.

When she was certain she had done so, with my cock still jammed hard up inside her, she returned her full attention to Shun-shun. I could tell from both the loudness of Penny's slurping and Shun-shun's mewling squeals of pleasure just how enthusiastically she was going about it, and a minute or two later Shun-shun reached her own, only slightly less dramatic orgasm.

Chapter 3

Although it took even her a while, Shun-shun was the first to recover; I felt her disentangling herself and slipping out from beneath us, then watched as she went through the doorway and slid down into the adjoining spa. It took Penny and me quite a bit longer to recover from the force and intensity of what we had experienced before we too joined her, and then the three of us let the invigorating jets start to work their magic on our temporarily sated and energy depleted bodies.

None of us spoke for quite some time, each recovering in their own way from the overly-powerful forces we had unleashed between us. But then I finally turned to Penny. 'If that was your way of satisfying the fantasy I told you about, thank you sweetheart. That has to be the most wonderful birthday present anyone has ever given me.'

Penny grinned across at me. 'I knew, at least I thought I knew you would enjoy it. But, to be totally honest, I think I probably enjoyed it even more than you did! How about you Shun-shun?'

Shun-shun smiled almost coyly. 'You make very fine couple - Shun-shun too, very, very happy! And look forward to even more pleasure giving - and receiving - very soon.'

With that, she pushed herself up out of the spa, giving me a few moments to again stare at that unbelievably gorgeous arse, then, having quickly dried herself, went behind a highly decorated screen, from where we heard the tinkling sound of ice and glass.

A minute or so later she reappeared, carrying a tray with three tall glasses on it. 'I think it easier if you get out to drink this.' she said as she pulled a third chair across to join the two already beside the table on which she placed the tray.

Although I could have happily remained lounging amongst the warmly fizzling bubble jets, I realised that I certainly was thirsty, and the spa would still be there later. So both Penny and I did as Shun-shun suggested, and given what had just happened between us, it's not surprising that none of felt the need to cover-up once we had dried ourselves.

It was only then, with the two girls loungingly sprawled beside each other, that I fully realised, at least when compared with Penny, just how small Shun-shun was. Each was undoubtedly beautiful - and even more indisputably, sexy - but although every line and curve was both delightfully rounded and in perfect proportion, Shun-shun's frame was remarkably small and slight.

It was as though she had somehow read the thoughts that were going through my mind, because she suddenly said, quite softly. 'Only little girl.'

'But perfectly proportioned.' I responded.

'And not only very lovely - but very, very sexy.' Penny added. 'And I bet the men queue up to be with you - and especially some kinds of men.'

'Yes, some gentlemen little bit naughty. Like to think - and sometimes see me - as school-girl.' Shun-shun answered with a giggle.

Although school-girls as sex fantasies had never particularly appealed to me, what Shun-shun said conjured up an immediate mental image of her dressed as one. Her hair in plaits, wearing a short-skirted uniform, and underneath it, some brief but spotlessly white underwear. It was only a momentary flash but it must have triggered some previously unrecognised and deep-seated urge because I suddenly felt my cock give a faint but definite twitch.

'And I think one of them might be right here.' Penny said with a laugh.

The moment passed - but the image remained, fluttering in the background of my mind.

We sipped our drinks, they were icy cold and had a sweet, slightly acidic taste that I didn't recognise, but it was certainly as refreshing as Shun-shun had said it would be. 'It's delicious Shun-shun. What is it?' Penny asked.

'Chinese secret, but enjoy - make us feel much better very quickly.' Shun-shun answered cryptically. 'They help to relax us - and make us ready for whatever we may wish to follow.' she added.

Again there was relative silence for a while, then as I continued slowly sipping the drink, I felt myself drifting off into memories of the utterly fantastic sex I'd just had, only vaguely hearing the girls beginning a low, mainly whispered conversation.

As I slipped further into that relaxed state of mind, the image that Penny's comment about Shun-shun's size, along with the image it had conjured up for me, returned, even more strongly.

That time, having the time to relax into it, it wasn't just a flash of Shun-shun dressed as a school-girl, that time the image remained, both remained and taunted me.

Taunted, teased and provoked me, by showing herself off. Swirling herself around so the little skirt flew up to almost waist height; exposing the twin curves of her arse, and then the smaller but just as distinct bulge of her pubic mound.

An image that was in itself disturbing, but one which also made me think about what lay between those silky smooth thighs. Made me wonder just how tight a pussy a girl as small as she was would have. And then made me to imagine just what it would feel like to push my rampant cock into it.

But, I suddenly realised, I really had no need for mental images, I had both the reality of Shun-shun, and the sexy beauty of Penny to look at, and I found myself actually examining and comparing the two girls' bodies in much greater detail.

At first it was the most obvious things; the length of their legs, the size and shape of their breasts, the colour and apparent smoothness of their skin. Penny's neatly trimmed bush of pubic hair, and Shun-shun's temptingly hairless mound. But then in much more minute detail, becoming fascinated by the small differences; the contours of their eye-brows, the length and shape of their fingers, the way each held their glass and the shape of their lips as they drank from them.

My studies were so absorbing that I have no idea when they started whispering to each other rather more urgently, nor what suddenly brought it to my attention, but although by then the drink had undoubtedly begun to make me just a touch woozy, my memory of what followed is crystal clear.

They were both watching me, my crotch actually, and I heard Penny say. 'Even for him that's an amazingly quick recovery.'

'I told you the drink make us all feel better.' Shun-shun answered with a little giggle.

'Well whatever it was, it certainly seems to be working. Was there some in ours too?''

'Not so much for you.'

'So that's why I've been feeling an itch, down here.' Penny replied, dropping her hand down between her thighs. 'And what about you?'

Shun-shun's voice dropped lower, but I still heard her giggling reply. 'Shun-shun get itchy without too much help.'

'So what exactly does this secret ingredient do, for him I mean?'

'He come two, maybe three more times.'

By then of course I fully realised what they were talking about, and looked down at myself. When I saw my cock I was as amazed as Penny had been. In spite of what they had already done for me, it was already growing, lengthening and thickening, and even as I watched I felt it starting to stiffen.

But even more disturbing than my cock's reaction was what was going on inside me - although I had had an incredibly powerful orgasm just a short while before, and so should have been very well sated - I found myself experiencing a strong, and steadily growing need for still more sex.

'Two or three more times.' Penny said thoughtfully. 'We are going to share this aren't we Shun-shun?'

'It your evening, you decide.'

'Actually it's Brad's evening, it's his birthday. And if what I've merely seen of his reactions to you is any indication of what's been going on inside his head, I'm sure he wants an opportunity to try it with you.'