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A werewolf falls hard for his true mate.
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This is a Literotica 2022 Valentine's Day Story Contest. Please Vote! Thank you!


Rhiannon gave a deep sigh as she wiped down the tables of the bar. It was late. She was tired but here she was, for better or worse. She neither liked nor disliked her job as a waitress at Port of Call, it was a job and it was how she made her living. That was all she could say.

It had been a busy night. Rhiannon had looked enviously at all the couples who had spent the night in the bar. It had been too long since she had a relationship. Rhiannon wanted a love of her own. Someone to be with and confide in. She wanted someone to snuggle up with on cold nights. Still, as she looked around Rhiannon was glad that the night was winding down. Now she could go home, have a hot bath, dinner and some sleep.

She was wiping the tables down. The bell to the bar rang. "We're closed." she said to the man who had just walked in.

"My name's Eammon. I just got into Sheep's Cove. I've been traveling by myself for a long time. It's cold out there tonight, below zero. I know you're closing but I could use a whiskey, if you have any. It would be a lot to me." stated the man. He brushed the snow off his hair and rubbed his hands together.

Rhiannon looked at him in disappointment. She was supposed to be closing the bar. It was past midnight. She was tired. She was hungry. But, a customer was a customer. A small part of her, said to be nice to this stranger, he was cold and hungry. Rhiannon's mother had always told her that a stranger is just a friend you haven't met.

"Fine. I'll get you a whiskey. Sit." said Rhiannon exasperatedly as she rolled her eyes. She didn't mean her voice to be so brisk. But, she just wanted to be home in her bed. She poured Eammon a whiskey.

"Sit with me, woman. If you've got nothing better to do. I'd like to warm up. You look like you could use some relaxation too. Why don't you pour yourself a shot and sit down besides me?" stated the man. He patted the bar stool besides him.

Rhiannon tried to keep her professionalism. But, her frustrated look must have given her away. The man was just sitting at the bar taking his time drinking his whiskey. Didn't he know it was past closing time?

"Why don't you just say what it's so hard you're trying not to say?" stated Eammon. He had been away from the mortal world and his pack a long time. He didn't know what had called him into this small town tonight. Eammon wouldn't admit it to himself but he just wanted to be with someone. Anyone, even if it was a mortal. The more he looked at Rhiannon, Eammon supposed he was lucky. He was drinking whiskey with a woman, who's long hair was the color of whiskey and her eyes were flashing an angry sea green.

"It's late! It's past midnight! I'm tired and I still have to walk home! I haven't eaten all day. Here you are just malingering." Rhiannon yelled at him.

"Ok, ok, settle down woman. I can see you're upset. I just want you to join me and talk for awhile. I'm going to be in Sheep's Cove for a few days. I thought it would be nice to spend some time with a new friend. You seem nice and I'd like that to be you. I'm sorry it's late and you're tired. Sit down, relax, I'll help you out." said Eammon as he came around the bar.

Rhiannon was about to object. She was just so tired. Rhiannon figured "fuck it", so she sat down. She watched Eammon make his way around to the bar's kitchen. She watched him as he put on a pot of coffee.

"You have some Stouffer's Chicken pot pies in the fridges back here. They're always good to eat in cold weather. How about I cook you one of those?" yelled Eammon from the back.

Rhiannon was starving. She also wanted to get rid of this man ASAP.

"Fine! whatever!" she yelled back. Although, her anger was ebbing.

The man came back into the main room. He sat a steaming cup of coffee in front of her. "Here you go. I had to guess but I went with one cream and one sugar. It's decaf. You said you had to get to bed."

"Uhmm, right...bed." stated Rhiannon. This was the first time she'd gotten a good look at the man. He was older than her but still very handsome. He had grey hair mixed in with fading amber. His blue eyes sparkled at her and he winked. The wink threw her off guard.

"So tell me about yourself." the man questioned.

Rhiannon led a very private life. She usually kept to herself and didn't talk, especially to strangers. She didn't know why she was talking to this man. An innate Part of her knew she could trust him.

"Not much to say. I went to high school here. I didn't have enough money to go to college. So I got a job here at this bar. I've been working here ever since." stated Rhiannon, blushing a deep red. She was more than a little embarrassed. She hadn't gone to college. She was just a waitress in a crummy bar in a small seaside town. Rhiannon was just a little person. There was nothing special about her.

The stove beeped. The man went to get the chicken pot pies. He set one down in front of Rhiannon and another one in front of him. Rhiannon was starving. She started wolfing down the chicken pot pie. Not caring that it was searing hot.

" I'm Rhiannon by the way. So what's your story, Eammon?" questioned Rhiannon. It was late but Rhiannon also had no one to talk to. This man seemed kind enough. It was hard for Rhiannon to talk. Her mouth was full of hot chicken pot pie. Some juice spilled out of her mouth and onto her chin.

Automatically, Eammon grabbed a napkin and wiped the juice off her face. It was nice spending time with a person.

"Not much to say about me really. I roam from place to place. Going wherever my feet carry me. It's nice here in Sheep's Cove. I need a place to spend the winter. It's only supposed to get colder. You wouldn't know of a place where I could crash do you?" Eammon questioned.

Later, Rhiannon didn't know why she said it. She tried to tell herself that it was late and she'd been drinking. Later, Rhiannon told herself that Eammon was a stranger. He had told her he was a drifter. Rhiannon later thought he could be a thief, a rapist or something worse. The man was just so handsome. He seemed so kind. Rhiannon was enamored by his entire personality.

"You could stay with me. If you don't mind crashing on a cot." Rhiannon said.

"I couldn't impose on a beautiful lady like you. It wouldn't be right." stated Eammon. Truth be told he was excited. He had hoped to stay in the mortal world for awhile. He had been on his own for too long. He wanted company and he liked this woman. She thought she was boring. But, Eammon was already starting to desire her.

"It's really no problem. Just sleep on the cot tonight. I have some time off coming up. We'll get you all settled then. Whatever you need. Be my guest." said Rhiannon firmly. She'd been lonely. It would be good to have someone to come home to especially in the dark winter. Even if it was a stranger she didn't entirely trust.

"I've got these dishes." stated Eammon. Before Rhiannon could say anything the dishes were done with supernatural speed. Eammon was at the bar's door holding her coat.

"I suppose we'll go home then. What about your coat, Eammon? It's freezing out and my apartment is on the other side of town." questioned Rhiannon.

"Oh, I'm warm blooded, I never get cold." said Eammon. He opened the door and Eammon and Rhiannon headed out into the night. Eammn and Rhiannon walked the mile and a half to the other side of Sheep's Cove. They made their way up the outside stairs into Rhiannon's apartment. Rhiannon flipped on the light.

Rhiannon's apartment was basically a shoe-box and very untidy. Rhiannon blushed a deep red. Why did she keep her apartment in such a state of disarray? "Uhmm...I wasn't expecting guests, let me tidy that up for you". Eammon watched amused as the woman scampered around her apartment and picked up clothes that were strewn about. He watched amused as she shoved a few unwashed mugs into the dishwasher.

"Tidy...well at enough for now. The camp cot is in the closet. Help me get it out." stated Rhiannon.

Rhiannon and Eammon went over to the closet. They struggled to get out the camp cot and set it up. Its ancient springs groaned in protest. " Fuck, why is everything I own crap?" Rhianon stated to no one in particular. " Oh, it's freezing in here Eammon, use this to cover up." Rhiannon tossed him an old worn blanket.

"Well, your set-up isn't very good. But, it's all I have. Uhmm, if you don't want it, I don't know what to tell you."

Rhiannon took a look at Eammon. She realized he also looked haggard. It must be from all the wandering he did. The old camp cot was all she had to offer though. Rhiannon wished she had better.

Despite herself, Rhiannon let out a huge yawn.

"Eammon, I'm really beat and I need to go to bed. Uhmm...the bathroom is to the past my bedroom on the left. You can help yourself to anything in the kitchen."

On her way to bed, Rhiannon looked again at Eammon. Why had she invited him here? It was SO stupid. But, here he was. She couldn't cast him out into the winter cold. He had nowhere to go. Tonight he could stay. She'd see about tomorrow.

"You go to bed Rhiannon. I can look after myself. I'll be fine trust me." As Eammon said it, Rhiannon did trust him. She went into her bedroom, still in her work clothes, and fell on her bed exhausted. Sleep soon came to her. Meanwhile, in the main apartment, Eammon was cleaning up. He swept the kitchen, did the extraneous dishes and washed the counter tops. Eammon knew it was the least he could do for Rhiannon. She'd opened her apartment to him. She'd fed him and let him crash there.

Loud snores came from the bedroom. Eammon found Rhiannon strewn all across her bed. It had been a busy day, she'd worked late and was worn out. Eammon nearly let out a small laugh at the sight. How could such a small woman snore so loud? But, quickly regained his composure. Eammon took an old yellow patchwork quilt from the back of the sofa and covered her with it. He watched as she snuggled in. Eammon was happy. The woman who had taken him in was warm and at ease.

Eammon's wolf didn't need much sleep. He was used to roughing it in the snowy woods. He'd spent many nights there with just the trees and stars for company. The cot was lumpy and uncomfortable but he managed to get a few hours rest. When Eammon woke up, dawn was just starting to rise. He watched as Rhiannon slept in the next room. She was still snoring badly but Rhiannon was warm under the blankets.

The sun came up and still Rhiannon slept. Eammon didn't make breakfast because he didn't want to wake her. As time went by, Eammon made his way over to her bookshelf. There he discovered photo albums. He paged through them. There was a picture of Rhiannon in a wedding dress. Other photos showed a modest ceremony and what appeared to be the groom. Eammon let out a deep sigh in frustration. So the woman he liked was married.

Of course she was. Rhiannon deserved it. But, it meant she wasn't a virgin. That figured. Life never worked out the way he wanted. Eammon wanted to be with her. Yet, she'd never be accepted by other werewolves. Wolf law stated that true mates must be virgins. They definitely couldn't be married and have a mate of their own. Even Eammon was a bit ashamed that he was swooning over a married woman. How could she want him now when she had a husband?

A yawn came from the bedroom. Rhiannon was finally up! Eammon quickly put the photo album back in the bookshelf. Rhiannon came out. She was still wearing the same clothes from last night. Sleepily, she made her way across her small kitchen and put the kettle on. She turned around and gave a small yelp at the sight of Eammon in her apartment.

Eammon gave her a friendly smile and a small wave.

"Oh,'re here. Not a dream then." stated Rhiannon as she pulled an old green robe over herself. Eammon couldn't tell if she was happy or disappointed. Right now he was just going with it.

"I suppose I should offer you breakfast or something but all I got is instant coffee and Cheerios. I don't have any eggs Benedict, waffles or anything fancy. I'm not a Whole Foods woman. If you're going to live with me and want fancy food you're going to have to get that stuff on your own. Sometimes I'll be working and you'll have to cook for yourself. I'm not your mother or your maid. You okay with that?" questioned Rhiannon, setting the Cheerios down on the small table.

"Cheerios it is." said Eammon happily. He wanted to ask what Whole Foods was. He would appreciate a confirmation as to if he was going to get to stay here. But, Rhiannon was still waking up. She hadn't had coffee. Eammon had mortal friends before. He knew now was not the time to bother her.

"Ya going to be in town long? Not much to do here you know. The population sign says 5,000 but I bet we don't even have 2,000. Not much to do here at all. I suppose I can talk to Phill, he owns the bar, about having you do some odd jobs around Sheep's Cove but there's not much you know. Still, you're welcome to stay Eammon, glad to have you." Rhiannon said it but she wondered if she meant it. Her mother had taught her to be polite but did she have to be this polite?

"Thanks, Rhiannon. I don't know if I'll stay in Sheep's Cove for very long, I'm a wanderer you know. Right now I'm just passing through. You said you had today off, what are you going to do?" questioned Eammon. He liked Rhiannon and was eager to spend more time with her. He'd like to find out more about her too. Where was the man from the picture? How could he leave a beautiful creature like Rhiannon all alone?

Rhiannon added cream and sugar to her coffee. She poured him another cup. The couple ate their breakfast in silence for awhile.

"So Rhiannon if I'm going to be staying with you, tell me about yourself. What's your life like?' questioned Eammom as he ate his Cheerios. He wanted to know everything about her, but right now he'd settle for some basic information.

"I live here in Sheep's Cove. I work as a waitress at the Port of Call bar. I have a shitty job and a shitty life. That's my story." stated Rhiannon briskly. She was ashamed. She used to have so many dreams. Why hadn't she pursued them? Why had she let herself become imprisoned in a place she detested so much?

"So no boyfriend then? No hobbies?" questioned Eammon. He wanted to know about the wedding pictures but couldn't tell Rhiannon that he'd been snooping around in her private stuff.

"No boyfriend...well I used to be married but that didn't last long...only a month or two. He left several years ago. I'd like to tell you that I kicked him to the curb after he beat me up. But, that's not true. I just lived with him till one day he left me...probably for a prettier woman. So now I have no one but myself. Story of my life... as for hobbies, I like to read and go on nature walks. I find the woods very calming. It's like a part of me belongs there. It's like the wild calls me. Anyways...that was my plan today. To go out to this hidden cove I know, read and hang out. You can do whatever you want,Lord knows there's not much to do in this town. Go to the library, go over to the pizza parlor, stay here and watch TV. Whatever. I'm not your boss. But, I am going for that walk now," With that statement, Rhiannon got up, grabbed her coat and purse. She headed out the door.

"Wait, I'll come with you." yelled Eammon as he followed Rhiannon. Eammon watched in amazement as a gust of wind swept, Rhiannon's amber hair back. The crisp air caused her breasts to stand out pertly. She was a vision. Eammon found himself growing hard as he looked at her in all her glory. He was longing to take her breasts in his mouth and tell Rhiannon what an amazing woman she was.

"God dammit, it's my day off are you coming or staying?" Rhiannon yelled at him. She'd zipped up her coat now. Her tempting breasts disappeared from Eammon's sight. "Coming." yelled Eammon. He wanted to follow Rhiannon wherever she went. He wanted to do whatever Rhiannon asked.

"It's about a five mile hike, to where we're going. Hope you can walk that far." stated Rhiannon to him. Part of her cared. Part of her desperately wanted this stranger to follow her. Eammon said nothing but just followed. Rhiannon led them to a rocky beach, strewn with small drifts of snow, where yellow wildflowers grew.

"It's the geothermal vents that keep this beach warm all year. They cause the yellow wildflowers to bloom. I like to think of it as my own private hideaway. I've never seen anyone else out here. It's peaceful." stated Rhiannon as she sat down on the sand and pulled a tattered book from her worn out purse.

"Well, the beach is very you. I can see why you like." said Eammon as he sat down next to her. Eammon wondered what he should do. He didn't have any plan. He just wanted to be with Rhiannon.

Rhiannon tried to concentrate on her book. She really did. It was her favorite. She loved the characters and the story it told. But, she could concentrate. The smell of the sea and the flowers drifted over her. Eammon's gaze was penetrating. She felt like he was seeing who she truly was. It was almost like magic.

Magic was something she'd looked for her entire life but it always eluded her. Still it had to be out there somewhere...didn't it? At least she believed it did even if it was only a glimmer of a hope. There had to be a different way of living outside Sheep's Cove. Something better....somewhere. But, for now somewhere was just a pipe dream. Besides, Rhiannon had no money to go anywhere or anyone to go with.

The cold sea wind kicked up and fanned out Eammon's hair. The silver and amber hair blew and a scent like the woods drifted against Rhiannon's face. As Rhiannon continued looking, she felt something like desire grow deep within her. She'd been too long without a love. There was Eammon. He was so handsome and he'd been nothing but a gentleman to her. Rhiannon's face grew red and she realized she wanted him. Rhiannon wanted him more than a roommate, more than a friend, Rhiannon wanted him as a lover.

From down the beach, in tune only to Rhiannon, Eammon could hear her heartbeat accelerate. Eammon made his way back down to Rhiannon. He winked. Rhiannon drew back on the sand, submitting to him. Eammon took his place behind her. He caressed her, and smiled as he felt the stiffness from work leaving her body. He massaged her back and ran his fingers through her long,amber tresses, reveling in her softness.

"So you've been married and now you don't know where your husband is." stated Eammon. Wondering what idiot would abandon an exquisite creature such as Rhiannon.

"Yeah, well he was an asshole. Is an asshole wherever he is. I hate his guts. Trapping me in a place like this. But, here I am waiting for him, as if he's ever going to come back. He's a bastard. That's the best I can say about him without being impolite. Anyway, Sheep's Cove is as good as anywhere else. Nothing, short of a miracle, can change my life. " said Rhiannon sadly as she leaned further back into Eammon's massage. She hoped that someday, somehow, something would come along that would change her life. But, things like that were only in books, they never happened to real people.

" I used to think that all men were like my ex-husband, especially ones who come to Sheep's Cove. But, you've never been rude like that. You've only been here for a few days, Eammon. I know you must have some dark secret, everyone does, but I don't think you'd hit me or just up and leave. You're very gentlemanly." Rhiannon as she kissed Eammon on the forearm.

"Mmm, I definitely have a dark secret." Eammon said as he nuzzled his cheek into her hair." Eammon wanted to tell her, Eammon couldn't tell her yet. Right, now he just wanted to enjoy the day. He wanted to be with Rhiannon.