Bite-Sized: One Big Step Ch. 04

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Wednesday. Cherry gets a good sniff.
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All characters are at least 18 years old. This is a non-canonical story related to the Family Morsel series.



"You what?!"

I clamped a hand on Brie's mouth, head whipping around to make sure she hadn't attracted any attention in the busy cafeteria. "Jesus Christ, Brie, keep it down!" I hissed. As soon as I'd withdrawn my hand, she launched into an interrogation.

"Why didn't you tell me this when we arrived this morning?" she asked, clearly frustrated that I'd waited until lunch for such sordid drama as me kissing my stepbrother-to-be.

"Because he was right behind us, duh! Can't have you blurting anything out and have him realizing that I'm still thinking about it!" I huffed and threw my head into my hands, lightly shaking my head at my situation.

"So how did you react when he kissed you?" she murmured, gleefully leaning in to gossip. I looked up at her hesitantly before hiding behind my fingers.

"Um... Actually, I..." As I trailed off, her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.



"You kissed him?!"

"Qui-et!" I pleaded. I know I was being paranoid, but I couldn't help but feel like everybody around us knew what we were talking about.

Brie leaned in even further, practically drooling for juicy details. "Was he any good? Did you like it?" Her eyes narrowed slightly, drifting off to the side with her next question. "Wait, was that your first kiss?"

"Of course not! I've... kissed a few guys before!" Her expression indicated that she remained unconvinced. "I've kissed, uh... Stef!"

Her enthusiasm died a pitiful death as it was replaced by shock and outrage. "What?!" she snapped, taking me by surprise. With the worst possible timing, the guy in question slid onto the bench next to his sister.

"Did somebody say my name?" Stef asked before taking a big bite of his burger.

Brie turned on him, her tone so sharp it could cut diamonds. "You're kissing other girls?" she hissed. Stef still had his teeth in his burger, and he and it turned to stare at Brie in confused horror before glancing at me.

"That was a lie. I've never kissed Stef," I stammered, my hands coming up nervously.

"I asked you a question, Stefan," Brie said icily.

The poor guy looked between me and her in a panic before he attempted to swallow and started choking on burger. Brie helped by reaching up to begin throttling him, and he managed to gulp the bite down. Hands on her wrists, he finally managed to gasp out his answer.

"Never! Nobody else, Brie! She already said!"

Growling in doubt, she relented as she glowered at him while he recovered, giving me time to think about her words.

"What do you mean, 'other girls'? Are you two..." At this, the twins' gazes both whipped around to me in alarm, essentially answering my question before I finished it. "...kissing each other?"

Brie floundered, and Stef grabbed his tray and stood up. "I think I'm gonna eat lunch with the guys today," he announced, beating a hasty retreat and leaving her beet red as she avoided my eyes. Oh. A lot of things... made sense now. Including...

"Is that why you have no problem with me kissing Drew?" I wondered.

"Why would I have a problem with that?" she mumbled, her words jumbling together, her face pink.

"Because he's gonna be my stepbrother soon, and most people would find kissing him weird. But you don't, because--"

"Cherry, you can't tell anybody," she said quickly, a pleading tone in her voice as she finally made eye contact.

"How far have you two gone?" I asked in a lowered voice.

Her blush deepened and she looked down at her sandwich, biting her lip. Eventually, she said a bit defensively, "It's kinda hard resisting a hot guy living with you."

"Amen to that," I muttered without thinking, and her eyes went wide again, though not wider than my own. Oh my God, I just said that. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Is that right?" she lilted, on the offensive again as she gave me a knowing smirk.

"I'm... I'm just agreeing with that as a general truth," I babbled. "Drew isn't really my type 'cause he's cocky and super tall and his big dick is so dumb like why is it so big it's like he chose the size himself and he's nice one minute and a jerk the next and I have no idea how he feels about me really y'know not like in a sexy mysterious way but like in an annoying big brother way and fuck wait he's not my brother because if he is then I just kissed him last night and that's gross and weird and--"

"Cherry." Brie interjected, placing a hand on mine, a gentle smile on her face. "I get it."

I could feel how deep my blush was, and it was my turn to look away. "It's not like that," I lied. Was it a lie? What was it like? I had no flipping idea. All I knew was I couldn't stop thinking about Drew Hammond.


I walked into the room that my dad shared with Ms. Hammond. I still hadn't gotten used to just calling her Coco like she asked, which showed just how quickly everything had come together. Picking up their laundry hamper, I hauled it out toward Drew's room as I made the rounds. I used to do a lot of the chores before all this because dad had work, and Coco used to do most of the chores because she was the mom. Felt a bit stereotypical that we women did the housework. It wasn't even very complicated, just time-consuming. I planned to have a talk with Drew to get off his lazy ass and help out every once in a while.

It'd be nice if he did his own laundry, for starters. Setting down our parents' hamper, I looked into his and picked out one of his socks with my thumb and index finger. It was stiff and crinkly, like a used handkerchief. "Used" was the right word, I realized, and I dropped it hastily.

"Ew," I said to myself. I almost laughed at my own delivery, which had been comically devoid of disgust, spoken flatly in a neutral tone. Gingerly picking the sock back up, I held it aloft and slowly drew near before giving it a quick sniff. My suspicions were correct, and I quickly recoiled then gagged.

I'd heard of guys jacking off into socks before, but had just written it off as a silly gender myth. Now I had proof that at least one guy was sexually abusing his footwear. I found it odd that I'd never been around semen before, but somehow I knew that this was the smell. How could girls stand swallowing if it smelled like this? I wouldn't even blow a guy if I knew this was what awaited me.

I took another sniff, confirming my initial judgement. It smelled rank. Putrid. Revolting. The sock was grey, but there was some slight yellowing at the end, where it was crinkly. Pretty sure jizz wasn't yellow, so was that because it was open to air for so long? Was the smell worse now that it had aged, so to speak? I had so many questions, and no guys around to answer them.

I breathed the stench in again, starting to feel a bit sick at how much it stank. According to the folks online, guys jacked off into socks for easy cleanup. No need to mess around with tissues and miscellaneous stains when you could just use a piece of clothing that you were gonna wash anyway. A couple more sniffs. So this was Drew's smell. Yuck.

I moved to his bed, sitting down as I brought the crusty sock to my nose again. God, he was so gross. So he expected either me or his mom to wash his nasty jizz socks for him? What an asshole. The least he could do was wash them himself. My hand slipped into my shorts, feeling how dirty my own laundry was becoming as I sniffed the sock some more. It really was such a repulsive odor. I wondered if he used a clean sock or used. I didn't detect any foot stench, which was a relief. Clean sock it was, then. Perhaps he even had specific socks just for cumming in?

I lay down and my fingers slipped into my panties, rubbing my slick arousal as I pressed his fouled sock to my nose. Truly, truly sickening, this sock. This thing had been on his dick, I realized. His big, dumb, juicy cock as he jacked off thinking dirty thoughts about hot girls. Had he used this last night? I'd heard him pleasure himself as soon as I'd left. I'd been on the other side of the door, doing the exact same thing. Arrogant prick had teased me with his boxers and used inception to make me think of his giant cock. What was even the point of having a cock that big? After the first few inches, the rest of it was kind of redundant. Like a giant mansion. Who even used all those rooms? I took another whiff, rubbing faster.

Stupid Drew with his big, dumb, throbbing cock. It probably drew a lot of blood from his brain, that's why he was such a butthead. All that blood to power his cock so that he could stroke it while thinking about me. He'd been thinking of me, right? That meant that this load here belonged to me. This jizz was mine. I moaned and took another drag of the sock, my pussy juices now audible as I masturbated. God, this was so frustrating. All this smelly cum trapped in this stupid sock, instead of... All he'd had to do was open the door, and--

The door opened just as I buried my nose in the sock, and I swear my eyes almost popped out of my head. I bolted upright, clutching the sock tightly to see Drew standing in the doorway. His eyes dropped to my crotch, and I hastily pulled my hand out of my shorts, wiping my nectar on his sheets. And now I was the nasty one. He spotted the sock in my hand, and I had half a second to register his intent before he dived for it, and we wrestled around as he tried to wrench it out of my grasp. I thrashed around, holding on to his dirty, used, stinking jizz sock...

I let go and he tossed it back into his hamper before turning back to me. He was straddling me on his bed, his giant cock making a giant bulge in his jeans as he towered over me. This was what it would look like if he took me to bed with the intention of skewering me on his thick manhood. I bit my lip and whimpered. Somebody kill me now.

"The hell were you doing?" he growled.

"You make your mom wash your jizz socks?" I accused.

"I do my own laundry! But maybe I should have you do it instead, since you like it so much."

My mouth clamped shut at that, and he softened. His expression, not his dick. Dick was even bigger now. "It... It's not what it looks like," I managed pathetically.

"Then what is it?" he murmured, reaching down and stroking himself through his pants.

"Ew, what are you doing?" I demanded, crawling back further onto his bed.

"I swear, little siblings really are all the same. This is my room. If you don't like it, you can get out." With that, he undid his pants and extracted his cock, which looked magnificent as it stood proud in front of me. I involuntarily licked my lips -- oh my fucking God -- and he looked surprised for a moment before affording himself a tiny smirk. "If you want it so bad... you can have it fresh..."

"We're not even going to pretend anymore...?" I whispered, my hand creeping back toward my shorts.

"I still have no idea why we feel this way," he replied, his voice gravelly. "We have no interest in each other, but... there's no denying how our bodies react to each other..."

"You're still a condescending jackass," I muttered, slipping my hand inside to tease my clit.

"You're still an irritable pipsqueak," he countered, wrapping his hand around the shaft and beginning to stroke at a leisurely pace.

"I wish you'd stop making fun of me and take me seriously for once."

"I wish you'd chill out and just laugh at my jokes."

While we each worked on ourselves, our eyes wandered to each other's crotches. I swallowed, wetting my lips as I watched his hand quicken on his rod. If his gross socks smelled so delicious, surely...

As if of the same mind, we each leaned forward, extending our free hand. I yanked down his jeans, freeing his balls to hang in all their glory, while he tugged my shorts off to expose my soaked pussy. And then our hands exchanged spots. Soaked in my nectar, my little hand settled on his massive cock, while his strong fingers began petting my tiny mound. God, our size difference was such a turn on-- Disturbing! It was disturbing. So disturbing, in fact, that I began moaning as he worked my bald puffy labia and he groaned while I lubed him up with my signature blend.

His cock was aimed right at my face, and I couldn't resist the urge to lean in for a little sniff. That led to a big sniff, and before I knew it, my nose was running along the top of his shaft as I got drunk off his musk. His free hand was cupped around the back of my neck. I swear my eyes were crossing. I thought all that stuff in porn was exaggerated, but... My willpower was still strong enough to keep my tongue off his inviting meat.

"Cherry..." he rasped, and my only other warning was two pulses of his sex. Fresh cum spurted out, spraying across my face in a nice even pattern. It was scalding, and the stench was milder than the sock. Intoxicatingly so, and I closed my eyes blissfully to receive more. Spasms gripped my body, and my thighs became damp as something soaked into his sheets. Oh God, his delicious cum was all over my face. I jacked him off harder, coaxing the last of his ejaculate out onto my waiting tongue, and I moaned in satisfaction. It tasted heavenly.

Just as I finished swallowing, I sobered up, and everything hit me all at once. With a quiet gasp, I scrambled to my feet and pulled my shorts up, dashing past him and out into the hall, into my own room. I slammed the door shut, eyes drifting to the ceiling as my mind reeled. What the fuck just happened?! I'd lost my mind and shared a moment with that asshole. His jism was still all over my face! I went to the bathroom to wash it off, but when I threw the door open, he did the same over on his end. We stared awkwardly at each other before both slamming our doors closed again.

How was I supposed to face him now?!

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LanceQuiverLanceQuiver8 months ago

To SomeDamnedDude:

I strongly suspect this was a cut storyline that was essentially replaced w/ the ‘Cream & Coco’ / ‘Cherry on Top’ stories.

So its not technically ‘canon’, lol!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It seems that your assumption is that the reader has just read the previous 'chapter.' Such is not the case in

There MIGHT be subsequent submissions adjacent to each other. But most usually not. For this occurance, the reader would need to be in your stories, which is only possible after the series have been posted.

You do offer well written stories and deserve good ratings. Much more-so than a lot of authors !

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Too dude; it's an alternate universe story I think.

SomeDamnedDudeSomeDamnedDude9 months ago

Does this story ignore the existing relationships between parent and child? I like it in any case and await the next installment. What is the proper order to read this interconnected series of stories? I am considering starting the entire body of your writings over and rereading it again as they were very enjoyable and well written. 5/5 as always with your works.

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