Bite-Sized: One Big Step Ch. 11

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Tuesday. Drew and Cherry go skating.
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All characters are at least 18 years old. This is a non-canonical story related to the Family Morsel series.



I had to look in the eyes of a man who had been ready to strangle me to death just two days ago, and pretend I didn't take his daughter's virginity but a day later. If Leon had even a clue of what I'd done to Cherry, he didn't let on. Which would've been out of character, so bottom line: he had no idea. Meanwhile, Cherry was over the moon this morning. She was definitely walking funny, and was still wincing from phantom pain every now and then even when sitting still at breakfast, but she was absolutely aglow. So yeah, I had no idea how to feel about it all.

We were on our way to school when Cherry almost collapsed. I caught her by the arm and she looked up at me shyly before straightening back up. "Thank you, Drew baby," she mumbled, making sure she had good footing before pushing on.

"You sure you should be going to school today? I mean, maybe you should take a day off," I suggested. Despite my words, there was sick satisfaction in seeing how debilitated she was from... from my cock.

She brushed some hair out of her face, her expression full of a new confidence. "It's my first day of school as a real woman. No way I'm missing that," she declared. Not gonna lie, the statement wasn't really sexual in any way, and yet it left me unbelievably turned on. Pride said I was happy to see she finally felt better about herself and was now comfortable with who she was, and that was hot. Vanity said it was because of me, and that was hot. What can I say, guys liked feeling important, especially to those we cared about. "But, uh..."

"What's up?" I asked when she stopped walking again.

She looked up again with her pouty face, and I sighed good-naturedly. "Can you carry me?

"All the way to school?!" I squawked, and she nodded. "Listen, Squirt, I've gotten a little buff lately, and you're really tiny, but carrying you and your backpack that far is..." My arms were getting sore just thinking about it. "I'm sorry, I don't think I can do it."

"Then hold my hand." She extended it toward me and I grinned.

"Now that, I can do."

We arrived at school together, definitely garnering looks now since word was spreading that we were a couple. I stopped outside, halting her in her tracks and causing her to look back up at me.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Waiting for the twins," I replied simply, nodding up at the approaching bus.

"Oh. Um, alright, well I'm gonna head inside first." Almost frantically, she let go of my hand and hurried away, leaving me confused as I waited for the bus to make its last turn onto campus grounds. The twins stepped off, and Brie marched right up to me with Stef trailing behind her.

"Okay, what is going on?" she asked, frowning at the students heading inside. "Is she avoiding me?"

"I dunno," I grunted, feeling troubled myself. "Did you two get into a fight or something?"

Brie waved for Stef to go on without her, promising to meet up for lunch later and exchanging 'I love you's before turning back to me. "The last time I actually talked to her was when we went to the zoo on Saturday. Then Sunday happened, and now she's not answering my texts, she doesn't sit with us at lunch, I can't even corner her outside of classes. Has she said anything to you? Like, about this?"

"I mean, it's only been a day. But yes, it is strange," I admitted as we began walking to the lockers. "No, she hasn't mentioned you at all." She looked a little hurt by that but brushed past it.

"I'm... worried about her," Brie said sadly. "You told us to wait until you figured everything out, but I..."

"It's alright, Brie, I don't think you have anything to worry about. She's actually been super happy all morning--"

"Until I showed up," she concluded, and I blanched. "Ouch. O-- Okay. Just... take care of her, alright?"


"I'll see you later." With a gulp and a sniff, she hurried off to classes and left me more unsure than before.


I finally managed to track Cherry down after classes let out. She was at her locker and beamed when she saw me coming.

"Hey you," I murmured with a smile.

"Hi," she said sweetly, closing her locker and packing a book into her bag. "You ready to go?"

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something." I hesitated. I was always careful, but I wasn't exactly tactful. This was probably gonna end in a mess, but it needed doing. "It's about Brie."

Her joyful expression instantly snapped into one of veiled hostility. "What about her?"

"Uh... Well, she was just wondering if you were avoiding her or something."

"You were talking to her?" Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. This was going extremely poorly. But salvation came from the strangest of places.

"So, you two," jeered Lauren as she and her herd of whores pulled up to us. "When are you gonna upload your disgusting porno to the hub?"

We both turned to her in irritation, glaring at her as she and her friends exchanged exaggerated laughs. Then I smirked. "Why? You that desperate to see it?"

Lauren immediately scowled, and I could see out of the corner of my eye that Cherry was looking up at me with wide eyes. Turned out it was in admiration, and I winked at her. "Of course not," she sputtered. "I'm not a filthy degenerate like you guys!"

"Hm. I think you're just jealous that Cherry got a boyfriend before you did." I grinned as Lauren reddened and actually took a step back.

"Don't be ridiculous! I've had plenty of boyfriends before," she spat.

"Who?" That single word from Cherry made all of Lauren's friends look at the bitch curiously, as if realizing for the first time that they'd never heard of her with a boy. She was left opening and closing her mouth like a goldfish, and Cherry looped her arm in mine. "Come on, boyfriend. Let's leave the virgin here to find somebody who'll take pity on her."

We vaguely heard Lauren screaming obscenities after us, and I looked down to see Cherry grinning. "Cathartic?"

"Very," she sighed. "All those speeches I'd practiced in my head, and I got her with one word. It's almost anticlimactic."

"Well I doubt she's done after this. Maybe bust one of your speeches out next time," I chuckled.

She leaned her head against my arm as we walked. "Thank you for standing up for me."

"It just works better 'cause I stand taller."

"Oh my God. Jerk!" she squealed, and I grinned. "Can't a moment just be nice?"

"If you wanted nice moments, you wouldn't be dating me," I replied with a shrug, and she rolled her eyes.

"Stop acting like I don't know how sweet you can be, you big softy."

I leaned down to murmur in her ear, "Around you, cutie, I'm never soft."

"Ew, Drew!"


I finished helping mom with the dishes after dinner and was heading back to my room when Cherry passed me in the hallway, her hair in a double dutch braided bun. "Whoa, nice hair. Never seen you wear it like that before."

"Thanks," she said, though she sounded distant. She avoided my eyes, and I spotted a duffel bag in her hand, making me frown.

"Going somewhere? It's already kinda late, and we have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, uh... I'll be back soon. Just need to..." Trailing off, she simply pointed at the front door over her shoulder before twirling her hair and making her escape. She was headed out at night by herself? Bewildered, I watched her leave. Apparently I wasn't the only one.

"Hm. She'll be fine, she just..." Leon was behind me, standing at the door to his and mom's room and looking contemplative. Before I could ask him anything, he hit me with a question first. "Hey, Drew? Can we talk?"

Naturally, only the best conversations began with a declaration of needing to talk. This could only end well. I nodded apprehensively, and he gestured for us to speak in my room. I sat and crossed my legs on my bed while he stood by the door with his arms crossed, head bowed as he considered his words. No righteous fury, no strangling. Maybe I wasn't in trouble. Hopefully.

"Drew, I owe you an apology," Leon said, catching me off guard. "I said things -- and did things -- on Sunday that I shouldn't have. I didn't have the full story and acted rashly, and I... I really hope you can still see me the same way you used to. I'm sorry, Drew." He was worrying at his lip, chewing it nervously as he paused.

"It's okay, Mr.... Leon. I get it. I don't even have a daughter, and I already know I'd have done the same. Maybe worse, even," I admitted with a chuckle, and he smiled before dipping his head again.

"I'm sure you're already aware, but I do plan on proposing to your mom in the coming months. That's the whole reason we're living together, after all, right? And with that in mind, I do hope that you and I can get along well, rather than have these negative sentiments standing between us. I'm not trying to replace your dad--"

"Maybe you should," I interjected. "Fuck my dad."

"I'd rather not," he chuckled, and I couldn't help but laugh. Mom said he had a talent for injecting levity into uncomfortable situations, and she wasn't kidding. "I suppose I'll take that as a seal of approval?" I nodded with a small smile, and he took a deep breath before continuing. "Cherish already told me that you and she... Well, she didn't elaborate on the extent, but needless to say, I'm aware that the two of you are involved."

"...Yeah." Shit, we were going there, huh?

"She's all I have left of my wife. I've encouraged her to live her life chasing after what she wants. Perhaps a bit too much, because she's... Well, you know how she is." We both smirked wryly. "But I know your mother taught you 'Safety first,' so I would appreciate it if you took good care of her. She's all grown up now, and I can't always be there for her. Can I trust you with my daughter, Drew?"

I met his gaze solemnly. He had no idea I was already totally in love with her. "Yes, sir."

We both nodded before smiling, and he took another deep breath as if to draw us out of the conversation. "Well, you better get after her, then."

"Where is she going?"

"The ice rink. Her hair's too long to skate with, what with the moves she pulls off, so her braiding it up like that is a sure sign that she's going. And she only goes out of the blue when she needs to think." He paused, shaking his head. "I don't know what's going on with her, but she definitely has a lot to think about. She seemed much happier today, especially with you, so I'm worried there's something else..."

"Yeah... I'll see what I can dig up."


I was on the ice, gliding back and forth, absently working through simple jumps and tricks as I sorted through the yarn in my head. The others were noticing that I was avoiding Brie. Well of course they were, I'd made it pretty obvious.

It was just a dream.

A shot of Drew mounting Brie flashed before my eyes, followed immediately by the sight of Drew under me as I claimed him, marking him with my virginal blood. So that was it, right? He was mine, I'd won, plan over. Ha, not even close.

I rolled the insanity I'd schemed over in my mind. I had to see it through. Besides, it might've already been too late to stop. And if it worked, we would both be happier than we could possibly imagine. Drew would understand.

Speaking of whom, he was in the stands watching me with a lazy smile. I couldn't help beaming, skating over to him. "What are you doing here?"

"Watching art in motion," he said with a dramatic flourish of his hand. I giggled and shook my head. "Love the outfit, by the way."

"Thank you." I looked down at my favorite skating attire, a glittery deep green dress with small rhinestones and a slanted skirt. It was after hours, and we were alone at the rink. The staff knew me well and let me come in by myself as long as I didn't make a mess, made sure to lock up, and left the key in the usual place. "Do you skate?"

"You kidding me? These legs were made for skating," he boasted, a cocksure look on his face.

"Then let's see it, Stilts," I challenged with a smile, pointing toward the skate rental area. He came back with some skates, lacing himself up before stepping onto the ice. Wobbling a bit, he held his arms out unsteadily as he struggled to find his balance.

"See? Easy as cake, piece of pie." He promptly slipped and landed right on his ass, and he groaned in pain, making me giggle.

"I think you slipped because that's not how either of those phrases go." I helped him to his feet, and he waddled across the ice with his legs spread, his upper body tipping precariously back and forth before he ended up on his hands and knees. "Or maybe those legs weren't made for skating after all."

"Alright, fine," he grumbled as he struggled to climb back up to his feet. "Then teach me, sensei."

Laughing, I took both of his hands in mine and glided backward, leading him and providing instructions. He was absolutely hopeless, struggling to even stay upright, let alone move across the ice. His goofy grin was spread wide as I coached him, except whenever he fell and groaned loudly. He even almost dragged me down with him once or twice, making me yelp in panic. We were giggling like children the whole time. He wasn't getting any better, but it was just so much fun to be with him, alone in this moment. We skated together for who knows how long, and occasionally I'd catch him just admiring me, a soft expression swiftly preceding another fall when I caught him staring. It was... magical.

He was spread-eagle on the ice after yet another fall when my phone rang across the rink. Leaving him to wallow in his self-pity, I glided over to answer it. The caller ID said Brie, and I hesitated. She knew I was avoiding her, and she had no idea why. And I couldn't tell her why since it was because I didn't want her anywhere near my boyfriend in case she stole him from me.

It was just a dream.

I sighed and tapped my forehead with the top of my phone before answering. "Hi Brie."

"Cherry? Cherry! Oh, it's so good to-- I mean... It's been a while."

I winced at how detached she was forcing herself to be. I'd really hurt her. But what was new? I hurt the people around me. "I'm sorry, Brie. For... I... don't know what to say to you."

"Did I... Did I do something wrong? Like, I don't even know what's going on, y'know?" There was a slight quiver in her voice, and I squeezed my eyes shut in regret.

I couldn't get into it here. "One sec," I said to her, before turning to shout to Drew. "Hey, I'll be right back, okay? You just chill out."

"You did not just drop an ice pun on me, Squirt," he yelled, still supine.

I tittered and put my blade guards on before trotting to the locker room, sitting on the bench. "Hey, I'm back. Sorry about that." I sighed, struggling with how to go about this. "No, you didn't do anything wrong. I just... I'm insane, alright?"

"What do you mean?"

"It'll be better face-to-face. We should meet. Can I go to your place after school tomorrow?"

"So we can't discuss this at school? Uh, okay, I can send Stef over so the boys can hang out and we have the room to ourselves."

"Sounds good. I..." I exhaled heavily. "I missed you, Brie."

"I missed you too, Cher. But you better be spilling tomorrow," she threatened playfully, and I chuckled.

"Alright. See you tomorrow."

After ending the call, I sighed as I already began rehearsing what and how to tell her tomorrow. Hopefully she wouldn't be too upset. I made my way back to the rink, slowing to a stop as I watched Drew. He was casually gliding back and forth on the ice, sometimes on one foot, sometimes backwards, always as if his earlier boasts could be backed up. The big jerk had pretended to not know how to skate in order to spend more time with me and have fun, and my heart swelled.

"So you can skate," I said with a wry smirk.

His head whipped over to look at me, eyes filling with panic before he promptly landed on his ass again. But I was wise to his tricks now. He was the sweetest guy who would lie just to make me feel important and happy. And I was doing the same thing with my plan. ...Right?

"Damnit, you made me slip again. Just when I was getting good," he griped. I arched an eyebrow and took off my blade guards, stepping back onto the ice and moving toward him. He got back up and patted his butt dry, grinning sheepishly. "But yeah. I can't do all the spins and flips that you do, but I'm still dece, I think."

I skated into his arms and leaned up to kiss him. "Thank you, Drew baby. This was really sweet. But it's getting late, we should get going."

"Right, right."

"I need to get changed first." I skated backwards away from him, then held a beckoning hand out to him. "Come with me?"

He grew a devilish grin and followed with ease. Kicking off his skates, he swept me up into his arms as I giggled, carrying me to the locker room. "Now see, this distance I can carry you," he noted, and we were already kissing before we made it through the doors.

He set me down, hands all over me but always returning to my chest, pinching my nipples through my outfit. I gasped and let our tongues dance together, and he sat us down on a bench before massaging my thighs, desperately tugging at the hose. I stood and began shedding my outfit, slowing down when I noticed his lustful gaze on my body. With tantalizing slowness, I began swaying my hips back and forth with my back to him, thankful for my dance skills.

"Squirt, you're killing me," he groaned as he watched me, his hand brushing over his crotch. I giggled, overjoyed that he wanted me so badly. I also noticed I didn't have a problem with him calling me Squirt anymore. Before, it was because I was short, and then it was because I actually squirted. But now... I kinda enjoyed being his petite squirting girlfriend. It was actually kinda hot, really. Like it was our thing.

"Tell me what you wanna do to me, Drew baby," I whispered as I stripped.

He growled with need, pushing his erection down the left leg of his jeans. "I wanna rip you out of that little dress. I wanna bend you over this bench and suck on that clit 'til you squirt down my throat. I wanna stuff this cock into your tiny pussy and stretch you out into the shape of me."

My sex throbbed with need, and then with pain from the night before, making me spasm and almost double over. My hands crashed into the lockers in front of me, and before I knew it, Drew was by my side holding me up.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry," he rushed out.

"I'm okay. It's just, last night..." I winced again then breathed deeply, letting the pain ebb. "It was amazing, but I'm sorry, I don't think I can do anything tonight."

"Yeah, no, totally. Take as much time as you need." He pulled me close, kissing the top of my head. "Let's just get you home."

"What? No, we can do other things." I sat him back down on the bench and returned to my previous spot, continuing to strip, pushing the outfit past my hips. "I dance, and I skate, so I'm pretty limber and flexible. That opens up a lot of possibilities." With a wink, I let my dress drop to the floor, revealing my fully nude body. Raising my leg up into a standing split, I gave him an unobstructed view of my sex. He swallowed and grunted in approval, lips parted as he leaned in. "Now take off your pants and sit on the floor facing the bench."

"What? Uh, okay." He did as he was told, and I retrieved my duffel bag from the locker and pulled out a bottle of lotion. Squatting in front of him, I gave him another kiss before drizzling his erect member with lotion. He inhaled sharply at the cold liquid but didn't complain, watching as I sat on the bench and extended my feet toward him. My toes cupped his cock on either side, and he groaned as I began rubbing the lotion into his skin. He threw back his head and his eyes, leaning back on his arms as he enjoyed my ministration.