Bitter Sweet 05


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"Obey in all things?"

"Yes, that's a core rule, I can't order you to do anything illegal or where someone may come to harm and a few other nuances," she explained.

The waiter came back over. "Are you ready to order now?"

"Yes," Dafne said. "We'll have two of your large steaks, mine medium rare." She looked over at me.

"Medium rare for me as well," I added.

"Drinks?" he asked, looking back at Dafne.

She looked over at me.

"A beer would be nice."

"Two Duff's," she said.

He nodded and picked the menus up. As he walked away Dafne spoke. "Do you love me?"

"Yes of course!"

"Then trust me. I promise never to hurt you, there may be a little pain sometimes, but that goes with the lifestyle. When we're alone like this we can be lovers."

"It's the lifestyle that worries me most, I can't be like Dmitri."

She laughed. "You're never ever going to be like Dmitri or Timmy, you have too much life in you. I know you can meet some weird people but they're mostly harmless."

"Like that Dom who was trying to get inside your pants?"

She gave a chuckle. "That was your fault in a way. Because you're not like Dmitri, you're the strong handsome silent type. I could see how jealous he got when I told him we slept together. He bet me he was the better performer in bed."

"Oh," I replied, a little lost for words.

"Don't worry, there are not many of his kind around and you'll be there if there are. I don't need any other lover now I've found my perfect one," she went on tenderly.

My heart surged on hearing the words. "Why couldn't I fall for a straight girl," I said softly. I gave a slight shake of my head. "If this is the way it's got to be."

"It'll be fun, I promise. Just as soon as Chloe moves out we can be like a normal couple, curled up on the couch together instead of you having to sit at my feet."

"That can't come soon enough," I agreed.

"For the time being we can spend most of the time somewhere outside when I'm not working. I can introduce you to all my old friends."

"When do I get to meet your parents?"

"When you're perfect at playing a sub. My father will be looking for holes to pick; you'll have to prove I've done a good job training you."

At that moment the waiter returned with our steaks and beers. We let the conversation lapse while we ate and only resumed it when we were walking out of the restaurant.

"If we go to a Notary now we can get a hard copy printed out and work out what we want to add in the codicil. Then after I've finished my next appointment we can take it back there signed and make you a legal immigrant," she said, pausing at the door.

"Yes, that's fine," I replied, giving her a smile.

"I'll look up the nearest," she said cheerfully, reaching into her bag.

I waited, watching her tap in the search.

"We'll have to get a taxi," she announced, looking up at me.

"Lead on," I replied as she put her pad away.

She reached and grabbed my wrist, giving it a squeeze before releasing it. "Let's find a lift down," she said excitedly.

We walked back the way we'd come to take the lift down to the roadway below. I was sure the two young lads behind us were snickering about me but I stoically ignored them.

As soon as we started moving she blanked out the canopy and moved onto my lap, hands curling around my neck as she twisted in to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around her and surrendered to the passion of the kiss.

The kiss seemed to last minutes before she broke it off and snuggled her head on my shoulder. "I think I'm the happiest woman this side of the galaxy," she said with a sigh.

"And I want you to stay that way," I whispered in her ear as I gave her a squeeze.

"As long as you're near me," she whispered back.

"I will be."

"I know," she replied as she lifted her head back up.

We both move in for the kiss, my hand slipping up under her ponytail to caress her neck. When she broke the kiss we both stayed snuggled together till the taxi stopped.

The clerk's face was a picture of curiosity when she discovered I was registered still as a spacer engineer. We opted for the simplest one and aroused her curiosity again when Dafne told her we'd be back to submit it later.

It was two simple paragraphs, the first one, for me to sign.

I, (name), do hereby swear and affirm fealty and obedience to Mistress (name), I promise to obey her lawful commands and faithfully serve her.

And one for her.

I,(name), do hereby accept the servitude of (name), and take full responsibility for his/her well-being, promising to feed and house (name)and see that no harm comes to him/her.

She handed it over to me when we got into the taxi. "What do you think we should add?"

"I don't really know, it'd be difficult to match the flowery legalise. I'd like to put in a clause like "No infliction of pain"."

"How about we say "Or undue pain" and slip it in after "No harm"?" she asked, pointing at the words.

"That sounds okay," I replied as I mentally read the words in.

"Anything else?" she asked.

"Not that I can think of at the moment," I replied.

"Good, that was easier than I thought it would be," she said, sounding a little relived.

"Well I was wondering if we could add no anal, I know I could claim exemption under the 'no hurt' part on psychological grounds but it might be better to have it explicitly stated."

"I like an anal fuck now and again, I'd rather you to do the fucking than some client. How about if we add consensual to it, so we both want to we can?"

"Ah, I'm really not that keen but if it's only now and again I suppose," I replied.

"We could say 'I further agree to the stipulation that any anal play be consensual'."

"That works for me," I said with a nod.

"Okay, we can add that at the end," she said leaning back into her chair.

I handed her the paper back and she folded it before putting it in her bag. As she straightened she reached over and took my hand. "I wonder what this next one's going to be like?" she asked rhetorically.

"Have you got a typical client?"

"I don't know, most of them at Angla's were business types. Their circumstances wouldn't allow them to keep a full time Mistress. I suppose the same is true here."

"I was wondering about that, everything seems so open here there seems no need of places like Chloe's. Why not just hire your own Mistress?"

"Oh, it's a lot more complicated than that. I know we have lots of people leading twenty four seven lifestyles but not everyone wants to out themselves. There are still quite a lot of strict sects here that refuse to do business with us."

"Ah, hence the grey areas."

"Mm," she replied, releasing my hand. "I think we're nearly home, back to calling me Mistress again."

"Yes, Mistress," I answered graciously.

I glanced around at the buildings but they were all anonymous to me, though I wasn't surprise when started to slow less than a minute later. I opened the door and let her exit first, then followed as the doorman triggered the building door for her.

Conscious of the cameras around, I put on a blank face as I resumed my role. I put the shopping outside the door then dropped to my knees to follow her into the upstairs lounge.

We found Chloe watching the screen. As we drew closer I could see she was wearing a nurses uniform.

"You've got half an hour to get changed," she greeted us.

"I'll do that now," Dafne replied, turning and nearly walking into me.

I swivelled aside, swinging my knees after me. I hurriedly twisted back to turn and follow her. She paused at the door till I caught up, as I looked up her eyes tracked from mine to the door handle.

I caught her meaning and reared up to open it, I held it wide then scrabbled through after her. As the door closed I got up and trailed her down to our room.

"Oh that woman!" she exclaimed as she started pulling her t-shirt off on the way to the wardrobe.

I picked it up when she dropped it and started on the fly. With the jeans hanging on her hips she opened the door and heeled her shoes off while sorting through the clothes.

She found the nurses costume but then selected a white coat. Handing it to me she walked over to the lingerie drawer and rummaged through that. She picked out what she wanted then walked over to the bed.

She dropped her bundle onto it then turned to face me as she hooked her thumbs inside the waistband of her panties and pushed them down. I watched excitedly as her landing strip appeared then the swell of her mound.

She sat and held her feet up. I turned, dropping the t-shirt back on the floor while laying the white coat on the bed. Stooping I took hold of the bottoms of the jeans legs and pulled them off along with her panties.

Retrieving the t-shirt I turned to walk them all over to the laundry chute.


I turned to see her holding out her bra. As I took it she continued. "Bring me the white patent leather stilettos."

She was standing, pulling her thong up as I walked back.

"Get my pad and you can use my account to order more groceries," she asked as she sat.

I put the shoes on the floor and turned to the door where she'd dropped it as she entered. I picked it up and walked back to the bed as she finished adjusting her bra.

She took the bag from me and pulled out her pad. "Here, and don't forget we need milk and coffee."

"Shall I get percolated and instant?" I asked as I took it.

"Why?" she demanded.

"To replace what we've used of Chloe's."

"Sod her," she snorted, "just the percolated."

"Yes, Mistress," I said a trace of amusement colouring my voice.

"Well she's treating me like a child," she replied.

"You're behaving like one now if I'm honest. She's probably jealous of your youth and beauty. She's on her way out and you're on the way up."

"That's still no excuse," she said slightly mollified.

As I turned my attention to the pad she picked up a plastic suspender belt. While I was compiling my list she stood and walked over to the dresser and began to undo her hair.

When I finished I picked up the pair of white stockings and the coat then walked over to stand behind her, watching her reflection in the mirror as she brushed her hair.

Glancing up she gave me a smile. "Go put your clothes away. I'll be a minute yet."

I was stuck with her clothes as I walked over to where I'd left the bag at the door. Collecting it I walked back to the bed, laying her clothes down before tipping mine out.

I picked up the track suit and straightened it out. Jogging wasn't my favourite sport, neither street nor treadmill. I usually had a workout and a sauna once or twice a week, depending on my schedule.

I laid it next to the coat and bent to snap the ring with the labels then pulled out the tissue paper stuffed in the toes. I walked them all over to the wardrobe and put them tidily inside.

"Bring me the apron," called Dafne, as I was about to shut the door.

I sorted through the clothes and found it. I swung the door shut as I turned. She'd walked back over to the bed and picked the coat up. It barely covered the tops of her thighs, leaving the suspender straps dangling below it.

She clipped the poppers from the bottom up, leaving the top two undone. Taking the apron from me she opened the velcro to undo the belt then turned her back to me as she held the apron in place.

"Do me up," she requested, twisting to look over her shoulder at me.

I hooked the belt and drew it around her back, she took it and tightened it to her own satisfaction then undid the neck loop and threaded that around her neck. I lifted her hair from under it as she tightened that.

She turned back around to face me. "How do I look?"

"You're popping my thermometer," I replied, smiling both at her and my attempt at a witty reply.

"Ha ha," she mocked, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. "Go get the key off the dresser."

She watched me walk over and back then took it from me and unlocked the flap. "There," she said looking up at me. "You can stay in here till we're finished, then we can go back to the Notary."

"That's fine by me," I replied as she turned to pick up the stockings.

"Help me with these," she asked, handing them to me.

I went down on one knee as she lifted a foot up, draping one stocking over my knee I rucked the other up while she rested her heel on my thigh. I had a clear view of the bulge of her thong covered pussy, with my imagination letting me visualise the wrinkled folds under the thin fabric.

The silky stocking added to my arousal as I slipped it over her toes and smoothed it up her foot. She raised her leg to let me push it over her heel then reached down to take the top and ease it up over her calves.

I held her ankle to straighten the toe and heel, when I finished she rested her other foot on my knee. I slipped the stocking on and smoothed it down and up over her ankle as she lifted her foot.

I looked up expecting her to take over, instead she spoke. "Shoes next."

Holding her ankle I reached over and picked up the shoe and eased it over her toes and held it firm while she wiggled her heel in. she brought up the other foot and I held that to fit the other one.

As she put the foot down she stood. "Fasten my stockings while you're there," she said with brief giggle.

Touching her, running my fingers over her soft skin, was an enjoyment in itself. The feel of her firm flesh through the silky stocking was a notch above. My fingers lingered a little brushing the top up her thigh, my sensuous caress soliciting a soft sigh from her.

Though the clips hung beneath her coat my hand slipped under it then pressed the strap against her as my fingers traced it down. She enjoyed our little play as much as I did, her stance softening as she laid her hands on my head.

Had she not had a client I'm sure I would've been undressing her again, as it was she pushed my hands away when my thumbs got too near her pussy. She turned to the bed, picking up her bag as I stood.

"Try your new track suit on while I'm gone, but don't leave the room," she advised, turning back to me.

"Yes, Mistress," I replied with a smile.

She smiled back and turned to the door. I sat on the bed as she went out, loosening the laces before I lay back. I was in a crazy place, in love with a crazy woman. I needed to be with her was the simple truth, if I needed to play act to do it did that make me crazy to?

Sex with her was more satisfying, more electrifying than I ever thought it could be. It wasn't only the sex either she was a beautiful woman as well, one you would be proud to take anywhere and know that you were making the other men jealous of you.

Though I'd known her only a few days, her personality, when we were alone, was easy going and she didn't seem to be lacking in intelligence either. All in all she'd suit me as a life partner.

The thing that worried me most was Dafne's relationship with Chloe. I know I'd talked jealousy but it more a case of an Alpha reluctantly giving way to her successor.

Now that I thought about it I wondered if her retirement was all that it seemed if she was reluctant to hand over the reins. It was a remote possibility but a possibility still.

Thoughts of what her parents were like drifted into my mind, meeting them would tell me more about her. Her father was definitely a take command guy, the way he dealt with my transfer showed that.

Her mother was still a mystery. I wondered if she wore a collar, I doubted it after at least twenty years serving him. Did Dafne take after her in looks? Questions I'd have answers to when we met.

As I rolled I remembered the tracksuit. Sitting up I swung my legs around and slipped off the bed. Getting it out I tried the top on first. It was a good fit, tight where it needed to be, around the neck and cuffs.

I took the belt off before trying on the bottoms. The only complaint I had with those was the cuffs riding high on my ankles. I sat and put the trainers on then stood to walk around and test the feel of them.

I did a few press-ups and squats to see if it was restrictive to work out in. The trainers made my feet feel awkward; I was more use to wearing sandals or being barefoot and these made my toes feel cramped.

I walked back over to where I left my belt and undressed, putting them back on the hanger before picking the belt up and walking back to the bed. I lay back down, wondering what Dafne was up to right this moment.

She should be half way through doing what she was doing by now. Then it was back to the Notary to legalise my immigration status. I wondered if she would feel like celebrating the official start of our relationship.

That reminded me of the belt, prompting me to sit up; I should put that back on before she returned. Threading the buckle behind my back was a more finicky than unbuckling it but I persevered.

I didn't bother tightening the laces up, nor thread my balls through the hoop. That was something she could do, if she wanted, when she got back. With nothing else to occupy my time I propped the pillow up and sat on the bed to wait for her.

I sprang up from the bed as the door opened and Dafne entered, the first thing I noticed was that she was smiling. "Good session?" I asked as she walked over to me.

"Yes, it was all electro-shock and vibrators," she replied cheerfully, undoing the apron.

I took it from her and waited while she stripped the coat off.

"Do they need washing?" I asked as she passed the coat to me.

"Yes, you might as well," she replied, sitting on the edge of the bed.

I nodded and tossed them onto the bed as she heeled her shoes off. "Undo my stockings," she said as she stood.

As she started on her bra I crouched down to undo the clips, enjoying the feel of her skin as my fingers brushed against it. She waited till I'd finished before unclasping the suspender belt and letting it fall on my wrists as I rolled the stockings down.

As I glanced up she hooked her thumbs into the thin waistband and slowly pushed the thong down. My eyes flicked from hers to the newly exposed skin as the little patch of fabric slipped down to reveal her landing strip.

As her hands stopped I glanced back up. She gave me a grin as she sat down, her hands reaching to take my head and tilt it back as she leant forward to find my lips with hers.

The kiss was sweet but brief, as she broke it she huskily whispered in my ear, "Are you hard?"

"I have been for a while," I answered, pressing my head against hers.

She giggled and straightened up. "Pull my panties off," she said saucily, leaning back on her hands as she lifted her legs.

I reached around and hooked my fingers over then, with my fingernails pressing lightly on her thigh, I drew them towards me. She parted her thighs slightly as I slipped them over her knees and the wrinkled stockings still clinging to her calves.

She lay back as I pulled the panties over her toes, widening her legs to look at me over the top of her breasts. "Put that tongue of yours to use," she said seductively.

My eyes swept down to her gaping pussy, the inner lips folded out like petals while her hood formed the stem. I slipped my hands under her thighs and lifted as I leant in, my tongue already extended.

A subtle sweet fragrance masked her womanly aroma but the full flavour of her juices assaulted my taste buds as my flatten tongue lapped at her lips. I could feel her relaxing as my tongue swept lazily over the silky smooth skin.

Even though the laces were loose my cock was straining against them in an effort to stand proud. I could see that being a problem if I was going to fuck her.

I continued licking, occasionally dipping the tip of my tongue into her hunny hole. Her sighs and moans told me she was enjoying it if the liberal flow of her juices wasn't proof enough.