Bitter Sweet 06


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I must have drifted off, the next thing I knew Dafne was shaking my shoulder to wake me. "Richie," she said sharply.

It took me a second to shake off the dream and get my bearings. "Mm."

"Sleeping on the job," she said shaking her head. "That's a big faux pas."

"Sorry, the boredom got to me. I need something to occupy my mind," I replied.

"We'll sort this out later, go make some coffee for us, I'm parched."

I swung my legs off the edge and got to my feet as she walked over to the dressing table. I made my way down to the kitchen, wondering about her mood after the session with Chloe. She'd seemed a bit brusque just then.

I made the coffees and carried them back up on the tray, in case I met Chloe on the way. Dafne was resting on the bed;, she glance over as I entered then returned her gaze to mid air.

I put the tray down on the bed next to her and sat beside it facing her. "You alright?"

"Yes I'm fine," she answered, turning to find my eyes locking onto hers.

"Then don't let your coffee get cold," I said, smiling at her as I looked down to pick my cup up.

"You're good at figures aren't you?" she asked, reaching for her cup.

"I used to be. I've had no need to do head work since I left university," I replied.

"Do you think you could manage the accounts for this place?"

"If you've got the manual that came with the program," I answered confidently.

"Good," she said giving me a little smile.

"Well, that's one way to cure my boredom." I replied smiling back.

"You can also be in charge of the appointments then." She said with a chuckle.

I chuckled with her then took a sip of my drink.

"How would you remodel the lounge downstairs?" she asked before taking a sip of her drink.

"Wall screens if you can afford them."

"The bank of mummy will pay," she replied, waving her free hand.

"Ceiling as well then. Change all those red fixtures and furniture, what to depends on the image you want to create. You'd have to choose there."

"I'm not sure yet, I've got a few sims I want to run."

"Well, there's plenty of time yet," I said, taking another drink.

"Mm," she agreed, taking a drink of hers.

"We should do that menu," she said, glancing over to the dressing table.

"I'll get it," I said, rising.

I took the few steps there. Dafne had swung her feet around and was sitting on the edge of the bed when I turned to walk back. I sat down on the other side of the tray, putting the pad down on it.

We spent the next twenty minutes working out what we were going to eat for the next week, five meals in and two evenings out. I left Dafne using her pad and took the tray back to the kitchen.

Dafne was gone when I got back, I presumed that she'd gone to the lounge; I hadn't heard her come down. With nothing much to do I went and lay back down on the bed.

I let my mind chase rainbows, thinking of what it might be like two years from now. I would be free and probably still acting as Dafne's sub, though with a lot more freedom.

The hour dragged, the highlight was a visit to the toilet to ease myself. I was glad when Dafne returned, springing off the bed the moment the door opened. She smiled at me and said, "Shall we go out for lunch?"

"Yes," I replied enthusiastically, welcoming the chance to get out.

"Help me change first," she said, walking over to me.

She stopped in front of me and turned her back. I undid the top straps first, then the back two. She eased it down over her hips and wiggled her legs to help it fall then stepped out of it to sit on the edge of the bed.

She raised her leg up, unzipping the boot to mid-calf as I moved to help her off with it. Catching her heel I unzipped the rest and eased it off over her toes.

"Ah," she said, flexing them.

"Other foot," I said, looking up at her as I put the boot down next to the leathers.

She gave me an odd smile and lifted her knee to unzip the boot before extending her foot to me. I smiled back before looking down to catch her heel. My hand brushed hers as I took the zip, an ordinary thing made extraordinary because it was hers.

She left me to pick them up and follow her over to the wardrobe, where she was sorting through the clothes. She handed me a hanger as I put the boots down, I took it and refastened the shoulder straps to hang the leathers up.

I put the stiffeners in the boots while she walked back to the bed with her selection, a pair of light grey slip-ons, faded denim jeans and a pale blue sweatshirt.

She locked me up before we left, and transferred the contents of her leather bag over to a straw one and gave it to me to carry. We caught a taxi to another small park with a pizza palace sited in it.

There were a lot more youngsters lazing around, quite a few wearing red collars. The music playing was pop based and not to my taste, the décor a combination of bright primary colours.

We sat and ordered a large meat feast between us along with fizzy drinks.

"This is another place I used to come to." She said.

"I guessed," I replied.

"We use to have pizza picnics." She reminisced.

"It's a nice place," I replied, looking around.

"We had some nice times here," she continued.

"Mm, it's nice to have these little oases of green scattered around. It'll be a nice world when it's finished." I remarked.

"That won't be for hundreds of years," she answered.

"I know, I was supposed to be building it before I met you."

"Yes," she agreed, nodding. "I'd forgotten that."

"You've probably added a couple of weeks to that by diverting me," I continued, lifting my elbows off the table and sitting up as I saw the waitress coming back.

The waitress slid the tray onto the table between us I picked up a slice and started as Dafne paid. As we ate I exchanged glances and smiles with Dafne, enjoying just being with her.

We lingered over the drinks, talking about people we'd known; then had a little stroll around the park before heading back to the gate. We rode home in silence, leaving me to study the anonymous streets as we passed through them.

We'd barely gotten upstairs when a chime from Dafne's pad signalled an incoming call. "Hello?" she said after accepting the call.

I slipped ahead and opened the bedroom door for her.

"Yes," she said stopping. "We can fit you in."

I couldn't hear the other end but after a few moments she replied. "If you fill out the questionnaire we'll set up an appointment for you."

"Yes," she said again, walking on. "I'll look forward to it."

She looked up at me excitedly. "My first client, I must go and tell Chloe."

I nodded as she turned and hurried to the lounge; I shut the door behind me and walked over to the bed. She could be minutes or an age, all I knew was she'd have to change soon for the next client.

As it happened I didn't have to wait long till an excited Dafne came rushing back into the room. "We checked out the credentials and they look genuine," she said, excitedly blurting out the words.

"Good," I replied, getting up to greet her as she stretched her arms out.

I caught her in my arms and let her momentum topple us onto the bed. I turned sideways to leave us facing one another.

"Mm," she said, freeing her arm from under mine to bring her hand to my cheek.

"Mm," I repeated seductively.

She chuckled. "We haven't got time," she said, rolling back and pulling her other arm from under me. "Chloe's expecting me. I've got to get changed."

I helped her change into her 'working clothes' and got a long kiss before she turned and left, leaving me to sit and wait for her once more. I was soon lain down on my back, staring at the ceiling trying to occupy my mind.

I was still laying there when she opened the door and popped her head in. "Bring me some coffee to the lounge," she ordered hurriedly.

"Yes Mistress," I replied, rolling off the bed.

She was gone by the time I got to the door. I walked downstairs, half expecting to find Dmitri on his way up with Chloe's drink. The kitchen was also empty though the kettle was hot when I refilled it.

I got the tray down and put her cup on it, mechanically performing the task while I wondered what was going on upstairs. When it was ready I carried it back upstairs, not relishing the thought of getting stuck with them.

With the tray in my hands I walked in and across to Dafne before dropping to my knees in front of her. She took the drink without acknowledging me, as she sat back I put the tray on the table and shuffled to the side of her seat.

The screen was on, the volume lowered. Dmitri was next to Chloe at the other end of the settee. They were talking about interviews with clients; I presumed that Chloe had already talked to her about the dos and don'ts as she was now regaling Dafne with humorous tit-bits from her experiences.

At least I wasn't bored sitting there; in fact I had to stifle a laugh now and then. After about half an hour Dafne excused herself to get changed into something more comfortable.

I carried the tray down to the kitchen and was lucky enough to be on hand when the groceries were delivered. I made my way back up after I'd put everything away to find Dafne changed into her old t-shirt and a pair of lacy boy-short panties and lying on the bed.

"Where've you been," she asked as I walked in.

"Food delivery. We've got Chicken Chasseur for tonight," I answered, walking over to her.

"Oh that, right. When are we eating?" she asked, turning her pad off and rolling to her side to face me.

"That's up to you. The recipe says twenty minutes preparation and three quarters of an hour cooking time."

"You can make a start now then," she replied with a smile.

"Okay," I said turning around.

With five minutes cooking time left I left it simmering and quickly rushed back upstairs to see if she wanted to eat downstairs or in the bedroom. She came back down with me and sat watching as I served the meal up.

After we'd eaten Dafne helped me wash up and then left me to put things away as she headed back upstairs. She was lying back on the bed when I walked in, tapping on her pad with her feet in the air.

"The finances don't look too complicated," she remarked, looking over at me as I walked over to her.

"That's good to hear," I answered.

"It looks like she makes around twenty thousand a month, charging between three and five thousand per session," she continued.

"I hope that's net and not gross."


"After all the expenses have been paid," I explained.

"I don't know," she said, rolling to face me as I sat on the edge of the bed. "Do you want to look?"

"Yes," I said, stretching my hand.

She passed it to me then rolled to her knees, leaning on my back to look over my shoulder. As I read the statement she slipped her arms around my chest and rested her chin on my shoulder.

"Well?" she asked as I looked up.

"It doesn't say," I answered. "But going on what you said earlier about four clients daily, let's say they all pay average then that's seventeen five hundred. Times that by five and it gets you up to eighty seven thousand a week. Times it again by four... and you have three hundred and fifty thousand a month. Agreed?"

She gave a little nervous chuckle. "I'll trust you on that."

"Well I'd expect a net profit higher than twenty thousand; two hundred thousand would be more like it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," I said, skewing my neck a little further.

She released me and slipped to my side to sit on one leg, confusion on her face as she looked at me.

"So she's made a mistake? She missed out a zero?"

"I don't know. We'd have to get a look at the audited books to work that out. I imagine if your mother bought her out they would have gone through the books with a fine toothed comb. Is twenty thousand in your pocket enough to live on?"

"Yes, I think so, I never know how much I spend."

"Mm. The best thing would be for you to ask your mother tomorrow," I said reflectively.

"I can ask her now," she replied, swivelling to the side to reach for her pad.

"She's your mother."

Her finger tapped busily on the screen. "Mother."

"Dafne, my sweet. What a nice surprise," then in a more querulous tone, "I hope."

"I'm alright this time. What I wanted to ask is about Chloe's accounts. She's just given me a summary that says she makes about twenty thousand a month."

"That sounds about right. I don't remember the exact details; I can look them up for you if you want."

"No, I was just curious. Thanks."

"If you need more I can ask your father."

"No, I'm not short. I was just curious, honest."

"Alright. When are you coming for a visit? I hear you've picked up a hunky man."

"Let me settle in here first, then you can come visit us here."

"I'll look forward to it," she replied with a chuckle.

"Bye then, love you."

"Love you back. Come visit soon. Take care."

"I will," Dafne replied, tapping the screen.

She looked up at me.

"She must have a lot of overheads is all I can think. Rent, insurance...," I said.

"It doesn't matter, we can live on twenty thousand," Dafne said.

I'd have to take her word. It was four times my salary as a spacer, but my spending was minimal with most of my money going into my retirement fund, my worry was Dafne seemed to be an impulse buyer.

She slipped her leg off the side of the bed and laid it over my knees as she lay back. "Come on," she said, tucking the pad under the pillow, "let's have a cuddle."

I lifted her leg and brought my knee up to clamber up onto the bed. She reached out and took my arm as I pulled myself up between her legs. She brought her other hand up to my shoulder and guided me to her side as she turned to face me.

As her hand slipped around my neck she looped her leg over mine. I slid my hand around her back and drew her in as she closed her eyes to kiss me. We cuddled together after the kiss, her head resting on my cheek.

We lay a while in each other's embrace, I felt happy and content being there, feeling her heartbeat and her breast pressing against me as she breathed. If I could have I would have held her there for eternity.

As it was the sojourn lasted only a minute or so. She lifted her head and gave me a kiss on the cheek before rolling to her back beside me.

"I can't believe how much finding love with you has changed my perspective on life," she said as she turned her head to me.


"That I'm settling down, that I want your children. I was planning on enjoying my freedom and playing the field, then you came along, my mister perfect."

"Hmm, I think that's a times two. I was just passing through. It's amazing how fate brought us to meet each other. It's funny how two people can just know when they meet."

She rolled back to face me. "I'm just glad we did."

"So am I," I replied softly, looking back into her eyes.

We kissed, the passion overwhelming us before fading as the kiss became more tender and intimate with our hands stroking and caressing each other. It ended with each of us giving the other butterfly kisses before she laid her head back on my cheek.

I held her, enjoying the intimacy again before wondering how long we had till she needed to change for the next session. She kissed my cheek again when she lifted her head, this time rolling back and sitting up.

"I need to go to the toilet," she said a little regretfully before swinging her legs over the edge of the bed.

"Good idea," I said as I sat up. "If you'll unlock me I'll join you."

"Are you still locked? You should remind me next time.

"Yes Mistress," I replied, chuckling.

"Have you picked the one you want yet?"

"No, I was hoping we could go shopping for one, somewhere where they have a good selection so I can try a few on," I answered as I slipped of the bed.

She chuckled and took my hand, leading me off to the bathroom. As we neared the toilet she dropped my hand and pushed her shorts down over her hips and down her thighs before sitting.

One hand went to the ribbon around her neck as the other reached for the lock. She undid it and relocked it through the hasp, putting the ribbon back over her head as she straightened up.

I stepped back, my fingers already undoing the laces.

"Turn around," she said looking up at me. "You won't need it again tonight."

"Ah ha," I said, turning my back to her.

I felt her hands between my legs as she undid the strap and freed the loop around my balls before unbuckling the belt. I eased my balls through the loop and as Dafne let the belt fall loose I lifted the loosened laces off my cock.

I took a step away, bowing my knees as I stretched my balls. Behind me Dafne giggled. I swivelled around to see her stepping out of her shorts. She glanced down at my flaccid cock, her eyes widening before looking up to my face.

"We should get your pubes shaved ready," she said, smiling.

I let out a little groan. "Now?"

"Why not, it's got to be done and we've got time now."

"Okay," I said resignedly.

"Shall I do it?" she asked, walking over to the mirrored cabinet.

"Can you?"

"I shave under my arms," she said, stopping and turning then pulling the short sleeve up to show me as she raised her arm.

"Okay, that makes you more qualified than me, I only use depilatories," I replied, sounding more cheerful than I was.

"Use the toilet if you need to," she called over her shoulder while she rummaged around in the cabinet.

As I flushed the toilet she called over. "Get me the stool from the dressing table."

When I returned she was waiting by the sink. "Bring it here," she ordered.

"Sit and spread your legs," she said.

As I did she squatted in front of me, a pair of nail scissors in her hand. It felt different, cooler, even before I stood up to rinse myself in the shower while she put the shaving things away.

The weird feeling was reinforced every time I looked or touched the now smooth skin. She came over with a towel to dry me, squatting again as she started on my thighs.

Having behaved for the shaving part my cock got frisky as soon as the towel brushed it. As it started rising up she captured it in the towel and wrapped a hand around the shaft.

Glancing up at me she poked her tongue out and leant in to lick the underside of my helmet. A pulse of pure pleasure lanced through me as it slipped between her lips and raked through her teeth.

She bobbed a few times and then let it slip from her mouth as she looked up at me. "Shall we take this to the bedroom?"

"Mm," I answered as she rose.

She took my hand and we both rushed through, launching ourselves onto the bed when we got there. Laughing, we rolled to embrace each other, our heads coming together as we kissed.

The kiss was sweet but short, leaning in she softly asked, "Do you want to fuck or sixty nine?"

"Sixty nine's a double pleasure," I answered, whispering into her ear.

She giggled, pushing me over onto my back, as she levered herself up. She twisted on her knees and grabbed my shaft as she cocked her leg over me. I wrapped my hands around her thighs and guided her down, giving a small groan of delight as her warm wet lips slipped over my helmet.

I licked and slurped at her juices, my tongue dipping into her hunny hole and stroking over her lips as she sucked and licked at my helmet, her hand slowly slipping up and down my shaft.

It wasn't long before both of us were near peaking, I was flicking and massaging her clit with the tip of my tongue, trying to get her off before I came.

She collapsed on top of me, lost in the afterglow, my wilting cock still in her hand. I lay contented, the tips of my fingers making circles in the small of her back as my heart beat with love for her.

It felt like minutes till she moved, half slipping as she rolled off me and sat up, her hand sliding up to rest on my chest as she leant forward, her eyes fixed on my face.