BKP: Interview

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A very unconventional job interview.
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At the moment this is a standalone, though I have some ideas for other entries if there's interest. It has no connection to any of my other stories/series at present either. Ratings and comments appreciated.

The interview had been going for a little over an hour before it got weird. Granted at 22 and relatively fresh out of college Lauren didn't have a lifetime of experience but job hunting with a marketing degree meant you went to a lot of different companies with very different philosophies about how you vet new candidates. She'd been through traditional one-on-one and pair interviews in conference rooms, remote interviews over webcam, interviews in rented hotel conference rooms, and unscripted interviews that were basically just lunch with the company's marketing department, with everyone chatting about whatever came to mind.

Meeting at a bar at 8pm for an interview was definitely unusual but Lauren figured it was a test of sorts. Marketing staff dealt with companies all over the world in different time zones, and in the world of corporate sales more deals were made over drinks and dinner than sitting at anyone's desk, mahogany or not. You didn't get into the field if you were hoping for banker's hours.

Crystal Zapata was both exactly what Lauren expected of a marketing executive and yet she defied convention. She was immaculately made up and looked good enough that she could pass for anywhere from thirty to early fifties, and her figure would turn heads of any age, with a trim hourglass shape that suggested fitness over voluptuousness. Lauren had more curves on her paler body but this woman could probably outperform her at any gym. Her hair was jet black and laser straight, but she wore it up and Lauren could easily see streaks of bright fuscia and red in it. She also came to the interview in a very sexy dress, bordering on club wear; it was emerald green and jewel toned, with slits on each side that came up to mid thigh. It was strapless and figure-hugging as well, to the point that Lauren knew without even staring that her prospective boss was either sporting a thong or had gone without, though the cleavage poking above the dress line suggested at least a brassiere was involved.

Lauren herself had stuffed her 34D breasts into a push-up bra but packed it all underneath a skirt suit. Her bust and 36-inch hips meant she had a noticeable figure even under the store-bought suit. Black nylons helped offset the paleness of her skin and 2-inch pumps boosted her height up to 5'9", putting her just slightly below eye level for most men, taller than some women, and let her legs and ass tell a lot of stories while not risking snapping an ankle moving quickly around whatever office she might be touring.

The atmosphere was unusual, but Crystal had snagged a booth in the back of the bar and it wasn't one of those that believed ear-ringing music was necessary. Despite that, the bar was clearly a college bar based on the clientele and aesthetics. That made sense as they were only a block or so from the state university campus, but they seemed to have hit a lull between after-class catchups and the partiers of the late night.

Interview oddity number two appeared before they started, when Crystal had asked her to sign an NDA. Lauren had to pull out her phone's light to read it, which she did in detail. She'd signed a few NDAs for her internships and most of the language looked boilerplate, but there was an extra section focused specifically on customer relationships discussed during the interview process. It was unusual and risky for any company to discuss confidential information in an interview unless they were some kind of specialty government contractor, but BKP Devices was one of the top firms in their field and them giving interviews was nearly unheard of, so Lauren had signed it.

The third, and possibly weirdest part came after 45 minutes of standard interview conversation about Lauren's schooling and internships and "fun, relatable personal stories that make you seem interesting."

"Lauren, I really like you and I've liked talking to you," Crystal said with a wide smile, teeth showing between deep purple lips.

Lauren was a little nervous because the compliment had come out of the blue, and she worried it was a precursor to a sentence like, "Even though I like you, I'm afraid you're not a good fit," but Crystal just waited expectantly.

"Thanks," Lauren replied, "I've enjoyed myself too. I hope that's a good sign for the future."

Crystal nodded. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. As you know BKP Devices is really a small company in the grand scheme of things, despite how well known we are. Our more therapeutic machines and devices are sold to hospitals and rehab facilities, as well as some of the higher-end nursing homes. Obviously balance and posture assistance is key there. Our next smallest market is fitness centers, yoga studios, and home gym setups that want to go beyond the standard universal and cardio machines to give them an exclusive or an upscale edge. I mean, you aren't going to find a massaging posture maintenance rack at your average Planet Fitness, right?"

"No, no I guess not," Lauren agreed, cringing a bit because she belonged to the gym chain and suddenly worried if that would be a black mark.

"So we have a third line of business which is very lucrative, but a bit sensitive. In a larger company we could simply section it off and not have anyone involved we don't want, and we largely do that on the production side, but our marketing team is so small that you're going to have to be in on it, so to speak, if you want to work here."

"Um...It's not anything illegal is it? I...I really couldn't be part of something like that," Lauren said, though if she were honest with herself she admitted a certain number of zeroes might convince her to examine the details of how something was illegal before dismissing it.

Weed is still illegal in a lot of places and that really wouldn't bother me, so maybe... she thought.

"No, no, it's perfectly legal," Crystal replied, "Just sensitive, like I said. Would you be willing to take a short drive with me?"

All of the women's safety talks and courses Lauren had ever taken suddenly flashed up in her mind, but Crystal's friendly demeanor, the fact that she was a woman and, again, the zeroes printed on the original job posting convinced Lauren to go with her. Lauren tried to keep her head even when she slid into the soft black leather inside Crystal's ruby red luxury coupe but Crystal's appearance, her clothes, the job, and now Crystal's car were starting to overwhelm Lauren's resolve.

A few minutes later Lauren was internally debating whether letting Crystal grope or kiss her to get the job would be a betrayal of feminism or an example of using the power of her own sexuality when the car pulled up in front of a large house on a street with many similar houses, all of which were still on campus. The well-lit walkways actually made the houses themselves harder to see so Lauren was confused until she got out with Crystal and saw the Greek letters prominently mounted on the side of the house.

"This is Frat row?" she asked.

Crystal nodded, "Our company is very closely associated with the Beta Kappa Pi sorority. Several of our executives are former members, and the company founder's wife is an alumna."

"Wait, aren't they, like, a really big deal and a super old group? I though that was a fraternity?"

Crystal gave her a patient smile, "You're thinking of Phi Beta Kappa. Close, but not quite. And don't worry, a lot of people make that mistake. Come on, let's go in."

"In?" Lauren asked, but Crystal was already walking briskly up the brick path to the front porch and the large ornate wooden doors. She knocked and the door opened almost immediately. Lauren had caught up by then and saw a very attractive auburn-haired coed at the door. She was barefoot in jeans and a t-shirt but based on the way the shirt hung the coed was braless, which was impressive given how much of a shelf her chest still made with the shirt. Combined with the painted-on jeans she was basically a porn model; thin frame with barely any curves except for the chest.

The playmate stepped back and Crystal beckoned Lauren in behind her. A large wooden seal dominated the wall in the small foyer of the house, the Greek letters Beta, Kappa, and Pi in the center. Around the edge were Anglicized Greek words: Boethia, Kallos, Pornokopía. The last word made Lauren pause.

It...it can't be related to porn, can it? No, porn is pornography...that's not Greek is it? Besides there isn't a "g" in that word anywhere. Cornucopia is about food, right? Maybe they're a cooking sorority?

As they moved into the house it seemed they'd arrived in the middle of a party; in addition to more girls, of course (all of whom were definitely on the attractive side, even to a mostly straight girl like Lauren), multiple guys milled about chatting. If the women were all models and porn stars, the guys were star athletes and Chippendale dancers. Most of them wore button-down shirts and slacks, but the number of buttons fastened varied widely. A few of the guys were wearing shirts that were too small in places, and others had visible cleavage that had nothing to do with hormone imbalance or fat. Lauren flushed when Crystal had to get her attention from staring at one of the tall, athletic men. Crystal stopped at a small door and turned to Lauren.

"I want to stress that NDA still applies here. It's with our company, but like I said we have a close relationship with the sorority. We actually used to recruit directly from here, but with the recent downturn in Greek organizations on campuses we've had to go with a more traditional route. So you can't discuss anything you see here, understood?"

Lauren nodded and she led them down a narrow staircase into a basement.

Lauren had never pledged a sorority; by the time she started, her college had banned Greek organizations entirely rather than try to sort through hazing enforcement and the multiple potential lawsuits as Crystal alluded to, but even before that the Greek scene hadn't been big. As such, she only had the pop-culture and rumor mills to feed her expectations, so she expected a polished stone floor with closets for robes, candles, and some sort of ersatz altar on the floor.

She wasn't totally disappointed. The walls were bare concrete but the floor was mostly thick carpet, except for a section in the center. Instead of an altar, though, there was an odd and very modern looking piece of furniture, mostly made of what looked like clear plastic, polished metal, and gel. She looked at it for a moment and then her pre-interview research clicked for her.

She looked over at Crystal, who had an expectant expression. "That's a...um...Lumbarspine 70, I think you call it?"

Crystal smiled, "Very good, you did your homework. Ordinarily that's a device used to help people with spinal issues correct their posture and strengthen core muscles. It's got all those gel pads to help with support so they can do things like planking exercises without needing to strain their arms; the shoulder brace handles the support for them. But do you notice something different about that one?"

Lauren racked her brain trying to remember the web catalog picture and description she'd seen but not studied. Fortunately she was a very visual person and the difference was in the appearance.

"The metal motors and stuff are missing, aren't they?"

"Correct," Crystal said, again with the voice of a proud teacher, "The supports on this one are adjusted manually and locked."

"Is that...I can't think what that would be for."

Crystal was now smiling as she typed on her phone, then she gently led Lauren to a corner. Shortly after it seemed everyone from upstairs and a few other people besides began to file down into the room. People spread around against the walls. In ten minutes there had to be twenty people down there, women and men. One of the girls walked into the middle of the room, standing next to the Lumbarspine device. She was petite with Asian features, probably no more than five feet and an inch or two, with short black hair and a trim athletic build, wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Beside her was a taller brunette wearing what looked like a black graduation robe that obscured all of her features except her hair, which was done in an impressive braid; the braid itself was half a foot thick and reached down almost to the woman's knees. Lauren winced thinking about how often the girl had to clean her shower drains.

The small Asian woman said, "Greetings sisters and welcome guests to this Beta Kappa Pi event. You all received special invitations except for our honored alumn Crystal and her guest in the corner. Please make them welcome and treat them as sisters for the evening."

The room turned and nodded or waved at them. Crystal nodded back and Lauren just shrank back and tried to look invisible.

"I won't waste words because this'll be a long night, particularly for Sharon here, who's opted to be excused from chapter service this month. Instead, she's doing the..."

"AIRTIGHT CHALLENGE!" the girls and many of the guys called out.

Lauren gaped as the brunette blushed slightly and dropped her robe, revealing two modest retrousse breasts with large pink nipples, a smooth stomach, wide hips, and a very trim shaved pussy.

"Probies, you know your jobs. Sisters, your equipment is in the usual spots. Gentlemen, I'm hoping you brought your own equipment."

Suggestive laughter rang out as two other girls dressed in thin white tank tops and light pink simple panties immediately stepped forward and started helping the girl Sharon into the apparatus.

Lauren almost jumped as she felt Crystal's hands on her shoulders and her mouth by her ear, now whispering.

"The one in the middle is actually called the Lumbarspine 69 and is part of our third line of business. It's amazing how many exercise machines put the body in great positions for things like penetration, fellatio, and cunnilingus. Haven't you ever laid back on a workout bench, grabbed a bar above out with your legs spread for balance, and though about how easy it would be for someone to lick your pussy? Or felt your breasts sway while planking? Oh you said you're a yoga girl, right? How many of those positions would feel amazing if a nice hard cock just thrust into you while you were holding them?"

As Crystal's sensual whispers started goosebumps and heat flushing through Lauren's body, Sharon was helped into position, which showed Lauren a few of the other modifications from BKP's standard model. Usually there was a curved seat that supported the backside and half the thighs of whoever sat in it, with a thick gel pad on top. This model retained the gel but the seat was separated; as Sharon settled onto the two pads, they supported her thighs and part of her backside, but her own weight and the rigid seats actually separated her ass cheeks, fully exposing her asshole. Also, the thigh supports were splayed out to either side. Due to the slightly elevated position, Lauren could partially make out the lips of the coed's pussy.

As soon as she settled into the seat, one of the white tee and pink panty girls with modest curves and short blonde hair stepped up with what looked like a syringe and pushed the tip into Sharon's ass, then pushed the plunger slowly. Lauren saw the seated girl wriggle a bit even as she fastened the gel-padded ring that went around her torso, in this case just above her breasts under her arms. The end result was a naked coed upright, spread out, and on display for the whole room.

Lauren felt Crystal's hands leave her shoulder and that snapped her out of her trance. Lauren suddenly noticed her breathing was heavy and sweat began to break out on her skin, and she took in the rest of the room again. Clothing was disappearing at a rapid pace. Some of the girls filtered back into the room with bras on, but all of them were bottomless and most of them were either wearing strap-ons or holding double dildoes. The guys had either got naked themselves or were being encouraged in that direction by the sorority sisters. The two tee-and-panty girls then moved high padded barstools up to either side of the mounted coed and stepped back.

The petite head of the chapter (Lauren assumed) was down to lingerie now and said, "All right, just in case some of you filed this with your econ 101 class and don't remember, Sharon is your first fuck. If you've got a rod between your legs in any way, it goes in one of her holes first. Tiffany's our ass master for the evening and she's wiping down and lubing everything, no exceptions. Zelda's on the timer. If any of Sharon's holes stays empty for more than twenty seconds, she's released. If you all want to be nice to her, let the girls go first, then the guys, and by then all the girls will be too distracted to come back. If you don't like Sharon, or if you think she's a gangbang slut, have the guys go first, then let the horny girls have a go at her, and by the time they're done the guys will have recovered."

Lauren saw Sharon's expression turn a bit nervous when her leader laid out the possibility of a very long night for her, but otherwise she looked excited.

"Also remember Tiffany and Zelda can't participate but they're going to have to watch all of us fuck for the next however long. If someone wants to take pity on them, crawl between their legs and eat them out for a bit at some point. As chapter president, I get first pick. Lucas, you get second, unless you want to defer. Everyone else figure it out, though you should have already."

A well-build guy with black hair, a square jaw, and an athletic if not rippled build stepped away from the wall, his cock already hard and bobbing in front of him. The president stripped off her panties and scrambled up onto one of the bar stools, and a tall, thin woman with brown hair done up in a ponytail walked past Lauren and up behind Sharon, a strap-on harness with a pink dildo situated around her waist. Tiffany, the curvier girl with a blonde pixie-cut, pulled out a wipe from a packet and rubbed the dildo, eyeing the sister wearing it with a suggestive look before squirting from her plunger and repeating the process.

Lauren saw the president perched on the edge of the seat with her legs spread, holding Sharon's head. She said something inaudible and Sharon nodded, then she called to the room. "Three! Two! One!..."

"FUCK HER!" the whole room called out.

On cue the president pulled Sharon's head to her pussy, and both Lucas and the dildoed girl lined up and thrust. A muffled squeal sounded from Sharon but the room cheered and called encouragement and suggestions.

Crystal's hands returned to Lauren's shoulders, this time rubbing slowly and softly.

"If you'll notice," she said, her voice still sultry but with the language of a marketing sales pitch, "the Lumbarspine is holding the girl at a perfect position and height for access to both of her fuck holes. Neither party has to worry about getting in each others' way. If there are height differences it can be difficult, but slight adjustments on the fly are possible. This group's use of the stools is unique, of course, and we don't directly support it; as you can see Sharon is straining a little bit to reach Jasmine's bare pussy, but part of that is because of the constant changing. If a smaller group is involved, the Lumbarspine could be adjusted to, for example, hold her prone. Then someone could slide in beneath her and fill her pussy with their cock while someone else mounted her from behind, while a third stood in front of her, feeding their cock down her throat."