Black and Blue Ch. 04


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The Closer liked that and Claire liked that too. She knew how much she looked forward to these moments. How right it felt to be back with him, back being claimed by him.

She felt her skirt unfastened and dropped to the floor. Then his fingers were exploring and finding what they sought. Claire let out a long ragged breath, her body responding to his touch. His eyes were on hers, their expectant gaze dominating her. Claire Doyle had never been the submissive type. She still wasn't. However, somehow, in this place and with this man it just seemed natural, as comfortable as it was inevitable.

Now the Closer nodded and she understood. She led the way to the bed and he followed, a little behind her as he took off his pants. Then he was back and with her, on the bed. Their mouths met and he moved his body so that he was between her legs. A moment and then he was moving forward and over her. As natural and inevitable as sunrise and sunset his big cock moving into her and this time, just like every time, her pussy seemed made for him. They met and came together so perfectly. She felt the weight of his body, felt his initial careful thrusts replaced by a heavier and more insistent motion.

He still hadn't said a word - not with his mouth at least. His eyes were still locked on hers and she knew the message they were sending her. The time for talking was over, it was time for breeding.

"Yes," she said and she clung onto his big body that little bit harder. She didn't know if he believed all he had told her. She knew that she didn't. However, none of that mattered. All that mattered was that she had come to realise what she wanted and needed and that Julius Moore was the man to provide it. Just as he was doing now, just as he would soon do with his heavy spurts of potent seed.

There was a sudden sharp knocking on the door. Julius didn't miss a stroke, ignoring both it and the door's opening. Claire couldn't be quite so indifferent. She wasn't going anywhere, her needs and Julius's strong arms made sure of that, but she did look across to the door.

The women wore a light purple dress, loose over her breasts but tight over her butt and her swollen pregnant belly. Her blonde hair was pulled back and her eyes twinkled as she came forward.

"Hi babe," said Jean Butler, 'you were here when I got knocked up and I'm here to return the favor." She smiled a smile of the purest mischievous joy and pulled up her dress, the stretching material moving up and over her now obvious bump. She was still obeying the Closer's rules and her pussy was left exposed. Jean sat down with her eyes fixed on Julius and Claire as they continued to fuck. She brought the fingers of her right hand to her mouth and then down to her pussy.

Julius still didn't miss a beat in his rhythmic fucking of Claire. His heavy body held her on the bed and in position for each of his hard thrusts. His big cock claiming her pussy as only he had ever been able to. Each push bringing him closer to what they both needed, each thrust making her body more receptive, more ready to put his seed to work.

Claire's face was to one side now. Watching Jean as she masturbated, her fingers moving at her pussy. Above that pussy the swollen belly that showed she was carrying the Closer's baby. Claire let out a long shuddering gasp and tried to remember to take the next breath. Coming here was always intense, always something the rest of her life had never come near to matching, however with Jean here, here and flaunting the Black baby in her belly, it had all gone up another notch or ten.

"She's ready," said Jean and the Closer finally adjusted his stroke. He pushed himself up and off her, instead grasping her hips before resuming his fucking. Claire just had time to see his intent expression, the beads of sweat on his forehead, his total concentration on breeding the fine white slut in his bed, on breeding her. Then she couldn't see him any more because Jean had moved across and had carefully straddled her. Now all Claire could see was Jean's pussy and above it the graceful beautiful curve of her pregnant belly.

Jean adjusted her position and brought her pussy to Claire's mouth. Claire was still getting fucked, heavy rolling strokes from that Big Black Cock of the Closer. It was hard to concentrate on anything else but she tried because she knew what they wanted. She tried to control her breathing and then to bring her tongue and lips to the pussy in front of her face. She heard Jean giggle as she made a first careful contact.

"C'mon girl, eat that pussy. Pregnant pussy is the best pussy." Then came Jean's gentle laugh again followed by her little gasp as Claire did her best to obey.

Was it everything that was happening? Was it just her imagination? Claire could never say for sure but that pregnant pussy did seem different. A different aroma, a different taste. From her first contact she found that she wanted more. She licked and tongued and worked that pregnant pussy just as well as she could. She felt Jean moving her pussy over Claire's face, exposing new areas to the questing, curious, greedy lips and tongue.

All the time the Closer was watching, watching as he fucked her. In this position he could allow a little more variation. Building the intensity for a while and then easing off to let Claire get her attention back on Jean for a while. Then he would build his strokes again, building up the arousal in Claire and building up the prime load of Black seed he was going to be delivering soon. Julius Moore had been around plenty of pregnant pussy. He didn't know the science of it but he did know that experience told him pregnant pussy had certain properties. Maybe it was hormones or some such shit. He didn't know why but he did know that get a pregnant bitch in the mix and it seemed primed pussy couldn't help getting bred.

Claire gasped as she felt the Closer's cock pushing harder and deeper into her. As she drew in breath she seemed to only take in the aroma of the pussy on her face. She tried to keep licking and tasting those sweet juices but Big Black Cock was claiming her attention again. Jean sensed it and eased herself back a little. She looked down at Claire and nodded her satisfaction. Claire's eyes were wide, her face and mouth covered in pussy juice, her nose full of Jean's aroma.

Jean moved aside and gently moved her fingers back to her pussy. She watched as the Closer resumed his old position. He pushed his big body down over Claire and his strong hands pushed beneath her to hold her shoulders. His mouth came to Claire's and tasted both of his bitches on her mouth. The one with his baby in her belly and the one who soon would have. No need for invention and subtlety now. It was time for the age-old truths, the age-old instincts to kick in. He felt Claire's arms and legs try to wrap around his body, try to draw him ever closer, ever deeper. She was ready, ready to take his seed and ready to carry his baby. Julius' Moore's mouth tightened a little as he held on for three more strokes and then on the fourth felt his cum planted deep into Claire. Damn but that felt good, it was a high that no drug could match. But it didn't distract him - no more than the little cry of orgasm from Claire and the delighted laugh from Jean. He kept a deep slow fucking going until he was sure that Claire had got every drop of his seed. Every African-enriched DNA-loaded sperm. Every single chance of her getting her prize. Just like Jean had before her, just like so many had before her and just like so many more would after her. Only then did the Closer move aside.

Claire knew what she had to do. She lay back on the bed, breathing in great lungfuls of air and then remembering to draw her legs up. That would help his seed to find and claim her egg. She willed them to succeed, sent a silent prayer up that this time she would be lucky.

"Only fair to give fair returns." Jean moved forward between Claire's bent knees. "Nothing helps a girl get her baby like cumming and drawing all that potent Black seed nice and deep." Claire could see the excitement on Jean's face - the shining delight in her eyes. They were the eyes of a convert, perhaps even of a fanatic. They were very like the eyes Claire had seen looking back at her from her mirror as she had prepared to come out today. She and Jean were truly a sort of sisters - or at least they soon would be. Then Jean's fingers were at Claire's clit and her mouth found Claire's pussy.

A girl knows what a girl likes. A girl knows what a girl needs. Julius Moore smiled to himself as he washed the sweat off his face. His smile broadened as he heard Claire cry out. Every one of his bitches was special but those two might just be the best he'd ever had. It'd be hard to find better but he'd sure as shit enjoy trying!


Three weeks later found Claire ascending those very familiar stairs once more. However, this time she was dimly aware that it might well be for the last time. The Closer had never made any secret of what he wanted from her, what the purpose of her coming here was. This part of her life had a natural end - even if that end was really a new beginning.

"Here she is," came a delighted cackle from the stairs above her. Desiree, the older woman who lived here and served as a sort of watchful gatekeeper. Her tone was loaded down with mockery as ever - but now there was something else. Continuing up the stairs Claire could see her now, Desiree's eyes were gleaming and the African-American woman's whole self seemed barely able to suppress her pleasure.

"A bit early, huh. Which means you'se a bit late." The older woman was leaning against the wall as her whole body seemed to shake with silent laughter. "Long as you're understandin' how this works." Her eyes seemed to bore into Claire's soul, seeking some confirmation. Finally Desiree apparently found what she was looking for and she nodded. "You best be going on up there and you best be raising my grandchild right you hear." The last sentance was not a question, it was a demand and a demand that Desiree clearly expected to be fulfilled because now she turned on her heel and closed her door behind her.

As the door closed Claire finally recognised that other tone that she had heard in Desiree's familiar mocking voice. It had been the purest triumph.

As usual he was waiting for her on the top floor. No words - just a raised eyebrow of interrogation. She reached into her pocket and produced the small box. Julius Moore was a hard man but that simple gesture brought a genuine smile to his face as he ushered her inside the familiar, shabby, top floor apartment.

What came next was a sort of ritual and though its detail was a first for her every stage seemed totally familiar to Claire. She had thought about and imagined this moment so many times. Had hoped for this so many times. Even with the little signs, even with being late, she still couldn't quite let herself believe that she was here and now and with this purpose.

Well - she was and this little bit of science would soon reveal the truth. Whether it was all just a mocking manifestation of her longings and hopes or whether...

Julius Moore's strong arms held her and his mouth met hers as they waited. Their tongues gently sparred and she felt his hand smoothing her blonde hair. She had no illusions about him. She knew that he had many women, she knew that she would be only the latest in his litany of 'projects'. She knew all of that and yet it still seemed supremely good and transcendently right to be here with him, being held by him.

He was big and powerful, a real alpha of a man, but he could also at times be amazingly gentle. Now his lips moved to her ear and he seemed to breath the words into her hearing.

"You know - this is what you was born for, this is why you was made. A woman as smart and as beautiful as you - you was created for this. That test don't matter none. If it's right then it's right. But if it don't work out then that's no disaster. We'll just keep going thass all. You ain't gonna be cheated of what you need. It's your destiny, you deserve all I can give ya."

Claire knew there were plenty out there who wouldn't think she was so smart. Quite the opposite. To them she would just be a dumb slut who got herself knocked up by a... Well, let's just say they would agree that she was getting all that she deserved. She felt no regrets for all she had done and was doing but she knew what others would say.

Had it shown in her face? It seemed so.

Julius held her and his deep brown eyes met hers again. He was no angel. Almost certainly either a fence or a pimp, probably both. He never lacked for money - it wasn't too hard to guess at how he had built up that stake back in the day. Just because you hadn't been convicted didn't mean you weren't a criminal. However, the rough edges didn't fool her. Julius Moore was a very clever man and a strangely acute one.

He had known her from the moment she had first come into this room. He had spotted her and known her for who she really was and what she really wanted. He had known it long before she had known it herself. He had let her discover it over their first interactions. He had offered her ways out in the delighted knowledge that she would never take one. She had been his play-thing and his tool. Did he believe all that political stuff? Maybe that was just a tool too - the Closer was sharp enough that she knew that she would never know. She also knew that it didn't matter. She was getting what she wanted either way.

"You worried about what they gonna say? I don't think so. You a strong woman, a woman who knows how to make her own way. Some jealous white bitch gonna get to you. Some cracka boy who can't get his dick hard less'n he's thinking about his wife with a Black man?" She felt as much as she heard the rumble of laughter in Julius's body. "What the fuck do they matter? Who the fuck cares what they think? Could any of them make you feel how I've made you feel? How many years did you waste waiting for them to even get off their butts to try? Nah - fuck them. All that matters is you. That you is happy to be here and ready for all that lies ahead. So you ready?"

His eyes broke contact and he glanced at the test. It would be ready now. She pursed her lips and moved across to it. It only took one glance. "Yes," she replied.

His smile was broad and genuine. Just as hers was when she took the necessary photograph holding up her test and its result. That would soon be on the wall of that little back room. With all the others. What had happened to all those mothers, all those children? That was the old police instinct again and she smiled inwardly at the reaction.

It was a joyful moment but also a daunting one. She had expected it but it still hit her with an intensity that surprised her. Her life now fell into two parts. There was before this moment and there was after this moment. Now it wasn't just her any more. Now there was new life within her and she was responsible for it. Plans would need to be made and carried through.

Julius 'the Closer' Moore was the nightmare of most suburban white-bred mother-fuckas. He was big, he was Black, he played by his own rules and he was most certainly a criminal or arguably an ex-criminal. However, he was also no fool and he could read his women like few others. It came with the territory - at least if you were good at what you did.

The Closer thought a moment and then moved across to the window. It was getting dark out there and looking out from the lit room it was hard to make much out. He rested his two hands, palm first, against the cool glass. He held the position for five seconds and then seemed to make up his mind. He moved back to Claire and took her in his strong powerful arms. "You worried about what's gonna happen? I gotta feeling maybe something will come up sooner than you think. If not then you think I'm gonna leave you hanging. I don't pay no child support but I also make sure none of my girls starve. Not them and not their families. You get that? So this ain't a time for fear and worry - this is a time for celebration and I know how I like to celebrate."

Those eyes of his were amazing. They had locked onto hers and Claire had seemed to feel her anxiety and fear disintegrate and wash away in their deep brown pools. Now she felt better again and she understood. Together, perhaps for the last time, they moved across to the bed.


Maybe it was the rush of exhilaration, the pleasurable 'just got fucked by the ultimate alpha male' feeling or maybe just the knowledge of her success. She couldn't remember coming down those stairs or even opening the outside door but what she saw parked outside snapped her back into the world of here and now.

A silver Camry.

She couldn't help glancing over to the corner but Ty and his associates were all there. Why hadn't they warned her? She suddenly remembered the Closer looking out of that top window and fought an instinct to glance up there. She remembered his palms on the glass and wondered. Had it been a signal?

Did it matter now? She wasn't going to run. She was a Doyle and she was her father's daughter. If they planned on giving her trouble then she'd give them plenty back.

The Camry's doors opened and two people got out. The first things of note were the uniforms. She had been slow on the update. Hadn't Ty told her who used Camrys in the capital? Hadn't he and his friends promised to keep an eye out for unusual vehicles. She hadn't taken note of the implication. They knew this one. The driver was a woman, tall and with long blond hair pulled back into a pony-tail. She had a few years on Claire but not so many. Her face was attractive behind her mirror shades, her body chunky but not fat.

The passenger was a man, unusually for these parts a white man. She immediately knew him and it only took a couple of seconds to put a name to that face. Police habits died hard and last time she'd met Tod he'd most certainly got the better of her.

"Officers," she said in as non-committal a tone as she could muster.

"Ms Doyle - a pleasure to meet you again." Tod's blue eyes twinkled with amusement. It was clear that he had the upper hand again. "We were asked to bring you in to meet someone."

She needed to know where she stood, just how bad this was. "Am I under arrest?"

"Would you like to be?" That was the female officer speaking for the first time. "Maybe for possession of drugs or for consorting with known felons? Or perhaps for soliciting - given who you have just been with?"

Claire ceded the point. Tod could just knock out her tail-light with his baton and take her in for that. That had always been a favorite with Skeet and the good old boys of the Milvain County PD.

The female officer produced a pair of cuffs. "I'll need these?"

Claire shook her head. It was best to co-operate until she knew where this was leading.


She had ridden in a police cruiser innumerable times but this time brought a whole new perspective. As she took her seat she had heard the click of the doors locking and she had seen the thick sound-proof division between her and the two Officers. As they spoke to each other she did hear a low murmur but she could not identify the words. There was really nothing she could do until they got to the precinct station. Meanwhile she'd have to decide about lawyering-up. She needed to know if they planned to charge her or if they wanted her as a witness. Either way she knew the best policy was to say nothing.

These thoughts were flying around her head at such a rate that it took some time for her to realise something. She had come to know parts of the Capital reasonably well since she had moved over. She knew the general direction of the local police station and she also knew the best ways downtown. Now she realised that they were not taking either of these routes. That really set her mind into overdrive. Had they been sent out to pick her up by some other authority? It struck her that she hadn't been read her rights. Was that good? Was that very bad?