Black New World Order-Lee


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"Listen to me, Marvin. Listen to what I'm saying. After The Shift, all future timelines of inequity collapsed. This might not make sense to you but I was able to remember a future of joy where I could choose who I wanted to be, I could choose what I believed, and I chose Love. I could feel the Love inside me. I felt it for the first time. I was Love. We were Love. I felt it deep in my soul. I had to face the ugliest parts of whiteness within me first. I had to kill the arrogance and the ignorance that was a parasite inside me. Until I faced all my false beliefs, until I unpacked my racism, I was only a shell of a man. I had to face the fact that I was racist and that whiteness was never superior. Those were the lies that I had built my entire identity upon and I had to choose Truth."

Marvin struggled to listen because his soul had never been more turned on in his life. All he could imagine, all he could feel in his mind's eye, was Lee riding his dick and telling him these things, slowly, looking him in his eyes, as he bounced up and down on his dick, confessing the darkest parts of himself freely. He wanted Lee to know that he was safe to speak his truth, and that he wouldn't be judged. Marvin was aroused in a place he'd never felt before. This was the truth, without fear. This was cosmic Truth. This was Unity consciousness. From whiteness itself. It was the soul of a white man that had been born again, as The One. He needed to listen for no other reason than he needed to hear everything that Lee was saying.

"You asked me how I got to be like this, transformed into the man you see before you, from the shell I used to be. I told you, I knew immediately, the second I woke up after The Shift, that I had been chosen to be the one, the one white man who broke whiteness. I was the glitch in the Matrix that I ended time as we knew it. Game Over!"

"Woah, that's a lot on your plate." Marvin was impressed by Lee's ability to assume this new role so easily. He asked, "How did you know? How did you know that you were the lynchpin in the changing of the worlds?"

Lee paused. His normal exposition and honesty were being challenged. "Scottie told me."

"I told you that while the hold of racism had been eradicated with The Shift, everyone has to address the places within themselves where whiteness still resided. Whiteness itself could not be absolved of all its wrongdoing without consequence. A child has to own up to its misdeeds in order to learn, it has to face the consequences of its actions, it must make amends, sincerely, so that it will not make those mistakes again. Every white person will have to go through it, they will have to denounce the fallacy of white supremacy, no matter how woke, how anti-racist they think they are, no matter how much they actively hate all melanated people."

Marvin understood. "Whiteness, not white people, but the false belief in a world created by white men, where God was a white man, the false history where white men invented everything and they were the best, that was the disease. Racism, sexism, all the ism's, uhhhmmm fear, masculinity, what about . . . what about, depression, anxiety, I'm guessing addiction and shit like that, oh, wow, low self-esteem, all the shit that made people feel like bad about themselves, that was whiteness manifested in different forms. Not just for white people but everyone was infected with the disease of whiteness, it just had different ways to manifest itself dependent upon . . . dependent upon . . . I guess if you were white and male or not. I'm still figuring it out. Give me some time."

Lee nodded, letting him know that he was on the right track. Marvin went on. "Your destiny is to be the one who shows white people that whiteness wasn't all it was cracked up to be, you're the one who gets them to understand that whiteness is a plague. I understand all this in ways I didn't know I could. You're saying that in this future, on the timeline we're on now, we all become beings of unconditional Love, but we have to go through some shit to get there, we can't just jump to the head of the line, we have to do the work first. And we can fail over and over and over again, but eventually, we are not only going to pass, we are all going to be the val-e-mother-fucking-dictorian of L. O. mother-fucking V. to the E. up in this bitch."

The edible had completely kicked in and Marvin was resonating at the God frequency. "How is that free will, though? If white people have to face their racism and they don't have a choice about it; if men have to face their sexism and misogyny, if this world can't exist without white people deciding to deal with their racism or men owning up to being dicks to women, doesn't that mean that we still don't have free will?"

It was Lee's turn to experience arousal that defied definition. Marvin was instinctually asking questions that went far beyond phase one of Truth and Reconciliation comprehension. "It's not a mandate from someone outside ourselves, forcing us to denounce whiteness. Whiteness is unnatural; whiteness is artificial. We are made from Love, it is the very foundation of our being, and we have to come home to that understanding. We can't fight it, we can't run from it. There is no other Truth than that. Do you understand what I'm saying? I know this is hard. I know I'm using language in a way that is confusing."

"We can't become beings of Love, we ARE beings of Love. We always have been. We have always been connected. Whiteness was the belief that we were separate. We have always been expressions of God in human form. In this future, there are set points in time, as long as time still exists, where human beings can collectively choose to continue on in the 3D world or ascend to higher states of consciousness. Collectively, we will all be able to decide if we want to stay in these bodies and learn more lessons. We get to decide if we want to stay in our bodies to experience more pleasure, more joy, more individual expression. We even get to decide things like what rules of physics we want to govern us. Ultimately, we get to decide if we want to move to a non-physical state where we don't need bodies because we are Divine Consciousness."

They moved from the hot tub to the outdoor futon that Lee let down so that they could both lay down. They covered themselves with a light throw that had been handmade, not to hide their nudity but to protect them from the breeze, however warm it might be on their moist bodies. Marvin lay down and Lee found his place, laying his head on Marvin's chest, his right leg draped over Marvin's, his hand instinctually finding his erection and stroking it casually under the covers.

"Share with me how you faced your racism. Tell me what you had to do. I am hungry to learn more. About you. About the process."

Lee felt empowered to share his story.

Closing his eyes, he took several deep breaths. "I told you, I knew that we were in the New World immediately after The Shift and that I had to go and be with Scottie, to help her build the New World. She had told me that I played an essential role in healing whiteness and transforming the New World back when we were in the Old World. I didn't understand what she meant until that moment. The first veil had been lifted and I could see clearly now that the rain . . . He stopped mid-sentence. Don't! . . . Don't do it! . . . Do not say it!"

Marvin was offended. "What? What are you talking about? I wasn't going to say anything! I'mmmmm going to SING it." He went into full concert mode. "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that passed me by. It's gonna beeee aaaa . . . Oh, uhmm." his voice trailed off. He cleared his throat, " Ehhhem, Go on."

"Alrighty then. You finished? You good? Do you need some more studio time?" Marvin was straight up giggling and he managed to wave his hand in a non-verbal sign of, 'Go on.' We had about a month to get our affairs in order before we were all off to Costa Rica for the initial planning stages. I fully committed. I quit my job and Scottie deposited my first allowance that day. Like you, I spent the first month, watching the Truth and Reconciliation and Disclosure broadcasts. I was learning things I hadn't known but mostly I was feeling guilty. I was afraid of what sort of consequences and punishments white people, specifically what sort of consequences I was going to face from Scottie for my betrayal."

"After that first month, I got the text that said, 'Join me and help me build this brave New World.' I kissed my wife goodbye, and there were no private jets at that point, so we had to fly commercial to Miami and then we were all going to take a private yacht to Costa Rica. I really loved taking first-class. I felt so special. I landed in Miami and there was a car there to take me to a hotel. Turns out we had to layover for two nights because the paperwork to finalize the sale of the yacht was delayed so Scottie put everyone up in a hotel. I think it was because she wanted to spend time with her friend who lives in Miami as well."

"I'll never forget it. It was called the Hotel Beaux Arts, I'm sure I probably still have some matches or some soaps from there in the bathroom because I wanted to remember it forever. Scottie had an entire floor, maybe two floors, booked. I checked in my room and it was more luxurious than anything I'd had access to in the Old World. The bellman told me that everything was paid for and I could help myself to anything and everything the hotel offered as an amenity."

"That night for dinner, everyone was supposed to meet in the dining room and get acquainted. I dressed in my finest khaki shorts and t-shirt and flip flops and headed to dinner. I was going to skip it but I couldn't rationalize what sort of lie I could tell that would sound like a reasonable excuse. I knew I had to meet her and everyone else at some point so I just decided to go."

"The first thing I noticed was that everyone was dressed nicer than me. Like WAY nicer than me. I felt so out of place, so uncomfortable. I saw her. She was walking around greeting people, hugging them, her smile was lighting up the room. In my head, I was thinking she wouldn't notice me but I was the only white man in the room so I . . . I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I wasn't thinking. I had never been in a situation where I was the only white person in the room before."

"The Old World had left Scottie beaten down and haggard by the end of her journey, but this Scottie, this Scottie was radiant, she was beauty personified. She made her way over to me and I extended my hand and said, "Nice to finally meet you, I'm Lee." The second I said it, I felt like an idiot. Duh, of course she knew who I was. She didn't even flinch. She put her arms around me and gave me the most comforting hug I'd ever gotten. It was like being wrapped in pure Love."

"The next two days were a blur. I spent every minute sitting at the bar, or sitting by the pool near the bar, ordering a new drink every time I finished one. I was talking to every white man I could find. I didn't tell them that I was going to be going to a remote resort to help build the New World. While I didn't cosign or contribute to their, 'We fucking hate this Black New World,' rhetoric, I didn't reveal my plans in it either. Something in me knew they were just like me and that they didn't hate it at all. They were scared but they were excited, just like me."

"We all board the boat . . . the ship . . . we board the private yacht or whatever it was called and we set sail. As nice as the hotel was, this was 10 times nicer. The food was better, the drinks were stronger, the accommodations more luxurious. I'm really starting to get used to living this life and it's only been three days.

"OOOOK. So, we get to Costa Rica and I'm expecting a continuation of every lavish luxury and amenity. First red flag is that we have to take a fucking rickshaw damn near to get to the place. It wasn't a literal rickshaw, it was a bus but think Partridge Family, not pimped out tour bus with a kitchen and a bedroom. And the road for most of the way there was not a road at all, it was a path. You hear me, a fucking path damn near. There weren't pot holes, there were pot craters."

"We get to the hotel and . . . Wha Wha Whaaaaaa. The resort I was expecting turned out to be a warm and comfortable little bed and breakfast, quaint and welcoming with bright yellow walls and retro furniture. The resort had belonged to her landlord and she bought it from on the fly right after The Shift.

"Oh, that makes sense. I was wondering why Costa Rica and not Africa or even the Caribbean. It certainly didn't look anything like that when I was there though."

"Her plans were to completely renovate it and make it into a healing retreat. I was the ONLY person who was in any way upset by it. Everyone else was like, 'Look at how beautiful the sunset is! Isn't it gorgeous? Wait, look at how beautiful all the plants and flowers are! Ohhh, look, we can build a pool over there. Can't you just imagine what it's going to look like when it's done?'"

"Me? I was ready to go. I hated it! I felt entitled to luxury even though I had only experienced real luxury in the previous three days. That whiteness! Boy, I'm telling you, it makes you feel yourself. Anyway, everyone gets assigned their rooms and we are told all the rules of conduct which really was only one; respect everyone and treat them the way you want to be treated."

"I was the only white man in the group, obviously. At first, there were about 15 adults who were permanent fixtures and everyone else would come and stay for a week or two, sometimes for a day or two, depending on their specialization, and leave. Let's see, so Scottie's mother, Joan, was there, and her husband, and her mother's best friend Emily. They were elected the Boomer Ambassadors. They were tasked with helping create the programs and systems that helped the seniors process The Shift, specifically figuring out the logistics of how to process those seniors who wanted to stay and get younger and healthier and those who wanted to transition and come back to work out their karma in another life. I call Scottie's mother her holy spirit, because she's her right-hand woman so to speak, she's definitely number 2 in charge. She's the Goddess Mother's Mother, so she has a lot of clout and this overwhelming love emanates from her as well."

"Two of Scottie's three daughters, Janquil and Ray Ray, they were there pretty much full time, and, of course, all her grandchildren. They were assigned to figure out how to aid and assist in the healing of the most disenfranchised, poorest, least educated Black women. Kathryn, Scottie's best friend was appointed the Angry Black woman liaison. I'm not really sure what that is, or what she does but she has a one woman play, I've seen it, and it's fire. Aaron, he took all the images for In Loving Color, he was there. He's like Scottie's very quiet creative equal. Jazzy and Karla were the Millennial and Z liaisons and they were responsible for creating programs to reach out to them. Almost all the models for In Loving Color lived there for a good bit. You'll meet everyone. The point being, it was a small group of close and personal confidants who took up residence there and everyone else just came in, shared their knowledge, and bounced."

"See there! You Black! You sound Black. That Blackness keeps peeking through."

Lee laughed out loud, long and hard and hearty. "Thank you. I will take that as a compliment. I'm not Black, I'm a white man. I can't forget that. I can't let my ego convince me that I'm the Original man. I'm a copy. I get that. We have been bestowed the gift of neuro-melanin and given the opportunity to transcend our whiteness. That allows me to be more, Black, as you call it, but don't get it twisted, I have to work to make sure I'm not letting the vestiges of whiteness take hold of my consciousness again. I have to speak my truth or I will have to repeat the lessons until I get them right."

"You wouldn't believe some of the people I met. There was a revolving door of famous Black women, and Black men too but mostly women: celebrities, politicians, influencers, some famous, some not so famous, but all of them were powerful, strong, and you could feel it emanating from all of them, and they were coming and going and not only thanking her, but sharing how they were going to help the planet heal globally."

"She called on a lot of indigenous community activists, from the southernmost tip of Argentina, to Nova Scotia or whatever the northern most tip of habitable Canada is called, I don't know. Nova Scotia sound good to me . . . She called them to come up with plans to create Wequilibrium Communities that would address the specific needs of the Olmec descendants. The locals in the surrounding villages did the damn thing when it came to the agricultural design. They were planting orchards and designing vegetable and flower gardens that will take your breath away. She had melanated people who were fluent in various language forming committees and traveling to Asia, Australia, and Europe. There were people of every ethnicity and region coming and going, sharing how they wanted to make the world a better place. I soon learned that all the white people who were coming and going were those who had neuro-melanin in the Old World. I mean, there were just a lot of really talented, dedicated people coming and going. And even with all the stuff I am telling you, there was more. No stone was left unturned when it came to helping lift humanity from the vestiges of the Old World."

"And it has to be mentioned that by Scottie's side every single step of the way was her man, Jesse L. Martin, from Law & Order. Their love story . . . it gives me chills every time I see them together. They had loved each other for many, many lifetimes, reincarnating over and over and finding one another every lifetime, only to be killed by the Wizard, the one who stole magick from the Goddess Mother because he knew that together, they were too powerful. They had never even met in this lifetime, never spoken; they didn't meet in the physical until after The Shift. He was the first person she laid her eyes on after The Shift, he showed up at her door, to explain, guide, and protect her, and they have been inseparable ever since. Their's is the love that they write about in fairy tales. I would study him; the way he held her chair, the way he put his hand on the small of her back when they were near each other. Not out of jealousy, but protection, affection. I've never seen a love like the love they share before. It's definitely #relationshipgoals as the kids say."

"Two questions. Just curious," Marvin posed the question, "who would you like to be in that relationship, the person being protected or the person doing the protecting? And, how did he know to just show up at her door?"

"Great questions. As for Jesse and Scottie, you have to ask them. I can't speak on how they came together; I do not know. When I think about being with a woman, I definitely want to be the protector and the Alpha male. So much of my life was spent wanting to be that and now I'm in the body of fucking Adonis, I could be that. Not only that, I've done a fuck ton of emotional healing and work on myself so I think I would be a great partner to a woman. But right now, I'm not attracted to women like that. I find women beautiful. I still masturbate to women. I'm surrounded by the most beautiful women in the world on any given day. But for right now, I'm really comfortable with my role now and I'm wildly aroused by and attracted to Black men."

"I'm not saying I will never want a relationship with a woman again. I have free will, right? But I see myself more as the protected with a bit of protector in me and I'm seeking a mate who . . ." He caught himself. He had never admitted to anyone that he wanted a mate, especially not a male romantic partner. Soon enough, he pulled his thoughts together and continued unapologetically. "I would like to find a mate and we can protect and love each other equally and let go of the traditional roles society told us we had to live by."
