Black Tie Event Pt. 01


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I straightened up tall and made my way over to Carlos trying to look as if I was not shocked and stunned with what had just transpired.

"I will have these pants altered and the shirt tailored to proper size for you by Wednesday lunchtime, a favor for my good friend Deborah," Carlos said very business-like, not letting on at all as to what he had done just moments earlier.

He filled out a rental slip and handed it to me.

"Thanks Carlos, I appreciate you taking the time to see me on such short notice," I said to him not looking him in the eye though.

"No problem. Anything for a friend of Deborah's and I hope she is able to have as much of a good time with you on Wednesday night as I did this afternoon," he said and the last made me look up instantly.

He had a huge smile on his face and a gleam in his eye.

When he licked his lips I gulped hard and felt my groin clench.

"Uh right, well, we'll see how the night goes. I will see you after work on Wednesday. Thanks," I said, quickly turned and walked out the door.

I pretty much quick-stepped my feet all the way to the train station before and hopping on to the next train toward home. While I sat there listening to the clatter of the wheels on the tracks my mind couldn't stop replaying what had just happened back in the store. I was definitely confused, I knew I loved sleeping with women, but I really did enjoy the blow job that Carlos gave me. I wasn't sure if Deborah knew Carlos was gay or at least bi, but maybe it didn't matter to her. I realized I was going to need to think about this and what it meant.

The train pulled into my stop almost before I realized it and I quickly headed to my car. By the time I got home I had decided I was going to go for a run to try and take my mind off of things. I quickly changed, grabbed my house key and my IPod then headed back out the door. I decided to take my normal run of about four miles and into the first half mile I was able to allow myself to be absorbed into the sweet sultry sounds of Chris Botti's trumpet and John Coltrane's saxophone. For the rest of my run I pushed myself harder than I had in a while. In fact, I swear I must have set a personal best as I was heading back up my street.

As I made my way past Cassandra's house I thought of the wonderful sex I had been enjoying with her over the last few weeks. That beautiful, sexy older woman really had brought out the sexual best in me. I was a better lover because of her and enjoyed sex and being with a woman more than I had in my young life.

As I felt the pangs of missing her again, I slowed down as I got to my house and cooled down by walking up and down my driveway a couple of times. I started to stretch on my front lawn when I looked over and noticed the neighbor's daughter from two houses down was out. She was washing her car with her boyfriend. Rather at that moment he was squirting her with the hose instead of rinsing off her car. She was in a pair of short cut-offs that barely covered her ass and a bikini top that held her sizable young breasts that were getting a good spray right then.

Since I'd moved into my house I had watched her develop from a skinny teenager into a very attractive young woman. As I continued to stretch my legs I watched her voluptuous young breasts bounce up and down in her small bikini top as she ran around the side of the car. Her breasts weren't anywhere near the size of Deborah's but they looked to be still more than a handful in size and fit perfectly with the rest of her body. On the second pass around the car she stopped and bent over to dunk her sponge in the bucket of suds. This allowed me to get a perfect view of her other very sexy asset, a very tight, very curvy ass. She straightened back up and threw the soapy sponge at her boyfriend hitting him square in the face. All this playfulness transpired as I felt my cock growing in my running shorts. At that I knew it was time to head inside but before I did I stood up and stretched my arms up one last time. That simple gesture must have caught the girl's attention as she stopped, looked over at me and waved. I waved back getting a good long look at her nubile, fit body before turning and heading inside with my half-hard cock leading the way.

I was too hungry to wait, so I put off taking my shower. As I made myself dinner, I told myself sooner or later I was going to end up sleeping with the neighbor's daughter. I was so attracted to her young firm body and figured she could be a lot of fun in bed. The thought of this made my cock grow anew in my running shorts. Since I wasn't wearing underwear the satiny material felt nice and smooth against my cock. Suddenly my physical priorities changed and now lust outweighed hunger.

So I headed upstairs, my erection bouncing all the way, got undressed and let it lead the way into the shower. Within seconds I was stroking my massive hard-on thinking about fucking the super sexy neighbor's daughter. I pictured doing her on the hood of her car, soapy suds all over the both of us. As the warm shower water cascaded down over my body my cock stiffened to its fullest before it erupted with the first of several large streams of cum. My hips jerked as each stream shot from the ever so swollen tip of my hard manhood. When I finally stopped cumming I looked to find several streaks of white trailing down the glass of the shower stall. I grinned knowing I had always been able to produce a lot of cum and it was so hot to see it all displayed there against the glass, so thick and white. I cupped some water in my palms and splashed it over the glass until the sticky mess and evidence of my intense orgasm over my young fantasy of across the street, washed down the drain.

I was going to bed that young woman!

I did get dinner and by then although it wasn't all that late I decided to head to bed and read. I got under the covers and picked up the Steven Berry novel I had started from the nightstand. I don't think I had gone half an hour before I was asleep and dreaming of Cassandra, Deborah and the incredible blowjob Carlos had given me that afternoon.

Tuesday morning the alarm clock went off as usual. I slapped the snooze button also as usual and on the second alarm I finally bounded out of bed, got a quick wake-up shower, got dressed, ate and headed off to work.

I had a fairly busy day so it made it fly by like Monday had. I ended up working through lunch and before I knew it, it was 6:00pm. I hadn't seen Deborah at all. I also made the trip home uneventfully on the train. As I walked in the door to my house my cell phone went off. It was a picture text from Cassandra. Damn! She was dressed up in a sexy bra and thong in one picture and then in the next picture she was in a sexy dress. It was obvious she was getting ready to go out. I texted her back telling her she looked great and that I would see her in a couple of days. I really did miss her, but I also knew I couldn't wait to go out the next night with Deborah. Cassandra and I weren't exclusive by any means and I was certain she would find a hook-up while she was out in sunny California, especially if she dressed like was in those pictures.

I actually grinned at the thought of her being with another man, or woman.

It didn't take me long to get back to picturing being with sexy, younger Deborah though. It was while looking at myself in the mirror as I did that I decided I needed to hit the gym. I needed to tighten up the abs and buff up the guns. I grabbed a quick snack then changed and grabbed my gym bag. As I walked out the door the neighbor's daughter was pulling into her driveway. She got out and immediately took my breath away as well as practically giving me an instant hard-on. She was wearing a low cut top that showed off her perky tits and a little skirt that was pleated and swayed off her tight little ass. I couldn't take my eyes off of her and as I looked she dropped her keys and bent over to pick them up. As she did it gave me a perfect view of her ass even from that far away. It revealed she was wearing a very skimpy thong. I couldn't much make out that sliver of fabric going up her crack but I certainly had an eyeful of her taut ass cheek even from that distance.

My hard-on just got harder.

It took me another second in my sexual haze to realize she was not only standing upright again, but waving at me. I waved back as I watched her and her sexy little ass sashay on into her house. And as I drove to the gym I convinced myself that she had been purposely teasing me. She knew I wanted her. I knew it was only matter of time before I was going to be getting into her pants.

I had a good work at the gym for almost two hours before I headed back home to dinner and a shower. Just like the night before, I jerked off thinking about the young lady across the street, this time doing her right there in my shower, banging her hard from behind as she moaned her lungs out cumming with me. Needless to say, I had another huge mess to rinse off the glass.

Afterwards I practically passed out in bed exhausted from my workout and my latest intense orgasm.

When I woke up on Wednesday, I didn't hit the snooze button, but jumped right out of bed. I was excited as the big day had finally arrived. Work didn't seem to fly by as quickly as it had the previous two mornings. At 2:30 I got an email from Deborah saying she was leaving to get her hair and nails done and she would see me at the event around eight. She also gave me the address of the place that would be hosting the gala. I recognized it as being somewhere in the high class part of town; an old estate that had been used for weddings and parties since it was revitalized ten years ago. I emailed her back and told her I would see her there. I left early myself at 4:00 but not before telling my boss I may not be in the next day.

"Hot date, Aaron?" he asked.

"You could say that," I said almost too proudly as usual with the most proud part of my anatomy leading the way.

Damn was I horny for this woman!

I headed straight to Carlos's shop to pick up my tux where he had me try it on to make sure it fit just right. Carlos was indeed an expert tailor. The tux seemed custom made for my body, from jacket to shirt, to the pants as I stared at myself in the changing room mirror.

Luckily my arousal had abated by then. Then again subconsciously I may have been too nervous being around Carlos after the first time being in his store. He never once came back toward the fitting room this time around.

I changed back into my office clothes and headed out to pay.

"How much do I owe you for the tux?" I asked, realizing there was no price on the ticket.

"Don't worry about it. I like to take care of friends of Deborah," he responded with those words as well as a not so subtle glance down at my crotch.

I felt a bit of a twinge down there, remembering what had happened in that store just a couple of days earlier. I still hadn't reconciled the experience with my manly desires for women. But I could not deny how much I had enjoyed the great sucking by this older man.

I also was not sure how to take his 'friends' comment, wondering just how many men she had sent his way and how many he may have swallowed their cum just as expertly.

I shivered then pictured the gorgeously sexy Deborah and all other thoughts dissolved away.

"Well thanks a lot, I appreciate that Carlos. I appreciate all that you have done for me." I said to him with a telling smile.

"I was glad to be of service," he said with an even more knowing smile back.

I caught the train home with the tuxedo bag in hand. I ate a light snack to tide me over since dinner would be late. Then I headed to the shower. I didn't jerk off to the fantasy of being with the neighbor girl for the first time in the last few evenings, but I did take time to shave my balls and all the rest of my pubic area. When I was done I was completely hairless down there so then moved on to shave my ass and the area between my asshole and my balls. When I was satisfied that I got every hair possible I shaved what little hair had grown back on my chest and abs. I lathered up well all over with my favorite body wash and then rinsed and got out of the shower. After drying off my newly smooth skinned body I went to the bedroom and pulled out a white undershirt and a black g-string that an ex-girlfriend had gotten me. I actually had an assortment of them to choose from now because I had enjoyed this pair so much I soon went out and got myself a few other pairs. I slipped it on and immediately the silky smooth material felt great against my freshly shaved cock, balls and ass. As I adjusted the string between my ass cheeks I got a nice hard-on going as I thought of undressing down to the black sexy underwear in front of Deborah.

I stopped myself in mid-fantasy as I didn't want to waste or a good cum on just images when I hoped to have the real thing later that night. I quickly put on the rest of my formal outfit before I had the any further urge to haul my cock out and stroke it off. After I finished putting on the ascot tie, which turned out not to be as restricting as I thought it would be, I picked up a bottle of my favorite cologne put on a couple of extra splashes on my neck. I grabbed my Tag Heuer watch which my parents had given me as a present for college graduation and I only wore for special occasions. This was a very special occasion as I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked handsome and hot even if I did say so myself.

I picked up my tux jacket and headed out to my car. As I put the key in the lock my young neighbor fantasy came walking down the sidewalk. She stopped at the end of the driveway and gave me the once over.

"Where are you heading all dressed up?" she asked as she stood there with her hands on her hips, barely covered by the very short denim shorts that were frayed practically up to her crotch.

"I'm going to a charity gala," I said walking to the back of my car.

She came up a few steps until she was barely a pace away.

"You look very sexy," she said in a most sultry tone as she reached up to my neck. "Here, let me adjust your tie," she said as her hands adjusted my tie and then pulled on the lapels of my jacket. She sniffed deeply as her face was inches from mine. "Wow! You smell great, too. Who is the lucky lady tonight?"

I grinned, not sure if she was being a tease or actually maybe a bit jealous.

"A lady I know from work," I said with a smirk on my face and a look that met her lovely eyes but purposely wandered downward to her nice round tits. She was wearing a tight black t-shirt that really emphasized her perfect tits.

"Well she is a lucky lady to have you as a date for tonight," she said as she eased up and gave me a lingering kiss on the cheek.

I was taken aback as well as energized down below the belt before she leaned away.

"Uh, thanks, I uh, guess," I fumbled out sure she noticed my stutter.

"By the way, my name is Michelle. And have a good time tonight," she said, winked then walked across the street. My eyes were glued to her rocking denim blue clad ass until she walked up her driveway. I took a deep breath, shook my head, did a little jiggle of my hips to settle the hard-on that had come and mostly gone then turned back and got in my car. After I buckled up I looked at my watch. It was just after seven which gave me plenty of time to stop and pick up some flowers for Deborah.

The gala was being held at an old mansion as I had suspected, on the other side of town. I arrived there a little before eight o'clock. I felt a little out of place even though I was dressed sharply as I walked up the front steps and was greeted by an even more sharply dressed butler or house person, or whatever he was called. He pointed me toward the table with the place cards where I spotted the one with my name on ad table number on it. I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised that they could have gotten my name printed at such short notice. I could just as easily have been 'Deborah Mason + 1'. I smiled as I walked on into the main room of the mansion set-up with ornately adorned tables with stark white linen tablecloths draped over them and very expensive looking silverware and fine china. I even more strongly felt out of place then. I'd never eaten with this kind of finery, not even at some of those fancier restaurants Cassandra had taken me to. But I felt much better about myself when I looked across the room and saw Deborah. She was talking with a small group of people. When we made eye contact she appeared to excuse herself from the group and walked over to me.

"Well, well Aaron, you sure clean up nicely," she said stepping up close and reaching out a hand to brush at the front of my tuxedo jacket.

"Thanks, but you look absolutely stunning in that dress," I said looking her up and down. Damn, did she ever look stunningly sexy! She was dressed in a long black halter dress which hung down in the front showing off plenty of cleavage. So much so it appeared the tie behind her neck was straining to hold up her extra-large tits.

"Our table is over there, toward the front," Deborah said, turning and pointing nearly across the room.

I noticed from that view there was absolutely no back to her dress. She was completely exposed from the knotted tie at the back of her neck down to below her waist. It showed off her well defined, very smooth back while it teased at baring her ass crack. As much as I admired that view when she turned back around I noticed how the light caught small glittering specks on the material covering her breasts which naturally directed my view toward a most generous sight of cleavage being I'm sure proudly displayed. But if that was not enough of a stimulus her dress flailed in front as she spun so quickly back around. There were two slits down the front that came up to the upper half of her thighs. She finished off the perfect cock-teasing outfit with a black pair of five inch stiletto heels.

At least it all was beginning to tease my cock already.

I got another once over look from her. "Carlos really did a good job on this tux for you."

"Yeah he is really good at his job," which was certainly true but the extra effort he gave during my fitting I was not prepared to comment about.

"Uh, are those for me?" Deborah nodded toward my left hand.

"Oh yeah, sorry, I was distracted. Here," I said holding out the small bouquet.

"Oh thank you so much Aaron, they are beautiful." she said as she took the flowers in one hand before she wrapped her other arm around me to give me a firm hug. "I really am glad you are here with me tonight. I promise you are going to have a good time," she whispered into my ear before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I felt my cock go almost instantly hard in my g-string.

"Let's go get a drink and I'll introduce you to some other people here," she said as she grabbed my hand and led me across the room. As I trailed behind her I could smell her perfume, it was a very intoxicating aroma but not too overwhelming.

At the bar Deborah got a glass of white wine and I got a Crown Royal on the rocks. Then she led me on around the room introducing me to friends of hers and other people from the charity organization. All the people I met were older, at least in their forties except for maybe a couple of women who looked to still be in their thirties. Every woman was dressed in elegant evening gowns and I have to say the majority of them were very attractive, very much showing of money, but very attractive.

After mingling with Deborah and her friends and having some appetizers we made our way over to our table. We sipped our drinks as everyone else soon took their seats. Then just as it appeared all the tables were filled Deborah leaned over toward me and whispered, "Aaron, I have to go up and say a few words before dinner is served." She patted my thigh under the draped tablecloth then stood.