Blackfoot Ranch Pt. 02

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Sadie is pleasured on a hike before she has to leave.
4.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/15/2023
Created 07/29/2023
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A little bit of retconning/adjusting in this chapter. Everything is edited and clear in the full version.


As the first rays of the morning sun gently filtered through the fabric of the tent, it created a play of light and shadows, painting the interior with a warm, golden hue. The soft glow slowly roused us into the world, and as I opened my eyes, I found Elena's peaceful face just inches away from mine. Her arms were still around me; we'd snuggled into each other late in the chilly night. Her eyes were still heavy with sleep, but a contented smile spread across her lips when she realized we were both awake.

"Good morning," she whispered, her voice as gentle as the morning breeze that curled and giggled around our tent.

"Good morning," I replied, my voice hushed, not wanting to disturb the tranquility of the moment.

Elena tightened her embrace around me, and I nestled in closer. It was as if the cold morning air couldn't touch us; her presence alone provided all the comfort I needed. We lay there for a moment, basking in the stillness of the morning, wrapped in each other's arms. As the world outside the tent came alive with the sounds of birdsong and rustling leaves, I took a deep breath, inhaling the crisp air. The morning chill embraced me, but I felt cocooned in a blanket of serenity. It was a new day, and the promise of adventure lingered in the air. I didn't know what to expect from Elena, which was exciting. I always knew what to expect at home.

With a soft yawn, Elena released me from her embrace and began to stretch her limbs over her head. Instinctively, I kissed her shoulder. "Time to get up and greet the day," she said, her voice laced with excitement.

I nodded and followed suit, stretching my arms and feeling the stiffness of sleep leave my body. I was still relaxed from the way she had massaged and played with my body as we fell asleep. I wriggled into an oversized shirt and underwear while Elena remained naked. God. We unzipped the tent, and the fresh scent of pine and earth enveloped us. Elena wrapped her sleeping bag around her shoulders but otherwise stayed unclothed. The view that had been obscured by darkness last night now revealed itself in all its glory.

We stepped outside onto the edge of the cliff, and my breath caught in my throat. The sun had begun its ascent, painting the sky and the whole valley with streaks of orange and pink.

Elena and I found a cozy spot to sit, our fingers interlaced once more. We watched as the sun continued its ascent, illuminating the world around us. The stars slowly faded into the daylight, but their magic lingered in our hearts.

"I'm so glad we came here," I said, breaking the silence.

Elena nodded, her eyes fixed on the horizon. "Me too. There's something magical about starting the day in nature, away from the noise and distractions of the city."

I rolled my eyes and gently nudged her. "You hardly live in the city."

"You know what I mean." She leaned her head on me. "Everything's loud when you compare it to waking up out here."

As we watched the sunrise together, the world stood still. In the beauty of that sunrise, as Elena snaked her arm around my waist and kissed the side of my head, I found solace--a brief respite from the troubles that awaited us beyond this peaceful morning. Still, beneath the tranquility of the moment, there was a tinge of discomfort that gnawed at the edges of my thoughts. I couldn't help but think about the reality of my life back home, the impending divorce, and the difficult decisions that lay ahead. The warmth of Elena's presence beside me offered a sense of comfort, but it couldn't entirely dispel the unease that settled in my heart.

As the colors of the sunrise continued to paint the sky, Elena sensed my inner turmoil. She gently placed a hand on mine, her touch grounding and reassuring. Without needing to speak, she understood the weight of the emotions I carried, and her silent support brought a measure of peace to my troubled mind.

After a few minutes of restful breathing and sighing, she untangled our bodies and said, "I've got a great hike planned. Up to a glacier lake. Let's fuel up."

We filled up our backpacks with different supplies for the hike, tentatively planning to sleep out here again tonight before I had to head home tomorrow morning. Elena hooked up our food in a bear-safe swinging thing high up in a tree, which made no sense to me but simultaneously impressed me. Then, we both got dressed. Today I opted for loose shorts and a sports bra, while she slipped on a pair of gray joggers and a flowy tank top. After about twenty minutes, we were ready to hike. She assured me, repeatedly, that it was a beginner-friendly hike, but her muscular legs and expensive sneakers made me question it.

"Make sure you have enough water," she reminded me, handing me a water bottle to add to the reusable one already in tow. "Nothing worse than having to haul a pretty girl over the shoulder down a mountain."

"You've had to do that many times?"

She threw me a cute, mischievous look. "Plenty."

Elena picked up a hiking pole for me, explaining that it would help with stability and balance during the hike. I had never used one before, but she assured me it would make the experience better, especially on uneven terrain. Once we were both geared up and ready to go, Elena led the way, her enthusiasm palpable in every step she took. I followed closely behind, absorbing the sights and sounds of the forest. The rustling leaves, the chirping birds, and the occasional scamper of small creatures all contributed to the symphony of nature.

As we hiked, Elena shared insights about the local flora and fauna, pointing out different plants and identifying bird calls. Her knowledge and passion for nature were contagious, and I found myself becoming more engrossed in the surroundings. The trail wound through the forest, occasionally opening up to reveal breathtaking vistas of the valley below. Each clearing we reached offered a new perspective, showcasing the diverse beauty of the landscape.

Elena's eyes twinkled and I was determined to match her enthusiasm. The stream that led to the glacier lake meandered alongside the trail, its gentle flow murmuring like a soft lullaby. The crystalline water shimmered in the sunlight, reflecting the surrounding greenery like a mirror. We crossed wooden bridges that spanned the stream, our footsteps echoing around the otherwise quiet landscape.

I felt the need to impress Elena with my hiking prowess, and I kept up a steady pace, my sneakers sinking into the soft earth with every step. The trail gradually ascended, becoming rockier and more challenging. Yet, the sight of Elena's unwavering smile pushed me to continue, my determination fueled by the desire to share in this moment with someone who lived authentically in every moment. The air grew cooler as we climbed, too, and the faint scent of wildflowers mingled with the refreshing breeze.

The trail wound through dense patches of ferns and moss-covered rocks, adding layers of textures to the hike. I could feel the velvety touch of fern fronds brushing against my skin as I passed, and the roughness of the rocks under my fingers as I used them for support. We didn't speak much, only to point out something the other should look out for or check out. Somehow, that was more intimate than an entire conversation. She'd catch my hips when I tripped and chuckle at my footing errors. We learned the way the other moved.

Occasionally, we would catch glimpses of wildlife darting through the undergrowth--a flash of a squirrel's tail, a rustle of leaves indicating the presence of a curious bird. Each encounter with the forest's inhabitants brought an extra spark of delight to our journey. As we approached the final stretch of the hike, the trail grew steeper, and the stream turned into a cascade, its roar echoing through the valley. We were at the top of the waterfall, not able to see the sights yet. We navigated over rocky terrain, carefully stepping from one boulder to another, the chilly spray of the waterfall refreshing our faces.

Finally, we reached a place on the shore where we could stop and take in the view. The air was crisp and carried the scent of pine and wildflowers, blending seamlessly with the invigorating aroma of the glacier-fed waters. Each breath filled our lungs with the purity of nature's essence, rejuvenating our spirits.

The glacier lake's crystalline blue was mesmerizing, so clear it seemed unreal. Its tranquil surface mirrored the surrounding mountains, creating a perfect reflection that invited us to gaze into its depths. As we peered down, we could see the fish gliding gracefully below, their silvery bodies shimmering like stars in the night sky we slept under.

The sun played hide-and-seek with the clouds, casting ever-changing patterns of light and shadows across the lake's surface. The shifting hues of blue danced like ripples of silk, captivating our eyes and immersing us in the timeless beauty of this sacred place.

The waterfall, a majestic spectacle, cascaded down hundreds of feet with a thunderous roar. Its mighty cascade filled the air with a deep reverberation, enveloping us in its powerful sound. The water's tumultuous journey created a cool mist that gently caressed our skin, leaving a refreshing tingle in its wake.

The rocky lake bed, now exposed through the crystal-clear water, added another layer of texture to the scene. Smooth stones nestled beneath our feet as we dipped our toes into the chilly lake, experiencing the contrast between the warmth of the sun on our faces and the cold touch of the water.

Elena and I sat close together, our hands entwined, feeling the pull of the wilderness and the pull of each other. The moment felt intimate, as if we were the only two souls in the universe, connected by the grandeur of nature and the shared wonder of this extraordinary sight.

The romance of the moment was undeniable, the power of the glacier lake and the waterfall accentuating the depth of our friendship. Nature itself seemed to celebrate our bond, bestowing upon us this magical experience as a testament to the beauty of two souls embarking on an adventure together.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the glacier lake, the world around us seemed to hold its breath in reverence. The stillness was palpable, the moment suspended in time as if nature itself was pausing to acknowledge the beauty of this friendship.

The glacier lake and its surroundings had imprinted themselves on our hearts, becoming a cherished memory that would forever hold a place in our souls. It was a moment of pure sensory delight, where the sights, sounds, scents, and textures merged to create an experience that transcended words, etching itself deeply in our minds.

In the embrace of the glacier lake's sacred beauty, Elena and I sat, feeling the pull of the wilderness and the pull of each other. The sensory symphony of this moment filled our hearts with gratitude, leaving an indelible mark that celebrated the power we shared, the wonder of nature, and the profound impact of a friendship that had blossomed amid the grandeur of the world around us.

"You know," Elena said, "Perez is my married name. I'm Blackfoot -- Niitsitapi is our word -- too, even though my mom was Mexican. My maiden name was Kiaiyo. I'm thinking about changing it back."

"That's beautiful," I replied. "My maiden name was Ducksworth, so I'll probably keep my married name."

She chuckled and slinked her arm around my shoulders. "My mom would tell me stories about this lake, where her mom brought her, even though we were estranged from the area for decades. I don't think it was, like, authentic to the Native people or anything. More of a bedtime story in our family. I moved here to reconnect with those stories, in a way, I think."

At my prodding, she told me the story. "Long ago," she started with a slightly sarcastic but sweet tone, "there was a couple, kindred spirits who were destined to find each other. They were the first to stumble upon the hidden wonder. It was said that the lake was a sacred place, where the heavens met the earth in a breathtaking embrace." Elena's fingers gently traced patterns on the back of my hand as she continued, "When they found the glacier lake, it was like discovering a piece of paradise. It's the place they discovered love. Before that night, people were only bound together by obligation. But they found a deep, profound connection like nothing they'd ever felt.

My heart swelled at the romantic notion, and I found myself imagining the couple, hand in hand, standing at the shores of the glacier lake, like we were today.

"Eager to share their newfound love and happiness, they returned to their people," Elena narrated, her voice now tender and filled with emotion. "Their love was a gift--a precious treasure they carried for all of humanity." Then, her voice became devilish. "Think anyone's had sex here because of them?"


Elena's gaze held a mixture of tenderness and passion as she gently guided me to lie against a smooth boulder near the glacier lake. The cool surface of the rock provided a sharp contrast to the warmth of her touch as she cradled my face in her hands. With a soft smile, she leaned in, her breath mingling with mine. Our lips met in a kiss that started out romantic. Pretty quickly, though, it went from romantic to urgent. She went from cupping my face to knotting my hair in her hands and tugging me as close to her as possible.

With her left hand pinning me against the rock and her, Elena trailed her right hand down my side. When she touched the exposed part of my skin, between the waistband of more shorts and the bottom of my bra, I pulled in a lung full of cool air.

I'd never, ever been kissed like this out in the open, the clear and crisp mountain air just as intimate on my skin as her hands. The boulder's texture bit into my skin just a bit, lighting up my senses to full bloom. It turned me on way, way more than I could admit to myself. Elena tugged my head to the side and kissed my neck. This time, she sucked hair, her teeth almost painful, and I knew she'd be leaving a purple mark that would last through a few days back home. I didn't stop her, though, because the mix of pain and lust throttled straight down to my pussy. I was clay in her hands, ready to be sculpted into exactly what she wanted.

Hot and breathy against my ear, she said, "You'll have to be quick. Wouldn't want anyone walking up here and seeing us."

"No, no, wouldn't want that," I replied, my words all whisper and groan and want.

Elena shoved her hands underneath the waistband of my shorts. I spread my legs a bit so she could get better access. The sound of water softly lapping against the shore and the subtle rustling of leaves nearby added to the desire rising up in me with every passing second I closed my eyes, fully surrendering to the experience, as her hands made easy, precise contact with my clit. She dipped into my wet cunt for a second first to lubricate her fingers.

She used firm strokes, her fingers applying just the right amount of pressure. She traced the contours of my pussy, finding the spots that craved attention and care. Elena's hands moved with an expertise that Paul's had always lacked even when we were still intimate. She found what I wanted and did it, not switching it up right when I moaned or asking for a blowjob moments before I came. No, she focused. Elena wanted my orgasm just as much as I did, maybe more. It was a precious thing for her that she worked with dedication to coax out.

She caught my lower lip in her teeth as I came on her fingers, whispering good girl, that's it, let go, to me throughout all of the waves. I ground against her fingers and she let me take charge for a few sweet moments as I gasped and moaned through the orgasm. When she pulled her fingers back, they were slick with my juices. As if in a trance, Elena pressed her fingers to my lips and I sucked the bittersweet tang of myself off her fingers.

"Wait, let me go grab something," she said as my lips left her fingers. She jogged over to our backpacks on the shore and returned with a dildo much bigger than anything I'd ever taken. Not that it was huge -- I'd watched porn before, of course -- but its length and girth made me hungry for it. She dropped onto her knees in front of me, yanked my shorts down around my ankles, and looked at my pussy hungrily.

I teased, the blush ever so slowly leaving my cheeks but my arousal refusing to fade at the thought of her working that cock in and out of me, "Not so worried about other people anymore?"

"Fuck no," she practically growled right before manhandling me into an almost squatting position where she could comfortably eat me out.

She dove in like she was starving and my cunt was a buffet of Michelin-starred meals. My orgasm had ended, but my pussy was still sensitive and swollen from it. When Elena eased the fake cock inside of me, I felt so full and so turned on that I could've cum again if she even grazed my clit with her breath.

But she knew that.

So she pushed the dildo as far into my cunt as I wanted, until she found the depth that made me squirm the most, and then eased it in and out of me agonizingly slow. She didn't want to crash another, weaker orgasm through my body. Not that I would've minded, of course. She wanted to help me creep to another edge and then guide me over it while my knees were weak. Thrusting the dildo slowly put me into a comfortable, relaxed haze. I forgot that we were out in the open, I forgot that I was on an escape mission, and I forgot that I existed for any reason other than to feel good with this gorgeous woman in this stunning place.

Gentle, barely there, Elena touched her tongue to my clit. At my response -- a deep, guttural groan of need -- she chuckled against my pussy. The vibration only made me writhe more. She continued to lazily lap at my clit, not wanting to push me too hard too fast, and I continued to grind against her mouth, begging her to. Ever so slowly, she transitioned to moving her tongue in slow, deliberate circles that made my entire body ache divinely.

I spread my arms out above me so that the cool breeze would bite against my nipples, breathing in the moment. The chill immediately made them hard. The contrast in temperatures and textures itched my mind. Once again, an orgasm began deep inside of me. This time, though, it was slow moving, needing more attention, because of how hard my cunt had been working. Elena helped it along by speeding up her tonguing to a pace just below frantic. She moaned into my pussy, eager for the floor of wetness to come. It was that thought -- that she was desperate for me, that she wanted me, that she needed me -- that actually tipped me over the edge. I fell down the waterfall and into glacier lake below, my cunt worshipping the fake cock and her mouth at the same time.

For how gentle it had come on, this orgasm just wouldn't leave. Elena stayed attached to my clit, confident and sure, as my moans reached a fever pitch loud enough to be heard down the trail above the waterfall's roar. Nothing else mattered, though, as Elena pushed me to the very edge of my pleasure and then past it. My hips bucked wildly and my hand tangled up as I rolled against the boulder behind me.

It took what felt like a year but must've only been thirty seconds, but eventually, I came back down to earth. The smile that spread my lips open was natural and intuitive, the kind that emerges when you run into an old friend for the first time in years when you weren't expecting it.

"You have no idea how beautiful you are right now," Elena said as we both caught our breath. Her voice was strained and breathy from how much effort she'd put in between my legs. She stood up and kissed me hard. I tasted my sweet pussy and her salty sweat on her lips. "The fact that you aren't told that every moment of every day is a fucking tragedy."