Blackjack Holidays Ch. 01


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Mom smiled and answered, "Yes, I'm still doing it. I'm still fucking black men, young lady, and I have no plans to ever stop. And no, your daddy didn't mind at all. In fact, I'll spare you the details, but let's just say that your father really got into it, and he still does!"

Mom looked me square in the face and said, "You said something about 'getting it from me'. I take that to mean that you're having an affair with someone who happens to have a big black cock."

I nodded my head yes. At that moment, Margo stepped outside and asked us what we were talking about.

"We're talking about your favorite subject, Margo," Mom said, adding, "We're talking about fucking black men."

Margo laughed out loud, and looking toward me, she said, "So you've finally told your mother about Jack! Now we can have some real girl talk! Have you told Ron too?"

"No! No, I haven't told Ron!" I stated definitively. "And I don't intend to tell him. Not yet, anyway. And I don't need either of you blabbing about it either."

"Well, you know dear," Mom started, "You've gone black now, just like Margo and me, and it's true what they say about never going back. You're going to keep fucking your man – his name is Jack I guess. It's only a matter of time before Ron finds out. It might be easier to simply be honest with him and just tell him that you love him but you have a need and a craving that he can't satisfy. Tell him that it runs in the family, if that helps."

"Your mom is right, Cyndi," Margo offered. "Your husband is a lot like Santa Claus. He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice!"

We all laughed, then I said I didn't want to tell Ron that I've been naughty until after the holidays.

"So, when are you going to fuck Jack again?" Margo asked eagerly. "He really is incredible, isn't he?"

"Yeah," I agreed. "I like sex as much as the next girl, but getting fucked by Jack is so good. I don't know how to describe it, but I know I'm preaching to the choir! Tomorrow I'm going to tell Ron that I'll be shopping the 'door buster sales' all day, but I'll really be fucking Jack instead."

Margo smiled and said, "Well, after all, tomorrow is our favorite day of the year!"

"What?" Mom asked. "The day after Thanksgiving is our favorite day?"

"Yes!" Margo chirped. "It's Black Friday!"

We all giggled until we had tears in our eyes. After some more 'girl talk' we went back inside to join our respective husbands in the living room. We laughed and chatted. I glanced at Ron and thought to myself that he was the only one in the room who wasn't keeping a secret. When it was time to go we all got up and hugged each other. Ron gave me a puzzled look when Mom and Margo both told me to "have a wonderful Black Friday!"

Coming clean

Working at the same company, but in totally different departments, Jack and I seldom saw each other during our workdays. When we did we exchanged smiles. I started texting Jack before taking my smoke breaks and he would usually meet me outside the building. We would just talk and maybe steal a kiss or two if no one else was around. Our relationship soon became a poorly kept secret. I'm sure my big-mouth cousin's gossiping contributed to the buzz.

On the Monday after Thanksgiving weekend, Jack texted me an invitation to go to lunch. We drove to a little Mexican place not too far from work. Sitting together in a booth, we kissed each other a few times while hiding behind the menu. As we ended one extended smooch I was mortified to see my husband just inside the front door. I slumped down and buried my face in Jack's shoulder.

"My husband is here!" I whispered. "Shit! I have to get out without him seeing me, but he's sitting by the front door!"

Jack signaled to our waitress, and when she approached he passed her a 20-dollar bill and said, "My lady needs to disappear. Can you sneak her out the back?"

"Si Senor," the server answered. "No problema."

As I slid out of the booth, never taking my eyes off my husband as he glanced the other way, Jack told me to meet him at the gas station on the corner.

The waitress shielded me as I quickly got up and scooted back toward the restrooms, then she led me through the kitchen and opened the back door, allowing me to make my escape.

When Jack picked me up at the gas station he asked, "Well, do you think he saw you?"

"I don't know how he could have missed me," I said nervously. "A white woman and a black man, making out 20 feet away from him? It would be pretty hard not to notice."

We went back to work but my stomach was churning all afternoon and all the way home as I imagined every possible ugly scenario and confrontation.

When Ron got home and entered the house I put on my best smile and said hello. My worst fears were realized when I saw the angry look on my husband's face. His voice was frigid when he spoke.

"I think you've been keeping a secret from me and somehow you thought I wouldn't notice."

"What are you talking about it, honey?" I asked nervously, not knowing how much he'd seen or exactly what he knew.

His only response was, "You know what I'm talking about."

All of those times when I was lying naked on my back, with Jack's big black cock inside me, I had told myself that it didn't really matter whether Ron knew that I was fucking around behind his back. I was having the best sex of my life. But, now that I had to face the music, I wished that I could disappear. I started babbling.

"Ron, honey, you know I love you more than anything, or anyone else in the world. With him, it's just sex, even though the sex is amazing. It's like I'm not even me when I'm fucking him. I never intended to cheat on you, honey. It just sort of happened. I just fell for him, for his body, I guess."

I started to cry. Looking at Ron, I could see that he was stunned. After a few moments, he spoke.

"Who is he? When did it start?"

Choking back tears, I answered, "His name is Jack. We work together but I never met him until my cousin's Halloween party."

"How long did you know him before you two had sex?"

"About an hour," I answered without thinking.

"An hour?!" Ron erupted. "You met him at the party and you fucked him an hour later?! My gawd, Cyndi, you're a fucking slut!

"Well, if you had come to the fucking party it never would have happened!" I countered defensively.

We just stood and stared at each other for a while.

"So now what?" Ron asked. "Is this when you promise me that you'll never see him again and we just go on as if it never happened?"

"I can't un-ring the bell, and I can't promise you that. I don't want to keep cheating on you. But, I'm being honest when I say I don't think I can give him up."

"So, this is it," Ron said. "The end of our marriage. We split and you keep fucking him. That's what you're telling me?"

I went to Ron and hugged him. His arms just hung limp at his side.

"I don't want to end our marriage," I told him, moving my face to force our eyes to connect. "I love you. You have to believe me. This doesn't have to be the end for you and me. It really doesn't. We both know couples who are really happy, living happy lives, even though they share themselves. We could be happy too."

"Who the hell do we know like that?!" Ron snapped skeptically.

"My cousin Margo and her husband Bob," I stated. I thought about saying "my mom and dad too", but decided that would be too much information at that moment.

Ron's expression softened a bit and he looked almost amused as he said, "Really? Your cousin has a lover and Bob goes along with it? Holy shit!"

"Margo says they're happier than ever and it's made their marriage stronger," I offered.

We stood there for a long time. Ron said he was going to go out to clear his head. I told him to be careful.

"Please, honey, don't have too much to drink and don't do anything rash. And don't forget that I love you."

As he picked up his car keys from the kitchen counter and began to walk toward our front door, I had to know.

"Ron, honey, how did you find out? You saw Jack and me at the Mexican place today, didn't you?"

Ron turned to me with a bewildered look and said, "You were both at Mi Cantina today?"

Then he floored me when he said, "When I asked you if you had something to tell me I was talking about the dent in the back of your car. I had no idea that you were fucking some guy behind my back."

I was shocked. "There's a dent in my car?"

After Ron left, I smoked a cigarette as I collected my thoughts. I called my cousin Margo and cried. Then, I called my mother and cried. Finally, I called Jack and cried. Jack offered to pick me up and drive me to his place for the night. As much as I would have loved to fuck him, I politely declined his offer.

I went to bed and eventually fell asleep. I glanced at the alarm clock and saw that it was 2:37 AM when Ron climbed into bed beside me. I said nothing, and I didn't touch him as he curled up on his side of the bed, but I felt a wave of relief. There was hope for Ron and me. At least he came home.

When our wake-up alarm went off at 6:30 in the morning Ron just rolled over in bed and grumbled, "I'm going in late today." He covered his head with his pillow as I got up and started to get ready for work. I figured that he must have gone to a bar and tied one on. Now he had a hangover. It actually made things easier because we didn't have to talk or even face each other on the morning after my confession of infidelity.

I got home from work and saw that Ron's car was not in the driveway. I immediately scanned our closet and bathroom to see whether his things were still in place. I had imagined that he might move out when I was gone, but he hadn't. A little later than usual, Ron got home from what must have been a half-day at work. I fixed dinner and we ate, but we didn't talk. Ron was giving me the silent treatment but I didn't make an issue of it. That night I watched TV and Ron spent hours on his computer until he announced that he was going to bed. There was no goodnight kiss, but I was still relieved to see that he was in our bed, asleep, when I turned in a little while later.

The next day, when our alarm went off, we both got up and went about our usual morning routine. There was still tension in the air, but it seemed as if Ron was thawing. Before he left the house he stepped up to me and gave me his customary goodbye kiss. I smiled and said "I love you" before he turned and left the house.

Things were almost back to normal when Ron got home. We ate dinner and talked a little bit, then we sat on the couch together to watch TV. Out of the blue, Ron said, "I still can't believe that your cousin Margo has a boyfriend and her macho-man husband, Bob, goes along with it. I never would have guessed it, that's for sure."

"You want to hear something even more unbelievable?" I asked, leaning against Ron with a naughty smile on my face. "I found out on Thanksgiving that my parents have been doing the same thing for years!"

"No!" Ron exclaimed. "You've got to be shitting me! Your mother?! Your 48-year-old mother has been getting herself fucked and your father just goes along with it?! I can't fucking believe it!"

I just smiled and nodded my head while Ron stared at me, all slack-jawed.

"From what my mom says, Daddy more than goes along with it."

Ron smiled more and said, "So, your cousin's husband, and your own father, are both cuckolds!"

"Yeah, well, I guess so," I stated uncertainly. "I suppose they are cuckolds, although you seem to be more familiar with the terminology than I am."

Ron shrugged his shoulders and said, "I, uh, did a little on-line research on my computer last night while you were watching TV. I found out that there are lots of people 'in the lifestyle' as they say. Thousands, maybe millions. Not swingers. You know, swingers are couples who meet other couples and they trade partners and have sex. Cuckolds are guys who accept the fact that their wives are having sex outside of marriage. It's not cheating or anything because the wife doesn't sneak around and hide her lover. The husband is okay with it and actually finds it exciting and arousing. That sounds a lot like your dad, and your cousin's husband, Bob, from what you've told me."

"I see," I said, trying to appear interested but not overly excited. But excitement is exactly what I was feeling since my husband had seemingly accepted that some husbands – cuckolds by definition – allow their wives to fuck other men!

Ron took my hand in his as we sat close together on the couch and – to my absolute delight – he continued to impart his newfound knowledge.

"There's a term for a woman married to a cuckold," Ron further explained. "Your mother, and your cousin, and you too, I guess, are each what you call a 'hotwife'. A hotwife has sex outside of marriage with the consent of her cuckold husband."

I was absolutely giddy at that point! I laughed happily and hugged Ron. I wanted to make sure that my ears weren't playing tricks on me, so I reiterated what he had just said.

"So, you're saying that my mom, and my cousin, and me, are hotwives, and my dad, and my cousin's husband, and you, honey, are cuckolds. Is that right?"

Ron leaned toward me and kissed my lips and said, "That pretty well sums it up. I'm still trying to sort it all out in my head, but I know that I still love you, and I believe you when you say you still love me, so I don't want us to split up and get divorced or anything. If your mom and your cousin and a million other people can be happily married even when there's another guy involved I suppose that you and I might be able to make it work too."

"I do love you!" I gushed as I hugged Ron tight. "I love you so much, and you've just made me the happiest girl in the world!"

Ron and I attacked each other, French kissing passionately and pulling off each other's clothes right there on the couch. In two minutes time we were doing a 69. As I sucked his modest white dick he licked my wet pussy. I wondered what he must have been thinking, burying his face in a pussy that he knew had been pleasuring another man. The thought brought me to climax and I shrieked as I came. Ron swung his body around and poked his penis into me, then he started to hump me as fast as I've ever seen or felt him do it. In a couple of minutes he started moaning as he squirted his cum into me.

We both laid there, half-connected, for quite a while and then snuggled together, both of us naked, on the couch. I was hoping that Ron would talk some more. I wanted to share my thoughts and to tell him about Jack, but he didn't seem inclined to have more conversation.

It occurred to me that, despite all his on-line research and newly-acquired awareness, there was a lot that Ron did not know about my lover, or my mom's or cousin's lovers, for that matter. He had no way of knowing that we were all fucking black men! I felt like I was keeping a secret, and that it wasn't the right thing to do in our evolving relationship, but I decided that the interracial component should probably just come to light in due time.

Season to be jolly

The morning after Ron had conceded that he was a cuckold and I was a hotwife I decided to push my luck a little bit. I was so fucking horny for Jack's big black cock! Ron and I went through our morning routines, getting ready for work. When Ron approached to give me a goodbye kiss, I flashed him my sweetest smile and said that we might be having a late dinner because I wanted to make a stop on my way home. I hoped that my husband would catch my drift.

"Well, okay," Ron said with little expression, then he added, "but this can't happen every night. If this is going to work, and you're going to be my wife, you have to put me first and your other 'needs' will have to come second."

"Oh I totally agree," I said, nodding my head but feeling a little guilty because I wasn't quite sure if I could always put my lust for black fucking on the back burner. "It won't be every night. Just once in a while."

With that, Ron gave me a kiss. As he pulled away I leaned in and gave him a second kiss and whispered "thank you, honey."

Three hours later I was at work and Jack met me outside our building for my first cigarette break. I told him about my talk with my husband and how I pretty much had a green light to fuck him now. We were both so ecstatic that we embraced and kissed even though there were a couple of other coworkers smoking nearby. It felt great! No more worrying and hiding!

After work I drove straight to Jack's apartment and we fucked like crazy for an hour. I wondered whether I would miss the "secret sex" that I had been having on the sly. I found that I enjoyed taking Jack's cock even more, knowing that my husband knew what I was doing and that he was going to have to wait for his turn. I got dressed at about 6:45 and made the 15 minute drive home.

When I walked in our front door I announced that I was home. Ron strolled out of the kitchen, holding a half-empty beer bottle, and with a sour look on his face, said, "It's about time."

I was taken aback and nervously said, "I told you I was making a stop on my way home."

"And where did you stop, Cyndi?" Ron snarled. "At your boyfriend's place I suppose!"

"Yes," I said, still feeling defensive with a touch of anger creeping in. "Yes, Ron, I stopped at Jack's place. I was pretty damned sure this morning that you were okay with it."

Ron stared at me sternly, then a smile slowly overtook his face and he said, "Yeah, I'm okay with it. I had you going for a minute there, didn't I?!"

"Now what am I going to do with you?!" I asked as I broke into a smile myself. I stepped up to him and kissed his lips, then I said, "Don't play with my head that way!"

As we embraced Ron looked eager and he gazed into my eyes as he asked, "Did you fuck him?"

I tried to look all mysterious and seductive and I said, "Why don't you come into the bedroom with me while I change clothes."

Ron sat on the bed as I took off my top and my bra, displaying my naked breasts for him. For the first time, I was hoping that my husband would notice the red marks that my lover had left on my tits. Then I slid off my skirt and finally my panties. They were soaking wet and I tossed them onto Ron's lap. Then I rather dramatically reclined on my back beside Ron and spread my legs wide open. My pussy was oozing gobs of cum.

"Did I fuck him? See for yourself, honey."

"Oh my gawd!" Ron exclaimed as he focused on my vagina. "Your pussy is a fucking mess!"

"I know!" I giggled. "Jack always cums a lot. A lot more than you do."

Ron stood up and stripped off his clothes in five seconds time. Then he returned to the bed and positioned his face about a foot away from my cunt. As he stared at it he had a look of wonder in his eyes, then he looked toward my face and said, "I know a lot of cuckolds like to eat the cum out of their wives' pussies after they get fucked by their boyfriends, but as sexy as it looks, I don't know if I'm ready for that."

"It would be nice and you might enjoy it," I said quietly. Then I slipped two fingers deep into my pussy and pulled them out, scooping up a big dollop of cum in the process. "Just try it," I suggested as I moved my gooey fingers to touch his lips.

I know I smiled widely as Ron slowly opened his mouth and allowed me to feed him. He not only took all of the cum on his tongue, but he licked my fingers clean. I felt deliciously nasty knowing that I had just filled my husband's mouth with black sperm.

"Maybe you can just help yourself next time," I said.

"Now it's my turn!" Ron said as he climbed into position and slipped his dick into my sopping pussy. "Gawd, you've never been so wet! But, you're a little stretched out too."

Ron and I both scooted and maneuvered around a little until he found a way to get some friction going, then he started to fuck me as best he could. He only lasted a couple of minutes before he started grunting. I could only assume that he had cum. We both laid there for a while and we traded small kisses. Then I announced that I needed to take a shower. Ron invited himself to join me and we had a good time, sharing the soap and lathering each other. After the shower I dried Ron's whole body with a towel, then I gave him another kiss and spoke.