Blackmail Ch. 01

Story Info
A past mistake leads Amber to be under a strangers control.
13.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/09/2017
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Author's Note: I will try and finish a story one day... honest! But for now, here is a story about a girl being blackmailed finding herself awakening to the thrill of being forced into exhibitionism. It might be a bit slow to start but I'm editing the second chapter now. There's a perspective shift at one point that I've marked with ****, hopefully it doesn't cause much confusion. Future chapters will contain bdsm themes and more cruelty.


As the video ended, Amber was left staring at her desktop background. Her mouth was almost agape in shock and her eyes filled with a frantic terror that made her pupils almost seem to twitch. The DVD case had been in her mailbox when she got home. The only identifier it had, were the words ‘Watch Me’ written on the disc. At first Amber had thought it was some sort of marketing campaign or perhaps a prank, either way her curiosity had gotten the better of her and she’d thrown it into her laptop. The video was in black and white and showed a dimly lit room, some sort of office, Amber thought. Even if it was black and white the quality of the recording was still good. Amber felt like she recognised it, was it the office of one of her professors? She just about made out the name, written backwards, on the glass door and her heart skipped a beat as the bottom of her stomach fell away. At that moment she watched the door open as a figure quickly slid into the room. She knew what she was watching now as the exact details flooded back to her memory with crystal clarity.

The girl on the screen was Amber herself, from almost a year ago. She had snuck into one of the professors offices and stolen the answers to an upcoming exam for the end of last year. It had been one of the most shameful things she had ever done in her opinion and she cursed herself for it over and over for all of the next year. She had even worked harder from then on to try and make herself feel like she deserved to be here. What had driven her to cheat was the professor of that class. His lectures were almost indecipherable and the notes he sent out weren’t much better, she really couldn’t understand how everyone else was keeping up. She had gone to talk to him about her concerns and struggles and he’d just accused her of not being smart enough and spending too much time flirting with boys! His sexist and despicable character had infuriated her to the point where she had resorted to doing something so reprehensible. She was on track for a first excluding his class and wasn’t going to let someone like that get in her way.

She paused the video on a shot of her face and tried to assess whether it was possible for anyone else to tell who it was. She knew she had done what the video showed, but maybe the video wouldn’t make it clear it was her, she hoped. It was no good though, the camera wasn’t some old CCTV footage, it was high definition, albeit in black and white. Amber’s smouldering doe eyed gaze, long wavy blonde hair and curvaceous figure where not a common combination and were all discernible from the footage. She had a look that would easily be put into people’s memory and was distinct enough that she doubted there would be any uncertainty. She was even wearing a hoodie, with a logo that was visible in the footage, from a trip she’d gone on with the dance society. Only about thirty of them had gone so picking her out of that crowd would be a simple task.

She took a breath and un-paused the video and watched it to the end as she wondered who had sent this and why. When she had first realised what the video was she had immediately thought that it was sent by the professor or the college, that they knew she had cheated and she was going to get expelled. She quickly realised how ridiculous this was though as there was no way they’d send her a video in this way if that was the case. This was a much more shady way of doing things, a way that made sure she had no idea who had the video. She bit her bottom lip as the word ‘blackmail’ popped into her mind. It wasn’t like she was wealthy though, so it’s not like they could be thinking to extort her for money could they?

The screen went black after showing Amber leaving with the paper she had taken from the desk drawer. She thought the video was over until words popped up on the screen.
‘Recreate the following picture and email it to the address below. Keep your face visible.’
The photo popped up after she’d just finished reading and Amber felt a wave of fear twist her gut. The picture was of a woman standing naked, staring at the camera, her hands above her head lifting her hair off her shoulders and her feet shoulder width apart. So this was what they wanted then, she thought solemnly as more words flashed up on the screen.
‘You have until midnight on the 23rd before I email the video to all your professors'
She glanced at the date in the bottom right, it was the 23rd today; she didn’t have much time to think about this. She was surprised that she was thinking about this.

She’d never taken pictures or had pictures taken of her naked before, not even for past boyfriends. It was always something she’d disliked the idea of, the fact that they could keep looking at them after they broke up, or share them with friends behind her back it made her feel… odd for a lack of a better word. A strange nervous sensation as if they’d have something of hers that made her cheeks flush and stomach twist at the thought of it. She didn’t even really let many people see her fully naked, preferring to be under the covers or have the lights off.

She felt much more comfortable having control over who could see her naked. But this was completely the opposite, she didn’t even know who she was sending the photos too, let alone what they might do with them. She immediately went to her email and sent a message in anger.
‘Who is this?! You can’t expect me to send a picture like that without knowing anything about you. How can I be sure you won’t send the video anyway?’
She had forced herself to delete the insulting remarks and name calling she’d written initially. Pissing them off seemed like a bad idea.

She spent the evening worrying herself stupid as she re-watched the video, re-read the message, stared at the picture and refreshed her inbox as she futilely tried to think of a way around it. It was eleven thirty when she got a reply. It was a screen shot. A picture of a composed message the ‘To’ line had a list of emails that she recognised as her professor’s and even her parent’s and a couple of friend’s. The message had a video file attached, Amber’s full name and shockingly a couple of pictures of Amber naked that appeared to be on some amateur porn site by the looks of it. She blinked, they were clearly fake. Well, clearly to Amber as she knew what her own body looked like, especially as she’d stripped a few times tonight and stared at herself in the mirror as she had almost given in. Her large breasts still had a perky fullness of youth to them, emphasised by the way her nipples pointed slightly up, she had a tight, toned midriff and wide hips that gave her an hourglass shape. Her long legs were also toned in a way that left a small gap between the top of her thighs when she closed her legs. Her flat stomach sloped down to the small bump of her mound hidden by a light thatch of trimmed blonde hair over her nether region and her skin was pale and smooth without any blemishes or even freckles to speak of other than a small pink birthmark on her hip that was almost in the shape of a heart.

The pictures in the email were not her. But that didn’t mean the people receiving them would know that. And the video wouldn’t help her credibility if she tried to claim they were fake. She grit her teeth and let out her held breath, she knew she had to stop this email being sent and she knew she was prepared to take the photo to do so.

Amber felt her heart rate rising as she stripped again, got out her phone and figured out a way to balance it to get the right angle and set up a timer to take a photo. She swallowed nervously and walked over to where the photo would be and stood in the position she had already memorised, having stared at it enough tonight already. She did her best to blank out any thoughts from her mind and keep her body from trembling as adrenaline coursed through her veins. Her legs slightly apart, her hands holding up her hair behind her head, facing the camera she waited until she heard the click. She looked at the photo for a moment. Her entire body was on display, the way she raised her arms lifted her large breasts and with her legs spread the hints of her folds below were visible. She didn’t look at it for any longer than necessary or think too much about it as it was already making her stomach flip as she felt adrenaline tremble her hands. Worryingly taking the photo had sent a sensation between her legs that she had no desire for right now. Her mind had imagined the scenario of her picture being spread around online and all the men who’d lust after her body and shockingly she’d been excited by it. She wondered silently if it was wrong to feel that way, before pushing such thoughts from her mind.

She had little time to think about the ramifications of her body’s reaction as she plugged her phone into her computer and an error message popped up. Crap. She had to restart her laptop to get it to work, this had happened to her before and it seemed to be the way to fix it. She looked at the clock, fifteen minutes left. She threw on her dressing gown as she waited for the laptop to restart. When it did everything seemed to be ridiculously slow, just as she was about to open Chrome the screen went black. She stared at the screen in wide eyed panic before realising that the battery had died.
She had unplugged it earlier and had forgotten about the battery, her mind preoccupied. She struggled to get the charger plugged in, her hands shaking as her heart raced. It took a minute before she could turn on the computer and when she clicked on Chrome again she only had a couple minutes left. She hoped she wasn’t too late. She had thought about trying to make the birthmark less obvious, or something to give her a chance to deny it was he, but there was no time.
‘Promise me you won’t send the video now and please don’t show this photo to anyone else.’
She attached the image, the words she’d added were pointless, she knew that, but she had to write them for her own sanity. She double checked the email address was right and pressed send with barely more than a minute to spare.

She sat there for the next few minutes hitting refresh to see if she got a reply. Her own email address had been in the ‘To’ line of the screenshot so if he did send the video out she would know. The thought of him attaching the picture she just sent and sending it anyway flashed through her mind. Maybe this was a mistake… But the picture of her naked would just be a small addition to the pain caused by that email. She would do anything to stop that video being seen and the fake photos of her naked had been fairly convincing anyway. Should she email her professors first and try to control the story? What could she say? She didn’t have long to think about that though before a new message arrived in reply.

‘Be at home at 17:00 tomorrow and check your email.’

Amber swallowed. She knew it wouldn’t be over just like that. How long would he hold this over her head though? She sent several messages over the next hour or so wanting answers to multiple questions.
‘What was he going to do with that photo?
‘Would he really not send the video even if she did what he said?
‘How long would this go on for?‘
All were met with no reply. Eventually giving up she threw herself into bed and screamed into her pillow as she struggled to get to sleep. She found her hand moving between her legs though and convinced herself that at least she could block out the worry with something more carnal. She told herself it was nothing to do with the events that had just unfolded. As she touched herself her mind wandered looking for fantasies, those of being under someone’s control came to mind, as she pushed that away she found herself imagining herself as some sort of sex symbol, pictures of her naked bewitching men into a frenzied desire for her. Shamefully she climaxed to the fantasy of the man who had forced her to send the image actually being a ‘Fabio’ type hunk who wouldn’t look out of place on the cover of a romance novel and who would reveal that he really just wanted to worship her. She took solace in the fact that nobody could read her mind and that her fantasies were her own as she slipped into sleep with a slither of shame filling her heart.


She floated through classes the next day. She’d felt like skipping them, but she had worked too hard to get where she was to let herself and what good would it be to fail classes and drag her grade down after what she’d done to protect it. She had raked up considerable debt over the last couple of years putting herself through college, so getting kicked out with nothing to show for it was something she couldn’t accept. That video would cost her years of her life; wasted studying for something she never got and struggling to earn money to pay back the loan she took out for the privilege to do so. So it was no surprise she’d done something like taking that photo to stop it getting out, she told herself.

She looked around suspiciously, paranoid that somehow people would have seen the image and she’d be treated differently. She looked out for anyone looking at her weirdly, maybe the video was sent by someone she knew. By the time she got home she had come to the decision that she would tell the stranger that it was over after tonight and she wanted to meet him and for him to hand over the master copy of the video, meeting him would actually make her more comfortable she had decided, at least then she’d know who had that picture. Even if she knew he wouldn’t actually had the video over just like that.

It was a few minutes to five when she got home and an email had just come through from the email address that contained the words that still made her cringe, ‘sluttyamber’. She wasn’t a slut. She read the message.
‘Send a text to the following number before 17:05.’
A number was written below.

She had been expecting something more unreasonable. She’d just be giving him her phone number, that didn’t sound too bad. She waited until around 17:03 before sending the message, no reason to rush.
She texted.

A reply came soon after.
‘Check your email again.’
She sighed in frustration as she did so.
‘Download the app in the picture below and add my number as the admin. You’ve got five minutes’
The picture was of an apps website. She googled the app name and saw articles about it being designed for parents to check up on their children, know where they are and such. She didn’t have much time to look into more than that, but did notice warnings about not getting tricked into downloading it. She wasn’t really being tricked, so much as blackmailed. So he would know where she was whenever she had her phone on her? There were worse things… like him sending the video out to her professors.

She did as he said again. Typing his number in and hitting enter, then okay as a message asking if the number was correct came up. A message saying password sent to admin popped up and a picture of a padlock flashed on her screen before the app closed and the icon disappeared from her phone. She sighed guessing that meant he had some control over it now; there wasn’t really anything on her phone she was afraid of him seeing. She looked at the clock, she was at the deadline and her eyes widened as she imagined him sending the email.
‘It’s done!’
She quickly text him, followed by another message.
‘You can’t keep me following your demands forever, just tell me what you want and end this.’

Her phone rang. The number was the one she’d just text. She hesitated for a few rings before she answered and brought the phone to her ear.
Amber said coldly after a moment of pause.

The voice that replied was distorted slightly, enough that it wouldn’t be easy to recognise, but not so much that it wasn’t still possible to hear the tone and pitch. It was a man that replied and he had a voice full of confidence and the hint of an accent she couldn’t place, maybe it was just the distortion.
“Hello Amber.”
The voice was too loud, as if loud speaker was switched on. Amber flinched and pulled the phone away from her ear to check the screen. Not only was the loud speaker on but the call was apparently a video chat, she thought she had to accept that separately from a normal call… Maybe something to do with the app she installed? The video feed she had in return was just a black screen.
“Ah, there you are.”
He said as she inadvertently brought her face into view when looking at the screen.

She quickly covered the camera with her thumb.
“What- Who are you and what do you want?”
She said angrily.

“First uncover the camera and put the phone down where I can see you and your room properly. Perhaps where you had it when you took the photo for me yesterday?”
She grit her teeth and did as he said.

“How do I know that doing what you say will stop you sending the video?”

“You don’t. Sit on the bed Amber.”

She stood still for a moment before moving to obey.
“Then why should I do what you say without any guarantee.”

“Because you don’t have a choice. Don’t pretend you are the victim here, you were the one who decided to break the law.”

Amber flinched.
“Break the law is a bit harsh… I mean I know I-“

He interrupted her.
“You think stealing isn’t breaking the law? Getting kicked out will be the least of it, a criminal record as a thief will make working the register at a fast food joint an unreachable aspiration for you if you don’t do as I say.”
She remained silent, her fists clenched in her lap as she stared down at her feet. She hadn’t thought about the possibility of it being a criminal act, but she couldn’t convince herself that he was definitely wrong. She cursed herself for being such an idiot. She wouldn’t just loose the last couple of years and have to struggle to pay the debt back, paying the debt back would be an impossible task, her life would be ruined! She thought to herself pitifully.
“Now, to start with why don’t you take off your clothes?”

Amber looked up at the camera in horror.
“I- You’re going to make me strip again? You’ve already seen me naked… besides I don’t even know who it is I’m stripping for, who are you?”

“Strip and then I’ll tell you.”
Amber took a deep breath in and then exhaled slowly as she calmed her pulse. The adrenaline was flooding through her again and she couldn’t help but remember the night before when she’d fantasised about being controlled. It had felt different in her fantasy though, it was control she had allowed, this was control that had been taken. Even if her body reacted against her wishes, logically she knew this was a dangerous situation and whilst fairly harmless at the moment…
“I’m getting bored. If you’re just going to bore me Amber then I’ll send the email and be done with this.”

“No, wait!”
She bit her bottom lip and started to slowly unbutton her top. He’d already seen her naked after all. She took her time, not in a sexy drawing it out way, just in a methodical slow paced style. She was just delaying the inevitable though. She hesitated when she was down to her underwear, a white bra and a powder pink pair of briefs. As she slipped off her panties she kept her legs pressed together and sat back down, leaning forward to protect her modesty. She removed her bra one handed keeping her other arm across her chest to cover her breasts.